The image above was taken last night as we went non-traditional. My rib eye was delicious and my mac and cheese delivered as usual (side note – can Hippo eat Kraft Mac & Cheese as it does not really have any cheese). Not pictured are the rolls nor the wild sockeye salmon filet I wrapped in foil, covered with fresh dill and lemon slices, and baked till medium rare. She was very, very happy. I hope all of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as I did, what I remember of it.
To the game – KC vs. LV, since they are televising this, I soon expect actual snuff films to start being broadcast, because, even I, coach and owner of A&H’s Used Vape Cart ff team know that the likely hood of the Chefs losing is less then the chance of me not getting stoned today (already am). So, obviously I don’t know shit, but even I know this will be an ass beating to rival that time my father chastised me for not performing my chores in a timely manner. Could have used a standing desk that week.
Anyway, the fun in watching this will be trying to see how the Raider will Raider this one up.
Fucking word count. Lets see, gonna hit the steam sale and pick up some games I will probably never have the time to pay.
That is one dynamite food money shot.
Well deserved my good man!
From the internetz :
I get all those words just nawt in that order
The internet was a bad idea.
ObamaAl GoreActually, I consider this JFK post to be very skilled and very dry satire, in the same vein as the Church of the SubGenius (which I really loved). It looks real, it acts real, but it ain’t real. The Church of the SubGenius was incorporated but never as a non-profit, and The Book of the SubGenius (its “bible”) was always classified as humor by libraries. Yet “The Church” consistently maintained that it was in fact a religion, and no one disprove that. It’s in the great tradition of satire shared, at various times, by The Weekly World News grocery tabloid and The Onion, when each of those were in their prime (The Onion peaked in 2000 with Our Dumb Century). KSK came damn close to this as well.
Also: The 19th President was RBH (Rutherford B. Hayes). No one denies this.
So the Chiefs only won because of a back room deal where they promised to end Reconstruction? I KNEW IT!
I feel like it’s not nearly as bad as the Bears, mainly because it was some poor rookie kid stuck playing for the Raiders that fucked up and not the highly paid coach that’s supposed to know wtf is going on
There also appears to be immense controversy over the officiating decision to change the call from a false start to an illegal shift (despite the fact that an official is running in from the sideline abandoning his assignment waving his arms and blowing the play dead), which – surprise surprise – ended up favoring the Chiefs.
if Taylor spent as much time rigging the election as she does every Chiefs game….
MAGAdiots: “We don’t follow celebrities, just because they are popular.”
Trump: “Shut up, peasants.”
MAGAdiots: “Yes, savior, sir.”
And here I was thinking I wouldn’t have preferred a 56-6 blowout.
Jesus Christ, that was the Jetsiest thing the Raiders have ever done.
Bears standing off to the side with a “what about us” face
Well, there’s your answer to how are the Raiders gonna FUCK this up?
I’m just gonna tell myself that the Raiders are deliberately tanking.
What the hell was that???? Chefs are frauds like the Iggles last year.
Their record would be more convincing if there was even ONE team in the league they could blow out, or at least beat by more than a score
Shh! No one show them they’re frauds until the Divisional Round Loss.
Home cooking by BLEERGH
Well damn
Nobody has looked more for a team being fed to the Lions since Nero
C’mon guy, redeem thyself!
Sounds like I made the right call not watching this one.
It’s actually far better than expected!
At least the Chefs won’t cover
Wow, that kicker needs to be fired into the sun
Well that…Earth…jumped out of nowhere.
Raiders catching a bit of the EberFlu
This is what we deserve for rooting for the Raiders.
What’s this we shit?
Looks like that was tipped
“10, 15 or 20%?”
-everyone these days
That’s not bad, I only see 18, 20, 22%, or custom (because of the implication)
If you don’t give me a 15% option, you’re getting 15%. If you do, I tend to go with 18-20%
My typical % is more like 20-22 but if you have a minimum 18%, that’s all you’re getting
So the Raiders have to get at least a field goal, but without leaving too much time for Mahomes. They’re screwed
The fact that we’re not discussing whether we’re going to hit a 56-6 or 56-9 scorigami is victory enough for me.
Cmon, fake punt
Chiefs New Home of the 12th and 13th man
“Stop the count!”
Savor this moment, everyone except Chefs fans
Look at you, Vegas!
Mm. No garbage time minutes yet, at the end of 3rd QRT. Watching choices good!
Mahomes hurt his wrist?
Lineman tripped on him
His watch wrist noooo!
hurting mine thinking of a chiefs loss here
Ok, we can stop the game now, while Bowers has more points than Kelce
Bowers is stupid good.
Built like a tank
It always bugs me when a punt/kickoff returner gets caught from behind. Aren’t you supposed to be the fastest guy on the field?
RAIII DUURRSS keeping it mathematically alive, I see. No more FG attempts plz
That was an awesome catch, followed by that.
Oh for christ’s sake…
Three days of grave pissing is the standard Bears mourning period, I hear.
how we all imagine his landing spot
He’s a decent defensive coordinator. He should never get within Marc Trestman court ordered distance from a school from another head coaching job.
“…and we call this sandwich, the unholdsble.” Is my best guess at narration.
Look at Southampton over here! Up 2-1 now on Brighton.
Nevermind. Disallowed.
Who the hell is Ricky?
The greatest ever base stealer? Just ask him.
so fine, he blows on our mind?
One of my greatest regrets in life is that I’ve never put my testicles all over a French exchange student.
Gumby put his all over a Dutch exchange student. He talked about her tits in homeroom all year, because he thought she didn’t speak English. She jumped his bones at the Senior party
( we were on a break)
Well, were her tits really nice?
Mine were perkier
Speaking on behalf of men, we don’t have a proper appreciation for that quality when we’re that age.
The latino man wandering around shouting “Luuuuuu cccccccccy”?
“No, that’s Mickey.” -Mrs. McGillicuddy
/I’d like to thank Senorita Weaselo for the Lucy deep cuts I can make
That was a wonderful extended shot of absolutely no one in the stadium giving a shit as the halftime show crew walked right by them to get in position.
You know my feeling on the pre halftime shot of the “New boot goofin”. Glad others give 0 fucks about it at all.
If the tie is not broken, the two-man three-legged relay and grammar jamboree will be held on consecutive Saturdays until a Big 12 Champion is crowned.
Shan’khlor heating up some leftovers
C’mon Raidurs, do Raidings!
I feel like all Johnny Reb’s “Hotty Toddy” scripts should be changed to “Know Your Place”
Waiting to see who wins the race – Egg Bowl kickoff (coo-coo-ka-choo!) or nap commencement.
That’s a great looking Thanksgiving plate (there are no rules!) and also a great photo.
Thank you.
Luke Fickell for Bengals HC or DC! Because he may not have a job at Wisconsin at this rate.
I’m all about the RAAAAIIIIII DUUUUURS today. Hope you spent Viernes N*gr* saving hundreds spending thousands.
shots of Malort all around!
Well yeah, under that lighting even cyanide looks yummy
in this Timeline, when does cyanide NOT seem yummy?
I’m in.