Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Enchiladas! Sabor Autentico!!

Hola folks. Welcome, welcome. Come on in and grab a seat. Cold beers in the fridge if you're interested. Glad to have everyone back for episode 2 of Season 8 of Sunday Gravy. Now that we're here in the middle of the deep, dark offseason, I'm here to help in the best way

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Let’s Get Smothered!

Good morning DFO! It's damn good to be back.  We're at the "Acceptance" portion of the offseason grieving process now. Season is over, man! I understand that now! Doesn't mean I have to fucking like it but I ACCEPT! As an equal opportunity sports fan let's hope that baseball pulls their heads out

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: It Don’t Feel Right Calling This a Po-boy.

Good morning everyone! Before heading off to Gravy Central I wanted to point out that this weekend is the 1st anniversary of the world shutting down. It was exactly a year ago today when I hosted my Saint Patrick's Day gathering AKA the day after the lunatics raided the grocery stores.

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chile Verde 2.0!

Before we start I want to take a moment to be very serious. Today is the first anniversary of the first COVID-19 casualty in the U.S. Over 500,000 souls in this country have been lost since. That just makes me want to fucking cry.  Again. I found this out a few days after writing

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: I Repeat Myself When I’m Distressed. I repeat Myself When I’m Distressed. I Repeat…

Good morning everybody! I truly hope everyone is still doing their part by staying safe, staying home and staying well. Trust me when I say it's a hell of a lot easier to just stay at home rather than going out in this shit. In fact, I'm going to change things up

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: We’ve got the time to make it from Scratch.

Good morning everyone. For you poor folks who can't leave your house let this be a reminder that today is Sunday! Goddamn, how can you even tell what day it is if you can't leave the house? Again, I feel fortunate to be working AT work but then again it's scary as

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Request Line! Chili Relleno!

Good morning DFO! Welcome, welcome. Good to have you back after a somewhat, let's say less than immaculate recipe last week. This week we've got real goddamn recipes and a shitload of photos to guide you along. We go back to our request line for this one, actually I think there were 2 folks

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chicken Ala King. I just had to.

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone! Here we are right in the middle of a lovely mid Winter three day weekend. A truly beautiful thing is happening this week, by this time next Sunday EVERY MLB team will have every player in camp for Spring Training. Except possibly Harper and Machado. I got

Sunday Gravy Sabbatical: Boots on the Ground! DTLA and Staples Center.

Howdy folks! First of all a quick apology as Sunday Gravy is on a one week hiatus, it will return next week in it's regular time frame. Trust me, next week is going to be an INSANE episode of Sunday Gravy and I can't wait to throw that fucker down. If you
