Monday Morning Mock Draft: Action!

Hey, it's 11:34 pm and while pouring the last beer of the weekend I realized that I'd forgotten the mock draft.  I didn't feel too bad, since I spent literally hours putting together the mock draft for Thursday's night's open thread and live-blog of the NFL Draft extravaganza, doing so

Monday Morning Mock Drafts: Let’s Team Up

Today we're going for a bit of a niche topic, but a niche topic with passionate fans.  Some of you are wrestling fans and will know whereof I speak.  Myself, I got way into wrestling in 7th or 8th grade.  Not the real wrestling mind you; that would have involved

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Jump That Shark!

(That shark in the featured image looks so happy) Continuing my streak of doing very little work on these this year, this week's topic is another one from Scotchnaut:  Something that has lost it's way, whether that something be a band, a team, a politician, two kids in the woods who

Monday Morning Mock Drafts: Plant It!

Good morning.  Whoever had "Week 4" (is it 5?  Maybe it's 5), in the "When Will Horatio Forget To Have The Mock Draft Ready To Go First Thing In The Morning?" please go to the window and collect your winnings. I meant to get this done last night, but Mrs. Horatio

Monday Morning Mock Draft: God I Hate That Guy

This weeks' draft comes from Scotchnaut, a frequent contributor to these topics and local hobo control.  The less said about the latter the better I suppose, but as to the former he's got a solid topic this week, so here we go. This week we're picking players or coaches that you

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Heeeeeeere’s Johnny!

Once again we've reached that long, dreary slog known as the NFL off-season.  We're looking at 6 months with no football of any note, and yes I am fully aware of something called 'the XFL.'  Much like the question of whether single people eat crackers I'm not sure it's a

Hey, Who Wants To Draft Something?

So, like the author of the previous post, I have been swamped at work lately.  It turns out that taking most of the first two weeks of the year off, followed by getting Covid, leads to all sorts of things besides your sinuses getting backed up, and of course for