Sexy Friday – 20240105

TGIF! One week down in ’24. The year is just flying by!

Survival – Personal Edition

The PGA off season has officially ended this week. That means it’s time to start thinking about your upcoming golf season. Of course, not being a pro, you may find yourself playing from less than ideal lies frequently. Let’s go over one: playing from a water trap.

  • First let’s assess the situation and determine if you can play from the trap or not. Look for any signs or notes on the scorecard that reference course rules that may prohibit playing from the water. Then check the depth. If there’s more than an inch of water above the ball, just take the penalty or else you’ll be playing your next shot from the water too. Lastly, check what’s under the ball. If it’s sand you’re good to go. If it’s rock, you’ll want to be very careful. Striking a hard surface can easily cause significant damage to your hands, fingers, and wrists. (And your club, but that won’t matter since your broken wrist won’t allow you to play anymore anyway)
  • Now adjust your expectations. The deeper the ball, the less accurate you’re going to be, and the less likely you’ll execute a shot well enough to get it out of the water. Sometimes it’s fine to take the penalty and play from a much nicer lie.
  • Figure out your stance. Ideally you’ll be able to stand on the bank and play it from there. Find good footing and a comfortable stance on the bank that allows you to make a good swing. Otherwise, remove those socks and shoes, roll up your pants, and setup your stance in the water directly. Also, if you have rain gear you can put that on to avoid getting drenched in water and mud.
  • For the actual swing, you’ll want a tighter grip on the on the club. All that loose hands teachings are correct, but in this situation you’re swinging through water, not air. The water will try to grab the club face and cause it to twist on impact which is very bad for your accuracy.
  • Also in that vein, open the club head slightly. When the club face hits the water it will naturally close despite your super strong firm grip.
  • Next, aim your swing. You’ll want to strike the water about one ball length behind the ball. And yes, you in the back, that’s correct. That’s exactly like a green side bunker shot. And the reasoning is exactly the same: Your club is going to hit the water, and the water is going to push the ball out, just like a sand shot you hit the sand and the sand pushes the ball out.
  • Finally, swing. You want to be swinging downward and hard at the water right behind the ball.

Now you’re out and ready to totally not mess up the rest of the hole. Towel yourself off, get those socks and shoes back on, and hurry up. You’ve already held up the group behind you enough.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Mr. Ayo
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Brick Meathook

Frankie and Ellie, 2005

They were both good doggies

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

17 year locust
Arlington, Virginia

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Brick Meathook

I like his attitude.

Brick Meathook

Apollo 11 Command Module
Chantilly, Virginia

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Brick Meathook

San Pedro, California

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yeah right

Looks like 7th st. Sixth Street doesn’t have as much room.

Brick Meathook

Directly across from the Warner Grand Theater (6th Street).

Brick Meathook

My favorite coffee shop in Los Angeles County is right there.

yeah right

Sacred Grounds?

yeah right

I just watched Saltburn and I liked it.

Subversive and easy to look at but there were two major problems near the end.

One was during a traumatic but uncomfortable scene late in the movie that was a blatant rip off from Philip Roths Sabbath’s Theater and the other was the Paul Thomas Anderson ending.

Other than that, super fun.


I hated it. Kept waiting for it to get good, and it just continued to suck.

Doktor Zymm

When American GIs were ‘oversexed, overpaid, and over here’ I wonder how much sex they were actually having?

Brick Meathook

With the locals or with each other?

Doktor Zymm



Probably exaggerated. Initially housing was locally contracted so families in need of extra money would house GI’s. Once bases were built that ended in most areas for enlisted men. So by proximity impressions and speculation added to the real relationships that developed.

Doktor Zymm

Kind of what I thought. By modern standards it mostly sounds quite wholesome


This may come as a shock, but soldiers will sometimes exaggerate. A girl smiling at them may turn into a story of a torrid affair.
Sorry, but someone needs to put things in context.

yeah right

You wouldn’t know her.

She lives in Buffalo.

Brick Meathook

It ain’t gay if you’re underway.

Doktor Zymm

It’s great that Tubi is free and I don’t mind seeing a commercial or two for a free service, but maybe don’t cut into a show mid-word? Seems not that hard to put the commercial break between sentences even, so splitting a word is just silly

yeah right

Youtube does that to. No natural segue just cut at a specific time.

Brick Meathook

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Doktor Zymm

It’s probably for the best that we don’t use the name Muriel anymore


The Episcopal Diocese in WV is doing the Lord’s work in combatting the sin of mayo on a pepperoni roll.


You are a delicious condiment who really knows how to pull a sandwich together. I love you, my versatile friend. You’re my favorite. Don’t tell the others.


I can’t look at deviled eggs without screaming out his name!


I mean, I wasn’t looking to convert to anything, but…

Doktor Zymm

I may have done this iceball thing wrong. It’s got a strong nipple for something that’s advertised as a sphere

Doktor Zymm

I just put too much in the hole and wasn’t prepared when it expanded

Last edited 1 year ago by Doktor Zymm



I have that problem a lot.

Doktor Zymm

While I love my bidet toilet seat, I’m too impatient for the drying breeze of warm air to do its work. Still use a bit of paper to blot

Doktor Zymm

Oh it is and it is lovely. I put it on power save when I’m out of town although I doubt it’s a huge electricity drain

Brick Meathook

As Queen Elizabeth II neared the end of her long and wealthy life, I always wondered how many years or even decades it had been since she had last wiped her own ass.


Clean up on aisle (lady) number 3…
I’m on it!
And retro lady here will tell ya, it’ll leave her smelling like roses.


You should somehow mark it.


Mamma Mia

Doktor Zymm

Am I the only person who hates the term ‘adulting’?


I don’t even know what it means


Me neither.

Doktor Zymm

As far as I can tell it means being base level responsible. The sort of thing plenty of people do from way before they are officially an adult and yeah it’s not the most pleasant thing but there’s nothing exceptional or even particularly laudatory about it


I think it’s a consequence of the everyone-gets-a-trophy mentality.

“Give me praise for successfully having paid my utility bill!”


There are just so many new words out there that I refuse to play along with.


I’m still in awe of picture #2…

Doktor Zymm

It’s almost like he enjoys the butt!


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Aw, David Soul gave up on us baby.


I didn’t need to remember that song.


Someone has to.


Beats Muskrat Love stuck in your head.


Hush, you. Don’t give my head any ideas!


There goes my dream of Soul II Soul featuring Soul singing Soul Man on Soul Train.


I missed the morning cocktail thread so I will use this excuse to put my martini thoughts here:

If you just want a shot of gin chilled and up, just say that. Perfectly fine drink, but there’s no need to call it a martini.

These days I go with about a 3:1 gin:vermouth ratio. Either St. George or Hendrick’s gin. I’m not fussy about vermouth but currently have Dolin. I go with one olive and a cocktail onion as a garnish, which I like to think makes it a “Half Gibson”

Don’t tell James Bond, but I stir my martinis. I don’t actually believe there’s any way in hell I could tell if vermouth was “bruised,” but shaking does tend to produce ice chips that are harder to strain out.


I will allow you to call that a martini. A rinse does leave something in the drink — the absinthe rinse makes a sazerac what it is.

Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

Eh, yes but. Yes, but shitty gin is not redeemed by even great tonic. Vermouth is meant to enhance the herbals, and shitty vermouth doesn’t do that. I think that any vermouth you wouldn’t drink straight isn’t worth using in a martini. Not quite the same for G&T since the whole point was to make quinine palatable so really you want good or at least strongly flavored gins there. If you really have crap gin then it’s the Snoop Solution

Doktor Zymm

Sapphire was my G&T gin of choice in college, and I still say that or Plymouth or mayyyybe Beefeater as the best traditional gin. Damn. I really shouldn’t since I started the night on whisky, but I absolutely want a G&T now


I dislike rinses because it wastes precious alcohol. Use a spray bottle.

Doktor Zymm

Spray bottles are not exactly efficient, and I also kind of hate the idea of the flavor just being draped over the drink although I acknowledge this isn’t actually that different than a rinse even when you take density into account


You can re-use the “run-off” when making the next round. This, of course, obligates you to have another round.

Doktor Zymm

Agree. It’s not a martini if it doesn’t have vermouth. Even the Atacama gets occasional rainfall, so even an Atacama martini isn’t so dry as to be a cup of gin. And despite a vodka company sponsoring the original Bond movies and popularizing the idea of a ‘vodka martini’ no, gin is the default.

Doktor Zymm

I should also say that I’m a fan of bitters and a lemon peel in my martinis so nawt wedded to tradition, but gin and the presence of dry vermouth are my baseline


Can’t keep talking about this without having one.


Yeah now I want one too.

Doktor Zymm

I wonder if my former methhead neighbors ever fulfilled their ambition of moving to west virginia and becoming a coal miner/housewife couple

King Hippo

I mean, that’s probably a pretty good use of tweaker energy?


I know several. He’s out of his mind.

Doktor Zymm

On the plus side, it’s a very achievable ambition and it would make the methhead part understandable or even sympathetic, on the minus side, it’s coal mining, one of the deadliest, most exhausting, and least pleasant jobs there is

King Hippo

Just imagine how high the life insurance rates must be, for a methhead/miner combo pack!


Going to WV to look for work is probably not the wisest move one could make.


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Doktor Zymm

“dirtier than a badger’s bottom”

Last edited 1 year ago by Doktor Zymm
Game Time Decision

The advice above on golf is hitting out of water, but can we do, like, hitting off the Tee and fairway next.
/snowmen all day


/snowmen all day

“I hear you loud and clear.” – Eli Manning, checking the weather forecast

Game Time Decision

See, I’m, like, 7 to the green and then 2 putt. Cannot hit for distance at all.
Also I’m using my dad’s clubs that, literally, the woods are made out of wood, so I’m sure that’s not helping me at all


Once I was able to hit straight, my scoring improved. I would say to just focus on that.

Doktor Zymm

In my ideal life I would drive a Peel P50 and have some sort of machine that automatically makes all the food I buy randomly into a pizza or curry.
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If you make eye contact with that, it gets diarrhea.


That sounds like the distinguishing characteristics of a side character in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.


I want this Messerschmitt.

Classic & Sports Car – Miniature marvel! Messerschmitt KR200 restoration – 22.jpg

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Doktor Zymm

What does the term ‘codpiece’ say about cod?

Doktor Zymm

Or were dudes stuffing fish down their pants?


This is why men started all that talk about vaginas smelling like fish; they were feeling defensive.

Doktor Zymm

It’s also good cover if you’re having an affair with a fishwife


Like a rhinestone cowboy!

King Hippo

Conscripted content miner turns tables??


Tell that tramp to get off of my Ferrari.


In true Yinzer fashion, Turner’s memorial service will be on Wednesday. It could have been this weekend, but, Stillers playoff game implications were taken into account.

I have no comment on this, outside thanks for Wednesday off, Uncle Turner. And NFL schedule makers, I suppose.

King Hippo

Coach Epps appreciates your dedication. He’ll leave your eyelids on. FOAR NOW.


Doesn’t PA have a law that you can’t have a funeral or burial on a Sunday? I’m sure they used to.


If that was the case (not inconceivable!), it was probably lifted when they allowed beer to be sold on Sundays.

In 2008.


Yeah, I think it was part of the blue laws.

Doktor Zymm

Still plenty of blue laws around, they are awfully odd


Loving everyone is kinda gay when you think about it. 50% gay to be exact.

King Hippo

That’s gayer than 4 guys blowing EIGHT guys!!!


Probably gonna be a little pedo in there as well.

Doktor Zymm

I bet it’s fun to worship gay other gods

Doktor Zymm

Damn protestants ruined it for everyone. Catholics only gave a shit about religious swears like goddamn, no worries about anatomical swears like fuck shit ass cock cunt

King Hippo

Ewwwwww, GOLF! But the pics made up for it. Especially #3…

Here’s tonight’s Carlin bit (paraphrased, despite the quote marks):

I always wanted to work in a butcher shop, just so that one day a woman would come in and ask me for some tongue. And I would reply “I don’t get off until 6 o’clock.” And she would respond “Well, I don’t get off at all, that’s why I’m looking for some tongue!”


I love sunsets


This is extremely good advice. Yes, I do read the words!

Doktor Zymm

Should we start calling you ballsofsteelfuryandgolf?

Game Time Decision


Doktor Zymm

Ooh that’s good


Yeah, that’s the winner.


¡Jesus #2!

Double shot!

Doktor Zymm

It’s a good thing I’m not doing dry January or trying to diet. Job interviews are no place for sober skinny people

Doktor Zymm

Enjoy! I still have one Scotch left, but I’m saving it

Game Time Decision

Hope the interviews went well

Doktor Zymm

Oh not this one, but it’s all good! This one was totally different than what I prepared for. Chalk it up to experience and it’s the next one I care about it

Game Time Decision

Go kick some ass in the next one

Doktor Zymm

Thanks and cheers to that!