It is March Madness and I'm here for it! I have absolutely no rooting interests whatsoever, so it's fun to see how teams self destruct and rescue defeat from the jaws of victory. So, aside from college basketball, what is there to talk about? Current Events We are now in the Second
Tag: Balls of Steel
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 7
Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 2025-7
It became a wonderful week, when I read that Weaselo's Dad is doing better. I hope everything continues going well and he makes a full recovery! So, aside from good health news, what is there to talk about? Current Events This week, the conference championships for college basketball were held. Now, I
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 6
Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 2025-6
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 5
AFL Beat 2025 – Season Preview!
Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 2025-5
I don't know why the phrase, "Omigod you're going to make me watch Italian cinema!" pops into my head right now. God Bless You, 2Pack! And God bless those gorgeous Italian ladies... So, aside from insanely hot Europeans, what is there to talk about? Current Events This week culminated with Trump telling the Ukrainian