AFL Beat 2024 – Round 17

Strange things are afoot in Sydney. Let’s see what happened.


The Ladder


The Results


The Highlights


Next Round’s Schedule


Footy Tipping Contest


Notes and Comments

Sydney has now lost two games in a row after I said they would never lose again Shoresy-style. I don’t know what going on. Australian media is saying teams have figured them out but I’m not sure that’s the case. They are barely losing. I think they will straighten it out, whatever it is that’s happening.

It’s actually a very similar situation to Geelong. They started out the year red hot and then went on a losing streak. This week’s win puts them back solidly in finals position and they look a lot better. Maybe the lesson is that there are always bumps along the road and teams need to be patient?

Collingwood and Essendon are also mystery teams. Are they good? Are they not? On any given day, it seems they can beat anyone and lose to anyone. They faced each other this week and Essendon won but I could see them playing again next week and Collingwood winning. It’s weird.

GWS seems to be back as they beat a tough Carlton team that’s in the top four. Honestly, this is the most even competition I’ve seen in AFL since I’ve been following and writing about it.

Spammy continues leading the Footy Tipping competition but he had a relatively bad week and the pack is catching up. Litre is now only one point back with plenty of time left in the season.

If you haven’t become a member of a club or signed up for the Watch AFL app, you can still watch the games in the USA on either FS1 or FS2 and in Canada on TSN. Showtimes can be found here on the Australian Football Association of North America website.

Don’t forget to put the Footy Tips in!

See you next week!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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I didn’t think he had the angle. Well done.


Ah, that’s coming back. Bummer.


If this stays 1-1 for the next sixty minutes I am going to be furious.


A quickie for Neddie!


This game rocks so far.

Game Time Decision

hi diddly ho neighborino


TENNIS ANNOUNCER: Fritz in a love-three hole here…

BALLS: I too have been known to love what is colloquially known as the “three hole”…


(in retrospect it would make more sense to refer to it as the two-hole though)


You’d naturally assume that a guy named “Taylor Fritz” had a trust fund, right?


That said, money alone can’t buy happiness. I guess being a famous tennis player can help with any of the parts that money can’t buy, though.

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Thinking about Fritz & Tits for the first time since the 1984 presidential campaign.

Horatio Cornblower

I honestly thought those were Taylor Fritz’s twin sisters, and I don’t think I can be blamed for thinking someone named Taylor Fritz would have twin sisters who looked like that.

Daddy’s rich and Momma’s good looking.


I should mention that he actually has the reputation of being a pretty cool dude. Shame that his opponent today found an extra gear in the fifth set.


My dog is trying to politely ask me to open the door so she can go outside and steal the cat’s food.

Horatio Cornblower

Mine isn’t even polite about it. I have to throw a hip check Gordie Howe would be proud of to keep him away from it.

Doktor Zymm

Barely losing to St Kilda, the only professional sports team with a dwarf tossing scandal in their semi-recent past


a dwarf tossing scandal

Live look-in on Lowratio:

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For anyone who was wondering what the hell was the “puzzle” I was talking about in blax’s post yesterday it was that the images linked to sites like this:

More of an easter egg, maybe?

Game Time Decision


Horatio Cornblower

Can’t wait for those cookies to come back to haunt me.


-Eli Manning, after getting into Danny Dimes’s “Special Recipe” Snickerdoodles


Much better than a TED Talk, more enjoyable.


Seems like all the fun happens after the East Coast DFO contingent goes to bed.

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Did Lowratio’s paddock gate get closed last night?

Horatio Cornblower

Buddy, if you don’t think a dwarf can tunnel under one of those….


The Shawshrink Redemption