Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

All photoshops courtesy Low Commander Welcome to the second day of the Second Annual DFO Hate Week™, brought to you by Levonorgestrel, a lack of self-awareness, and Gillette! Today, we discuss the Patriots. You might remember them from such attempted schadenfreudes as: Super Bowl XLIX, and Super Bowl LI. So, how many rings is that, Tom? /has small

Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Monday Evening Open Thread

Welcome to the Second Annual DFO Hate Week™, brought to you by the Minnesota Department of Tourism, collective disgust, and Slim Jims. Tonight is the night where we reflect on the shitty state of the League, and all the events that have conspired to create a Super Bowl© that a majority

Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week Extra Day” Monday Evening and also Tuesday Morning Open Thread

2017 Fade in:  Int. Buffalo Wild Wings, Wichita, KS, 9:30 pm. Patrons stare at the screen, in disbelief or joy at what they had just witnessed. Under the table Winston's feet made convulsive movements. He had not stirred from his seat, but in his mind he was running, swiftly running, he was with the crowds