Your “SUPER HUMP DAY!” Wednesday Open Thread

In Super Bowl news, Broncs Safety Ryan Murphy (practice squad) has never heard of Eugene Robinson. Yeah that  Eugene Robinson. Murphy was stung by a prostitution sting. The good news for Murphy, according to my understanding of bee stings is that it can only be done once and then the cop that arrested you dies. Way to protect that hive, worker cop. Asked for comment, the NFL Players Association said, “Why do you give us so much down time at night? It’s completely the Broncos and the NFL’s fault!” Apparently Megatron is retiring. As he leaves the city of Detroit via the Barry Sanders Memorial Off-Ramp, Martha Ford will ask a bewildered intern, “How many mules did we get for him and for how much?-this celery cap business is perplexing!” before easing herself into a hot tub filled with Gower Champion look-a-likes. It turns out that Kenny Stabler had the CTE. Absolutely no one familiar with the way the game was played in the 70’s is surprised.

The NHL’s markee (American spelling) game is Wings/Lightning. Make of that what you will. The NBA responds with a big bag of “We might do better tomorrow-we’re not sure…”. The college ball gives us #3 Nova,  #4 Maryland, #5 Iowa, #6 Xavier, #7 Kansas, #9 UVA, #17 Miami, #21 Wichita State and #23 Arizona. Somebody is doing some heavy lifting…

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Doktor Zymm

Totally stealing from WCS, but too fun.
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OK, that’s not true at all.

Doktor Zymm

You’re so spry!

The Maestro

Fuck, I’m not enthused to hear Mark Jackson giving commentary.


Mama, there goes that man!


what do you type into google to find these?


“George W. Bush Presidential Library”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Nope, those are not coloring books. You must mean H.W.

Doktor Zymm

“Nancy’s Mammogram Results Don’t Come from a Doctor”


Watching the south park episode where everyone has guns. Hilarious.

These boys are still good once in a blue moon.

Doktor Zymm

“The Tale of the Elephant-Scented Car Air Freshener”

Doktor Zymm

“The Mystery of Mutlicultural Representations of Vaginas”


No mystery. Asian ones are sideways.


Comments which are both sexist and racist simultaneously are the shit. Well done.


Looks like mommy got her coke!

Doktor Zymm

Okay, I lied. I did search for testicle cookies. The results were….different.
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Nice to see Ted Haggard back in the pulpit.


Entertainment News Headline That Made Me Kinda Sad Today:

“‘Big Bang Theory’ 200th Episode Will Have Adam West and Other Guests”

Terriers had 13 episodes. USA’s rather decent “Robbery Homocide Division” had 13 as well, of which maybe 7 aired. Firefly, 13 episodes. Undeclared, 13 episodes, Arrested Development, what, 53 episodes? So many good shows canceled in either one season, or got truncated final seasons, because they were too inaccessible for the average asshole who thinks “Bazinga” is just goddamn HILARIOUS.


Doktor Zymm

There is absolutely no reason to stop using “common” as a pejorative term.


Yep. Smart and well written scripted TV has a hard time surviving, especially on the major networks.
/when does Big Brother start?
//Just kidding….I freaking hate that shit.


Poor Dee.
Yay for old black man, tho.


This season has been incredible.


Yes it has.
When Mac’s snap became obvious and he revealed Dennis Jr’s nutritional value, I thought I was gonna piss myself.
(I tried to write that so it would be spoiler free for the rest of you bastards that haven’t watched yet)


Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy = Thing to Blame When Things Don’t Go Right

I just flipped off the TV screen. At this point I am rooting for the Socialist over the Clintoncrat.

Senor Weaselo

Stephen Curry, good at the basketball.


Run Wally…run now.


I’m having an inexplicable craving for Mac and Cheese.


Dennis has lost it.


Totes got the Nicholson thing going on.

Doktor Zymm

The same shape also makes boob cookies! I’m not gonna search testicle cookies….
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Can’t decide: Tits Ahoy or Oreolas?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

pudenda mints?


Tits Ahoy. The commercial would naturally have a boat in the shape of boobies floating in an ocean of milk.




heads up, Curry has 47 pts and is going for some 3pt record right now….


In a non descript prairie town for 4 days for work. Went to a bar thonight that could seat 500, it sat me. That is it. It was heaven, had wings and beer to a cavalcade of bad music but it was absolute bliss. Then a guy that looked like Kid Rock came in, leather hat and all.


I love being the only person in a bar. It almost always ends up being a great time.


It was great. they staff went out for a smoke, I took pictures of me all over that place.

Doktor Zymm

So…butt cookies are a thing.
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Anyone wanna lick the beater?


Lookit this douche, all in shape like he’s some kinda in shape guy…probably a queer muslim fascist.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

….wearing a beater.


booty cookies.


Is there a discount for the ones with cracks?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No chocolate sprinkles?


Very much enjoying Mac and Dennis’ “domestic” lives, but, damn there are a lot of commercials this week.


Mac is good with the signaling talk.


In an ironic twist, when I spent my dowry in a whorehouse the night before my wedding, I referred to the gaggle of assembled hookers as my “practice squad.”

Doktor Zymm

You had a dowry?


How else was her family gonna gain access to my valuable seed? (Besides stealing my socks)


Hee hee….road rage Dennis is awesome.

The Maestro

Thought of the evening: if prostitution ever becomes legal, I need to have an app created in order to deliver workers directly to clients’ houses, and have the transaction handled completely digitally.

I’m thinking of calling it Boober.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I guess they’re already using Amazon


Drones must be part of this somehow.

Porky Prime

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Doktor Zymm

I’m really disappointed/secretly glad that my image search for “boober Esiason” turned up no results.


Would also accept “twatter.”


New Sunny!


What is “Something Antonio Cromartie says every time the test comes back positive”?

Doktor Zymm

Damn, cuts off just when it was getting good.


“I know, right! Er, I mean, what…?”

— Aaron Rodgers


Personally, I was thankful for the black box.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Doktor Zymm

Also…he had to be standing on the bench, right? Otherwise why would it go direct from face to crotch?

Porky Prime

He can hover.


I have somehow missed that the Esquire network (itself something I am barely aware of) has made a 13-episode series that appears to be a faithful retelling of Beowulf. Has anyone seen any of this? It started airing two weeks ago, I believe. Is it worthwhile? Terrible? A half-assed timewaster to get you through until Game of Thrones starts back up?



I remember reading that book as a my high school english class. It was pretty good.
I hope they included all the blood and gore properly….


I have always been a huge fan of Beowulf, since my HS English teacher used a Frazetta painting to introduce the poem to us.

(He was also probably my favorite english teacher of all time, even if he had the incredibly incorrect opinion that Dracula is a better novel than Frankenstein. I mean, seriously? How can anyone support that opinion?!)



Always Sunny in suburbia in 15.
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Sill Bimmons

That’s where I went to high school.

The Maestro

Are the Wizards wearing special jerseys for Chinese New Year? Or is it just that Beijing finally came to collect on all its foreign loans??

Doktor Zymm

The who?

Oh, you mean the Bullets.


watching this warriors vs bullets game. seems good….


FYI one of the coaches for the bullets, er, wizards has an eye patch.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Pick ‘n’ Jolly Roger

Doktor Zymm

Cardinal Ludovico Trevisan was “one of the richest members of the papal court and was famous for his appetites for gambling, horses, women, art, dogs and fine cuisine.”

Woohoo! I’m holier than an old-timey Cardinal!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I tried to googlebing the vows of wealth, promiscuity, gambling, stealing from the church, etc. and didn’t come up with much.

Doktor Zymm

Well, they only really cover the Benedictine, Franciscan, etc. I’m thinking of starting my own order of monks/nuns, the Whiskicites.

Doktor Zymm

I was thinking whisky, but whatever partially un-submerges your aquatic device, dude.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Thus the “joke.”

Doktor Zymm

Being purposely obtuse is it’s own reward.


How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?

Doktor Zymm

Sometimes it’s tiring being a cute all the time.


Dude, the majority of the Middle Ages popes and higher-ranking Church members would make any of us look like non-Hard Ride to Nowhere Girl Scouts.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I’m aware of Italian history/read The Inferno.

Holy High Five!


Reading up on, say, the Borgias, before a theology class was always a surefire way to ensure my days were exciting back in Catholic school.

Doktor Zymm

Hey, if you’re ever bored, wanna go dig up some corpses and excommunicate them?


I don’t even need to be bored to do this! Who doesn’t love a good graverobbing now and again?

Doktor Zymm

Woohoo! I’ll get a list of notable Catholics if you get a shovel!


I have many shovels, a pickaxe or two, although I may need you to work up some passable Italian or Latin to inform the authorities we have the full permission of the DFO Charter to perform these actions.

Doktor Zymm

I’ve got some Latin, and I know a guy (okay, a female art historian) for the Italian. And half the people here are lawyers, I’m sure they’ll laugh and do nothing when we’re arrested.


Oh, there will be more than pointing and laughing. Someone will mutter, “I told you so,” and someone else will make an epic blog series about the continuing misadventures of The Dok & entropy.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sorry, but I don’t buy it; SHE IS NOOOOOOOOOOOT IN THE U.S. NAVY!!


I’ll salute that.


I can buy it. I do suddenly seem to have an anchor in my underpants.


Senor Weaselo

So we all need this for all our Gratuitous Simpsons References. Write the quote in and it gives you screencaps.



Does anyone remember a first or second season Simpsons sequence that went like this?

Homer throws Patty & Selma out of the house, and Marge follows them outside, apologizes for Homer, and then says, “He’s realy… complex.”

Then, suddenly, Homer sticks his head out a second-storey window holding a plate he promptly smashes over his own head and screams, “WRONG!!!”

I know it happened, but I will be dipped in solid gold dogshit if I can ever find the damn thing.


I pretty much remember all things from the first ten seasons, and yes, I remember that. I don’t think it was that early (season 1 or 2), though.


Season Six, Homer vs. Patty & Selma


THANK YOU! No wonder I couldn’t find it, I was searching way too early in the series. This is yet another reason why I love this place and its people.

Shogun Marcus

Yes! I believe he says something like “time to take out the garbage” while he hauls them out. It’s early-ish in the run.

Doktor Zymm

Can’t do tongue, 2/10, would not bang.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Esoteric Simpsons quotes every other sentence seems to work tho.


I finished the HörrorStör novel today, and by god it was way more fun that it had any right to be. If, like me, you find IKEA to be a terrifying place where “modular, infinitely customizable, flat-pack do-it-yourself” furniture is marketed as somehow unique, you may well enjoy this novel. The first two chapters basically detail every horrible, optimzed-for-consumerism detail of an Ikea warehouse (named Orsk here, so as to avoid lawsuits and such, although the author does state they basically stole every idea Ikea ever had and amped it to 11), and the main character even gives a tour to new hires that sounds alarmingly like something I overheard in a college marketing course.

Then, about 1/3 of the way in, shit gets turned on its head and the whole place just goes apeshit. Filled with nifty little catalogue out-takes, personnel reviews, and various other world building elements shoehorned into the chapter titles, it’s a remarkably funny, self-aware, and enjoyable read. Much more polished than most first novels I’ve read recently, and a fuck ton better than that “The Killing Lessons” shite one of my friends pestered me into reading.

I give it an 8/10, and would make an awkward pass at it if I met the novel in a dim bar, even before having several drinks.

Doktor Zymm

After your mention of it previously, it’s now on my Amazon list. I have somewhere between 1.5 and 6 other books to get through before buying something new. The range has to do with my mood regarding a backlog of Ed McBain, some days just aren’t hard boiled.

Doktor Zymm

Also, did you read it Kindle version or paper? Seems like it might be important for this one.


Kindle, and it worked out just fine for me. After I reached 2500+ books in my house, I decided that my “HARDCOVERS ONLY” rule about books was getting silly, as well as structurally unsafe.

Doktor Zymm

Cheers to that. I’ve made an effort (somewhat successful) to limit myself to two bookshelves of physical books. Really, the main losers of me buying a Kindle are the staff and a couple of patrons at my local bar, who no longer get my used books that didn’t make the 2 bookshelf cut.


I have a 225 sgft studio. On my bookshelves I’ve managed to squeeze 110 ft of books plus the other 200 I’d have on my kindle. Plus, the books piled up in my closet. I’m really proud of that accomplishment.

/Big fan of Libraries.

/Only has 48 ft of linear space, on bookshelves.

Doktor Zymm

That’s not Markee Mark.

Shogun Marcus

Ugh. That guy made my life hell as a teen in the 90’s. “Where’s your funky bunch harfharf?” I just shuddered now on instinct thinking it.


A Vancouver University, named SFU, made a video to promote National Sweater Day. The link below is where you can watch the promo. Today, it has BLOWN UP all over the news media for being como ce dice, sexist?


Surprisingly enough, the video was released 2 years ago.


Doktor Zymm

Good thing Ryan Murphy wasn’t allergic, epi pens are considered PEDs.

Doktor Zymm

I did really good at not yelling at strangers today when someone sitting near me during my lunch eating/beer drinking time proceeded to tell the bartender that “the reason people don’t like Cam Newton isn’t because he’s black, it’s because he celebrates too much.”

Also, someone in my field from the company I interviewed at on Friday turned himself in to the Chicago police yesterday for firing 9 shots off the rooftop of a building in Lincoln Park, which apparently prompted a SWAT team to show up. I’m assuming he’s probably fired, but it was only a 2 or 3 person department, so I’m not quite sure how this is going to impact their hiring process.


If he hadn’t turned himself in I would have congratulated you on a successful frame-job.

King Hippo

Ryan Murphy ,, smgdh. NEVAR use a SP without a TER #. No wonder you’ns stuck on the practice squadron.


I loathe to give Jim Rome credit for anything, but, he did have a decent TAEK today, saying that since Murphy is from Silicon Valley, why not look up an old girlfriend than a hooker?


The Super Bowl should be played in Vegas. Now that I think about it, the entire NFL should be moved to Vegas, kinda like the UFC.