Round One-Chargers/Texans

Welcome back one and all. We’ve got six playoff games and all have some sort of appeal. Let’s get to it.



-Houston’s only quality win was vs Buffalo and that was quite some time ago. There’s just something missing from the team this year and I can’t put my finger on it. Coach Ryan needs to get the attention of his players for this tilt.

-Myself, I’m thinking that the Chargers will be the only road team to win this weekend.

-Although they don’t have any ‘difference-makers’ at the rb and wr spots, that shouldn’t pose a problem in this round.

-Speaking of, both J.K. Dobbins and Gus Edward were hobbled by ankle ouchies and were limited in practice up to Wednesday. Both are expected to gut it out and play-it’s the playoffs after all.

-Houston was a middling 5-3 at home this year-they’re not getting the type of advantage one would like to have in the postseason.

-They’ll need some help from the defense with turnovers but Herbert won’t likely be offering. He’s only the second QB ever to have 500+ attempts and throw three or less INT’s.

-Without Diggs and Dell the offense seems to have stalled out a bit. That’s no fault of Mixon’s, he has 1250 combined yards from scrimmage for the fourth straight year.

-The Texans are unique in that they scored 372 points on offense (good!) and gave up exactly 372 points on defense (not so good!)

-You’d think the vaunted Chargers defense would be ranked higher (11th) given they’ve only given up 13 points in their last two games but it took some time for it all to come together. They do have the league’s #1 scoring D however.

Knock yourselves out.

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Cecil Rhodes

This feels more like a preseason game. Have I accidentally travelled back through time?


ERCOT has drained the Chargers already


If you went back far enough, could you pick me up some shares of Microsoft and Google, ‘kaythanks!

King Hippo

Just kill me after Superb Owl 50, or the day after Obama’s election. Either will do.


The Chargers need to wake up from this nightmare and remind themselves that the Texans aren’t real and can’t hurt them.


Boltman smash


🎶 Anything you can derp, I can derp better 🎶

Mr. Ayo

There’s a lot of derp up in this bitch.


Smart move boot legging it out of the pocket than trying to throw it across a time zone into double coverage.




wife is putting pork in the oven and that is by a mile the best use of pigskin since this game started


Congratulations on the sex!


The “Texans” making the Chargers look like world beaters up in this bitch.


Has CJ Stroud ever played football before?

Cecil Rhodes

Not sure, but I’ve heard that former Charger TE Antonio Gates definitely played basketball!


Any idea where Jerome Bettis is from?


He’s from my closet, I just put on a Bettis jersey


so this game got me thinking, whats on our plates tonight. cooking some ropa vieja myself tonight


Chicken Cordon Bleu. Pretty simple and it lets me smash a hammer to get done rage out.


I went to Sprouts and bought myself a nice ribeye and a huge potato with sour cream and chives as a reward for getting off my ass. And stuff for a salad, because I’m fucking healthy and shit!


Going to the pub with 2 buddies. Beer. Beer is for dinner.

Col. Duke LaCross

Listening to both the radio and tv analysis and the discussion of Ladd McConkey is hilarious. I’ve already heard “high football IQ,” “Possession receiver,” “disciplined route runner,” “lunchpail” and comparisons to Wes Welker, Danny Amendola, Julian Edelman and Ed McCafferey. JUST SAY IT GUYS!


no deceptively fast?

Horatio Cornblower

I spent my poker winnings at the local bookstore, picking up ‘Pappyland’ about the family behind Pappy Van Winkle, ‘The Incorruptibles’ about organized crime in the early 1900’s, and ‘The Bog Wife’ which is described as an Appalachian gothic horror story somehow not involving JD Vance, but which I had read a review of and thought would be good.

And I just realized I am far more interested in these books than in this shit-show of a game.

Later, taters.


“He’ll be back, it doesn’t take that long to put books on a shelf. They’re just the best decorations!”

-Lea Michelle


Got some shit done today fellow kids! There was a shredding event in Palm Springs, got rid of three boxes of paper I’ve been toting around for years. Whyyyyyy?


And I took a bunch of stuff to the donation center,also bought some boxes, bubblewrap, and other packing accoutrements. This week, the plan is to pack up clothes and kitchen stuff I don’t need right now, and bung it in my storage unit.


Is that where DeShaun went with his Achilles?


I should just do all my shredding tomorrow. It’s not like there’ll be anything on tv


It would have taken me approximately 3 months to shred all of that, and I’m pretty sure my shredder would have grabbed my hand, stuffed it down it’s sharp maw, and taught me a valuable, bloody lesson.


Eep. Luckily, I just have a year or two of old bills and such.


I had checks from a house we sold 25 years ago. Tax returns from the 80’s. There is no excuse,I have moved so many times and each time I schlep this shit to the new place.


I like to imagine Harbaugh trying to dance to this.


Nice to see Bosa dropped the white power salute from his sack celebration. Progress!




It’s “inna”. Come on, let’s get it right.


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that MIGHT be the greatest blocked punt ever?

King Hippo

The weekend’s only good announcers, and we get a dog game even by Saturday 4:30 window standards

Senor Weaselo

You’re referring to SpongeBob and Patrick, right?


This is some powerhouse, offensive football.


Oh, it’s offensive, alright.


The Chargers looked fine on their first drive until they stalled.

Senor Weaselo

Cliff Hangers reference on the radio cast!


I had an interesting thing happen to me at work. I got written up for using “fake swear words”.

I was told that simply using “son of a biscuit” could still offend someone because of how my intent could be construed.

I was asked if I had anything to say in my defense.

“No. I don’t know how you’ll take my intent”.

Senor Weaselo

Isn’t that the whole point of fake swears?

Also we should keep a running list of good ones. My personal favorite: Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Baiul


I say French fries instead of an F bomb around Deci. I also quote Will Farrell and say things like Great Odin’s Raven, or Mother of Pearl when angry.

Have called the ref a cunt a bunch of time though in teh futbol.


I’ve been just saying “oh lima beans” whenever someone pisses me off.

I really want him to put in writing that “oh lima beans” is offensive.


some people are allergic to them please be sensitive to their loss

Horatio Cornblower

I just swear a lot.

Mr. Ayo

“We’re all fucking adults here. Can we at least act like it up in this bitch?”


This is the same guy who has complained about the language of millwrights, longshoremen, etc. that I have to train.

Somehow I am supposed to force these guys to talk like babies.


Do you work for the Pillsbury Doughboy? is there a swear jar at your work?


I got to go to Montreal to do work at an gas compressor site and he is demanding I only use English.

He got upset when we had a meeting with the customer and I started using French.

I had to explain to him that Quebec is a French speaking area.

“I won’t be able to understand you so don’t use any French while you’re up there”. He has a human resources degree. He doesn’t understand what I do when I use English.

I guess that means I’m supposed to just get lost by not reading road signs. They moved this idiot from HR and made him my supervisor.


is he related to the owner or CEO? usually HR keep their people contained


I have no idea but flurking snit, he is getting on my last lima bean.


Sounds like your supervisor is reta…uh, I mean a very special person.

And has no business being a supervisor.


Oh. You’re in Canada.

Someone send out a rescue party.


No, I’m based in the states.


Oh. I was thinking this wasn’t someone who you have to suffer all the time. Just in Canada.

well, we know he doesn’t know French. …


A man from HR. The most suspicious person on earth.


He works for Ned Flanders


You gotta be kidding me. Fuck this society. I had a boss call me the “dumbest fucking son of a bitch ever” when I first started working. No one blinked an eye.


Keep in mind, this is the same guy who sent me up to Red Dog Mine, Alaska, in December.

He is seriously worried about me swearing at a lead mine, in the middle of nowhere.


Whadda fucking tool. Ridiculous!


Time to pull up the foreign dictionaries.

Surely you’ve learned some Spanish curses at work.


Whoever these “Texans” are, I don’t think they know how to football.

King Hippo

Good thing they have that orgy side hustle to rely on.

Senor Weaselo


Wait, it still doesn’t work that way?


once canada falls, cfl rules wont exist anymore

Senor Weaselo

Other benefits:
-The NBA and NHL will be a National league and therefore not a misnomer
-USA Hockey will dominate

King Hippo

Will THE LEAFS finally win the Cup tho????

Senor Weaselo



That’s just crazy talk!


imo canada should give up…so they can do something that americans cannot. losing healthcare those nice canadians will not be nice anymore and would actually rise up, unlike americans thus far (except for assassin luigi), and an unjust evil would finally end

does not actually take much to piss them off and become angry animals

Horatio Cornblower

My son just suggested that Fortnite issue a Luigi Mangione skin.


Our Internet has been down since Tuesday due to a tree branch cutting a line and so I’ve been using a digital antenna to keep my parents entertained.

Holy fuck are there a lot of channels out there!

I’m seriously questioning the need for streaming services…


cut cable (provider dumping cable in march) last week and got youtube tv

but this tiny dick ass roku thing on my tv now got a mst3k channel…!?!?!?


Roku has some neat stuff. Even its own channel is getting into original programming

Horatio Cornblower

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I paid to upgrade Netflix to 4K (why?) but I only use services I get from my cell service, Comcast, and Amazon Prime. Paying anything more is for the birds.

Even just having Pluto or Tubi on a smart tv usually gives as quality content as any paid stream service. It is wild to think that someone must be watching all these digital antenna channels, though. Everyone I know has cable or just uses streaming. But I’m an elitist asshole.


There is no one that kicks FGs sicker, than ole Cameron Dicker.


Him and Scary Terry saved my fantasy team from a last place finish. And plus was fun to play in consolation bracket with Penix and Dicker combo


fuck spanos, but fuck the useless afc south forever


Wahlberg really made a movie version of “if I had been on [Flight 11] it wouldn’t have gone down like that.”


Markie Mark bald?!? That sounds like a thriller!


If Donny is any indication, he’s probably been that bald since Entourage.


I bet he sat in a makeup chair, every day, for three hours, just so it would look like he was wearing a bad bald wig.


He took the Bill Parcells Not Going to Say that Word Again bet and lost it as a consequence


BetMGM should do a commercial with Damon Wayans, Danielle Harris, and AI of Willis, Negron, and Willingham. Just cut the crap and admit the bad guys won.


should note this january marks the 30th anniversary of the chargers’ greatest playoff run

they…could do it with harbs n herbert?



That’s gotta be a fictional name.


Have you not met white people before? We’re ridiculous.


(my real first name is JayMcBennsyn)


While it ended up being a fairly mundane gain, that was an *amazing* throw by Herbert.


Texan injured in his “no no area” up in this bitch!


spiked his dick, nooooooooope nope nope nope


Dok, advised flights to LA in Sept might be cheaper now for September. They were by 100-150 CAD. Done.


You got to love the DB celebrating giving up a first down.


a team no one cares about vs a team their own city does not care about


Hey, San Diego cares ab-

Oh. Right.


Go LA Juniors!


We’ll at least we start a game with no Collinsworth or Brady, so far so good.


ian eagle, decent start!

Don T

Fuck it. Imaginary fan today
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I remember when PG&E tried to use Captain Bolt or whatever as their lawyer. That was weird. Might have been the reason they lost.

Mr. Ayo

The got a huge flag up in this bitch!


Holy cow, this is completely a Texans home game. Even the officials are wearing Texan gear.


I’m a moron. For some reason I thought this game was in Vegas because of the fires.

Doktor Zymm

About to drive home and working on the assumption that this is likely to be the least interesting game of the weekend I don’t think I’ll put it on the radio for the drive.


Lets get to commenting up in this bitch!

yeah right

Ah, another lovely day in Pedro!

Let’s check the weather!

Oh. Yeah.


I got the bizarro Ravens over the Texans.

Primarily out of spit on how fucking moronic he Browns ownership is. I’m really getting sick of seeing Browns picks in the playoffs.

Don T

Afternoon. I’m with, and have to be, pants and shoes 😞


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Don T

Among good folks* tho

* have cable 😁


The sacrifices one makes… 🫡


That kids first playoff game is gonna be a bitter memory for the rest of his life when the Texans lose.


Are you sure his parents didn’t tell him that they’re at Disneyland and that the Texans are like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck – they’re just fictional characters.


What’s a “Texan”?


I think they lost to tOSU in the college fitbaw?


From Aaron Glenn’s latest Roto update:

“Glenn has now completed interviews with the Saints, Jets, Raiders and Jaguars. The 52-year-old Lions defensive coordinator is still set to interview with the Bears while he declined to meet with the Patriots. Glenn played for the Saints, Jaguars and Jets during his 15-year playing career and coached defensive backs with the Saints before coming to Detroit with Dan Campbell. It appears that Glenn will have a head coaching job by the end of this hiring cycle.”

That’s awesome. I hope that happens to them dozens more times for god damn decades. We’ll never know exactly what that fucking franchise did, but this sort of beautiful “fuck you” is how we can always be sure they did it.


The Patriots are turning into a less successful version of the Cowboys.

A crackpot, bajillionaire owner who thinks he is the brains of the organization, the sole reason for the teams historical success, and he can’t get aroused unless it involves human trafficking.

Senor Weaselo

He declined to be HC of the NEP.

/Now is the time to be petty up in this bitch!


Agree that the Chargers will most likely win. And the Narrative will be that this will help people in LA feel better even though no one in LA gives a shit about the Chargers.


STOMP, STOMP, CLAP is heard from a distance.

yeah right

I’m thinking they blow a big lead and lose in gut wrenching fashion.

As is their style.

Last edited 2 months ago by yeah right

1 minute in and Balls nails it.

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