Your “I’ve Had Enough of This Crap!” Thursday Open Thread

Dear Lord! There’s another Republican debate tonight? From Detroit?! The Fox Theater?! On Fox News?!

/checks cable package; relieved Fox News isn’t listed

//wishes Robocop was real

///ends up on FBI watch list


It might be fun to watch Megyn Kelly grind Trump’s balls, if all those other chucklefucks weren’t going to trip on each other trying to do it instead. It’ll probably end up making Trump look better. At least Carson’s not there. If there was any justice in the world, Matt Millen would be the moderator and just spend the entire two hours asking questions about sandwiches and NCAA eligibility.

Forgive the Canadian obsession with US politics, but the presidential campaign matters almost as much to us. As Justin’s dad once said:

Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.

Because the debate’s in Detroit – the Assembly Line of Miserableness – I’ve tried to line up which candidate matches a Lions QB from years past. Opinions may vary:

  • Jeb!: Scott Mitchell – Mama’s boy; never really wanted the job, just the money. Got fat & went home.
  • Ben Carson: Rodney Peete – considered strong when drafted, but faltered quickly under the lights.
  • John Kasich: Eric Hipple – a good & decent man surrounded by awful teammates.
  • Marco Rubio: Dan Orlovsky – who else can you picture running out of the end zone?
  • Ted Cruz: Joey Harrington – always optimistic in the face of abject failure; looks good on paper.
  • Trump: comes out in Matt Stafford, but rips off jersey on stage to reveal a Bobby Layne
    • “What’s Stafford done? Nothing! He’s so bad he made Megatron retire. I don’t wear garbage. Bobby Layne – that guy was a winner. I only wear winners!”

Considering the Republican convention is being held in the Factory of Sadness July 18-21, I’m sure there will be thinkpieces comparing the Browns organization and whatever Republican civil war has erupted by then. I can already see Jimmy Haslam yee-hawing his way to the stage. Our only true salvation at that time will be meteor.

Enough talk – to the games! (all times eastern)

NHL: (12 games total)

  • Rangers @ Penguins – 7:00
  • Blackhawks @ Bruins – 7:00
  • Tampa Bay @ Ottawa – 7:30
  • Habs @ Kings – 10:30

NBA: (4 games total)

  • Spurs @ Pelicans – 8:00
  • Sacramento @ Dallas – 8:30
  • Thunder @ Warriors – 10:30


Basketball: (Reminder: the tournament starts two weeks today!)

  • Illinois @ #14 Maryland – 7:00
  • #25 Cal @ #18 Arizona – 9:00
  • What the hell is ESPN 3? There’s so few seeds playing most games have been shuffled to the Trois

Hockey: The Div-1 Hockey East tournament begins tonight. Road to the Frozen Four!

  • New Hampshire @ Merrimack – 7:00

Finally, on today’s date in 1931, “The Star Spangled Banner” was adopted as the US national anthem & signed into law by Herbert Hoover. To commemorate this fact, it’s gotta be Whitney:

That’s the good stuff. INTO THE NIGHT, MY PRETTIES!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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woooo suck on that smoothie, Princess Fucker.

[rangers score next six goals]


I approve of those brackets.

Sill Bimmons


/seriously that’s the only way they’re going to score on the fucker


Still not sure how it got in there, but who cares?

Sill Bimmons



I always wonder how much better the Ice Giants would be if their powerplay wasn’t the hockey equivalent of the Butt Fumble.


God damn, the Oilers own the Flyers this year.


I’m on a Brody Dalle kick…waiting for the Debate to start.

I would seriously eat the corn out of her ass if she asked me to…


Is this loading slower than PK trying to run a 5K without his daily 14 lardaccinos to give him the energy for anyone else?


Yes, but I thought it was my machine. I’m way overdue for a HD reformat.
/way too much porn site malware

Sill Bimmons

Not the site so much but having it open is slowing everything else down.

American Pie Story

ooh yeah House of Cards is back tomorrow guys


Underwood 2016!


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Best Blondie Song-

I give you Island Of Lost Souls

Sill Bimmons

For JSD: those Lucifer comic covers were awesome:

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You know…usually in long comic lines, there is a point where it just completely loses steam or the characters “jump the shark”.

Seriously…despite different writers and artists, it was top notch across the entire line. Like I enjoyed Preacher…but that line ran WAY too long and they wrote themselves in a corner. Same with Spawn.


I think Preacher started off really well, got lost in the whole Grail plotline, and Ennis needed a way to end it that fit with his core values. Making it about friends who disappoint you wasn’t too bad, I felt, although God got off light in the whole thing, in my opinion.

I never liked Spawn, mostly because I know McFarlane is an asshole, and all of the original Image line was just Big Two characters given facelifts and no continuity.

Sandman… that series was fucking brilliant. Transmetropolitan as well. I enjoyed what Warren Ellis did with Stormwatch and The Authority, but again, not being able to truly end a series screwed over those two. A lot of Ellis’ current creator-owned stuff is just great.


Totally agree with Spawn. Incredibly overrated. Transmetropolitan was brilliant. When I have to travel for work, I ALWAYS have the set on my e-reader because I enjoy re-reading it so much.

Loved Planetary, The Filth, and the Invisibles.


I never mention Planetary to ANYONE because it is brilliant and I will talk about it for hours to anyone who will listen. Seriously. It’s a problem. I think that series was the single greatest love-letter to 20th Century Genre entertainment that has ever been written.


Also: Lucifer had only one writer during iits 75 issue run (and the same guy wrote the 3-issue mini that set it all up), Mike Carey, and Peter Gross was the main illustrator for the series (the stand-alone issues were drawn by someone else), and that really showed as the series progressed.


You are correct. I was thinking of Sandman.

Just a top notch artistic work. It could work as a show on say HBO or Showtime. Never on network TV…but for some fucking reason, I watched an episode in a hotel in Detroit, and now I find myself actually watching a network TV show.

Lothar of the Hill People

You know, when I think successful Republican politicians, I immediately think, “Detroit.”

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Staying on the Blondie theme.


I’m on an Acela right now so

A) I don’t have to watch the GOP dick insult off
2) I’m placing kit kats around the train to lure PK toward an emergency exit I can push him out of
&) I shit you not, Martin O’Malley is chilling in the cafe car by himself.


Martin’s got lots of free time these days.

Lothar of the Hill People

He’s not the one who bragged about killing a guy in ‘Nam, right?


Nah that was Tony Stewart

wait what


That was Jim Webb.


You’re thinking of Laura Bush

Lothar of the Hill People

Do you think she shaves, waxes, or stays natural?

Sill Bimmons

Kessel you stupid worthless fuck.


He’s got a ton of Maple Leaf in him-Pens management should have known that.

Sill Bimmons

To think that they could have had Paul Martin and $1 million instead of this waste of life.


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Princess Fucker lost his mind there. He needs a smoothie.
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Smoothies give him his superpowers.


Its snowing here…

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I’m ready for summer…


It was 30 today. Next week is going to hit 70. I don’t know what is going on with the weather anymore.


Its tornadoing now…

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I’m ready for fall…

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Climate Mutation. Fucked up is the new normal.

American Pie Story

I named all of my rivals in my Pokemon games after Donald Trump.


I’ve nicknamed the dog’s current bout of the runs, “Cruz.”


LMFAO you magnificent bastard.


/watching the doc “Satan Lives”

Satan has as much relevance to me as back up Chargers qb Kellen Clemens.


Satan has a better TD/INT ratio.


And his contracts are fucking unreal.


I’m not going to lie…its kind of lame…but that Fox show “Lucifer” has managed to suck me in. Its terrible compared to the comic book…but frankly, it would never work as a show.

I loved the comic line. Utter brilliance…


I gave it four episodes, and when I was right about the insipid “Lucifer is becoming mortal due to his time on Earth” storyline, I was out. I wanted to like the show, and I think the lead does a great job with the character, but they’ve basically given him the ability to sex up any woman he wants and he can freak people out with illusions and nothing else, so he sucks. Also, they’ve destroyed Mazikeen as a character.

I loved the comic line as well, and you’re right, it would never work as a show without the heavy Sandman intro from Season of Mists, but by god the show could have taken SOME elements and introduced them. Duma and Remiel, maybe, or anything else that takes the show out of its aggravating police procedural rut….


Dear god I forgot Bloom County did an entire run where Trump’s brain was placed in Bill the Cat’s body (sorry if Sill got to this the other night):

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Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

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Meanwhile….in the Legion of Ralph…

Beastmode Ate My Baby

My Misfits collection is woefully inadequate.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Saw them in the late ’90s in Portland. Doyle didn’t so much play guitar, as take offense to it and attack it.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Also, I highly recommend Static Age. If it had come out in the late ’70s like it was supposed to, it would have blown my teen-age mind. Great album, and a great case of a musical “What If…?”


Why don’t the republicans just go completely fucking nuts and nominate a Reagan hologram? He seems to be their patron fuckin saint these days (even though most of his policies would align further left than the modern GOP seems comfortable with, which is ratehr telling), so why not just get some old news footage, mock up a quick response bot, and shove that fucker on the stage in the Factory?


This idea has the added bonuses of maintaining Reagan’s late-term policy of ignoring everything his people are doing that’s illegal, as well as being an editable database of knowledge so his inevitable appearance before a Senate subcommittee will have a shot at believing him when he says, “I have no recollection of that event.”


Plus the alzheimers now would be a convenient excuse for “misremembering”


I read somewhere that if a Republican nominee doesn’t get a majority of the delegates during the primaries and caucuses, then all fucking hell can break loose at the convention, and the powers that be can nominate who they want. Meaning even though Trump might have the most delegates, the GOP could do an end around and nominate Rafael. Please make this happen.

I want to see Hilary win with like 87 total votes because Murica just said “Fuck It!”


Reach around?

Sill Bimmons

Brokered reach around?


They broker the reach around right before fucking us in the ass


Pfft. They’ll fall in line. They always do.


I’m pretty sure that was the point in Mitt’s big speech today. “Hey guys…remember when you all begged me to run? I’m still free. Just sayin…”

Beastmode Ate My Baby

The GOP establishment isn’t fond of Cruz, either. They’d probably nominate Kasich or even Romney.


So….did anyone else other than Lundqvist on the Ice Giants make the trip?


(watching The American President)

Me thinking: Why can’t Republicans be thought of as charming, nice people like in movies and TV?

(remembers Cruz, Trump, Cheney, McConnell, et al)

Me thinking: Oh, yeah. Now I remember.


Uh….. the American President is a Democrat, I’m pretty sure.


That’s the point. Democrats are charming like in American President, West Wing and the replacement in Dave was probably a Democrat.

Republicans are not thought of. The only good Republican I remember was Alan Alda’s character in West Wing.


A lot of Republicans are perfectly nice people in real life. The problem is that they vote for politicians who are manifestations of the Republican id, which is not so nice.

Sill Bimmons

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Both are true.


Need some Distillers to drink to…


I do love me some McIlrath.

King Hippo

Illinois is shit, eh?


Brian Wilson shout out-

Mike Love’s estimated worth (according to one google search) is about 50 million. Right there is your not-God.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Should I watch the debate tonight? Can I spare the brain cells?

Decisions, decisions…


I’m guess I’ll watch it. I’m a Republican; I may as well go down with the ship.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

It appears “too late” has come and gone.


I considered being a Democrat, but I just don’t agree with their core values.
All Online Political Tests say I’m a Libertarian, but all of their views are too extreme and can’t be done.

Simply put, I’m just fucked.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No. You already know the imbecilic rhetoric, straw men, lies, and lack of any form of logic. The only suspense would be if somebody just completely loses their shit on stage. Cross your fingers, my friend.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Trump knocking Rubio on his ass would be worth watching…


/herpes recrudesced sooner than I’d predicted


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Sill Bimmons

Classic dendritic corneal ulcer secondary to acute simplex 1 recrudescence, frontal view, fluorescein stain under cobalt filter:


See? Cobalt blue can make anything look cool!


I knew somebody would know that word.
Yay for Sill’s medical knowledge.

King Hippo

Serenity Now! Think calming, lithe furry thoughts (inisde joke).


Hehe….you damn right.


Sadly, I’ve had a great time with Frenchy for several months. Now Aussie has to come in and napalm that shit. Fucking cunt. (pardon my use of the c word…but if you knew her you’d shoot her in the face within 10 minutes…trust me)


To the Chicago DFO’er who suggested I go to the Revolution Taproom, you sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

King Hippo

The nice thing about being a very casual Ice Stillers supporter…even when they is kinda meh…they ALWAYS on the teevee box


And yet, as a Gamecenter subscriber, I have to pirate this game. Thanks internets!

King Hippo

It isn’t even on NHLN for ya?


Don’t get it unfortunately. Even if I did, I’d probably get the Root Sports feed and end up pirating the MSG feed anyway.


That’s where I’m watching it. Flipping b/w that and UMd/Illinois….the latter of which has been way fugly so far.


So I saw the “Ghostbusters” trailer, and inner child felt like it just walked into a NAMBLA convention.


The thing that kills me is seeing a lot of people responding as if it looks GREAT. It reminds me a lot of people’s initial responses to The Phantom Menace, back when the hardcore fans were really forcing* themselves to like it.

*Ah! Le mot juste!

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

ESPN3 is the new name for “Watch ESPN.”

You can stream all the games listed for free provided you still have cable.


What’s on “The Ocho” tonight?



Sill Bimmons



Those games are usually a good two or three minutes behind, so I wouldn’t recommend for rivebrogs unless it’s your only option.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

After watching Leslie Jones’ “”””acting”””” in the Ghostbusters trailer, I have a new found appreciation for Ernie Hudson.




She like a female Tracy Morgan, only louder and without the comedic ability.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

I hate Tracy Morgan with a passion, but that comparison may actually be an insult to Tracy.


She is awful. As if Horatio Sanz just started shouting all his lines instead of breaking character all the time,

Sill Bimmons

I’m sorry, but all things considered this has to be the best car in the world:

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0-60 in 4.6 seconds. A fucking Golf.

Room for all your kids and/or shit.

Leather, DSG, SatNav, AWD.

Starts at 35K.

One more angel investor and it’s MINE.


The R was just out of budget. My 15 GTI will suffice.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

My Challenger laughs at your puny girly-cars!

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(Then, after laughing, I have to go get fuel.)

Sill Bimmons

((and tires))
(((and another clutch)))
((((and a central limited-slip diff))))

Beastmode Ate My Baby

/Makes joke about buying a VW before they’re sued into oblivion

Sill Bimmons

//receivership will still provide relief for all warranty and recall claims

Beastmode Ate My Baby


Sill Bimmons

It will.

I had an MG when Rover went bankrupt and they still fixed my shifter under warranty afterwards.

Lothar of the Hill People

How are its emissions?



No one is going to believe this but once when I was station in Norfolk, I saw a Dave Attell at this god awful comedy club. There were MAYBE 5 people in the audience. He was hilarious.

Afterwards we meet up with him and tell him “YOU GOT TO DO UP LATE HERE!!! YOU WANNA GET ON A CARRIER???”

Turns out he was already there for the show. We get all excited. He then explains that when a couple of sailors took him to the base, the sailors got into a shitload of trouble. Furthermore, the base legal department contact the show lawyers and said that any Navy member that was identified on the show would get in trouble. So they had like a week’s worth of footage, but they had to cut every single segment that showed a military member. He apologize but that pretty much he expected the episode was never going to air.

Months later I saw the episode. It was all Virginia Beach, in the winter time…and it consisted of him bullshitting with a couple of overly intoxicated, racist frat boys and a dickhead cop outside of a convenient store. It was seriously the worst episode of the show I can recall.


I can’t remember that one, nor can I find it. That sucks on two levels: I’d still like to see it, since I used to teach a course in Newport News, and it sucks that had to edit the piss out of it.


Fun Fact: “Edit the Piss Out of It” is also what Roger Goodell told NFL doctors to do with the results of Peyton Manning’s latest league-mandated physical.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

*Actual cool story bro.


“I’ve been compared to Hitler and sure, he did some bad things but you know what?-he got the trains headed to Auschwitz to run on time!”



“Lousy trains. I kept telling him it would be more efficient to use good old-fashioned trucks…”

– Henry Ford


Ugh I WISH I remember the exact book I read this in (sorry I am bit of a amateur history nerd) but this retired general from the US army basically did a case study on how much money and energy was wasted by the Nazis, especially when the Eastern Front was going bad, by keeping the death trains running, rather than using them for something like..I don’t know…moving troops and supplies around. It was utterly fascinating how self destructive and violent the Nazis were in face of reality.

Other weird note…the last people to defend the Fuhrer Bunker and the remains of Hitler from the Soviets were not actually Germans. They were Frenchmen, part of the Waffen SS division Charlemagne. There is an interesting story that when Charles du Gaul was inspecting a group of Frenchmen Waffen SS members, he asked one of them how they could fit in the uniform of the Nazis. The dude replied asking him how it felt to fight in the uniform of the Americans (at the time, the US was providing basically everything to the Free French Forces). du Gaul had the men immediately shot without trial.

Fucking crazy conflict.

Sill Bimmons

I doubt it would have had much of an effect on the outcome.

The Wehrmacht was defeated December 5, 1941 when the Soviets counterattacked in front of Moscow.

After that it was just a matter of time.

In fact, I’m fairly certain that the Final Solution was sped up significantly starting in 1944 because Hitler could see the writing on the wall and wanted to kill as many Jews as possible before his inevitable defeat. He always regarded this as his most important war and was willing to sacrifice everything in order to accomplish it.


Just depressing when you look at the actual numbers. I mean WWI was wasteful just at the number of young men lost in a bullshit conflict. But WWII, holy shit the civilians…

There were towns and cities in Russia that changed hands like five times between the Germans. After the second or third time, you were going to get executed by someone because the only reason you were still alive, you must have been a collaborator to the other side.

King Hippo

Read “Bloodlands” and you’ll be even more depressed. The numbers nobody ever talks about.

Sill Bimmons

The Soviets lost more soldiers at the first battle of Kiev than the US has lost in all its foreign wars combined.

Sill Bimmons

Still do.

That’s the problem.


Dude, Berlin has a fucking MOUNTAIN in it made up of WWII rubble.

(and, as of 2010, there was an abandoned radio station atop it for sale. DFO Radio could go global with the right investors. Just food for thought)


I thought that the whole “accelerated final solution” thing was widely accepted as fact?

Sill Bimmons

The “If,” not the “Why.”


Showed up to work in the morning. I found out that the drive I was warning everyone about overheating…overheated last night. Shutdown the compressor station. Total cost to the customer is well over a million.

Since I had already started the shit storm, establishing they were not operating their water system correctly, our company was covered.

9am rolls around and the boss asks me to meet with him. I’m figuring an “attaboy” is in order. Instead, I get formally counseled about my swearing and the fact I wear a sweat shirt to and from the office. Never mind I am the only person that wears a tie every day to the office….I wear a sweat shirt to and from my desk…so I am some piece of shit.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“JSD, this is what I am talking about. Sign the counseling paperwork. Next time it happens, we are looking at uncompensated time off”

Two hours later, I find out that in less than two weeks, I have to train a room full of people from Chile and Canada on how to undercut our field engineers and fuck up our drives in the field. This is on top of the 6 concurrent projects I am running now. So somehow, I am expected to come up with 10 days of training material, dedicate 10 days in a classroom, and not fall behind on doing my actual job. Our training guy quit like 5 months ago and they still cannot get someone to do the job.

Oh and tomorrow, I am suppose to have a 2 hour luncheon with the rest of the department to welcome me. These are the people that make me curse.



At what point are you going to play hardball with them and tell them either a.) won’t do it; don’t like it go ahead and fire me or b.) want more money and lots of it?


The kick in the balls is that I make good money for a mechanical engineer and I love the city of Roanoke. Honestly, short of some of the places I have worked at overseas, I have never been in a place I like more. I also make something like 3 times the medium income here. So even if I got more money in another place, I would get killed on the cost of living.

I also am a masochist. I like having a job that goes from one fucking emergency to the next. I like the chaos…and I seriously love to bitch about shit. I’ve even had my shrink point out to me that I should leave my job but I am stuck because of my fucked up personality.


You can’t wear your own choice of outerwear into the office? Is that mentioned somewhere in an employee handbook or something?


Apparently it is there in the handbook that sweat shirts are never allowed. The annoying thing is that most of the engineers here look like they wear the same shit day in and day out. They look like homeless people. One dude, I swear to god, I thought was wearing a tie, but then when I got closer, I realized it was just a complex series of stains.

I’m contemplating wearing a three piece suit every day but refusing to interact or acknowledge that anyone exists…

Just to unnerve people.


It’s time to start looking for a new place of employment.


I just recently got a job offer for the same money…but in Detroit. Higher cost of living, same shitty hours, even worse corporate culture, and on top, terrible weather, traffic, and higher cost of living.


Wow. That fucking sucks!


Its frustrating because I absolutely love my job. I have zero clue where I will be from one month to the next. I could be commissioning a ship to shore crane, installed a 50 ton motor, commissioning a 13.8kV drive, designing a cooling water system…it changes constantly. I’ve gotten to work in more countries than the number of states the average American visits in their lifetime.

I get so much leeway with shit. I barely have to answer to anyone…but dear god I fucking suck at the office shit. And most engineers…that is all there is. You work in an office. Day in and day out. I can’t handle that.


So I figured out that the ghosts from the new Ghostbusters movie…

Are basically just a ripoff of the nightclub punks in Batman Forever.

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While I enjoyed the cobalt blue glow, that entire sequence just pissed me off.

“Y’know what would make the library sequence even more entertaining?! If it ended like every episode of You Can’t Do That On Television!”

Spanky Datass
King Hippo

I am pleased to report that after I angrily went to bed with my wolven sort DOWN 13 AT HOME to 0-16 Boston Fucking College, our white dude (dubbed “Ghost Face Killa”) made a lay-up of a last-second in-bounds play to pull out a 1-point win last night.


Also, I voted early for HillyBob today!


Can you do it again?

King Hippo

I have to check my ACORN handbook.

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