Sexy Friday, June is also a girl’s name edition

Enough has been said about protests and all that, so I won't discuss that subject. Most of the major European soccer leagues are returning soon. Sports are slowly and surely restarting, which is a good thing. *** Sprots News By this time next week, AFL will have already played the first games

Dead Sexy Friday: A tWBS Tribute

As you all know from Don T's Wednesday post, the man we all knew as tWBS passed away on Monday. FWIW, as he would write, it seems he passed away in his sleep without suffering. So, that's something. Many of us got to know him in real life and we're lucky

Your “Don’t Forget To Keep Fit” Friday Evening Open Thread

In this time of...well whatever we want to call it.  Let's say "Teh Viruhl Threat"?  And with the social distancing thingy, etc.  It's easy to become complacent and just nap on the couch while watching documentaries and game shows. (stop looking at me like that) ((OK fine, yes that's mostly what I've

Your “Maybe This Was A Bad Idea” Friday Evening Open Thread

Hello there imaginary friends. No one needs to hear me talk this week.  So I'm not gonna.  Well not much at least. For the most part it seems all of us are holding our own (no pun intended).  And I'm happy for that.  I wish all of you and yours the very

Your “Not Even Close To A Good Friday Let Alone Eggcellent” Friday Evening Open Thread

I like Jeebus.  Even though I'm not particularly religious I really do mean that.  He was a good dude.  Brave.  Cared about people.  And did a lot of things to try to help make their lives better at his own peril.   God or not, he had balls.  Can't deny it.  Go

Your “There’s No Place Like Home” Friday Evening Open Thread

As with many communities across the country, my locale has instituted martial law beginning 2 hours ago.  Well, martial law might be an overstatement I suppose, but not by much.  But according to them I'm not allowed to go anywhere.  And I could be fined and/or jailed if I'm not