2021 Quotables – Week 5 (Results)

Look, I'm tired but I'm also much too proud to ask anyone to cover for me here. Why? Because, like ol' Double-J, I'd rather put up a pile of garbage molded by [holds up two ashy appendages] THESE HANDS! [lowers aforementioned appendages] than go all...well....all...look, John Gruden knows what I'm

2021 Quotables – Week 5 (Submissions)

These NFL coaches eh? I mean, maybe it's just that the NFLPA has gotten better about deflecting press coverage from their litany of arrests, women-smacking, and drug use. Of course, we're talking like 1,700 rostered players vs 32 head coaches. Anyone care to ask the black players in the league

2021 Quotables – Week 4 (Results)

I'm sitting in a HYBRID (yes, the future is an amazing place!) industry trade meeting this morning and we're going over the organization's budget for the coming years. One note that I saw on a slide was that our food budget for an Indianapolis event is greater than for a

2021 Quotables – Week 4 (Submissions)

Alright we're only going to do this one time. And we're only even doing that because I'm trying to get some of those #budlightlimeritalightupforwhateverwazzzupfrogs ad bucks floating this way. Sure Hippo Thoughts brings the readers but does that work cover the PILLZBILLZ? Very much no, as one may surmise. And

2021 Quotables – Week 3 (Results)

Happy Friday, all, and welcome to another results edition of Quotables. Once again we find Mr Sebastian Blax is short on chit chat and struggling to meet archaic word count requirements imposed by the fascist [DFO] regime. But this week, I've got a plan! Well, the [DFO] equivalent of a clear

2021 Quotables – Week 2 (Results)

Not bad but not too good either. Are we talking about: (1) Carolina Panthers Football Club on Thursday Night Football; (2) Deshaun Watson's legal outlook; (3) Your Week 2 Quotables submissions? WIth over 1/9th of the regular season behind us (also know as "The Entire Season" to Urban Meyer), it will soon be time to

2021 Quotables – Week 2 (Submissions)

Welcome all to some Week 2 Quotables. We're posting on Wednesday so you've all got a Color Rush-free short week. You can complain about it all you want but the [DFO] owners are always looking to spread around #content because they want this site to be a 7-days-a-week bookmark. Just

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   With foutbawl back we've back to our in season schedule.  Monday started