DFO Radio: Percussion

Welcome to another Tuesday edition of DFO Radio!  Last week's Request Line was rushed because I was on my way to a wedding weekend in Montecito.  It was a lovely affair; the bride and groom are lovely people and the only thing anyone could complain about with regards to the

Request Line: Percussion

Good day to you!  Due to time constraints, I wasn't able to write up a sketch for today's Request Line.  That's all right, that's okay, I'll write about the madcap adventures of the PRODUCER, CONNOR THE INTERN, DJ 3000, and WHATEVER CRAZY NUTBALL SHOWS UP AS A GUEST HOST some

DFO Radio: Navigation

Given the avalanche of #kontent yesterday, I held DFO Radio for today.  Let's just say it got lost along the way. Curiously, Mitchell Trubisky kind of blew a hole in his own kharacter by looking rather competent in his debut.  Apparently he has yet to realize what team he's playing for.

Request Line: Holding Out

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. The PRODUCER is bustling outside the studio, getting everything ready for the show.  A mountainous man sits in the broadcast booth, with a vague smirk on his face. PRODUCER: ...and so you're all set? DONALD PENN: [punches talkback button] Absolutely. PRODUCER: Fantastic.  The commercial break is wrapping up, so