Sexy Friday, One Week Until Christmas! edition

While this year things will be a LOT different, there is something eternal about giving each other gifts and telling each other how much we care for each other. As you may or may not know, I am more of a glass half full and it's half full of something delicious

The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo III

Senor: …Seamus? tWBS has a hand on his head and a hand on the ground to try and prevent himself from falling. Because falling down the mountain would suck. tWBS: Stoning… not the fun kind… (he comes to) Shit. I was here the whole time? Senor: And muttering something about stoning, and not

Sexy Friday, Have you done your Xmas shopping yet edition

Today is December 11, 2020, which means there are only 2 weeks until Christmas Day, which means you need to make sure you buy all the presents you need to buy like SOON. With all the lockdowns and restrictions, I don't think a last-minute trip to the mall is in store

Sexy Friday, It’s December! edition

Holy Moly how is it already December?!? It seems only yesterday that it was March and St. Patrick's Day parties got cancelled because of some weird disease coming from China. I remember people thinking and saying everything would be fine in a couple of weeks. Ah, good times. However,

The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo I

Place: Walking into the first terrace, through the gate of PurgatoryTime: About twenty seconds after the previous chapter tWBS: So, I can't look back, huh? So what if I do this? (He looks back.) Senor: Dude, n— The two are seemingly teleported the several hundred feet back to where they started, the gate of

The D of S, Vol. II: Alle Porte del Purgatorio

Through the climb of Ante-Purgatory, about five minutes after the last volume ended TWBS: Hey, why'd you do that? We could have watched football and had beer and nachos with Gerry Ford! Senor: As much fun as that would have been we have to move. I know, it's unfortunate, but we would've

Sexy Friday, pre-American-Thanksgiving Day edition

Today we will NOT have pictures of girls dressed up as turkeys or pumpkins or anything like that. Thanks to Spur, we will have a very special Sexy Friday featuring plenty of meat. For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music

The D of S, Vol II: Ante-Purgatorio

Place: On the boat to the shores Purgatory TWBS: So, what are they all singing? (As per last installment.) Senor: In exitu Israel de Aegypto, "When Israel Came Out of Egypt." There's gonna be some Gregorian chants here, you've been warned. TWBS: Well that sucks. That's shit music that died out centuries ago. Senor: