Whelp, here we are again. As we bid farewell to this deeply insane Year of Our Lord 2024, I think I speak for all of us when I say: “Fuck’em if they can’t take a joke.”
I say this not as a rude dismissal of the credulous, the overly-earnest or (in Dave Barry’s famous words) the Humor Impaired. No, this is more in the way of a prediction, a warning, possibly even a prophecy of the jeremiad persuasion:
As surely as the plant needs the sun, the fish needs water and the Hitchhiker needs his towel- we will all need our senses of humor to survive the coming wave.
We must cultivate our sense of the absurd. We must remember joy. It is the only defense a thinking person has against the realization that we are spinning at incredible speed through emptiness with only a razor-thin layer of air and magnetism between us and near-instant death.
Meditate upon this wisdom:
“We graduated with the highest temperatures in our class!”
NFL News:
-Rex Ryan is expected to interview for the Jets head coaching job. I am in no way exaggerating or speaking in hyperbole when I say I will pay $750 to watch an unedited Hard Knocks documentary of Rex and Aaron Rodgers trying to tolerate each other.
-Speaking of the head coaching carousel, I believe all but one decision has been made regarding who will be getting the Big Boot next week. Here is the update from my previous listing of Coaches in Peril:
- All of the interim coaches (Jets, Saints, Bears) are gone. Not one has shown even a spark of promise, with two (Thomas Brown and Jeff Ulbrich) actively compromising their chances of future employment.
2. Doug Pederson: still gone. I dislike the concept of making a change for the sake of making a change, but 9-8 in a shit division was apparently their ceiling under this regime. This team isn’t getting any better if they run it back, so better to take a swing at whatever McVay Assistant Quality Control coach is next on the list.
3. Brian Daboll: Gone. With the Jets getting a one-year pass (well, 8 games anyway) from the new-hire honeymoon, the media and fans will be hungry for an easy criticism sponge to soak up all that Tri-State Area dissatisfaction with life. Daboll and Joe Schoen are begging to be that target if they stick around. Better to start over and let Brian Cashman be the punching bag for not signing Soto. Daboll seems like another Great Coordinator, Shitty Head Coach guy. He’ll land on his feet in Dallas or something.
4. Antonio Pierce: Hard to say, but I think he stays on a very short leash. The Raiders looked…not horrific…in their last two games. Granted those were against the Jaguars and the Saints, but Mark Davis is eager to seize on any good news, like two-for-one night at The Sizzler. I can’t decide if Harbs is going to sit his starters for the meaningless last game or obey the Call of the Khakis to compete to the utmost in every single game. Regardless, if the Raiders show up, I think Pierce may get an 8 game reprieve.
5. One of the Mikes (McCarthy or McDaniel): Now I’m thinking both may get the boot if Miami doesn’t sneak into the playoffs.
McCarthy is out of his contract. Jerry has been hot-and-cold in his public comments on his head coach, but seems to be running very cold after Philly drubbed them last week and killed a chance to finish over .500.
What I think may seal the casket is a loss at home this week to Washington. The only thing Jerry cares about more than his team’s record (and whores) is JerryWorld. As much as any Roman emperor, he cherishes the palace and monument to himself that he built. That’s why the most extreme reaction we’ve seen from him in years came in response to the Sunlight Problem- underlings dared to suggest there was something Wrong with his stadium as he conceived it.
The Cowboys are 2-6 at home this year, which strikes at Jerry’s ego in two ways. If a stuffy retread like Dan Quinn can bring his one-year turnaround show into Jones’ front yard and embarrass him further?
In Miami, I still think Mike McDaniel is in danger if he doesn’t make the playoffs and Denver does. If they lose to the putrid Jets with their season on the line, even if it’s because Tua is too injured to go, McDaniel will get the blame. And remember what Stephen Ross’s ill-considered pursuit of Denver coach Sean Payton cost him. If Payton pulls off the turn-around for someone else, I think Ross boils over.
If nothing goes live by noon EST, I will Carpenter a footy thread. Just fyi
is now up the chute and into the poreclain throne
Welcome to 2025, everybody! Who wants some coffee?
No thank you. But if you can keep the sound of vacuuming down so I can nap, I’d appreciate it.
I have about as much authority to do that as I do to authorize NASA to launch nuclear missiles at the moon.
I’ll be sipping some tea, and I suspect a nap will be in order at some point.
We had a literal thunderstorm break over the party we were at right at midnight. Thought the lightning was fireworks for a second.
Sounds like something of an omen, honestly.
Just finished my 3rd caffeine v8 (after exercise bike and first with green veggies powder) but coffee is deffo next.
Grandson cat asleep in my lap right now, though.
I’ll have a tea now that you mention it.
Warmth, success, happiness and peace be with everyone here for this New Year. I’ll be tapping away at my syllabus and fighting with the grade book all afternoon with the games on low and a DFO window open, as always. Have a New Year’s Day full of winning GAMBLOR!, long naps, snuggly pets, mellow buzzes, and damn good coffee. Love you guys!
Ok, let’s see how this ‘2025’ thing goes. Happy New Year and Good Morning to y’all
Based on the headlines coming out of New Orleans, bad.
Also a loud argument going on in the parking lot of my apartment complex, not a great start for them at least
At least the sun is finally out here in LA!
I haven’t slept a wink this entire fucking year, and boy are my arms tired.
I have command central established: MST3K stream, this, ice water with lime all within arm’s reach. I’m posted on the sleeper couch, under a deliciously comfortable set of blankets, while a 25mph wind howls on the opposite side of the window directly behind me.
I’m fading. Total lightweight! I’ll see yinz tomorrow, Happy New Year, my darling dears.
I fucking love you guys.
HAPPY new year.
Happy New Year Besties!https://youtu.be/qchPLaiKocI?si=Q826cDVt8ZgON96X
What do you got 2025?
We’re battle tested!
Call of the Khakis will be the name of this years weekly shop meeting.
Also 2024.
Try the headphones for this one.
Golly jeepers, I’m getting shitfaced!
Best visual of the year.
I hate having a beard.
(I can’t even think of a good joke to end on)
That was Qaron’s problem for a few years, too.
Finally learned how to drink a proper pint this year.
Fifty years of drinking pints it took me.
Let’s play Lawnmower
Things fall apart- it’s scientific
This was a solid album this year and it made me happy.
What happened to Mambos 1-4?
I opened my prosecco, it’s time for Sparks!
Fuck yes!
This appears to be a German tv show, which makes Ron Mael’s Hitler stache even more hilarious!
ZDF back in the ’80’s has some sensational live shows with all the great bands. I remember the picture quality over air was near hi def.
HNY mountaineers! Do we have any of those?
Moose, RIP, was MST.
Moooooooooose. I miss him!
We all do
I like to think he’s still out there.
Ol’ Moose.
Stomping the terra.
Posting gifs.
Shoot forgot was I was sayin’.
I hope so.
Not for a long time
Yeah, I lived in Montana for awhile. I’ve lived in all of the mainland time zones!
My brother lives in Salt Lake now.
Like, actually in the lake?
It’s very briny, he’s floating.
The lake is mostly gone now. You can walk to Antelope Island without goulashes these days,
I think maybe I’ll do some crazy things in ’25
My standards of crazy have changed, but crazy!
We’re about to witness the next evolution in volcano lairs or hammocks. Wait, maybe both, and maybe related? CRAZY TRAIN INCOMING!
The obvious thing is to string the hammock across the mouth of the volcano, but like most obvious things that is totally wrong. UNLESS you have some crazy awesome diffusion tech to equalize the heat and balance the gasses. Enough oxygen to avoid brain damage, but some fun nitrous and shit too. Giant hammock. And probably should be naked for safety. Pretty sure I’m on the right track here
Look to the hammock district!
and he’s personally searching through massage parlors
Sir, The Healing Touch is not an Insane Asylum.
No, Muscle Magic is not one either.
Blissful Bodyworks is also not one.
Knot-Free Zone is something else.
Tension Tamer is not about mental health, sir.
Soothing Hands doesn’t even make sense!
Calm Creations is plausible, but still not accurate as an asylum name.
Happy New Year to most of you! Night night.
Sleep well.
Happy New Year.
Just an endless stream of country “artists” that genuinely all look and sound the same.
I could not tell you a single individual name or song.
I know I’m out of touch, and holy I shit do I prefer it this way.
We listen to the same music.
I’m gonna try and make midnight, so let’s see what we’ve got.
I’ve got drinks and sustenance and tomorrow off.
Oh shit we need music.
Billy Preston is singing My Sweet Lord. Hare Krishna, motherfuckers!
One of the best weekends of my life I saw Devo, 1980.
Next night I saw the Showtime Lakers beat the Portland Trailblazers. Like 144 – 140.
Showtime Lakers.
Devo played this live at the Forum.
If you post anythign remotely related to new years on facebook, you should get a knee to the crtotch
Good to see you Baltimore.
You can stop at “post to Facebook”
It ain’t New Year’s yet is it?
Goddamn work and shit.
Still here and if I’m gonna be honest, that year will probably have a lot of amazing memories in it.
My therapist will work out the rest.
Concert for George on PBS SoCal. Prrunce is about to blow everybody’s mind.
Lololol Prince! This weed is strong!
Shit, wrong one. That was at the R&R Hall of Fame, this is two years earlier at the Albert Hall. Eric Clapton, boo.
Happy new years dearest.
You too! God bless us, one and all.
My cat has the zoomies, he’s ready for Central Time Zone New Years!
So, her name is kenzie, but she’s married
Rings don’t block holes
Huh huh huh heh heh heh
Hola, fuckers. May 2025 be less of a shit show than 2024. Eh, not seeing it happen but we can all hope. Mrs. Fozz making Italian Wedding Soup tomorrow and IT BETTER BE AS GOOD AS MY MOTHER’S OR THERE’S GONNA BE A FUCKING PROBLEM.
What, no shepherds pie?
She better not bake the meatballs.
I’m watching Poirot. Not sure I’ll be awake at midnight Pacific…
The Chicago broadcast had a woman in evening gloves…
Kinda wish I still had dvr
So like, is there a better way to gauge your status as a celebrity to see what cities want you as part of their broadcast?
Tier 1: new york
Tier 2: chicago
Tier 47: chandler arizona?
We’re from the future, Charlie!

“Fuck’em if they can’t take a joke”
Not sure if this is blair witch at this point but I’ve always liked the corollary of “Jok’em if they can’t take a fuck”. Happy New Year folks
Lip syncing busted.
Need to be more specific with which show and performer as they all bad
I remember one time I saw the B52s singing love shack for the Chicago coint down.
It was not good. Ooof