CFL Beat: Week 16

It's Thanksgiving long weekend! Well, the proper Thanksgiving weekend, if you ask me. Not too cold, not too commercial, and football has arranged itself nicely around my eating schedule for the weekend in not one, but two leagues! In between a long-running turkey coma and the usual NFL RedZone Sunday

CFL Beat: Week 15

With all the tragedy of the previous week, including the loss of both Jose Fernandez and Arnold Palmer on the same day, a third incident from Sunday, September 25th received a lot of attention north of the border, but might not have made the rounds as much on ESPN and


We got ourselves a presidential debate tonight! In teeny tiny little Hofstra University, a liberal arts college on Long Island, we have some of the greatest minds of our generation Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton duking it out tonight for millions of Americans to watch and converse lively about,

CFL Beat: Week 13

In case Week 1 of the NFL season hasn't been exciting enough for you, (looking at you, readership segment that enjoys smoking meth then jumping out of cargo planes without parachutes), there's always... BLOCKBUSTER MIDSEASON CFL TRADES! Oh yes, folks, there were two big deals made on Sunday, September 11th,

CFL Beat: Week 11

With the closure of Week 10, we are officially halfway through the CFL regular season! If you haven't been paying attention thus far, that's fine; the old diehards, such as Gord from Shaunavon, SK, Mitch from Yarmouth, NS, and Gord from Orillia, ON, all swear that "the real CFL season

ALL HAIL BLEERGH: Your 2016 New England Patriots Preview

[INT. - NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS TRAINING CAMP.] [A full moon shines over the night sky at Gillette Stadium, as an eerie quiet settles over the sleepy town of Foxborough, MA.] [No wind blows, and no streetlights shine. All is pitch dark, and an image slowly fades into focus as the viewer's eyes

CFL Beat: Week 9

So, a cool thing I learned this week: CFL officials will be working NFL preseason games for the first time ever as of Thursday, August 18th, as part of a new joint officials development program between both leagues. NFL officials have worked CFL games so far this season as Side

CFL Beat: Week 8

So after the Hall of Fame Game debacle earlier this week, I guess I was wrong - real football's return was premature. At any rate, maybe it will give you pause to pay more attention to this week's matchups in the meantime, even with preseason games finally beginning tonight! I

CFL Beat: Week 7

Real football is back at last! And by "real football", I of course mean the fact that NFL training camps have returned after much anticipation. I'm expecting the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to be knocking on my door to investigate me for treasonous statements any second... though realistically, since CSIS