Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 10


In these Off-season Open Threads, I’ll sum up the week that was, provide you with TMI-style information, and throw some random spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks.


Apparently, tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo also known as Drinko De Mayo in certain parts of the world. What are you doing to celebrate? Besides getting obliteratingly drunk on Mexican beer and/or tequila or tequila-based drinks.

I blame the French.


My favourite hockey team, the LA Kings got KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Four games to one is not improvement. Jesus, 2014 was a long long long time ago!

It is a good reminder that y’all really should take a long lunch or the day off if your local team wins the championship and there’s a parade. You never know if it will ever happen again.

Yes, I attended both.


I now owe you TWO Balls Magazine posts on my latest golf adventures. One was a tournament with the new club and the other was a weekday trip to Palm Springs to play with a buddy that has a home on a golf course there. As Don T’s bio says, “bad decisions, mixed results”.


I’m finishing Round 5 of my Iron Curtain workout program tomorrow. Lady Balls has complimented me on the size of my …. chest. Hey, I’ll take it.

On a related note, I laid out in my backyard to get some sun last weekend. I hadn’t done that since high school! Is that a California thing or do people still lay out in the sun to get a tan?


I had an interesting week at work. On the plus side, I led a tour of a work site for a few of the highest level execs in the organization. On the minus side, my best friend at work said the wrong thing at the wrong time during said tour and I had to do damage control, protect him, and chew his ass out. I’ll find out next week if my efforts to save his reputation have worked.

It’s been a week….


As I get older, I appreciate more and more that I’m Gen X and that I’ve been really lucky to grow up in really interesting times filled with amazing music, movies, and culture.

Probably the best part is me reminiscing with my friends about the shit we did back then that the poor kids today can’t. It was a perfect time to grow up.


Your weekly Psych gif:


Your weekly hot girl pic:


Your weekly music video:


I’m assuming there are sports on tonight, but honestly I don’t care.

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Riga says hi to everyone.


And so does Lambeau.


They always look so happy!


They are!

Horatio Cornblower

Hope they were both polite enough to say good-bye to the Leafs.


Upon learning that Riga and Lambeau like to spend the spring licking their own butts, Brad Treliving signed each of them to a five-year contract.


They worship the picture of Bruin (our first Berner) we keep on the wall.


Dance movies are fun, but this Norwegian dance movie has BOOBIES!

Horatio Cornblower

Well, so does The Electric Blue right down* the street from me, but you don’t see me bragging.

*12 miles, and it is not worth the trip.


Norwegian boobs bring on Norwegian wood… ppl forget that.


Isn’t it good?

Horatio Cornblower

This is the NESN Bruins something-or-other. It’s not clear to me exactly what her role is. Maybe moderating all the retired hockey guys/writers/announcers NESN employs?

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Anyway, she seems nice.

Last edited 9 months ago by Horatio Cornblower

Laura Mohr!

Horatio Cornblower

Holy shit. That’s a remarkable pull.


I might be happy drunk right now.


Look, they came SOOOOO close to winning a round! They should just run it back with the same guys again!


They’re practiced!

yeah right

I Am the recent recipient of a black belt!

In six sigma!

Bruce Lee better watch his dead ass!


It confers lots of benefits:

six sigma.jpg

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Horatio Cornblower

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Horatio Cornblower

Personally I’m waiting for JJ Fozz’s version

Horatio Cornblower

Like I said, I’m expecting a rebuttal.


DID SOMEONE SAY…oh, I see he’s already here.


Subordinates blurting something out in front of the brass is OK if what they say is true. And I would just confirm that with the brass if provoked. If they are just bitchin that’s something we’ll talk about off line.

Here is something to talk about on line. This is Balls show here ya know.


Yeah that’s fucked up. Deserving of stink eye at the time, and a follow up ass chewing.

Brick Meathook

There’s an old naval adage that says “a bitchin’ sailor is a happy sailor.” The time for the officers to worry is when it’s silent and nobody is saying anything. I believe this rule also applies to prisons.


In the Aubrey/Maturin novels, it’s said to be a bad sign when the only sound in the berths is sailors rolling cannonballs or grapeshot along the decks.


Same said about soldiers. Many times the comments in that setting are funny as hell and end up being talked about for years.

Brick Meathook

“It’s quiet out there. Too quiet.”

Horatio Cornblower

Lohan is/was an absolute mess but those photos were tremendous.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I’m just glad all Leafs fans of all colors are thirsty for some playoff success because the last time they won the water fountains were still segregated


“Ah, the good old days.” — Jerry Jones

“Ah, my childhood” — Elon Musk

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Noted Leafs fan Howie Mandel-a

Horatio Cornblower

Thank god, something to replace the current banner, which is both disturbing and of questionable veracity.

Mr. Ayo

Haha, you wish. That banner is there for at least a month.

Horatio Cornblower

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Last edited 9 months ago by Horatio Cornblower


Horatio Cornblower

Good news for commuters or anyone having to travel to Connecticut: I-95 has been re-opened after having been closed in SW CT, since Thursday, because some fucking idiot cut off a fully loaded gas truck and basically set off a bomb.

They had to tear down a bridge and are going to have to remill the highway.

Don’t cut off gasoline trucks, people.

Game Time Decision

Hold my beer
-container ships

Horatio Cornblower

Yo, fuck the Suez Canal. It knows what it did.

yeah right

Proper advice.

Horatio Cornblower

“that will be an additional $5.99/minute”


so many millions of dollars on like four dudes so they can score like four goals

Horatio Cornblower

Man, the Sun isn’t even close to coming up. Get your shit together, Toronto.

You’ll certainly have time.


Hey, don’t worry, Leafs, you’ll get them in Game 8!

Game Time Decision

Dibs on tees time


At least they have the pro shop number on speed dial.


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Senor Weaselo

That’s gotta be the biggest loss Toronto’s dealt with in the last several hours.

/Bruins are cat food, we all know this

Mr. Ayo

Shameful. Should have gone at least 2 OTs.



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drake is not going to survive the night

Senor Weaselo

Oh no!


Horatio Cornblower

“Hitting a chord, probably A Minor.”

I have no idea what this is all about, but I do know there’s no coming back from that.

Senor Weaselo

Long-standing grooming accusations.

Horatio Cornblower

/Me, cracking open a beer for the OT

It’s kind of chilly, maybe I should drink something wa…(sees whiskey)

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Horatio Cornblower

Well that didn’t happen tonight. Guess I should put this beer back.

Narrator: He did not, in fact, put that beer back




1 fanbase is going to erupt in joy
1 fanbase is gonna commit mass seppuku
29 fanbases are gonna laugh hysterically well into the night
1 fanbase will not sinfully stay up past their bedtime of 9pm local time (utah)


we are most definitely in the best case schadenfreude scenario now

Mr. Ayo

Free Hockey! Fuck and yes!

Horatio Cornblower

I suspect a player is going to have to Last Boy Scout someone to get called for a penalty at this point.


Convincing Olivia to rent that for him from Blockbuster the night she went to Amy Trask’s for book club remains the greatest triumph of Eli Manning’s young life.


I don’t care who wins this game, but it is very amusing to me to see the Leafs’ fans joy turn to ash in their mouths in mere seconds.

Horatio Cornblower

You’d think they’d be used to it by now.

Game Time Decision

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massholes firmly clinched now


nvm, this def going to 3OT now

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, we’ll see the Sun come up before we see the end of this game.

God I love Stanley Cup hockey.

Senor Weaselo

Too bad it’s for the Panthers’ gain…

Horatio Cornblower

I’m counting on the Rangers to cleanse the Eastern Conference, using the holy power of fire if necessary, anyway.

Horatio Cornblower

Me, every time the announcer discuss the Toronto player named Benoit:

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Horatio Cornblower

Call me crazy, but perhaps the Bruins should stop shooting the puck at Samsonov’s midsection.


Between the Padres absolutely smoking the SNEKS yesterday and today,
And the Dodgers hosting the BIG BAD BRAVES

Baseball has been pretty ROCKING!!!!

Horatio Cornblower

I very much recommend this beer.

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I recommend you mail me one

Horatio Cornblower

I have a stack of beer saved up for you and Snow. Something always seems to happen to keep me from mailing it.

Like me or my kid drinking them.

But I’ll set one aside.

Horatio Cornblower

Oh, DM me whatever your current address is. I misplaced it.


Yes, that’s my girl.

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Horatio Cornblower

That tongue is disturbing on many levels.


There have been many conversations in my family about this


And then Kim hits a HR!

Padres now lead 11-0! 💪

That’s Rockingggggg! 💯


Found a funny:

“I think therefore I am”

–Yoda pointing at a photo of himself when he was four


Another base hit! ⚾️
Padres now lead 8-0!!!!

Thatsssss Rockingggg!


They’ve scored more runs in two days than the Pirates will in all of May.


There’s more shots flying in this Leafs/Bruins games than a street in Gaza.

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus Christ…would have been able to get this whole thing assorted if only they didn’t nail him to a couple of pieces of wood.

Horatio Cornblower

Mrs. Horatio would also shut me down if I stayed out of the box, so I can see why the Boston fans are upset.

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus, the Jack Edwards fellatio is a bit much. At his best Edwards was unlistenable.



Horatio Cornblower

I know it’s the Maple Leafs, but the Bruins getting shutout by a backup keeper making a last minute start would be absolute gold around here.


a backup keeper known for having bad playoff starts

Horatio Cornblower

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Last edited 9 months ago by Horatio Cornblower

Not being of the maple persuasion myself, I would rather see Tronno win than the team from Bahstain.

Game Time Decision

That’s a negative, Ghost rider
There’s nothing better around these parts than another first round Leaf loss to the Bruins

Last edited 9 months ago by Game Time Decision

Everybody has their cross to bear. Ours is Masshole shaped.

Horatio Cornblower

Being within easy reach of Boston sports radio, and not within east reach of Toronto sports radio, I am going to have to disagree with you.

My second shall call on you at dawn to arrange the particulars. You’ll recognize him.

He’s short.

Game Time Decision

Bring it. I’ll give Lowratio a sock to wear and send him back


Lowratio is a free as a bird. He does it all for the nooky.

Horatio Cornblower

I wish. He’s union.

Game Time Decision

Is this better or worse than loosing to the EBUG/Zamboni driver?


Home ice advantage should be like 5 games at home, maybe even go crazy and have all 7! Then it’d be extra humiliating for the home team to lose the series.

Game Time Decision

Looking at you WLA
/Mann Cup


As I am the biggest mush of all time, I have put a modest wager down on the Bruins. GET THE CHAMPAGNE ON ICE, TORONTO!!!


“Oh, we have. I mean, the playoffs are only one round long, right? So this is for the Stanley Cup?” — Toronto




Everyone and anyone associated with the new kids in the hall should be dragged through a chute filled with glass, rusty carpet tacks, and razor blades and then dunked into a vat of rubbing alcohol.

King Hippo

I was feeling bad for not having watched it, now I can forgive myself!

/Dave Foley WAS good in the last Fargo season, though


i used to love that show, but i made it through 10 minutes of the opener and I would rather drink a pint glass of shit


Imperial or metric?

Game Time Decision

With a Big Turk chaser

Last edited 9 months ago by Game Time Decision

Well said, Fozz. Might I recommend the music of St. Vincent instead? You may find it considerably more palatable.


Narrator’s Voice: “He did not find it more palatable.”


Hmm. Perhaps her butchery of take on something more familiar?


That’s it, I’m taking this bitch to the gravel pit.


ST. VINCENT: Won’t you take me to…Funkytown?

GUMBYGIRL: [pulls up in a windowless van] Sure, sure. Hop in! Just…be a dear and make sure to stay on the plastic sheeting? Thanks ever so much, sweetheart.

Last edited 9 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Horatio Cornblower

“The guy in the back is named Scotchy. He’s a sweetheart.”


Rooting hard for the Leafs, because fuck Boston and New England.

Horatio Cornblower

Absent an appearance in the finals Jim Montgomery is probably getting fired, and it’s probably the right decision.


alright, let’s make a hateable fanbase cry

Mr. Ayo

That’s guaranteed. Just waiting to see which one.

King Hippo

Is there anyone even on The Canadia’s only road? Such anticipation!


A Photo Finish? I didn’t know the Kentucky Derby was on Sexy Friday.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Holy shit do I love Mike’s Hot Honey.

The founder of that item originally came across the product while in Brazil. Another product he brought back from that region was Mike’s Hot Lunch which outside of providing the cling wrap industry a windfall was unsuccessful.


Oh! My Tasmanian founding members package arrived!


Did you get some cool swag?


Stickers, my dear. Stickers.


Put them on the refrigerator. Trust me, Mrs. BFC will love it!


I have finished watching GWS-Sydney.

yeah right

Holy shit the Derby was fantastic.


I had to watch on the NBC app, and I got it installed and open right when the last horse was being loaded into the gate. My boy started strong but faded quickly. Le sigh.

King Hippo

I just hope all the horseys had fun.


I mean, John Elway had a lot of mint juleps…


Sarah Jessica Parker got to wear a fancy stupid hat.


Will no one think of Princess Anne?


If it’ll distract from thinking about Catherine the Great, sure.

Horatio Cornblower

I mean, you never really forget your first, do you?