Straight White Male Super Bowl 2016: The Oscar Nominees for Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, and Visual Effects

The Oscars are almost upon us, with all their unpredictability. You don’t need an oracle to tell you what will happen. You don’t even need a film critic. You need someone who sees into the very souls of the Academy voters. You need a Straight White Man.

Welcome back. This is going to be by far my worst piece on this year’s Oscar nominees, because I don’t have even the flimsiest of qualifications for judging it. I think I have at least some capacity to spot good writing, to gauge whether an actor’s performance is convincing, even to appreciate a beautiful shot or general approach to shooting. But I don’t know shit about the technical side of producing sounds or mixing them or creating digital effects, and when something in these categories is done well in a subtle way, I’m probably not even going to notice it. Basically, I’ll be able to tell you what movies have the most sound editing or the most visual effects, but best? Eh.

Why listen to me at all, then? Well, remember: I’m a Straight White Man. And I have at least watched all these movies. You won’t get that kind of dedication from your average Academy voter.

Before I continue, a quick programming note: I’m hoping to have illustrations for the remaining posts!


Mad Max: Fury Road – As I see it, in sound editing, you’re mostly doing one of two things: You’re making things that are already real sound like they should, or you’re inventing sounds for things that aren’t real yet to make. Despite being basically a science fiction movie, Mad Max is also mostly a movie about cars and guns and explosions, all of which exist in pretty much the same form in real life as they do in the movie, and so Mad Max mostly does the first thing. It does it well, too! The cars sound powerful and muscular, and the explosions feel like they’ve got some real force behind them.

The Martian – The thing that struck me about the sound in The Martian was the way it lends urgency to everything that happens to Astronaut Matt Damon on Mars. The battering windstorms, the air hissing out of his suit through a crack in the visor, it’s all genuinely scary and it ratchets up the tension, reminding you how little separates him from death at all times. The Martian doesn’t work if you forget about the stakes, or if it has to keep using dialogue to hammer them home.

The Revenant – This is, once again, a movie that depends heavily on making you feel its characters’ pain and uses every available tool, including sound, for the job. Near misses with gunshots and arrows whiz by threateningly; hits land with visceral wet thuds. The bear sounds real, and really, really pissed. That’s the one thing in this category I do have a real point of reference for, because one of the cats that lives in my house thinks she’s a bear.

Sicario – I’m not going to get to be the first to call Sicario the Drug War’s Zero Dark Thirty, just like I wasn’t the first to say The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared was Sweden’s Forrest Gump, even though I swear I thought of both comparisons on my own. Sicario‘s a smart and carefully crafted thriller that could easily have been nominated for two or three more awards than it was, but this sort of movie isn’t really in the Academy’s wheelhouse, and Sicario doesn’t have a great hook like being about the killing of the guy who did 9/11. Sound-wise, there’s a lot to like here. Without giving too much away, one early scene stands out as really bringing home the disorienting effect of a nearby explosion. Like The Revenant, Sicario excels at making you feel the action through sound. If you haven’t seen this one yet, let me recommend a double feature with Oscar-nominated documentary Cartel Land, currently streaming on Netflix. By the time it’s over, you’ll hate everyone.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Here we are at the “making all the sounds up” end of my imaginary sound editing spectrum. Is it weird if I don’t have much to say about Star Wars from a critical perspective? I really didn’t watch it with an eye on how it would perform during awards season. A lot of the groundwork for how things should sound in Star Wars has, of course, already been laid, and I thought the movie did a good job of sticking to its roots.

Will/Should Win: The Revenant.

Second Choice/Upset Special: The Martian, as far as I’m concerned. This is a strong category top to bottom, though, and nothing would really surprise me.


Bridge of Spies – To my ear there’s not really anything extraordinary here. The movie does a couple of neat things with crowds, first in a scene on the New York subway and later as the Berlin Wall is being constructed, but a movie that largely consists of Tom Hanks having conversations with people indoors doesn’t offer quite the same challenges as some of these other nominees.

Mad Max: Fury Road – For most of Mad Max‘s nearly uninterrupted two-hour car chase, everything is loud, which makes it all the more impressive that nothing is too loud. You’ve got all these characters crammed into a turbocharged truck-and-trailer rig that may be using an actual jet engine for propulsion, but when they have something to say, you always know what they’re saying. It’s the polar opposite of last year’s inexplicable sound mixing nominee Interstellar, in which I couldn’t hear what anyone was saying any of the time.

The Martian – I’m sorry, guys, but it’s been longer since I’ve seen The Martian than any of these other movies. The details of the movie’s sound balance are, at least for now, lost to me.

The Revenant – The Revenant practically wins this award in its very first scene, which tracks a couple of hunters through a cold marsh. You hear the trickling water, the splashes of their footsteps the wildlife all around—it’s really something special to listen to. This is one of the things The Revenant keeps doing so brilliantly throughout, making its world feel lush and alive and also making it totally plausible that Leo DiCaprio didn’t hear that enormous bear rolling up on him.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Lots and lots of busy scenes in this movie, which is both very Star Wars and very JJ-Abrams-doing-sci-fi. I don’t think any film on this list had this sort of variety of high-activity scenes—a First Order raid! a crowded cantina! a chaotic air-and-ground battle!—but the dialogue and sound in every one of them seemed ably balanced.

Will/Should Win: The Revenant.

Second Choice: Mad Max. 

Upset Special: Bridge of Spies, somehow.


Ex Machina – Most of the effects work in Ex Machina goes to transforming Alicia Vikander into the android Ava, who’s at her least human-looking early on in the movie. I could try to describe this, but I wouldn’t do it justice; you may as well just see for yourself. Cool, right? Evocative of some of the case mods you see from hardcore PC enthusiasts, which I think ties in nicely with the movie’s themes of creation, ownership, and personhood. Without giving too much away, Ava’s android body serves as a palette that the movie adds to and subtracts from in interesting ways as the plot progress.

Mad Max – Fury Road – Miller’s extensive use of practical effects where other directors would opt for digital ones pays off in a movie where everything has weight and looks undeniably real. Okay, maybe the fire tornado requires a bit of suspension of disbelief, but I think it says a lot about Miller’s commitment to realism that even in that scene, he shot the real vehicles rather than slap the entire thing together in a computer. Now, I don’t want to take this angle too far. When Mad Max first hit theaters, I remember a lot of breathless talk about how Miller had almost completely eschewed digital effects, and that’s not true. But the things that are computer-generated—landscapes and crowds, especially—are also beautifully realized and realistic down to the minutest detail; I’d never have known, just from watching, how much of the terrain in the movie simply doesn’t exist.

The Martian – I’m not sure why I don’t think of this one as more of a standout. It may just be that it’s been the longest since I saw it; obviously I know that it takes place on Mars and involves a lot of space travel and therefore must have required a small army of effects artists. I certainly don’t remember seeing one thing that looked hokey or wrong or out of place. I suspect what’s going on here is that I was too intent on the human drama to care so much about how the movie looked. And that’s very good for The Martian, which is a great, compelling movie! But it’s bad for The Martian in this category.

The Revenant – Years from now, we may look back on this as the film and the rumors surrounding it as the moment a generation of Bear Rights Activists found their purpose. For those of you that haven’t seen it, I’m pleased to announce that I can clear the bear of all wrongdoing. Yeah, there’s that one camera angle that looks pretty bad, but here’s the thing: It’s a female bear. It is not raping Leo from that position. It is also a marvel of effects work, thoroughly mauling Leo over the course of a single six- or seven-minute shot that feels at least twice as long.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – I think it says a lot about the evolution of visual and sound effects in movies that the new Star Wars, of all things, feels to me like it so clearly lags in all three of these categories. I remember, or at least imagine that I remember, a time when sci-fi movies with no shot at the top prizes (looking at you, The Phantom Menace) could be assured of nominations and even wins for their effects. Now even the prestige pictures have amazing CG. Star Wars, it seems, is still the betting favorite in this category, but I don’t know. Maybe the wide-open creativity it showed off just doesn’t appeal to me as much as what these other films were able to do within their particular boxes. Maybe I just thought the rathtar was silly and unnecessary.

Will/Should Win: Mad Max: Fury Road, or I riot.

Second Choice: I riot.

Upset Special: The Revenant. The bear really is a big deal, and thanks to Matt Drudge’s scurrilous rumors it got a whole lot of buzz. I wouldn’t be surprised if The Revenant is top-of-mind for a lot of Academy voters right now.

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make it snow is an alot of beer. He is also a Broncos fan living in Denver.
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Porky Prime



Moar Sophia Bush…this time on a day less “Blow-your-head-off-murdery”. Still hot, though…

Sill Bimmons
Sill Bimmons


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She should have been more famous during her prime years that she actually was.


Amen to that.

Porky Prime

During my stay here, I have used my tablet to watch the RoboCop remake and about 30 minutes of Staying Alive.

Don’t you fucking judge me.


I saw Staying Alive in the theatre. Will not judge.

Sill Bimmons

So did I.

With my sister and my Nana.


In my defense, the chick I was dating at the time was big into dance and because of that she thought it was going to be the next “The Godfather”. Interestingly enough, I found out later she’d never actually seen “The Godfather”.

Porky Prime

Travolta got seriously (especially for the early 80s) ripped for this movie. THIS MOVIE. Headscratcher.


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I love you.


Nominee for hottest revenge murder scene ever…Sophia Bush.
Feels good doesn’t it?
I don’t feel a thing.
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Wrong thread, but I like it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No, it’s not.

It’s the whole album.


Good evening background soundtrack. Thank ye kindly, Moose.


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I think the whole album would have been a good fit on DFO Radio. But then again, I’m a weirdo.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


/is Super-Weirdo
//Wears Weirdo Cape (TM).

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Not to mention, of course Leo DiCaprio had sex with a bear, it’s not like he’d fuck Twinkie the Kid!

(I’m more of a Happy Ho Ho guy, anyway.)

Porky Prime

My nephew’s wife has a crude tattoo of Twinkie the Kid on her left shoulder. It’s…an odd choice.

/thinks of own questionable that
//it’s this

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Of course Leo DiCaprio got intimate with a bear, it’s not like they were going to have him fuck Twinkie the Kid!

Porky Prime

So here at Sick People Hotel with the wife still. In case you missed my update, she’s still in a world of shit, but improving in ways that would frankly amaze me if she wasn’t the toughest person I know. I will not tempt fate with any gifs or jpgs in, oh, let’s say Moose’s vein. But I’m wit has for a bit.

Having said that, I have only seen two nominated films from this season: Mad Max and Star Wars. 12-year-old me would be simultaneously awed and confused by this fact.


Awesome news on teh improvement front.
Really great to hear!!!

Porky Prime

Thanks. The initial shock has settled into grim optimism. I still hate a few people on my wife’s Facebook…well, really just one pseudo-relative who is an attention whore in addition to the other kind. But there’s been real love from that outlet too. Oddly, it’s the people we barely know who have kicked in with food and other amenities. Weird but welcome.


Excellent! Keep strong and know that we are here for you if you need anything.


Awesome to see, my man. Stay strong; we’re here for yinz.


The power of DFO thoughts and 20% prayers

Porky Prime

I saw that your situation had a positive outcome during my mini-hiatus, WCS, glad to see that.

/mini-hiatus shorter than usual away time


Oh man! Damn good to hear from you.

Keep doing what your doing.

If you want a drink I could pour up a Buffalo Trace.

Porky Prime

You have one for me. Though at some point, if there’s a little something more to celebrate, I’m going to leave the kids with Grandma and get my Glug on.


The credits to Snakes on a Plane are just awful. Then again, the whole movie was….. Snakes on a Plane.



I saw that movie in theaters. Double date at a nice restaurant with a lot of drinks beforehand. I regret nothing.


I enjoyed it too. How can one not like the motherfucking snakes on that motherfucking plane?
Soul Plane is also an underrated cinematic masterpiece.


That was my New Jack City experience.
My tiny and very white gf at the time was scared shitless at first…LMAO.


No Coed Confidential tonight. I guess The Erotic Traveler it is!


I know I’m drunk, but I have a hunch you’re drunker

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, so this has been my first week of a new job, getting back to waking up at stupid o’ clock in the morning, and I haven’t been drinking, so this wine is doing it’s thing. The upshot is, I’m going to bed before 10 pm on a Friday night and I’m really happy about it. Best of nights, tightest of sleeps, and sweetest of dreams to y’all.




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Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Speaking of straight white males and oscars:

If there is one thing I’ll ever agree with Albert Burneko on, it’s that Chuck Jones was an unparalleled genius.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The cooler is full, we have weed…… time for a drive in desert night……


You’ve done a great job on these Oscar previews, good enough that I’m ready to riot if they disagree with you.


Stop taking pictures of my ass!


Wait until you see what I have in store for next Sunday Gravy.

Yeeehaaw I am fucking crayzeee!!!


I spent the past few hours watching Michael Shannon movies (I watched Taking Shelter and 99 Rooms). I have questions, like the following:

1. How has he not gotten any Oscar love yet?

2. Do you think he’s just utterly terrifying in person? Like, he’s just so intense glasses and shit break when he’s around?

3. Is anyone shocked every time they see Groundhog Day and realize he’s the “WRESTLEMANIA!!!” kid?

Shogun Marcus

Look him up on nerdist. He did a podcast a month or two back. Was really cool.


HBO and Skinemax free preview this weekend! Any flicks I should catch up on? I know Lucy is playing and I never saw it when it came out. Worth 2 hours of my time?


No. No it is not.

There are maybe twenty minutes of worthwhile ScarJo scenes, but the rest of the movie is pop science bullshit and it made me angrier than Interstellar made Rikki-Tikki-Deadly.

Doktor Zymm

Were the 70’s the only decade that men acknowledged the fact that they have hips in public?

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

It was the last decade that they were available. We fatted out of showing them in the 80’s.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The 80s was my coke decade, so I still had hips, just with a nervous twitch and a need to keep talking.

Doktor Zymm

I knew a girl in college, she was awesome until she started dating a hipster and became one. Every time she had a bit of coke she would tell us all the story of the time her mother threw the Christmas tree through the window. It was a great story. One time, she peed in an alley and got some pee on her calf-high boots. She walked up to a random guy and asked if she could wipe the pee off her boots on his jeans. I don’t think he quite understood the part about the pee and was just happy a random chick was rubbing her legs on him. He probably smelled like pee the rest of the night.


At least you got a great story. I had an ex that wouldn’t shut the fuck up about music and how her brother was placed on this planet for a grand and terrible purpose whenever she had an inkling there was coke nearby.

That relationship did not last very long.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

My experience with is is it was a hard lesson in the separation of those with addictive personalities from those who were not. There is a time in the wee hours when it is time to stop, some go right past that time.


You are allowed to acknowledge your hips when you’re threatening someone a la Mickey Rourke in the Hero video, or if you are a superhero.

King Hippo

My hips DO lie ,, smh

Doktor Zymm

Note to self, Hippo and Shakira are different people.

Sill Bimmons

Children and violas should be seen and not heard.

Doktor Zymm

Fucking alto clef

Sill Bimmons

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Sill Bimmons

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Doktor Zymm

See, anyone can be pretty!

King Hippo

carpet doesn’t match the drapes 2/10 WOULD NOT BANG

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


*and Doktor Zymm

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I wanted to exclude you from part deaux…….

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I know. This is me being playful! Also, the grinch is awesome.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Also I have no data to base an opinion on except KUALAITY COMMENTS.

Doktor Zymm

Eh, unless threatened I’m probably too damn nice for my own good. Though not so nice that I won’t take all your money with fuckall at poker.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Five card draw; nothing wild. FUCKING KOALA HAD ME DOWN $357.25 ONE NIGHT!!

Never trust a koala after four scotches.

Doktor Zymm

Mmm, I think there’s marzipan in the crust of this raspberry Linzertorte.



Doktor Zymm

What? I’ll share my cake with the peasants!

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Hey guys, remember, I’m not always in the comments, so if you see a bug (not a feature) on the site, use the Contact DFO tab for suggestions and issues. I get an email when you guys comment thereabouts.


Is that in the dashboard? I don’t see it. Of course, I are dumb.

Doktor Zymm

Navbar, top o’ the site.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

On the live site under the tagline sir.


Me are smrt.


Oh sure, WE have to make the extra effort, smh.

Doktor Zymm

So, guy from my gym was puking blood earlier this week. He’s maybe 26? He went to the emergency room, and they said he probably had an ulcer, set him up with a regular doctor’s appointment this weekend and sent him home. I’m thinking the moral here is that emergency rooms can’t handle shit beyond direct trauma injuries.


An Ulcer, you say? Think it was one of those PED pill related ulcers?


Decided to watch Cartel Land.

On a scale of one to Heisenberg, what are the chances I’ll finish the night binge-watching Breaking Bad?

Sill Bimmons


Doktor Zymm

Avogadro’s number


I read this as “avocado’s number” and wanted some avocado.

Doktor Zymm

You probably don’t want a mole of avocados though.

Sill Bimmons

That’s a lot of avocados.


Now I want mole enchiladas with avocado!

King Hippo

you want to lick avocados off Tracy Wolfson’s mole??


So, for several years I’ve been receiving a mailed check from the U.S. government for exactly one dollar. Each year, I’d get a new one and I’d chuckle and toss it aside because really, who cashes a check for a dollar?

Today, I got yet another one and finally I looked at it. It seems the $1 was a refund from 2003. Amused, a bit drunk, and realizing I’d been costing the government more than a $1 just to print and send me the damned thing, I decided to cash it with a banking app on my phone.

The fee to do that? 50 cents. So I’ll have a 50 cent credit to my bank account sometime soon and I’ll have a hearty chuckle looking at it on my statement.


I have a similar return on my DFO stock.

King Hippo

USAA sent me a check for 17 cents this fall. Some kind of state Department of Insurance adjustment thingy. Why they couldn’t just credit against my online premium pay…dunno. After I got another check to cash I finally did put it in the bank, because I figured it would become some kind of hassle if I didn’t.



My banking app has told me it can not accept the deposit of this check. I will have to physically walk to a bank to deposit it.

This is hilarious.

Doktor Zymm

Do you not have ATM deposit?


I could try that, but a branch of my bank is just as far away so it’s a wash in terms of effort.

Doktor Zymm

I don’t know, for me, hitting some buttons > filling out a form and then interacting with people



I’m oddly old-fashioned about some things and check deposits are one of those things I’m still inclined to do without technological advances.

Doktor Zymm

Also related to my awesome LED lights, when you put them on the strongest blue setting, they act like a black light and make shit glow. The purple setting on my lights doesn’t do this, since it’s not really true violet. Anyway, a friend of mine, who is perfectly aware of how light works, and the spectrum, and ultraviolet and all that, had apparently not thought all that much about black light since some time in his teens or early 20s when he was on lots of drugs, and had never really reconciled his impression of them with his actual knowledge about light. Thus, his mind was duly blown when blue light did the same damn thing. It was fun to watch him utter the phrase “So the light isn’t actually black?” while at the same time realizing that what he was asking was nonsense and proceeding to answer his own question.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Hey guys, our refresh plugin updated and may have brokeded. Sorry, I’m on it.



Darkest Timeline Zack Morris


Darkest Timeline Zack Morris


Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Fixed baby!


Aww shit yeah. DTZM to the rescue!

Doktor Zymm

WOO and also HOO.

King Hippo

this be why he makes the BIG BUCKS y’all

Doktor Zymm


Oh, wait….that is what you meant, right?

Doktor Zymm

Look at me! Hitting the refresh button like some sort of PLEBEIAN!

Doktor Zymm

Not related, but I need to take it easy with my awesome programmable LED lights. Going from a room with saturated red light, to a room with saturated green light back and forth over a few minutes while putting shit away, is a total eye/mind fuck.



King Hippo

great (opiate-riddled) minds think alike!

King Hippo

on the plus side…free, legal acid trip without leaving the house! As a recluse, I am considering subscribing to your newsletter. But as a lazy fuck…


Did you miss the Jets/Bills Color Rush game THAT bad?


Someone go poke DTZM with a cattle prod and get him to fix the autoload.

King Hippo

I am fascinated by Russia, and I dig bears (sorry Aaron..not THAT way /no ofence) so I probably would like The Revenant.

King Hippo

sometimes purty is enough


The “floating” camera from the opening is just spectacular. Very cool stuff, all natural lighting. It is a COLD movie kind of like The Hateful 8. You’re watching it and just fucking freezing.



Also, I once dated a Russian girl. The width of the cultural gulf at times surprised me even though she’d be living in the U.S. for many years.


Is it not autoloading for anyone else?

King Hippo

stopped for me about midweek. I assume the apocalypse is nigh.


I think it’s our de facto night thread.

King Hippo

If so, my Friday night is listening to this in its entirety:


He promised an album about every state.


King Hippo

To his credit, the new stepdad and dead mom one is really good, if kind of a bummer (even by my standards). That may count as Oregon? But yeah, still lotsa states to go.


To his credit, he wrote a song about Casmir Pulaski Day which was a fun reason to get a random day off in early March when I was in elementary school!


Supposedly, wind gusts in Chicago hit 69 mph today.


Doktor Zymm

They measured 73 mph at one of the water cribs.


Hopefully this is the last time we’ll see Interstellar mentioned. I really hated that movie and turned it off halfway through. The thing that pissed me off so much is that if you’re going to make such a big deal about getting the details right on the big things (black holes, relativity, etc.) you have to get the details right about the little things, like the idea that when a probe on a planet’s surface sends reports, THEY WILL INCLUDE A FUCKING TIMESTAMP THAT INCLUDES THE LOCAL TIME TEXT MESSAGES HAVE DONE THAT SINCE THEY WERE FIRST INVENTED FOR GOD’S SAKE YOU KNEW ABOUT THE TIME DILATION FROM SPACE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SURPRISED WHEN YOU GOT TO THE SURFACE AND ONLY AN HOUR OR SO HAD PASSED FOR THE PROBE!


Ah yes, the “idiot plot” issue, where certain plots only work if someone, somewhere, acts like a complete moron. Interstellar was probably the worst example of this, because they were doing so fucking well until landing on Waterworld. Also: WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY STANDING ON ON THAT PLANET?! Do tidal physics just plain not work there? A world-wide wave several miles high is rushing toward you, no matter what, the water level is going to drop.

BUT. That movie has an INCREDIBLE score, and it makes for some good listening while reading or drawing.


I clicked through and see you mentioned Until the End of the World in the comments. Nice pick. Crime and the City Solution’s entry on the soundtrack is one of my favorite songs, and it contains maybe the only U2 song I can listen to without wanting to punch Bono in the throat.


Christopher Nolan films are “smart” for people who aren’t that smart. He’s found the perfect niche where he can produce work that is considered great by the mainstream and gross huge box office sums without actually being all that smart.

Why yes, I am a bit jealous.

King Hippo



And if your ship is well-equipped enough that you can survive on it for years and years and years, you’re not gonna spend a week or two in orbit surveying the planet’s surface before you go plowing on in there? And don’t even get me started on that MAGIC SPACESHIP that apparently needs a multi-stage booster rocket to get off Earth, but can casually escape from the insane gravity well of that water planet using…what, fart power? Yeesh.


Oh wait, I forgot about the part later in the movie (read about, not seen) – I guess it’s powered by LOVE or something?


I prefer fart power.

Doktor Zymm

I pretty much never see movies in the theater, but I did really want to see Mad Max. I may have to watch it this weekend, most likely much to the chagrin of my horrible, horrible neighbor.


It is incredible. Seriously, everything that is good about car chases is in this movie, and then cranked to 11, and there’s even a (n admittedly thin) great story in there. Damn it’s a fun movie.


You will most assuredly need to ratchet up the surround sound. This one was meant to be listened to loud.

The neighbor will love it I’m sure.


It really is fun, and just cool as hell.


Oh, and when you’re done watching it, watch the Cinema Sins for Fury Road. The last two minutes are freakin hilarious.


It’s available on HBO and I watched it through their app since my parents buy HBO and let me have the login. 🙂

I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Drudge just made an honest mistake about Leo getting raped by a bear, since that’s Drudge’s usual Tuesday night.


It’s not really “rape” when you plan the whole scenario in advance and agree on a safe word.

/unless you’re James Deen, apparently.


The fact James Deen causes all sorts of internal conflict within pro-porn third wave feminists is oddly amusing to me.


Out of this grouping of films I’m only missing The Martian for viewing. I’m hoping to see it over the weekend.

One of the things about The Revenant and one of the things about Alejandro González Iñárritu that I’m really partial too are his long tracking shots. I’m a sucker for these and his buddy Alfonso Cuarón is also REALLY adept at this. The mentioned opening segment in The Revenant had a crazy “oner” that included a pretty massive in scale action segment.

Fucking awesome stuff


BUt those “tracking shots” are just really, REALLY good editing. Look at Birdman; the whole movie looks like one big tracking shot and yet it was a lot of takes (that admittedly went on for much longer than your typical Hollywood scene). I’m not saying the effect isn’t dazzling, just that editing has gotten so seamless that it makes this kind of thing a lot easier now.


Most definitely. Similar to the opening segment of Cuaróns’ “Gravity” A long tracking shot IN FUCKING OUTER SPACE THAT INCLUDED SHIT BLOWING UP!!.

Just ask Marty Scorcese why he always uses Thelma Schoonmaker as an editor.
She fucking rules at editing is why and Marty is also partial to the long take.


Seems like more of a The Maestro category.


Ol’ Roosh is already raising an army to wreck the chances of the new Mad Max and Star Wars–and his Kings *will* prevail.


I second the Sicario love; that movie was tense, exciting, and really much, much better than expected. It deserves to win SOME award.


I don’t think it really has a shot at score because it was essentially the same theme repeatedly (and that rising note that signified danger just amped things up, in my opinion). I honestly can’t think of a movie that had a really great score last year.


It was one of my favorites from last year. Seriously intense and very well constructed. I have a fear of Juarez that will never go away and will probably stay out of El Paso just in case.