Your AFC North Bash-Up Open Thread

Hey, you're all busy doing that Xmas-y stuff and you need a break just so that you don't wring some family member's neck. Sit down, cool off and watch some football. That's the ticket! To The Game! Bengals/Steelers: -Pickett is still missing, Rudolf The Struggling QB is starting, their top three safeties are

Sexy Friday – 20231222

TGIF! Hope everyone enjoyed the last serious work week of the year. And I doubly hope everyone enjoys this upcoming weekend. Survival - Personal Edition Today's totally relevant situation involves the desert! Let's say you were smart enough to bring a bunch of beverages with you, but not so much that you

Your Monday Night Football Open Thread

So much going on, let's head on over to... Fallout: -Birds Are People Too!: James Audubon would be pissed! The Niners have beaten the Seahawks, Eagles, Seahawks again and the Cardinals the last four weeks. Up next week? The Ravens. -As per his namesake, King Henry made some history yesterday-by running 16 times

Your Saturday Night NFL Football Open Thread

I'd just like to say that if I comment early in this thread it means that I've mustered the courage to blow off my wife's extended family's Christmas get-together. I'll continue to think about the consequences... To The Game! Broncos/Lions: -More playoff desperation ahoy! -Despite losing two of their last three Detroit still has