Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome to another comment of the week post and ramblings by yours truly.  This week I learnt about cigars and some new shows to watch.  There were some long discussions on various things this week that were both informative and fun.  Good to see. As I mentioned in yesterdays thread it

Subsequent GTD reflections

So, good news and bad news.  First is that we're still going to have a weekly recap of the bestestestest comments by you fine folk.  The bad news is that the new authoUr of this series is GTD and his warped sense of, well, everything will be pickering the comments. 

Tuesday nights open threads

What up all? As always, I hope you're as well as can be considering all the shit going on in the world these days.  I try to stay away from politics, but only one more sleep until there's a new president, so that's a plus, i think. I'm hoping it's

Random Tuesday in January open thread

Hey all, I hope you're well or well as can be considering all the shit that going on ( pandemic, politics, vaccine roll out, whatever).  In my corner of the world, it was announced today that as of 12:01 AM Thursday that the province of Ontario is under "stay-at-home" orders.  Which

It’s only Tuesday open thread?

Hey all, hope you're well and sticking to whatever resolutions you made.  I plan to start to eat less crap and just less in general.  We also started a new budgeting thingy, so want to continue with that as well, with the hopes of someday retiring with moar than a

Last Tuesday of 2020 open thread

Hey all, this is your "crap I've got to write the open thread for tonight and just remembered even thought I've been sitting around all day doing sweet fuck all" Tuesday night open thread.  Hope you are all well and that your sugar and gravy levels are returning to normal

Another Tuesday Night opens thread

Are you ready for some football Christmas?  It's only 10 days away now. I was at the mall last week to try to finish some of my shopping.  That's the first time since I was in a mall since March.  Had to answer a bunch of questions on the way

It’s December already!?! Tuesday night open thread

As BGR is on the IR with a shoulder owie (wishing him a most speedy recovery) there is a little known DFO bylaw that states that the Tuesday night open thread should be done by a Canadian with three words in their screen name.  Who knew? So, as one of the

PLL season wrap up

Hi everyone. How are you today? Well, I hope. Ready for some more lacrosse? No? Too bad, wait for the next post. Yes? Read on. Since I managed to watch all of the these games, we're doing a game recap for each game. Elimination Round Chrome (2) vs Chaos(7) From Draft Kings, Chrome were the heavy favoUrite, but