We are once again BACK to recapping the best comments of the week! As a reminder, this post will cover comments made up to and through the Saturday Night Open Thread. Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post. *** DFO Comments O' The Week! And now, Senor
Insane Shit
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXIX
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 17: Homemade Invisible Ink
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo III
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVIII
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 16: Little Bags of Mystery
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo II
Place: Approaching the second terrace of Purgatory. Hence the name of the chapter and all. tWBS: So, what's this place going to be? We already took on pride. How about prejudice? Senor: *takes a sec before chuckling* That was really dumb. tWBS: Hey, you laughed. Senor: Because it was dumb! Anyway… I guess you
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 15: Victorian Death Photography
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo I
Place: Walking into the first terrace, through the gate of PurgatoryTime: About twenty seconds after the previous chapter tWBS: So, I can't look back, huh? So what if I do this? (He looks back.) Senor: Dude, n— The two are seemingly teleported the several hundred feet back to where they started, the gate of
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 14: The London Beer Flood
The D of S, Vol. II: Alle Porte del Purgatorio
Through the climb of Ante-Purgatory, about five minutes after the last volume ended TWBS: Hey, why'd you do that? We could have watched football and had beer and nachos with Gerry Ford! Senor: As much fun as that would have been we have to move. I know, it's unfortunate, but we would've