Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hindsight is 20/20

We're back this week, now that the insanity of the opening rounds of the World Cup are over and we can focus a but.  As I write this Brazil is facing off against South Korea in the knock-out rounds, Croatia having earlier advanced against Japan on penalty kicks.  South Korea

World Cup (of Slave Labour) 2022: Here Come The Danes!

Now there's a sentence you don't want to yell too loudly around Lindisfarne. The Danish National Soccer team is nicknamed "The Red & Whites" in a fine display of the kind of over-the-top theatrical flair we've come to expect from our Scandinavian brothers and sisters.  Seriously, can't you guys put down

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hindsight is 20/20

Happy Monday afternoon folks.  It's time once again for our newest and, if not loved, at least acknowledged feature of drafting things you'd change from last week's games.  Keep in mind that these extend from last Monday through Sunday night, so if there's something you've been stewing about for a

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hindsight Is 20/20

Another week done in the NFL.  This Thursday, (fun fact, I haven't watched a minute of any of the Thursday games, and my life is richer for it), we'll be halfway through yet another NFL, perhaps fittingly as the days get shorter and darker.  So it goes. I'll be honest, I

Monday Morning Mock Draft: SUDDEN CHANGE!!!

As our more astute readers will recall, we brought the Mock Drafts back in-season for the sole purpose of drafting things that we would change from the games on Sunday, as well as the previous Thursday and Monday.  It was such a hit that we got literally...several comments. Like Ryan Shazier,

Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hindsight Is 20/20

We're bringing back the Monday Mock Drafts, because the #content monster needs to be fed, and because things get a little thin during the week during the season.  The twist is that the topic will be the same every week, just like the CBS prime time line-up.  All Chicago, all

LaboUr Day Open Thread

I'm filling in for Don T this evening, who is busy doing...something else, I guess. I didn't ask. I just assume it has something to do with vengeance against a poorly run power company. Best not to get too involved. Like most Americans I had Labor Day off, one

Monday Morning Mock Draft:

Turns out it only takes me taking Friday off to get a four day weekend to forget what day it is by Sunday. It also didn't help that today is Labor Day, a day Americans celebrate by burning the flag and venerating our home shrines to Eugene V. Debs. I'll