Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Previews and Last Reviews

Let's actually start with the latter. I was all set to do the Beaties this week (though that would apparently require time to think about and write the thang ding), but then BattleBots dropped this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk0fgYlaack I'm not going to do a full play-by-play because you can just watch the thang ding—erhem,

Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 5

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe

Your “July Eve” Thursday Night Open Thread

*Featured Photo Credit From Here Brace yourselves, but the year is halfway over.  That's right, tomorrow is July, the beginning of a four day weekend for Scotchy and Horatio, the start of a regular work weekend for Archduke LaCross, and a countdown to Independence Day festivities for most of us working