Last week, former San Diego Chargers radio color commentator and long time center, Nick Hardwick, announced that he would be doing a complete and total about-face on his decision to call games for the second NFL team in Los Angeles. This is rather surprising, considering the fact that Hardwick had become seemingly the only remaining outspoken voice against the Spanos clan after originally turning the position down months earlier. Hardwick has since made several statements regarding this decision, all of which I found further insulting and unsatisfactory. This is my response:
The Chargers are my family, and I’m excited to continue being a part of this franchise.
Really, Nick? The same ‘family’ that you had this to say about, regarding how they pimped you out to support the failed Prop C?
“I felt like a used item. For one, I would go out there and talk on their behalf and pump up the ballot measure and how it was such a good thing for San Diego; but, on the back end of that, there was never any information given to me about where we are along the way. I was almost their guise, almost their cover on the way out of town. I’m embarrassed almost that I was part of it.”
There’s only one ‘family’ that the Chargers will ever care about, and you ain’t a part of it.
I love this team. I love watching football, and I love being a conduit to transmit what I am seeing on the field through the radio… I love being able to open my eyes on the spot and let what I see come naturally through my mouth.
You are going to get honesty, passion and energy every single game… I’m fueled by passion, and after the team made the decision to relocate, my emotions got the better of me. I was confused, and didn’t know how to react. I lashed out and struggled to understand what it was I was feeling.
No, when the team moved, you were being honest. You channeled much of the frustration and anger that fans like myself were (and still are) feeling…
But after several months, it became clear that the Chargers are a part of who I am.
…Then when you realized that you were hosting a morning NFL radio show in a city that doesn’t have an NFL franchise anymore, the reality set in that you were going to need a new job.
I feel like I am coming home back to the organization I’ve fought so hard for.
“It’s exactly like home! Except my actual home isn’t there, and I’ll have to drive 2 hours each way on a good day in order to get there!”
I have a passion for the Chargers, and I enjoy sharing that with the fans.
“Who are you again?” – Everyone outside of San Diego
I tried to give up the NFL, I tried to go agnostic. I tried to not care about any NFL football team and then just cover it in a broad sense.
It’s been working pretty well for me the last 5 months. I didn’t watch the draft, the vast majority of NFL news I get now is from this site and now I’m free to make fun of every single dumbfuck thing that happens in the League without worrying how it will affect anything I care about!
After I went to the Super Bowl, and after being around football people, I realized, ‘Nah, these are my people, these are my folks.”
“Wow! You bunch of oblivious, self-gratifying, blowhard millionaire media-types are just my kinda folks! Did I mention that the coffee really sucked there? DO SOMETHING, HOUSTON!”
I am authentic. I do give you unedited passion and energy. I say what I think at the time, and I think that’s what made me good at football.
NFL Scout: Well, we could draft the guy with a near perfect build, no injury history and impeccable character references… But he kinda keeps to himself and doesn’t say a lot, so let’s take the guy we don’t know much about, but blurts out anything on his mind with no regard to the ramifications! Because that’s how you football!
I’m honest with myself and my feelings, and my feelings around the relocation situation changed.
I want to be a part of this team because I think there are some great things on the horizon for this franchise.
“Sure, Dean back-stabbed the entire city and fanbase, but the team might play really well the next year or two! Gotta get on the bandwagon while the gettin’s good!”
Being a San Diegan and being a Chargers fan aren’t mutually exclusive.
The fan attendance these last two years really seems to say otherwise.
There are plenty of people who love San Diego who follow their team, wherever they may be located.
Just ask the Clippers!
I’m aware this decision may upset some people. I completely understand the emotions around this situation. But, I must be true to myself… This is me and my family following our hearts and souls.
Nick, the reason people are “upset” is not just because you agreed to take the job. Seriously, your broadcasting is perfectly cromulent, at best. It’s because you went and said A LOT of stuff like this…
…and now you’re spewing the exact same tone-deaf bullshit that you so aptly mocked.
When LT so readily signed on to be the Special Assistant to the Owner I was “upset.” Still am. I don’t think I can ever forgive the greatest player in my former franchise’s history for it. With you, I just see someone so desperate for attention that he’s completely fine with being a boot-licking hypocrite. And if that’s what “following your heart and soul” looks like, then you’re as shallow as any of the urinals at Qualcomm.
I think it’s all we can do in life.
I kind of want to shop Hardwick into the first photo, either instead of Spanos or up Spanos’s ass.
To me the landing was perfect.
She’s ready!
This is like when you break up with someone by ghosting them and kind of feel bad but then you see them whoring for crack during the afternoon at the dive bar where you buttfucked them against the urinal that one time… and then you have no regrets.
(talking about breaking up with the Chargers, and the NFL in general, natch)
Hey, call me OK?
Geez, have a little dignity and take the hint.
That urinal sex was GOOD, man; not everybody does a nice reach-around.
And like you aren’t meth whoring at the diner.
This. That’s quality hate.
“How do you know who Los Angelans are?”
Um, I think it’s Angelenos, Nick.
Country for the most part can get out of my face, but Jason Isbell does it right:
Also this:
Also love the “You’re dead to me” tag. Feel like that’s gonna get a lot of future use.
And stick around after the game for Talking Dead with Nick Hardwick.
This works on so many levels, I’m shocked it doesn’t have more likes.
LOL @ SD to LA in two hours. Maybe in a helicopter with Santa Ana Winds at your back.
The fuckin’ Catalina Wine Mixer!
“This is me and my family following our hearts and souls. I think it’s all we can do in life.”
-It takes a very brave man to admit wanting the money.
-Daddy, my heart wants you to be rich.
-And my soul is nurtured by income generation within my wheelhouse.
-Oh my God, my husband is so sexy when he’s pliant and authentic.
love the use of the simpsons clip here,
OK LCSS, stop being nice and tell us what you really think.
At least in LA they will be able to get an uncomfortable boner on live TV.
*Nothing to do with post.
Araksya is a goddess.
He thinks so too…… plus there may be some sploosh in her black pants.
That first quote about being used for Prop C hedges like a motherfucker.
The point being that he was always leaving room to get paid because C.R.E.A.M.
*Opens Deadspin article about Randy Moss.*
*Reads comments*
“Everyone is a racist and Trump is going to kill us all”
*Closes Deadspin*
*Opens this article*
*Hangs out*
/end scene
/Walks in
I always wondered if Nick Hardwick enjoyed watching wrinkled old fucks nail his wife while he watched from a chair in the corner, outfit in a gimp suit.
Now I know the answer is yes.
Sometimes he’s in the closet peaking out.