BattleBots Beat: Ode to a Giant Robot

Welcome back to the Beat! This week should be the Beaties, a nice wrap-up (except for the bonus fights) and at least cromulent award post, even though there aren't any good fasteners left to have as awards. Nuts and bolts are from BattleBots, the Giant Screw was a joke award,

BattleBots Beat: Still Not a Sweet 16 (and also Your “Hoisting Giant Nuts” Championship Friday Evening Open Thread)

Welcome back to the Beat! Last time out, HyperShock was hoisted on its own petard, Son of Whyachi actually got revenge, and Cobalt had good enough DI to not get killed off the top by Minotaur's up smash, even if it still lost the fight. And then after press time

Way Too Many Words on the Jets at the Bye: A Jets at the Bye Post

Can I count those as way too many words? I mean I'll ramble to get to the minimum because this is me. Hmm, what to say considering I've watched about one half of Jets football. The Jets decided to take a page from the most successful team in New York, the

BattleBots Beat: The 25-Bot Bracket (…Kinda)

Hi everyone, welcome back to the Beat! Last week, Brazil beat the FC-named team, Bite Force went a ho-hum 4-0, and Hydra grabbed the torch from Bronco. This week, it's a special playoff thing, but it's not the top 16! The powers that be that is known as the BattleBots Tournament

BattleBots Beat: Okay, Panic

Welcome back to the Beat! Last time out, Yeti made Redshirt sad, Bronco went retro, and HyperShock still couldn't beat Bite Force. That's okay, nobody else currently in the field can! This has been your reminder that the only robot to beat Bite Force in 3+ seasons is Chomp with

BattleBots Beat: Some of This Might Go Badly

Welcome back to the Beat, where we get severals, nay, fews of +1s on the Reddits! Good news, I haven't gotten angry cease & desist messages from anyone, so… yay? Anyway, last time was the midseason roundtable where robots got together and yelled their opinions on this season. As for

Another Jets Preview in the Underworld, 2019 Edition

Right, this. Uh, shit. I haven't been down in a while, being busy and all. Eh, let's start this and I imagine someone will call and yell at me. So! Another year, another Jets preview. Oh, another coach, this time replacing Todd "Not Sally" Bowles (I've wanted to use that for a