What's new in the world, one might ask. Not fuck shit, one might answer. Appreciate this last weekend of both (i) full FITBAW schedule; and (ii) liberal democracy. Hey, there's a better than 50/50 shot prong (i) will at least come around again. Depends on when the shooting wars start, I reckon. Presumably,
Author: King Hippo
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Wild Card Weekend, 2024 Season
YEEEHHHHHAAAAAWWWWW, Wild Card Weekend means SIX games now, not that they all lived up to any sort of billing. Very briefly recapping Saturday, the 500s started horribly, then flipped on a dime and ass-blasted Clippers du Merde, 32-12. A Scorigami and everything! Houston springing to life could have maybe inspired the Yinzers
Frozen Hades-Scape Saturday Pre-Footy Thread
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 18, 2024 Season
Wake Me Up When Dyche Gets the Sack (Saturday Open Thread)
We’ve Only Just Begun (2025) Footy Thread
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 17, 2024 Season
Sunless Saturday Early Thread
Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 16, 2024 Season
Whew, Uncle Teddy is back. I know y'all missed his handsome mug. JV fixtures were all bad, and the NFL proper slate looked...less than promising. Oddly, Black Panthers/Qards was maybe the most competitive (while still resembling professional FITBAW) early matchup. As Balding Spiritually noted, Charlotte's finest led 20-3 and 30-20, and
Everton are Freeeeeee(dkin)! and Other FITBAW Matters
So much going on in sportsball. Uncle Teddy takes a one-Saturday ciggy break, to celebrate ball-gargling, money-laundering, fuckhead fraud Fahrad Moshiri finally OUT of my beloved club. There is no way The Friedkin Group can be any worse, despite being American-led. FUN FACT! If Dyche gets sacked in the morning agter