Hey, you're all busy doing that Xmas-y stuff and you need a break just so that you don't wring some family member's neck. Sit down, cool off and watch some football. That's the ticket! To The Game! Bengals/Steelers: -Pickett is still missing, Rudolf The Struggling QB is starting, their top three safeties are
Sexy Friday – 20231222
TGIF! Hope everyone enjoyed the last serious work week of the year. And I doubly hope everyone enjoys this upcoming weekend. Survival - Personal Edition Today's totally relevant situation involves the desert! Let's say you were smart enough to bring a bunch of beverages with you, but not so much that you
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Well, Well, Well, How the Turntables
Your Thursday Night NFL Football Open Thread
Can you believe it's week 16 already? There's only 48 more regular season games to play, friends. Tidbits: -Chase has been officially ruled out for the game against the free-falling (and falling apart) Steelers. I'm sure they'll turn things around. How do I know? A valued source informed me that Tomlin visited
Your Monday Night Football Open Thread
So much going on, let's head on over to... Fallout: -Birds Are People Too!: James Audubon would be pissed! The Niners have beaten the Seahawks, Eagles, Seahawks again and the Cardinals the last four weeks. Up next week? The Ravens. -As per his namesake, King Henry made some history yesterday-by running 16 times
Your Gentle Sunday Evening Open Thread (with football goodness)
Even More Football? Here’s Your Sign, Er, Open Thread
Let's keep the good times rolling. To The Games! Niners/Cards: Potential upset here? The Cards have unlikely wins vs the Cowboys and Steelers and gave the Ravens a run for their money. I guess they're able to pounce if a team doesn't take them seriously. Otherwise it's same old, same old despite the
More Football? Yup! Your Open Thread
Your Saturday Night NFL Football Open Thread
I'd just like to say that if I comment early in this thread it means that I've mustered the courage to blow off my wife's extended family's Christmas get-together. I'll continue to think about the consequences... To The Game! Broncos/Lions: -More playoff desperation ahoy! -Despite losing two of their last three Detroit still has