So, good news and bad news. First is that we're still going to have a weekly recap of the bestestestest comments by you fine folk. The bad news is that the new authoUr of this series is GTD and his warped sense of, well, everything will be pickering the comments.
Tag: Commentist Participation
2020 Quotables – Divisional Round (Results)
2020 Quotables – Divisional Round (Submissions)
2020 Quotables – Week 17 (Results)
2020 Quotables – Week 17 (Submissions)
2020 Quotables – Week 16 (Results)
2020 Quotables – Week 16 (Submissions)
As of the publishing of this, I should be back-2-back fantasy football champion. So, I guess you could say 2020 has been alright. ::Checks that three-martini lunch tax break was included in Covid relief bill:: Yes, a good year indeed. Anyways, this is the penultimate Quotables of the 2020 regular season. So, if