Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
So, if you are reading this and have not heard the Little Drummer Boy since Nov 30, congratulations on making it through the LDB challenge. For the rest of us, better luck next year. As of writing this post, Monday Morning, I have only heard the song once, stewpid hospital muzac, so kinda annoyed that I was knocked out like that. I think Zymm said something that the new LDB is Whamm!’s Last Christmas, as it’s everywhere, but I’m not sure anyone that has ears and has been out of the house at any point in December would make it, as that song is everywhere up here.
Also, you have about 8 hours to get your Christmas shopping done, as of posting time, and Amazon can’t deliver that fast, so remember to get that new pine scented car air freshener thingy and a Big Turk from the gas station on the way home today for your loved ones.
As a reminder, Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post.
Note that during the offseason, I’ll probably look at the Sunday posts.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
Don T
Guy refuses to do the job he signed up for. So you suspend him for three weeks. With pay seemingly. And a likely future opportunity? Is there open enrollment for this plan?
What’s the point of Urgent Care? Try to go in and they schedule me for 4:30 in the afternoon, come back then. Come back, wow your heart rate is high and O2 levels are low, you need to go to the ER. Hey, just deal with the fluid in my lungs and the rest will sort it out. Anyways, now at ER.
Mr. Ayo
Good luck, man. If they come after you with a catheter, run!
Mr. Ayo
When tariffs inevitably fail, at least the in the short-term, how does Trump, FOX, et. al. blame Biden and Democrats?
I’m going to take notes. Whoever is closest will get a gently used Big Turk bar and Canadian vibrator.
They’ll change the subject and focus on immigrants and trans people. They never address actual issues. One, it doesn’t work for them and two, their followers are too stupid to understand them.
Horatio Cornblower
Honestly think the plan behind Trump’s tariff plan is to use it a shake down on both foreign governments and domestic industries. “You can get tariffs waived on your products and goods, if you make an “investment” in one of my business.” Trump’s a corrupt and greedy bastard and his goal is to become an actual billionaire.
clint greasewood
I’ve been reading these comments and I want you all to know that I am at Mass and I’m praying for all your souls. Please, my friends, through Christ’s love you can find a true purpose to this life.
Just kidding. I’m getting hammered down at the Legion watching football. Fuck you. 😘
Brick Meathook
I haven’t seen the Vikings play this season, so I guess I’ll watch that one. Oh yeah, update: I paid my storage and they didn’t charge a late fee, woohoo!
Thanks for the Reflections, GTD. They’ll be something special in your stocking Christmas Night.
I get a stocking?
Game Time Decision
The best part of the Raiders game last night was when their punt returner called for (and made) a fair catch on the three yard line, which led to a safety two plays later. The blocked extra point was pretty funny too, because that plus the safety would have meant the Raiders could have tied it with a field goal instead of needing a touchdown at the end.
Did anything similarly amusing happen during the Bears game?
Not really. There was an entertaining series of events where Caleb Williams was squashed by a MIN linebacker. See picture below. Troy Aikman then spent about 10 minutes talking about how being on an 0-11 team as a rookie QB sucks pretty bad, and that Norv Turner was a god among men.
(record scratch)
Caleb Williams (v/o narrating): “Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here.”
San Pedro, CA
Brick Meathook
Well, maid service ain’t as cheap as it used to be but God DAMN did they do a nice job.
The right house has never looked cleaner.
I can host a gathering in peace without having do the heavy lifting.
Apart from the wallet lifting that is.
A person could get used to this!
yeah right
December 17, 2024 10:21 pm
ooh lookit mister “i have a roof over my head” rockefeller over here
Ugh, I didn’t pull the trigger on my liquor store order and now they’re sold out of luxardo cherries when they were a great price.
No, shut up, you have first world problems.
Energy Vampire Update:
Over the course of an hour and fifteen minute (should have been 20 minutes tops) meeting at a bank EV says to a complete stranger that is trying to straighten out some paperwork that, “I’m trying to be patient but I want to bite your face off”.
/that is verbatim stuff, guys
What fucking company makes their employee self review (fuck those things in general) due 2 days after Christmas?? I’m already doing the minimum amount of work before I fuck off for 2 weeks, and now I have to do this nonsense.
Self review? “I’m awesome!” There, that was easy.
Brick Meathook
Found scotchy’s base of operations.
The great unrequited love of my teen years was from Dryden. Thanks a lot for reminding me of that heartache, you bastard.
“DRYden you say?
Tell me more!”
– B. Shapiro
Doktor Zymm
My Day, by JJ Fozz:
Wake up at 530, sing along to Run Run Rudolph, Mrs. Fozz yells at me to stop singing
2 hour drive to work
Work: complete overhaul of a project I’ve worked on for a year.
2 hour drive home
Wife losing her mind due to hormonal implant. She is now crazier than Jerry Jones on a meth binge.
Pick up son. He drives like Burt Reynolds in Cannonball Run. I am on verge of a kill spree.
Get home. Mrs. Fozz bought new used car for my son. Drive car. Car is making horrendous sound on back left tire.
Slam my head repeatedly on steering wheel. Scream in car. Wonder if my wife is brain damaged.
Wife calls. Crying. “I made a huge mistake with the car.”
I pray to St. Jude. (Patron saint of lost causes.) He does not answer me. I tell him to eat shit.
Get home. Wife says, “I’m at my mom’s, wiping down her floors because she’s tired.”
My left ventricle sends out a ‘cease and desist’ notification.
Get home. Kids hungry. Go back out. Buy shitty food for them. Get stuck behind a fuckface in a lowered Honda Accord. Kill factor increased to 1,000.
I am on my fourth bourbon. Fuck the world.
First week of the new job is going well. No remote work but the commute is maybe 15 mins. I got an office but no window. Even as a salary employee, I still get paid weekly.
Lots of AP and AR work in Oracle BI. My understanding is that the person I replaced was basically autistic and couldn’t interact with staff.
I can ham it up when needed.
Thanks for everyone well wishes.
NFC North 2024 illustrated
I got an early Festivus gift – my doctor (during today’s physical) finally gave up nagging me re colonoscapy, and is letting me do the “shit in a box” alternative. HUZZAH, avoidance!!
She’s an Iggles fan, so probably just was in a good mood.
King Hippo
My doc (also a ladydoc) told me she prefers bloodwork for prostate exams because, and I quote, “my fingers are too short to really get up in there” and I told her that was fine as I didn’t wanna get jizz all over her office anyway and we had a good larf.
Ok the second thing didn’t happen.
Spending the night at my parents’ with Lil’ WCS and Lil’er WCS before spending tomorrow with princess and Duke WCS then back to handling people’s holiday chaos
It’s too damned quiet here. Everyone’s been asleep for hours. I did the laundry, exercised a bit, got to exploit their hot water and take a 35 minute shower, took care of a completely random car insurance issue, and all on random night off.
I don’t know what to do. I must genuinely enjoy my jorb; I threw a bunch of use-or-lose vacation days at the wall, and got this week off inadvertently. Back to it tomorrow, but it’s a three-day week.
Speaking of inadvertent, think I just gave balls my holiday update.
If you have anything shiny you can use it to signal passing planes and boats. However, if you are trying to keep your lair hidden avoid lair bling
Doktor Zymm
But don’t avoid Blair Ling, she’s a total fox.
But do avoid Blair Witch.
And also avoid Blair Witch.
Senor Weaselo
As an Irish Catholic, let me be the first to state:
Fuck Notre Dame with a very used, rusty, and filth-encrusted syringe from a local shooting gallery outside South Bend.
One of my protein supplier guys gifted me 10 pounds of kielbasa sausage on Thursday. I’m up to my knees in delicious, garlic-y pressed pork product. Send cheese and crackers, STAT!
Very thoughtful of him. Kielbasa is some prime hobo bait.
I got engaged 9 years ago today [Dec 21] when Mrs. Cola and I went to, the Nutcracker. Coincidence we are going today? 100%
I’m in Vegas to RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!
Mr. Ayo
Found a funny:
“party city’s going out of business” would be a good line to say right before you kicked someone in the nuts
A lot of industry have left the state of Ohio but the Factory of Sadness remains.
clint greasewood
It’s not releasing the Kraken, but Boris and I are eagerly awaiting the destruction of the Vichy Whalers.
Hi everyone.
Today I did my, by now annual it seems, cracking of the wristwatch crystal. Would like to say it was doing something sporty but the truth is I was simply closing a door behind me. So the year is now complete, busted car (Karen with too much SUV runs a yield sign and dents the right rear door), busted glasses and now the busted watch.
Update: we have met the gentleman known as “SeaPimp”.
The purple fellow is Beer BrotherInLaw.
Found a funny:
I love the drone panic because its a reminder that despite all our technology and societal advancement we’re never more than one unanswered question from reverting to peasants worried we’ll make the stars mad
this holiday coca cola ad was made with ai*
*nobody got paid, cpus used more energy than a homeless shelter, looked only 95% finished (like all ai-made things), and you’re wondering why they just dont remaster their old polar bear ads from the 90s, like corona using the same feliz navidad commercial for decades)
Brick Meathook
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
Stay busy and safe out there.
NOTE banner image from here
SoUrry if a re-post:
Well, if I wasn’t out of LDB anyway, it’s just a matter of time before it happens where I’m at.
Who is hunkered down in their shelter, trying to ride out the next five-plus hours?
And the Wham! Challenge now, which I didn’t know about until last week or whenever.
Either way, the moral of the story: avoid family.
I win if I survive the drive to the airport (to pick up eldest HippoSpawn.
What. The. Fuck?
Goddamn, that is COLD BLOODED.
Purchase it? Some Vikings. Come and take it.
From 2011, “People Aren’t Bees, Alex” starring Ed ‘Don’t Call Me Ned’ Flanders and Loretta ‘Warm Lips’ Swit. At the 2012 Craftie Awards, this won Best Jerky Assortment for a Half Hour, Single Camera Drama.
(Cris Shapan)
Not that I would do such a dastardly thing (or have the youtube / video editing skills needed) but has anyone ever been diabolical enough to insert LDB into a youtube video and then posted it here to “rick/LDB roll” the commentariat?
It’s a good thing Richard Blade waited until today to play this on First Wave!
Merry Chritmas to all of yinz from snowless Big Bear!
And one for BFC
Gonna file this one away for future jokes:
“and spent some of the funds on items like breast implants and an Hermes Birkin handbag.”
because OF COURSE she did…
I have successfully completed the LDB challenge! Unfortunately this is offset by the Dr. Mrs. and the MiL’s failure to successfully complete the get-through-a-single-day-without-having-the-refrigerator-chime-go-off-because-it-was-kept-open-too-long challenge.
(the Dr. Mrs. managed to fail this challenge twice in the last ten minutes alone!)
This has escalated into a full cleaing of the fridge. Guess I can kiss my afternoon plans good-bye.
Followed by a thorough vacuuming…
Better watch his sass mouth or there will be dusting.
The Dr. Mrs. is currently engaged in the worst kind of cleaning: angry cleaning.
Whelp, your options are limited…
You can either start smoking a lot of ganja, or flee to a bar.
I’m hiding in the garage. I feel a little bad because more of her ire is directed at her mom (who is hiding in her room).
Take her mom to a bar!
This appears to have escalated quickly!
If I was an Evil Computing Genius, like our own Dok Zymm, I would hack into your smrt fridge and reprogram the chime to play LDB.
I made it too, but I got lucky- the Vons in Desert Hot Springs has a problem with their music system. The manager told me he’s had people bitching to him about it for weeks!
Luv that DeLux Fux.
Sexy Tuesday!
Picture taken December 26th.
Yes folks is the annual tradition of getting up early, having breakfast, getting dressed and going to work on Christmas Eve.
I’m feeling really fucking festive about it.
Likewise, except the “getting dressed” part. Working at home has its privileges.
I don’t know how I used to manage wearing hard pants every day
I’m going to be able to let the employees go home a whole hour early!
Me? I’m here for the whole shift.
I’m having a fun work from home today, just had a super gossipy meeting
New Year’s resolutions are best started in May. Trying to start anything new in January is how you get (looks around) …
I lost the LDB Challenge by watching “Black Doves”. This is my review
Eps. 1-2: 😃
3: 🙂
4: 🧐
5: 🤨
Midway through 6: /dick around cellphone until credits
I’m amazed I made it through the LDB Challenge this year; I was exposed to way too much Christmas music.
I actually like Last Christmas. But then I tend to like the more melancholy Christmas songs as opposed to the happy clappy jolly ones. Speaking of which:
Made it through, being a hermit is truly a great thing.
Merry Festivus to me! I made it to here! It’s all coming up Milhouse! The rest is merely treacle.
Enjoy what you have. Today is all that’s promised. Much love my imaginary internet people.
Oh shit! I’m no fan of Qaron but him speculating he might get cut by a teenager is hilarious.
“So, hey, I’m open to everything and I find the comedy in all of it. If that happens, hey, it’s a great story.”
We’ll find the comedy in it too, Qaaaaaron.
Also, interesting to know that one of our own & prominent Deluxe Fuxley connoisseur is a scion of NFL ownership.
“It was a reference to a story last week by The Athletic, which reported that Johnson, 77, takes advice from his teenage sons, Brick and Jack.”
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to all! Still one of my all time favorite specials is Jim Henson’s take on “The Gift of the Magi”. Love this song:
If Ohio State loses big again Quack Attack, I’m blaming this guy and rightfully so!
Fuck you “Olive”, the other reindeer
Olive is lucky she didn’t end up getting pressed in the table vise:
God damn today is a sports blackout.
You better be good, South Florida and San Jose State!
San Jose State does have a really good student radio station
dont worry next year NFL will find some way to get a game on revived Qubi for 25 a month
You usually need to be a cop to get this perk.
GTD always delivers! Unlike UPS, an actual delivery company
Or so the Germans would have us believe.
One of my wife’s Christmas presents is travelling the country. Trenton NJ => Jersey City NJ => Columbus OH (where I live) = Bismark ND. Oops. Maybe it will come back here, maybe not.
I had a FedEx package go Cleveland OH => Columbus FedEx hub (just down the road from my house) => Memphis TN => Columbus FedEx hub => truck.
I was at the post office yesterday and there was this really pissed off old Korean lady talking to the manager (what’s the Korean version of a Karen?) about her package that she sent to her relatives in Korea that apparently ended up in South Africa.
AFAIK, RTD was not involved.
The USPS actually tends to be the best of the bunch, and I say that even though my local California post office is Terrible.
Remember that Puebla kit you sent me that took a vacation to Kingsford Smith?
I remember that. It went on an epic journey!
That’s right!!
As opposed to SealPimp, who you might remember from such things as “being #1 on Troy McClure’s speed dial.”
He won’t take Kanye’s calls anymore.
Bengals lose quarterback during playoff push
Ha ha ha. Good one, MSN News Algorithm. Nice job with the clickbait. Sorry about 3rd String QB Logan Woodside, but hopefully its roster shuffling and he’ll be back on the Practice Squad by Christmas Day.
Not to change the subject too much but can someone call WCS and get the number for Poison Control. Times a factor, please.
Thanks for the memories Sir. You do great work.
Merry Christmas everyone. Be well.
Merry Christmas indeed!
Hoe hoe hoe
Ah, Fear of a Black Hat, is there nothing you can’t provide an amusing reference for?
Being Jesus’ fake birthday Eve, seems like it would be rude of me NOT to get Chick-fil-A, ya know??
That is pretty close to roast turkey.
Never know, listening to the instrumental versions of Christian songs may be enough to get into Heaven.
I both love this and hate how catchy it is
That is good
Truly delightful.
This is great!
That’s great.
That is well done!