Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: I’m Back, Back in the Cocktail Groove

Hello once again and happy Friday. I trust everyone still has the requisite number of digits still attached to their hands after yesterday’s festivities. I certainly do, and on top of that, in feeling much better after two week yous of antibiotics. I’m not 100% back yet, but that’s no s inurprise given how fast and intense this sinus infection came on and knocked me on my ass.

Now that I’m feeling better, I can finally get back to making tasty beverages. I wanted to use the Cherry Heering that got sent to me a few weeks ago and I had the perfect idea: a Remember the Maine. Unfortunately, going dry for 2+ weeks left me unaware of the status of the bar. I was lacking rye and pernod, two key ingredients of that drink. I had to go searching for an alternative and settled on the Singapore Sling from The Gentleman’s Companion.

Singapore Sling, per Baker:

“The original formula is 1 / 3 each of dry gin, cherry brandy and
Benedictine; shake it for a moment, or stir it in a bar glass, with 2
fairly large lumps of ice to chill. Turn into a small 10 oz highball
glass with one lump of ice left in and fill up to individual taste with
chilled club soda. Garnish with the spiral peel of 1 green lime. In other
ports in the Orient drinkers often use C & C ginger ale instead of
soda, or even stone bottle ginger beer.
Our own final improved formula calls for 2 parts dry or Tom gin,
to 1 part cherry brandy and 1 part Benedictine. This is dryer, not too
sweet. We also use a trifle more ice in the glass than the Raffles tech-
nique. One lump melts too quickly where we live among the coconut

I decided to follow Baker’s suggestion of 2 parts dry or Tom gin,
to 1 part cherry brandy and 1 part Benedictine. I used ginger beer since my club soda goes flat faster than an avocado ripens. Plus Baker says other bars in the Orient use ginger beer so why not me?

Distinct cherry/lime aromas at work here. I get no gin at all. My first time using

Well that’s interesting. It’s heavy on the cherry flavors, but nowhere near as sweet as I anticipated it to be, which I very much approve of. I lose the dry gin almost completely. I think I can pick up some towards the finish, but it’s very minute. I think the lime garnish brings out some more citrus notes that the Benedictine brings to the table and it’s very much welcome here. That little bit of citrus bite adds a nice depth and cements this drink as a great hot weather cooldown.

I really liked the ginger beer addition too. The slight bitterness helped add more dryness to the drink which contributed to any sweet cherry flavors from completely dominating. I do think it could use a little more than the one ounce I originally gave it. I was looking for more fizz, and ended up adding most of the small bottle of Fever Tree to it. Though part of that was to finish the ginger beer without wasting it. I definitely want to try it with the club soda to see what the original flavors are without the added bitterness of the ginger beer.

Man this felt good. Finally being back on the mend after two weeks of feeling like complete ass. I’m not 100% yet, but I will be fairly soon. Now, about that June do over…

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Last edited 3 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

That was a helluva game


Yeah, it kicked ass.


Carvajal going out in a blaze of stupidity.

/he was going to miss the next game anyway


I don’t think that was stupid at all. Cost his team nothing and gave them time to get their defense set for the free kick.


Yup this is bananas-cakes at the end

Thatsssss Rockingggg!!!


Also Morata got a yellow card
And he can’t play in the next match now



That’s terrific body control in the air.


Yea that was a pretty Rockinggg header for a goal!


We might have a full helping of bananacakes!


German fans are wearing their emotions on their sleeves, Spaniards are morose and quiet. Also, dogs and cats are living together.


And now we get extra time? ⚽️

That sounds Rocking!


How nowww!
Wirtz with a heck of a goal for Germany!

Now this game is Rockingggggg!

Mr. Ayo

comment image


Is that Queen Latifia?

Mr. Ayo

No, that’s the Equalizer!

Just kidding, it’s also the Queen.

Don T

Ok that’s a =. NOW I got the joke 😅


Yeah, I didn’t get it either until now

Mr. Ayo

I knew I should have used the one with the show title. Alas.


Nah, subtlety is the way to go.


Spanish keeper really earning his jamon today. They all get paid in ham, correct?


That’s correct. I understand he’s represented by the same agency as Andy Reid.

Mr. Ayo

Der Pfosten

Don T



Figures Spain would be winning in a dogfight bullfight.

Don T

Rooting fo apoutugal tiday. In lieu of French tears, I’m having gin & tonics

Don T

With this
comment image

Brick Meathook
Senor Weaselo

All right folks, since Italy and Romania are out, who do I bandwagon in Euroball? I mean, apart from the Goldmembers, who play the Genocide Deniers next.


In April of 1978 my platoon was sent to French Commando School. It was a 3 week course of commando shit, PT, long road marches, obstacle courses, demolition and weapons, hand to hand combat, mountaineering, navigation, small boat ops, and a field problem in the Black Forest where it rained the whole time. My fondest memory of all that shit occurred during the mountaineering phase. We had to accend a near vertical rock lane using natural hand and foot holds. It was about a 50 foot climb, we were being belayed by a Buddy from up top. The French could not resist showing off. During the demonstration this little French dude was making a big show of traversing for no good reason, hanging 10 at certain parts, and generally being a puny French bore. He was smoking a cigarette during it all. Our instructor in a typical flourish told us, “dis man… iz zee most FAMOUS mountain climber… in all of France!” “He always climb wit zee cigarette… so he can burn zee ice from zee hand holds”. They were laying it on thick. Being polite to a point even though we knew showboating when it’s fed, we all kind of nod our heads and pay attention. Now mind you, the most famous mountain climber in all of France did not need any of the sissy gear. No rope and no belay, homie was straight up free climbing. Looking back at it, Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming. Frenchie gets about 40 feet up, and spectacularly falls, flailing and screaming like a girl the whole way down to a withering heap on the ground at our feet. We. Busted. Out. Laughing.

Of platoon leader started hollering at us to STFU, as our medic strapped his ass to a backboard.

Good luck today France

Senor Weaselo

…Did he die?


Of embarrassment, yes.
If I recall the report we got back is he compressed a couple disc’s. I’m sure damp weather is uncomfortable for him if he’s still with us.

Horatio Cornblower

There are old climbers and there are bold climbers, but there are no old, bold climbers.

Mr. Ayo

I read all of that. And was handsomely rewarded. Great story.

Game Time Decision

In sad news

What this means is no wine or spirits unless purchased directly from the maker. Beer, some ciders and some mixed drinks are still available at the Beer Store

King Hippo

heroine – NEVAR on strike


In smaller communities you’ve never heard of (Webbwood, Mindemoya, Algoma Mills, etc.) corner stores have little LCBO setups and are doing booming business today of course.

Game Time Decision

I’ve been through Webbwood and Algoma Mills.
I think that the grocery stores that have alcohol will have some stuff too


Found a funny:

July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)

Senor Weaselo

Once again July 4th was a rough day for the Tories. Or I guess in the dog’s case, a ruff day.

Doktor Zymm

That’s ruff

Doktor Zymm

At Bardstown, got the barrel-aged Manhattan, my friend the barrel-aged Old Fashioned


I hope this Germany-Spain game lives up to the billing.


Hopefully this game is rockingggg! 🙏

King Hippo

I mean, give Anthony Taylor a chance to be the story, he’ll galdly oblige.

Also, ah ain’t seen a bunch of fellers in a German kit be this over-aggressive since….


Who is making the first Guernica joke?

My bet is on Spam.

If he’s awake.


Like that painting, I’m giving you side-eye.


via Balls on the previous thread:

Donut update:

I brought two Winchell’s Dozens (14 donuts in each dozen) for the employees that are in the office. We may not have that many people here.

The ones that are here will be hopped up on sugar and will crash spectacularly midmorning.

This is going to be fun.


Senor Weaselo

Is it too much to ask for a liveblog of the sugar rush in action?

Horatio Cornblower

‘Boots on the Ceiling’


Finally dropped the music video for the song of the summer!
It’s Rockinggggggg!!!

Senor Weaselo

Remember that I was saying Drake is wack before it was cool, godbless


Fwiw I tend to make my Remember the Maines with St. George verthe absinthe rather than Pernod.


I know