Must Hate See T.V. – 2016 G.O.P. Line Up Announced

/Stadium lights darken and fog machine kicks in
//Music and laser show began

///Screen flashes “R U E


Coming in first he is leading the poles and not just the ones where he finds his future wives. The man who has shown the easiest way to make $5 million is by starting with $10 Million  – Donald “Made in China” Trump

In 2nd is the man who says he is not his brother, but his brother is his best foreign policy adviser. – Jeb “the Chosen One” Bush!!!!

Jokers have played him for a fool this past week, but back in Wisconsin he made the Unions look like fools it’s – Scott “These Boots were Made for”  Walker

He made headlines bashing Obama to his face at a prayer breakfast and said prisons prove being gay is a choice. – Ben “the Brain” Carson

He’s been described as having Obama’s education with Sarah Palin’s politics. He is the pride of Canada, the Terror of Texas, and a real Wild Stallion – Ted Theodore Cruz Esquire!

Next up we have your Uncle’s favorite candidate. He once said he would dress up like a woman to shower with a bunch of teenage girls – Mike “No <3” Huckabee

This next legislator has a keen eye of defense. Going as far as voting against his own Immigration Bill. His grab for power is more awkward than his grab for water – Marco “Don’t Say Polo” Rubio

He is named for the writer of the book most Neo-Con’s swear they have read, and we are not talking about the Bible.–  Rand “the South Park Conservative” Paul

This man needs no introductions you read his name and think “MMMM Krispy Kreme Donuts”. More Republicans would vote for him, but he accidentally shook hands with Obama after Hurricane Sandy. Chris “For whom the Bridge Tolls” Christie

And coming in last taking the 10th seat. The man who thinks only God fearing immigrants should be allowed into this country– John “Who Am I” Kasich
The remaining candidates get to hang out at the kiddy table where they will have the opportunity to talk to that weird kid who isn’t allowed to read Harry Potter because something something witchcraft.

There you have it folks tune in a Thursday night at 9PM and drink heavily and mystify at the spectacle of our supposed saviors from Hilary Clinton assault Cleveland, or just watch to hear what troll questions slip into the moderation via Facebook.

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This is a weird sexbag question.

Old School Zero

The thing that strikes me here is that these are all reasonable discussions that could involve measurable facts and figures and historical evidence and other inputs that go into reasonable discussions, with a focus on a greater good, and that people may not always see eye to eye on but could come to reasonable conclusions and compromises and work on moving forward on… but instead, there are not reasonable discussions, there is only yelling and spin and blaming and demonizing and ignorance by a majority of the loud, yelling voices involved, so nothing gets done and no real issues get addressed and entropy continues.

Not to mention we don’t even get at huge issues in terms of justice and equality and things like why we feel the need to prioritize making only a few amazingly wealthy individuals at the cost of further indebtedness and poverty for so many.

Great, now I have to drink at work. THANKS OBAMA DUCHESS!

Brick Meathook

But what about Thin Mints?


Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I, too, have basically switched from Republican to Democrat over the last 20 years by essentially not changing the way I think about anything. The parties have shifted under our feet. In today’s world, the GOP would treat Reagan like Howard Dean.


/Begin strong take

Edit: Never mind.


/End strong take

Old School Zero

I enjoyed your strong take.


I can’t wait to watch Donald Trump make fun of Chris Christie for being fat and Scott Walker for being poor.


Yeah, sad part is (for me, anyway) I had Mike Huckabee as the batshit crazy darkhorse that would make watching the debates a lot of fun.

You know what that means… THANKS TRUMP!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is really insulting!!!

*To Grandpa!

Brick Meathook

FUN FACT: Al Lewis, who played Grandpa Munster, was actually younger than Yvonne DeCarlo, who played his daughter Lily.

FUN FACT: Al Lewis and Fred Gwynne rode in The Munstermobile in full costume in the 1964 Macys Thanksgiving Parade. Both were drinking during the parade, and Fred Gwynne was hurling four-letter invectives at the children lining the parade route, forcing the studio representative riding with them to continuously increase the volume of the Munster’s theme song that was blaring from speakers attached to the car.

FUN FACT: Tony Curtis fucked Yvonne DeCarlo.

Lothar of the Hill People

FUN FACT: Yvonne DeCarlo was smoking hot. She and Yul Brynner chewing scenery are the main reasons I watch The Ten Commandments.

Lothar of the Hill People

That is, I mean Yul Brynner chewing scenery and Yvonne DeCarlo looking hot are the main reasons I watch The Ten Commandments. Yvonne doesn’t chew scenery. She mainly just looks disappointed that Charlton Heston isn’t giving her the D.

Brick Meathook

“Everyone enjoys a good Yvonne DeCarlo story”
Tony Curtis on David letterman’s NBC show, 1993


While this is good, my favorite description of Ted Cruz is “a man wearing an ill-fitting Ted Cruz mask.”

Old School Zero

Even more reasons to watch RFD’s 4thAndGoal on Twitch on Thursday.


(Well done article)


I’m actually looking forward to that. Those were fun last year.


Wait, 4thandGoal is back?


My contribution to this political discourse is penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis


“YEAH! STICK TO JORTS!” – St. Louis Cardinals fans

Brick Meathook


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The mix of candidates on either side is so fucking bad…. and the wrong ones even at that, have most of the money the “citizens united” brought into the process.

So thread jack, jack.

But of course the crown of bat-shit crazy, ignorant, religious nut job-iest goes to the Repubs


We are having an election up here in the wilds of Canuckistan too! The announcement was made Sunday for an Oct 19th vote.
People are shitting bricks about an ELEVEN WEEK campaign. Can’t imagine how the two years of negative ads would fly here.
Great to have a front row seat, though. My cable gives me Detroit and Seattle network feeds. (with the fucking local ads cut into anything worth watching. Nice to come out of a commercial and see the ball has already been snapped.)

upstate underdog

O.k., I like to consider my-self as a conservatarian, and I have no idea who I would vote for right now.


As an Independent voter with no party affiliation, this is like watching the NFC South battling last year to see who can get into the playoffs. Then again, the Panthers won, so I guess they’re hoping Hilary tears an ACL, Biden tears a groin, and the political equivalent of Ryan Lindley takes over?


TRUMPMANIA may end up being the undoing of someone like Walker, who I genuinely believe(d) was a very credible threat to not only win the nomination, but, give Hillary a fight.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Walker was never any threat to Hilary. Neither is Trump*, who is in fact a threat only to the rest of the GOP field. I swear, watching him is like watching extended performance art.

*Basically, none of these guys will be able to muster the electoral votes needed. The GOP have sewn up local elections at the cost of winning the big national prize.

King Hippo

Hillary’s biggest threat to Hillary is Hillary. Well, and Bill’s penis/ego combo platter.

Lothar of the Hill People

Walker is so, so, so bad at interviews and media interactions that I didn’t think he ever had a chance on the national stage. He’d get torn apart.

The only reason Walker seemed to be a serious candidate was all his Koch money.

Hell, that seems to be the only reason most of the GOP field are “serious” candidates–billionaire supporters.

I think without all the money, it’d be Jeb! (mainstream GOP/name recognition candidate), Huckabee (southern/evangelical candidate), and Marco Rubio or Rand Paul as the anti-establishment dark horse. Between those three choices, the GOP would nominate Jeb! as the best alternative to President Hillary.

But with all this money, my bet is that since Rubio is the most polished of the nutball candidates who has a large bankroll, he’s going toe-to-toe with Jeb! and Trump, and Trump/Rubio will be your GOP ticket. Though that’s only if Trump doesn’t say something even more stupid than John McCain isn’t a war hero because he was a POW. So really, Trump’s going to flame out–it’s just a question of when.


That would be fine with me and the most useful thing Trump could do. I’ve always thought Walker was the most potentially awful serious candidate. That guy has some pretty fucked up ideas.

King Hippo

Any other Pubs other than Duchess and Lord Revisisle wanna come out of the closet? You guys could RiveBrog it for us liberal dickbags.

Lothar of the Hill People

One of the things that consistently surprised me about KSK and the Kommentariat was the generally left-of-center politics. That, and all the education. We’ve got J.D.s, M.D.s, Ph.D.s… any MBAs?


/raises hand holding semi-useful MBA

The left lean doesn’t surprise me that much as the more creative types I’ve known tend to lean left.

It doesn’t surprise me the politics of the Kommentariat is more diverse than it would appear based on the posts of the contributors.

King Hippo

I would say that what sets the Kommentariat apart is more that I am happy to share football, dick jokes, and beer/heroin with any of you fine people regardless of who you vote for. Because I don’t think any of us arrived at our belief system based on racism or ignorance, and I’m pretty certain we all accept the basic principles of the Enlightenment.

Really, I don’t ask for much from society.

I'll Be Bach

Don’t leave out the D.M.A.s…

/kid’s table at the academic Thanksgiving.


*stakes claim for M.S.s*

Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood

Oh man, this is gonna be so awesome it’s beyond words. I’m making popcorn.


Kanye West, please interrupt this debate


Speaking of not people that can’t win a general election, I’m sitting here having a drink while I wait for the lady to meet me for dinner, and I’m 83% sure the old guy in the corner of the restaurant is Mark Twain.


Take my governor. Please. I’m in NC, but I expect this applies in quite a few states. Some are already trying.

King Hippo

It would be nice if we’uns still had a functioning Demmycratic party at the State level. Sadly, we’re down to Roy Cooper (who’s raising lots of money but not running a great campaign) and who I feel is the last hope, Auditor Janet Cowell. I believe she was right to sit this cycle out, in terms of seeking higher office.

As far as our idiot Governor, I think it comes down to whether the moneyed powers-that-be decide they can live with the GOP super-majority and a pretty docile Cooper and cut the moe-ron loose. If they decide they want to keep the idiot, I have no doubt he will win,

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sigh… the local elections, where idiotic fucking democrats don’t vote. We have school board members that want to teach creationism and make the history books more “patriotic”….. no, not Texas, this is in the blue red mix of Colorado.


JeffCo or Douglas County? Good times here in Denver. The Sunshine State. Gorgeous.


There are two things that keep me from being a Republican:

1. The unholy alliance between the GOP and the religious right; and
2. Their consistent and cynical use of gay people and ethnic minorities as drivers of fear in order to whip their voters into a frenzy.

Since none of that shit will ever end, I’m a reliable democratic voter even though the Democrats don’t really represent what I believe.

Now be that as it may, I just registered to vote in Massachusetts as an independent which means that I can vote in either primary. I will be voting for Trump because I want to see how far this thing can go. CONSEQUENCES BE DAMNED