Sunday Gravy with yeah right: It’s OK to Play with your Food

Good morning everyone!

We’ve got Olympic things going AND preseason football. All good things. 

I watched the first 2 series of the Hall of Fame Game and it held my interest for the first two series. I was intrigued by the new kickoff alignments. Something to keep an eye on for sure.

Honestly, I haven’t seen much of the Olympics at all this year. Weekends only, because by the time I get home from work it’s like 3 AM in Paris and they’re showing highlights of shit that happened hours ago and the news has already yapped about it like 17 goddamn times. 

I’m watching later today though. 

Strange inspiration for our menu today but I thought it was a little creative. 

It all started here.

I ordered these Crab Chips a few weeks ago after seeing them suggested on the open thread. They were indeed quite tasty. Salty as fuck but still tasty.

I liked the idea of them because I’ve already tried Chickie and Pete’s crab fries when I was at a Phillies game at Citizen Bank a few years back. 

They were not crazy exotic with say pieces of jumbo lump crab drenched in a lovely hollandaise or anything like that. Just hot and fresh fries sprinkled with a healthy pour of Old Bay. 

Perfect beer food by the way. 

I had these crab chips along with a couple of dogs on the 4th of July.


However thanks to Amazon shipping these poor fucking things were crab dust for the most part. 

Hey. I’ll own that shit. I’ve had past experience with busted ass potato chips being shipped to me previously but I still did it. 

These fuckers right here. Sterzings potato chips “Tri-some!” Pride of Burlington Iowa. I used to get these when I lived in the Quad Cities and they’re fucking incredible. They were beat to living piss when I had some delivered after ordering on-line.

Pack your shit right people!

What to do with half a bag of crab chip crumbs?

I actually love this part where your brain is spinning, circuits are short circuiting, all of your remaining brain cells are engaged, then it hits. 

 Chicken strips with a panko and crab chip crust!

I didn’t say I was gonna win the Nobel fucking prize with this idea, it just sounded like something that could be fun to do and would be next to impossible to fuck up!

We’re gonna need some goddamn fucking chicken. 

Pre-cut into tenders to make my ass even lazier than normal.

We’ve done yogurt marinades here many times in the past. One container of plain Greek yogurt, juice of 1/2 lemon, clove or two or three of garlic and seasoning profile of your choice. Old Bay seems to be our selected profile so why the fuck not?

Combine these things, dump in the chicken tenders and place into a gallon zip top freezer bag.

Squish that shit around like your playing with a bag of medical waste or something.

Actually don’t really play with medical waste people. That’s nasty.

We will marinate overnight.

Since we’re making tenders we should probably consider a sauce or two.

Honey mustard! Which is a couple of tablespoons of mayo, a heaping teaspoon of dijon, an equal ratio of honey to dijon and the juice from 1/2 of 1 lemon.

Hey! Don’t we have a leftover half lemon from that marinade thing?

You lucky motherfucker, you sure do. 

Make whatever your favorite chicken tender sauce you prefer here. Nothing fully scripted today just winging it. Buy a bottle of barbecue sauce, hell use some ketchup if you’re into that sort of thing.

While the brain was percolating ideas for today it thought, wouldn’t it be cool if we came up with a side dish where you could toss some of those busted ass chips on top?

Why yes. That would be very cool. 

Then the brain said,  “Oh shit. I got it! “

Get yourself some really nice Gruyere to start. 

Grate it up.

Peel and thin slice a big old spud.

Yeah, you know what I’m talking about don’t you?

Damn right we’re going potatoes au gratin. 

Recipe-wise it’s about 1 big potato, half to 3/4 cup of heavy cream, 3/4 cup of the Gruyere, some cayenne and nutmeg, salt and pepper. 

Then build the dish. Finish with a sprinkling of fresh chives.

Oh shit! Almost forgot.

Hell yes. Give a nice coating of the crab chip crumbs right on top. Into a 375 degree oven for fifty, 5-0! Minutes. 

Let the gratin cook first before cooking the chicken tenders. The small amount of time needed for the chicken will allow the gratin to cool a bit.

Chicken time!

Build a dredge with panko and more crushed ass chips.

Grab your oven rack.

You are going to be really happy that you put that sheet of parchment paper underneath. 

Place the now dredged chicken on the rack.

Remove the gratin from the oven.

You can actually see the boiling cauldron of molten lava. 

Yes. Do let this cool a bit alright?

I ain’t looking for any lawsuits over here close to retirement as my ass is. 

Place the chicken into the same 375 degree oven for just 15 minutes. Any more time and you’ll have dried up, fucked up chicken and that would be a goddamn shame this late in the proceedings. 

 Finally remove the chicken from the oven

Grab a plate.

We sure do love some beige food up in this motherfucker don’t we?

Chicken close-up.

The gratin up close.

Of course I had to try some with chili crisp.

This meal is fucking delicious! How could it not be?

I have to say that the gratin potatoes were cooked Capital P Perfectly. Sometimes if they are layered too dense they can come out a bit undercooked but I layered the potatoes, the onion, then some cheese, then some garlic then some cream and repeat.

Exceptional. The chicken is exactly what you think. A very nice chicken tender with a small hit of garlic and lemon from the marinade and, I’ll be go-to-hell, those crab chips and panko made an outstanding crust.


That chicken with the chili crisp on it? Embarrassed the shit out of my honey mustard. Just destroyed it in taste comparison and that was a pretty solid honey mustard too.

Fun stuff in the kitchen and a very low-impact meal to prepare.

Thanks as always folks. Love all of you and appreciate you.

Enjoy your sports filled weekend and do watch some preseason football later this week, OK?

See you next week.



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yeah right
yeah right is a fully vaccinated lifelong Vikings fan, food guru and LA Harbor resident with a black belt in profanity.
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[…] relaxing a bit last week when we just fucked around in the kitchen with the crab chip encrusted chicken tenders and gratin potatoes, we are back into full-on insanity mode with something I’ve never […]


200M runner Audrey Leduc has abs that run on for miles and miles.


I hope she marries a guy named Howard


Alright, in the interest of more general participation as a member of the tWBS memorial league I will say it’s been a good day. Watched some olympics, got together with my jazz friends and jammed for a couple of hours, and now back at home with more olympics, beer, and refreshing the garden. Good weekend, I hope you’re all doing well


Added bonus, heard five minutes of people riffing on couch fucking on NPR of all places

Doktor Zymm

Probably on Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me. Such a good show, I want to go to a taping at some point!


I heard that too!


It was, just didn’t know how many folks here were NPR people

Doktor Zymm

It’s the main thing I listen to while driving


It’s a bunch of got dam libtards around here.


Ok, in the interest of getting to know you, it’s cool that you’re a jazzbo…do you play the skin flute or the hanging sax?

Doktor Zymm

Hi Ladies!
I just heard today from some Fox News pundit that when men vote for a woman it causes them to transition into being a woman, and I know at least some of you voted Clinton in 2016


I saw someone this afternoon wearing a Childless Catlady shirt with the “definition” of the term on it. In case you wondered if there is a human version of Cringe.


Women have the worst swag. Probably comes from being the entire lower half of the gender rankings.

We already know cat ladies are voting for abortions/debt/open borders — THAT IS THE CALLING CARD OF SINGLE WOMEN! The question is; who cares about any of these people?


Oh and old bay sucks

Doktor Zymm

He doesn’t want to cock it up!


The alarming thing about 3 X 3 basketball is that the US is getting outmatched by nations with fewer than 60% of our population!


Why isn’t the USA winning everything? Buncha losers if you ask me.

Horatio Cornblower

The alarming thing about 3X3 basketball is that it’s considered a legitimate sport.


I don’t know about the “legitimate” end of things but if you played a ton of basketball you played a shit ton of three on three. On “hard” courts your ass would be thrown off the team if there was a better player to replace you. Back in the day I was on both ends of that decision.

/so fucking humbling if you were kicked off a team, especially if it was during a winning streak


Not to be racist, but I am enjoying the hell out of these black Manhattans I’ve been making this afternoon.

Senor Weaselo

Wouldn’t that just be called a—*gets taken out back and run over*


All I know is suburban white dudes are afraid of this drink. And they shouldn’t be.


What is that, a drink with 3/5ths the alcohol? Hey, that sounds good.


Black Manhattans? Is that even a thing? They couldn’t afford the rent! smh…


Something about gentrification and renaming them Clintons.


DR. MRS. DEADLY: [shopping online as she is wont to do] Honey, I kind of want this couch.



Sometimes beige food is exactly what you need! I have never met a potato dish I didn’t love, it’s a cultural imperative for me. (Gumbygirl is Irish as feck!)


I presume that means you’re rooting for a Harris/Kelly ticket?


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Harris/Kelly 2024


I’d be fine with that.


Mr Pickle says:

Those were sure good taters mam

Pckle bottle.jpg

MR. PICKLE! Why is he drinking a big ole bottle of barf? Is that generic Malort?


womens 4×100 medley relay gold was the final olympic swim by lilly king

with that, indiana goes back to producing nothing for the world but brown fatty food and being a haven for cardiovascular doctors


It’s also an overland logistical hub and prime convention location, in spite of its small and shitty airport, but see “overland logistical hub”.

Senor Weaselo

And brass instruments (in Elkhart).


Don’t they make pretty much all of the RV’s too?


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Tom Raper sells ’em. He doesn’t take no for an answer!

Senor Weaselo

Yes, apparently in Ft. Wayne. (Source, the owner of the music shop I teach at has to go to Elkhart for brass instrument business all the time and just came back from a trip to the Sweetwater warehouse and talked about his trip.)


photo fuckin finish


yeah it had Hanson quiet for 15 mins, musta took some time for his narcan to kick in

Senor Weaselo

And the heart of the cards saw him through.


I just learned that Henry Cavill has a brother who looks like what Putin probably imagines himself looking like, especially the part about being 2m tall.


Andre of the Grass does not get to the final of the 100m final.


That’s clever as fuck. A+


Okay, once Gold Zone gets rolling it’s every bit as awesome as Red Zone.


Gold Zone already is more successful than Najeh Davenport’s “Brown Zone” channel concept.


yeah only downsides are when someone other than Hanson on, or when the switch to a non medal team game when there’s weird sport medals at stake, but it has me most glued to the Olympics for about 30 years




France invented the modern Olympics. That gentleman gets to do whatever he wants.


I do think the pushback about it recognizing the ancient Greeks as being libertines is also fucking stupid because they were definitely not. Bacchus was not what one would call a “good” god to them.


‘Member Westworld?


That’s fantastic work hyping up the crowd by the Australian jumper.


Between shotput, hammer throw, and discus just need 12 days of large men throwing things.

Horatio Cornblower

When I was in college some friends of mine roped me into an intramural track and field event, thinking that because I lifted weights I could throw a shot put. I would like it known that the gold and silver medalists today, (both very large Americans), threw a bit over 22, just like I did the first and only time a put the shot, or shot the put, or whatever.

Except they threw it 22+ meters, and I “threw” it, (I cannot emphasize enough how bad my form was, or how little lifting weights translates to do literally anything else), barely 22′.

The winner of that portion of the meet was some big guy who waited until they end, walked up, displayed actual form, and threw it something like 18′ farther than anyone else had. Then he wandered off. I’m not even sure he was in the meet.

Later I was asked to fill out the 3rd lap in the 100 yard dash relay, which was a horrible idea, and I got run over during the transition.

I don’t think our team did very well.


yeah the technique , speed and rotation is impressive like a tower of gyro


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Meat Tornado


Now you’ve done it! I neeeeeeeeeeed a gyro!


And that has turned into me getting Zankou Chicken for lunch!

Horatio Cornblower

Me, watching the women’s 800m while eating leftover pizza and drinking Coke: ‘Eh, those times don’t seem that fast.”


Randall Cunningham’s daughter is competing in the high jump.


Dad’s Advice? “Just pretend the bar is a Giants defender.”


She’s actually got a similar build. She’s still in it!

Don T

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Goddamn you fucking liberals, trying to distract the voters from issues that really matter in choosing a President, like what to do about Olympic women’s boxing, which is one of the core functions of the office under Article II of the Constitution. Right after the part about committing whatever crimes the president wants to.

Horatio Cornblower

The Italian boxer who quit has since apologized and wished her opponent well going forward.


Deep State clearly got to her.


They aren’t instigating it, but they’re sticking their stupid fish mouths on the bait when they need to be focused on why anyone should vote for a cop that isn’t “But Tump!”


Listening to two educated, professional women in tech in Portland discussing politics without obviously being obsessed with politics like every chucklehead I know (especially myself even though I really don’t want to care or care nearly as much as before I left here last time) was interesting because they were just trying to figure out where these two loser candidates stand on a practical level. They were also discussing the difference between them in terms of natural charisma and competency and how dems always pick the least likable people possible as their nominees. But I did think it was interesting how the foreigner (she was Greek, BTW) noted how Trump never answers the question asked. And I thought that was interesting because politicians are taught that on day one. And Trump is so media savvy and has been in the media eye for so long it is second nature. But he has no finesse and just cuts to the point. You’re never supposed to engage with the question unless it’s a planted one. You treat the press like mushrooms – keep them in the dark and feed them shit. But it’s funny how all, this stuff is SOP, but for the last nine years the media has been pointing it out with him because at heart I can only comprehend that they dislike him for being a boor (these are the same demons that valorize genuine monsters like Bush, Cheney, and McCain), and the issues have never mattered. Anyway. My vote and opinion don’t matter because of where I live, so I’m checked out.


There is a red (or naranja) Don Q bottle.


Those chicken tenders are a great idea! Fuck, I wonder how good they would taste with Lays Limon chips crushed….


Netherland absolutely destroying Canada in women’s water polo just as The Old Ones foretold.


Am watching that too!


The way this is formatted I thought that said the Elder Ones absolutely destroyed Canada, and for that brief microsecond I was thinking “fucking finally”

Doktor Zymm

Big if true!


But I always end up with extras that don’t seem to fit anywhere.


Make a woman out of them!


We all know how that turns out. Will get kicked out of the Garden of Weeden.


That’s how this all began!


Who do you think would work as characters in a Muppets adaptation of Apocalypse Now? Kermit as Willard, obviously. I’m thinking Fozzy as Chef and Rowlf as Lance. Thoughts?


Can’t decide if Col. Kurtz should be played by Sam the Eagle, or Gonzo. Two very different takes on the character!


And then the other as Kilgore.


You guys ever seen Apocalypse Pooh? And no it is not a biography by Xi. Pooh visuals, but the dialog is from Apocalypse Now.


No, that sounds fascinating.


Dr. Teeth as Col. Kurtz.


Funny, I had the same thought.


Sam as Kilgore. Gonzo as Kurtz. Or Sweetums to mock Brando.


Trying to think of an appropriate spot for Beaker. Maybe the guy on the helicopter yelling “I’m not going! I’m not going!”?


The Dennis Hopper role?


Animal would definitely be fantastic for that.

I had the thought of a subdued Animal as Roach (the 1000 yard stare guy who didn’t need a flare), but I think you are right and he would be best as the journalist.


I thought Scooter would do well as the toadying Hopper character…


Oh that would be good too. But if not that Scooter would be great as one of the guys assigning the mission in the beginning. Harrison Ford’s character, maybe.


Laurence Fishburne’s character.

Don T

Swedish Chef as the “Don’t look at the camera!” director


How about Vincent D’Onofrio playing it straight as Kurtz?

(much like Michael Caine did in their Christmas Carol)

Now I’m picturing Kermit emerging from the water like this and it’s glorious.

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With variations of this as the theme music instead of “The End”

Horatio Cornblower

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“He’s such a putz.”

-Ms. Hornblower, the one that is actually in control of the household finances

Horatio Cornblower

You could not be more wrong.

Lowratio has a Master’s in accounting.


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Senor Weaselo

Who’s the token human?


My idea was Vincent D’Onofrio playing it straight as Kurtz. But I could see the boat captain being a good fit for the right human.


Food looks great Yeah Right, will have to try the old bay on au gratin.


10 days, 10 days of hacking my lungs out, basically losing my voice, and producing copious amounts of snot. I am exhausted. And raping while having an upper respiratory infection is not the smartest idea, but the only way to cope.


…And raping while having an upper respiratory infection…



“Let me tell you something, when I had COVID, I was grabbing every nurse at the hospital by the pussy.” — Donald J. Trump

“When you’re the President, we let you do it.” — Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the majority

“Fucking right you can! Let’s do a Devil’s Triangle!” — concurring opinion of Justice Kavanaugh



Don T

This is why I pay for Internet 😘👌🏼


Vaping, why the hell does autocorrect change the v to an r?

Doktor Zymm

*Autocorrect brought to you by Harvey Weinstein

Doktor Zymm

I gotta try those potatoes, but will wait till cooler weather rolls around. I have the vague memory of making something similar once back when I lived in Chicago, but not with gruyere, which is a wonderful cheese


They have been practically giving away potatoes here in CA for a couple of months now. During May and June they were $0.99 for a ten lb bag and just last week it was $1.99.


Fuck you NBC, you’re airing Olympic coverage on a zillion channels but they’re all showing fucking kayaking and skeet shooting while you put the one fucking thing I actually care about, tennis, on your stupid fucking Peacock app which I am absolutely not buying.

Horatio Cornblower

Why, I’ll wager those bastards did that on purpose!


NBC is, literally, Comcast.

I haven’t seen more than 20 mins of random clickaround stuff (maybe replay, maybe live?) and I know it’s because the broadcast manipulation to have me chase events. It feels exactly like Hulu — just a subscription payment ad-stream into my bedroom.

Plus I’ve grown up knowing the Olympics is a corrupt net-loser. I love competition and Sport. I can’t touch NBC Sports’ coverage of the Two-Thousand Twenty-Four Olympiad.


Go to CBC, they’re streaming it free.


Not if your IP address is from the U.S., they aren’t. I’m sure there’s some way involving VPNs or whatever for me to circumvent, but that seems like a lot of work


Did you tell the site you’re an ex-Canuck though?


And I gave them my SIN, SSN, and mother’s maiden name and bank account info — it still didn’t work!


“but I pour maple syrup on my ham. I listen to Rush! I’M WEARING A TOQUE RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!!”

Horatio Cornblower


Mr. Ayo

That wouldn’t happen if you ate it faster, eh?


We got a good deal on Peacock so we paid for it and I have to admit, it’s been pretty stellar. They have a Red Zone equivalent with Andrew Siciliano and Scott Hanson (which we haven’t watched much of) and a multi-view (which we have on pretty much nonstop).


Smother that with some Cream of Gravy soup and you’ve got yourself an Indianapolis Vegetable right there.


Speaking of smothering in cream…


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“BOOOINGGG!” — J.D. Vance


I need an image of the fat hump equivalent of Sterling Archer saying “that’s not…a real thing.”