INT. SCOTT HANSON’S OFFICE – DAY VARIABLE KENT is sitting in an office chair, having just finished telling his story. SCOTT HANSON is standing silently, fascinated by KENT's unbelievable story of intrigue, betrayal, and murder. PETER KING is seated on the edge of HANSON's desk, sipping his coffee and staring blithely
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
DFO Radio: Makin’ It Rain
Request Line: Making it Rain
Ben and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
DFO Radio: [Trick] Plays
Request Line: [Trick] Plays
DFO Radio: Pretty Good Friday
Request Line: Pretty Good Friday
Haslam Shrugged
DFO Radio: I’m Gonna Crawl
Greetings! I hope you made it through the first weekend of March Madness with your sanity (and by some divine Providence your final four bracket) intact. I've been fielding a visit from my brother-in-law and his family and keeping everyone entertained has robbed me of significant sleep, so while this