Your “Let The Sports Comfort You” Tuesday Open Thread

It’s days like these that make sports such a great escape.

In NFL news, as ballsofsteelandfury brought you earlier, the owners voted at the annual meeting today to:

  • Ban all forms of chop block. I’m stunned how Tom Brady Robert Kraft let this pass.
  • Keep the PAT at the 15 yard line.
  • A “horse-collar tackle” has been defined as “at the nameplate or above”. Hair is still an acceptable target.

    But, was the failure contagious? Also, could Romo tell?

They will discuss the ejection penalty for two personal fouls on Wednesday.

The Packers are not going to re-sign James Jones. So now who will Aaron Rodgers overthrow while Eddie Lacy is eating a sandwich?

Free agency is pretty quiet, although Alf Morris signed with the Cowboys, fixing everything that was wrong last year. Plan the parade!

According to ESPN, according to Texans (?) owner Bob McNair said a key to Brock Ostweiler signing there was a “desire” to escape the shadow of both Peyton Manning and John Elway. I don’t know what he’s complaining about – all that grew on him was his legs. He seems to have the forehead and teeth of a normal man.

The news today is (rightly) all about the ISIS bombings. Latest totals have more than 30 dead in the Brussels attacks. All public transport has been shut down, and the airport is closed for three days, essentially isolating Belgium. The Belgium friendly versus Portugal was cancelled, and this now heightens security concerns for Euro 2016.

There are presidential primaries & caucuses today, in Utah & Arizona, plus a separate vote for Democrats in Idaho. Just avoid the news channels, because hearing Republican opinions about the attacks will make you want to punch your TV, especially coming a day after Trump called for a “rethink” on NATO, which is headquartered in Brussels. Ted Cruz is favoured in both Republican battles, because if there’s anyone Mormons love like their own, it’s a fellow millenarian. Trump falls short due to the “Christian of convenience” tag. Kasich might as well embrace Satanism, for all the chance he has.

The Canadian federal budget was this afternoon. The highlight was an announced 2016-17 deficit of $29.4 billion, with most of that a result of the previous government planning on an oil price of $60/barrel, combined with election-promised infrastructure spending & increased government benefits. If you ever wanted to know what a Bernie Sanders presidency would’ve looked like, watch the North for the next four years.

Rob Ford died today. As least when people remember me, there will be a “but” after the “He was a prick”.

Double entendre intended.

NHL: (10 games total)

  • Flyers @ Columbus – 7:00
  • Red Wings @ Tampa Bay – 7:30
  • Stars @ Blackhawks – 8:30
  • Blues @ Sharks – 10:30

NBA: (4 games total)

  • Rockets @ Thunder – 8:00
  • Heat @ Pelicans – 8:00

NCAA: NIT Quarterfinals. They can’t bring themselves to come up with a second-place slogan to “Elite Eight”, so you know you want to watch for sure!

Pour one out for the Belgians. ÊTRE FORT BELGIQUE!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Sill Bimmons


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Sill Bimmons

I’d like one of her, please


I feel like we’re running out of gas, but we’re keeping on going instead of finding a gas station just to see how far we get.


Doesn’t dress appropriately for high altitudes. Would not bang.


Sill Bimmons

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I figured I should update you guys on what happened with my dog. I stupidly waited a day to take him in to the vet. He had cracked one of his nails in half in a way that wasn’t easily seen and it was cutting and recutting him every time he put pressure on it. To fix it they had to knock him out to perform some procedure to repair it and he now has to wear not a really cast but padding for a few days. He also got doggy painkillers so he has just been high all day.


At least he’s ok. Glad to hear the little guy is doing better.


Well, that’s good. Our dog threw up twice today, and is clearly not feeling well. One more eruption, and I guess it’s vet time.


dogs on painkillers are the most unintentionally funny thing on the planet.

never heard of that happening to a dog before. is an age related condition?


Glad to hear your dog is doing better, broseph stalin


Now we’re just playing a game of chicken with the site.


Right meow?

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Sill Bimmons
Sill Bimmons

New page:

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Still alive!


I think a better scrolling news would be, “BREAKING: Rob Ford now showing Jim Morrison and John Paul Jones what it really means to be crunk.”


Done and done.


Lots of strong takes about people wanting Obama to be in Belgium. Because if there’s one thing that country needs right now, is extra congestion and inconvenience


To be fair, I think they want him to bring some chocolate back.


How the fuck are we at almost 200 comments and we haven’t gone to a new page yet?


Person that types in the comment that creates a new page loses.



Sill Bimmons




Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

DC Comics Robot Chicken Special on Cartoon Network @12 ET.

Not sure if it’s new.


The Stanley Cup Playoffs without a Canadian team in them is something Roger Goodell or David Stern would think of and say is a brilliant idea.


Gary Bettman nods and smiles


While pushing for expansion in Lima, Peru, and Sao Paulo.


Roger Goodell may be a National Disgrace, but Gary Bettman should be convicted of war crimes.






Gary Bettman is happy.



Hold yer horsies there litre_cola: remember when KC built an arena to house the Pens?


I hope the Canadian ratings are garbage. With how much money they spend on the NHL and get no ratings because no Canadian teams are in the playoffs would be amazing.


Ice Liouns have given up 97 shots in 2 games and haven’t scored since Marco Rubio still had a chance via backstage shenanigans.

What a dumpster fire. It’s bad when the Twins are losing their shit.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Wait Luca Sbisa makes almost 4 million a year?


But he has 87 potential! It’s a bargain!


Mm, letting that old hate flow through me, and I remember why I want Newark to fall into a fucking sinkhole.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I’m not a Flyers fan but I’m looking at the box score and why does Radko Gudas get power play time?


He’s had a knack for being on the ice for goals lately. I don’t expect it to last.


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Strong taek: V for Vendetta was an over-rated hot mess

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I enjoyed it, although not one of my favorites.


Oh, I liked it, but, the praise that movie gets is a little bit of a head scratcher to me.


Evening, all. The world sucks, but this group is pretty alright.


So the blackhawks are down by four, here’s a funny power rangers gif:


You should check out the source material from Japan. Its interesting…


I actually thing the one i posted is zyuranger.


Damnit, people! We only have less than two years until Running Man! Get on this, WB!


A. I. was such a blood-soaked, runny diarrhea of a turd. Fuck that movie with Ted Cruz’s codpiece.

Sill Bimmons

And yet It will probably look like Citizen Kane next to Batman vs. Superman.


I read a review for that move on That Website Which Shall Not Be Named. We’re in for a long 2 1/2 hours.


The main reviewer to that website wouldn’t know talent if it hit him across the face. What was his grievance this time? Did he think it was supposed to be a slap stick sit com? A dramedy? Seriously, that limp dick shit head is worse than the impotent eunuch who writes the Walking Dead reviews.

Sill Bimmons

I just read that review.

Fucking painful.

I have a hard time believing that was written by someone who was out of high school.


Agreed. The kids a robot. How hard is it restore it factory settings? Or return it to the factory and have its memory whipped.

Plus, the Blue Fairy. (shudders) “We can clone someone and bring back its memory but only for 24 hours and then they die.” Why? If I take a sample from a river and piss in it, the river doesn’t get piss in it. Because they are not connected? Does our genetic code have a marker that connects to the Cloud?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’m just the messenger.


Star Trek (new one) takes place in 2258.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture takes place in the 2270s.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I knew one or two would come out.


WARNING: Incoming Rant

So now the helmet to helmet hit from Ryan Shazier to Giovanni Bernard in the Steelers-Bengals Playoff Game is illegal. It was legal at the time, but they made it illegal now. The… I…

I can excuse Hill for fumbling and Burfict for the late hit. They were trying to win the game and shit happens. Nothing wrong with that, its Cincinnati. “Contingit Mauris” should be on the Official Seal of the City of Cincinnati.

But the hit. The NFL has had a hard on for safety, but the hit was okay? We’ve have former beloved players suffering from head injuries in retirement. Some have even died, some by their own hands by head injuries, and the hit was okay?

The vicious hit that caused the fumble that got the Bengals and their fans into pure “Fuck You Mode!” and turned a pretty good football game into a ECW-style brawl (the real one, not WWECW). The hit that stopped the drive that would have gotten the Bengals back into the game without having to lose our best runningback and the players and fans collective minds.

If the Bengals scored a TD, maybe there not in that position. Maybe they still lose, but they don’t lose like they did.

The hit was legal but now its not.

Is… I… I…

Is it too early to say “Fuck you, Goodell?”


You should know by now that it is NEVER too early to say that!


to me it felt more like “rules for some teams, other rules for others”

at least they did something

Sill Bimmons

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As a Flyers fan, I’ve had the joy of watching people praise Scott Stevens for his brutal style that would be borderline criminal in today’s NHL, while posting memes of a fetal’d Eric Lindros whom Stevens reinjured in the same series that Lindros came back from an injury, deflating the Flyers and fueling a Devils’ rally in the ECF, and ultimately leading to a NJ Stanley Cup. So yeah, I’m familiar with this rage.

The hate, it swells.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

The Paul Kariya one was fucking egregious.


See above!


Where I come from, that gets you 6 to 18 months in a Big Boy Penalty Box.


Pregnant wife decided at the last minute she wants me to throw a gender reveal party. So, now I’m planning one for Thursday and inviting my parents, my mother-in-law (who is driving me batshit insane), my idiot brother-in-law and a couple who will be our kid’s godparents.

Seeing how she wants this to be a surprise and I already know what the gender is, I feel burderend. So I’m going to tell youse right now. We’re having a girl.

Anyone got any feminist pamphlets?

/starts hyperventilating into a paper girl.



how bout a pink jersey? they look so dumb but women seem to love them on little kids.


paper bag!

Sill Bimmons


I thought that was a joke.

I didn’t get it, but I wasn’t going to say anything.


Not sure if I cocked up that image post but if so, consider yourselves lucky .


Fresh out of paper girls, sorry.


WhooHoo! Congratulations!

Senor Weaselo



A gender reveal party?

OH, for the BABY.


Ted Cruz?


Anyone else read through Trump’s interview with the Washington Post editorial board?

Hooooboy… I seriously wonder if he’s suffering from dementia.

Sill Bimmons

It’s all part of the plan.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

― Albert Einstein


Go back and read it as if you’re from a town that used to be a manufacturing base and don’t care about foreign policy. Not to go all Rubio, but Trump knows EXACTLY what he’s doing, and that shit resonates with a significant portion of America. He’s tested a lot of this shit, and he’s harnessing anger that will translate into far more votes than he deserves.


Oh fuck you, Flyera.


Grumblegrumble I’ll take all you have grumble


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I hope that asshole gets shanked in the taint REAL BAD.

The third day.


“That shouldn’t matter!”

— PK at next year’s Hall of Fame vote

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

It’s like those two are connected at the Rohypnol

Oh fuck! That’s good.


Also, the idea that more goals makes hockey more watchable/popular is up there with “Oh, Tampa Bay/Canada in the finals is bad for hockey because they have a small tv market” as a sure sign that the mouthpiece of that opinion doesn’t actually like hockey in the first place and never will.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Well it looks like this year you don’t have to worry about Canada playing past early April…

Sill Bimmons

Or that they grew up in the late 70s/early 80s when players of transcendental skill had the space to make plays and some open net to shoot at.


Ben Bishop looks like he forgot to either jerk off or put his contacts in before the game started.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Or he jerked off in his contacts.


Either way, he probably needs a refresher for contact insertion.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Also, this is what the average goalie is doing this year: 2.49 GAA, .916 SV%

I did see they’re going to streamline equipment next season which… will make people like Jonathan Quick better, no?


You would think, right?


I think teams will always adjust for defense, so if goalies are worse because of equipment, someone will just put 3 defensemen on the ice at a time and clog it all up. Similar to football, and every sport I suppose, players have gotten bigger faster stronger, but the game hasn’t changed. I’d like to see blocked shot statistics over the years, and if there is any correllation with decrease in goals. Limiting the equipment of skaters in some way to discourage shot blocking (for fear of injury) is an interesting theory I’ve heard from some lunatic somewhere.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

It also helps that goalies kinda know what the fuck they are doing. In the 80s it seemed like, “Well, if I move and flop all around, maybe it will distract him!”


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Though, I think its safe to attribute that spike from after ’93 solely to Martin Broduer

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

To be fair, Dom Hasek basically broke the fucking curve for mid to late 90s goalies.


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Some 80’s goalies were more distracting than others.


Number 15, 2 minutes for diving.

Sill Bimmons

That’s the guy in charge.

Good luck with that.

Sill Bimmons

If they don’t make the nets bigger it won’t matter.

Goalies are too big now and it has become way too difficult to score.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

With regard to the Gawker snafu, I only read Drew and Will Gordon’s posts and I have them sent to me in an RSS reader so I don’t have to go to the site proper.

I remember listening to a podcast with Nicholas Carlson, formerly of business insider, and he edited ValleyWag for just over a year. He said along the lines of, “it took a long time to get the stink of that off me.”

Sill Bimmons

Jalopnik, Gizmodo and io9 had their good points.


The irreverence of early Deadspin was absolutely fun as hell to read. As much as I think Leitch is a tool, he wasn’t a malicious fuckhead.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

He’s smarmy, but eminently more likeable than Craggs and anyone who followed him.


Given that Denton has a post on the ruling today on Gawker, it seems they are determined to ignore any and all legal advice from their attorneys.

Must be FUN being part of that legal team.


Denton won’t let go of the delusion Gawker Media is a legitimate journalistic outlet and not a tabloid Buzzfeed without the photo articles. He genuinely believes he’s fighting the good fight.

Sill Bimmons

He might be.

Don’t forget that the reason we have the freedom to enjoy all that sweet, sweet porn is because Larry Flynt would not let a bunch of Cincinnati bible-thumpers
silence him.

Just because you don’t like the people responsible doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve your support in keeping our independent media outlets free to publish without fear of frivolous litigation.


I’m speaking less of his actions in this fight and his overall news philosophy. He’s a peddler of gossip and clickbait and thinks he’s something more.

Flynt was upfront about his smut peddling; Denton is not.

Sill Bimmons



And I will say I think some aspects of this trial were extremely fucked up. A juror seriously asked Emma Carmichael if she had slept with either Daulerio or Denton. That makes me genuinely question judgment of the jury.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

And she could have replied, “No, Denton’s a gay and AJ’s too drugged out to get an erection!”

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

As far as I’m concerned they can operate however shoddily they want, but they’re crazy if they think they’re anything above a National Enquirer at this rate.


Here is the thing that annoys the fuck out of me about Denton and Gawker in general…they pretend they are journalists when its convenient. They want all the rights and none of the responsibilities.

Like most people, Denton doesn’t understand how the 1st amendment actually works…which isn’t necessarily a problem…its why you have a legal department. But its clear they either a) never listen to their lawyers or b) like the rest of the company they refuse to pay anyone actual money for their work so they don’t really have a legal department.

The whole reason why no one else was posting the Hulk Hogan sex tape was because any lawyer worth their salt would tell any media company that its not worth the legal risks.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I remember the Great Vice-Gawker “Who Pays Their Workers Less?” Bitchfest of 2015.


Now that the Wings have properly robbed Michigan blind, it’s time to return to mediocrity!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Between the water and the sports teams everyone’s going blind.


The unraveling of Gawker continues. Nick Denton posted a screed today about how unjust the decision is *AND* he was going down into the comments to defend himself. That’s always a bad, bad sign.


Time to put a Fleshbot link back on the main site to distract the masses.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I like how AJ Daulerio was found to have no assets whatsoever and $27k in college debt.


I like even more how Denton took a swipe at him during his screed for the snarky four-year-old comment.

I like even more than that in addition to having a negative net worth he’s in that state at age 41(!)

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show


Now it’s BuzzFeed with less capital.

King Hippo

Death throes WOO

Sill Bimmons

This is actually an historic privacy/press case and I hope Gawker is not only vindicated in an actual court but that they countersue the Hulkster into Third World poverty.


Yeah, if the number of internet commenters that like you is the deciding factor in a court case, I’ll just take the hemlock now.

Sill Bimmons

Drink up, chucklefuck!


But Shirley all my “This Is Great”‘s will save me!

Sill Bimmons



It almost felt as if the jury opted to punish Gawker for all the shitty things they’ve done and the hubris they showed in court about it.


Maybe they are counting on an appeal on the basis that it couldn’t have been a jury of their peers due to the lack of popped collars and jager bombs in the jury room.
/Not actually sure how appeals work, but I dont think it’s like that.


I find the people both sides of this case to be utterly awful.

Sill Bimmons

As do I, but I value the freedom of the press more than I do the privacy concerns of a public figure.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

As a person, I enjoyed that. As a recovering litigator, I felt very, very bad for his attorneys who are going to have to explain this during Florida’s equivalent of Motion For Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict


Wooo! I learned a legal term tonight!


Should’ve been you, Uproxx.

King Hippo

I keep forgetting Dan Dakich is announcing the NIT contest, and unmuting the teevee box. Getting old is a bitch, kids. I don’t recommend it.


I recommend changing to a channel that’s not showing horrendous laughable shit.
Admittedly, not so easy to find.
I’m on the home stretch of my Archer mega re-watch binge in prep for next week. Way better than Dan Dakich.

King Hippo

I haven’t even seen The Americans’ premiere yet. My DVR screwed up (and I don’t want to deal with On Demand commercials) so I have to wait to re-record tonight.

/white people problems


When I read your first sentence I about to give you a load of shit for watching the NIT when you had Americans’ premiery goodness. Then I read the rest. Way to ruin my fun.
Interestingly (or not) my dvr screwed up the premiere last week as well, cut off the last 15 minutes. Fortunately I was watching it only an hour-ish after it aired and was able to re-record in the middle of the night and finish it the next day.
See, that’s what happens when one doesn’t go to bed at like 6:15pm.
Woooo!!!! found a way to give you shit anyway!!!!
/understands now why I never get invited to Casa del Hippo


Yeah, both of you old people’s DVRs “screwed up”. Totally not operator-error.

/is older than both of you (I think)

Sill Bimmons

A further thought on “everything’s funny when a fat guy does it.”

The perfect example of this:

His signature is on the order authorizing the Final Solution. He is the inventor of the terror bombing of civilian populations. Without his fame and influence it is unlikely that Hitler’s pathetic little movement would ever have succeeded.

And yet he is often an afterthought when one starts putting together a “Top Ten Evil Nazis” list.

If he’d stayed looking like this…

…history would probably remember him more clearly as as the monster he truly was.

King Hippo

Oh, that GOERRING!!! womp womp woooooommmmmmmppppppp

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

There had to be a Third Reich because he ate the second.


Q: Why was Hitler’s sixth-in-command afraid of his seventh-in-command?

A: Because seven ate nine, and also was an inhuman psychopath.

King Hippo

goddamnit, Buddy, why must you be so funny??


I think what we all need right now is a hastily written, overly simplified, emotional screed about how all of this is George W Bush’s fault for invading Iraq in the first place so we can have a face to blame. That and an Econ 101 lecture about how government spending stimulates (heh stimulate) the economy more than a tax break of the same amount.


I don’t blame Bush for the disastrous Iraq invasion, I blame Cheney.

Sill Bimmons

Blaming Bush for Iraq is like blaming Achmed The Dead Terrorist for Jeff Dunham’s act.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

He was in charge.

Sill Bimmons


Reagan was “in charge,” too.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

A slightly coked up Richard Lewis v. the Jacke Puppet


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Flyera! Just need Tampa to not suck a dick tonight


Training was kind of sad today. The Canucks were sharing their favorite Ford memories.

He apparently was every Canadian’s favorite drunk uncle. Slightly racist…heavy booze and drug using….pretty embarrassing…but ultimately a harmless lovable loser…

Hard to believe he was only 32. God takes the good one’s young.

Also the morbidly obese that smoke crack cocaine recreationally.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I didn’t think the corruption (alleged!) was that popular, but hey…. sorry I mean but eh?

Sill Bimmons

Everything’s funny when a fat guy does it!


It’s true, it’s true! Case in point:


You know a sketch is good when just seeing the preview causes you to start quoting it.


Rob Ford was 46. That’s dead three times in dogs-addicted-to-crack years.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I was on the assumption that 32 was a joke; maybe I snickered incorrectly.


I’m so accustomed to folks getting things wrong about all things Canuck-it’s pretty much a reflex at this point.


He was 32 in Canadian years.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

” If you ever wanted to know what a Bernie Sanders presidency would’ve looked like, watch the North for the next four years.” WTF? Jesus, never mind.


I know, I heard it too.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Stupid interwebs. Point being, yeah, you are correct in your assessment of that not-so-cromulent statement.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I forget to delete that crap half the time too.

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Sill Bimmons

If you delete all that extra URL gibberish before you post the image it will still post.

Senor Weaselo

It posts the image from Frinkiac, but it doesn’t post the quote.

Sill Bimmons
Senor Weaselo

On one hand, it’s awful that those attacks haven’t gotten the coverage that European attacks did. On the other, I’m a quarter Armenian, so fuck those genocide-denying bastards.

Sill Bimmons

Both valid points.


“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying?” Ehrlichman told Baum. “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


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Sill Bimmons

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Prescription addiction is OK though; our contributors make a ton of money from that.

King Hippo

Hippo tested. HIPPO APPROVED!


Overshadowed on the day was the baseball game between the Cuban national team and the Tampa Bay Rays. MLB refurbished the stadium at their own expense. Obama and younger Castro were in attendance.

My only question is if we are reaching out as a form of detente between our nations, why couldn’t we send one of our professional baseball teams there?


Um…the Rays have been pretty good for like the last 5 years at least.


I know.
And last year the weren’t that great plus had a massive sell off.


You’re probably thinking of the Florida/Miami Marlins. They have been pretty terrible for quite some time.

Holy shit though when they make the playoffs they do NOT fuck around.




Weird how the Belgium thing is getting a lot more attention than a slightly worse thing in Turkey last week.

I guess it’s ok if the reason is quality beer production.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Yeah. “Weird”.

Actually, there are two semi-legit contributing factors. First, the Turkish government allegedly put some pretty heavy media restrictions down after the attack.

Second, the attack was allegedly the work of a Kurdish independence group, and we (American public) legitimately don’t know how to deal with Kurds. We like Iraqi Kurds most of the time, going back to Gulf War I, and they’re a big part of the fight against ISIS. And the Turkish Kurds have been sending what fighters Turkey allows to help in that. But the Kurds in Turkey have a vicious militant wing that keeps blowing shit up. We have no idea how to process that two parts of the same ethnic group can be allies and despicable at the same time, so we don’t feel the kinship that we feel with our close cousins (economically, socially, racially, etc.) in Belgium and France.


“Like hell we don’t know how to deal with kurds!”

– Wisconsin resident, through a mouthful of fried cheese

Sill Bimmons

“Comme l’enfer nous ne savons pas comment traiter avec les kurdes!”

— résident de Montréal, à travers une bouchée de poutine

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Damn it Rikki; that’s good, not the curds really, but the comment.


What’s funny is I remember partying in high school with a couple of kids that went to Emory and they were super cool.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

See, I hate me some Trump, but this sort of twattery makes me sad to share a side of the political spectrum with these little shits.
1. The fuck is an “antiphonal chant”?
2. “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” doesn’t even fucking rhyme. Generally I have no use for marketing majors, but c’mon- get one of them to write you something a little catchier
3. I assume the author is the freshman-year roommate of the “protest leader” or somesuch, because 40 students ain’t shit. The vast majority of the student body is concerned with 1. passing midterms, 2. getting laid, and/or 3. getting a job.
4. Unless the “chalkings” were “I agree with Trump, let’s kill all the Muslims/immigrants/black people” then you don’t get to be “afraid for your safety”. You are going out into a big wide world where people with opposing, even hostile viewpoints. Put on your big boy pants, hold your little sign-waving “protest” out in the Quad, then fuck back off until I need someone to make me a Frappucino.


I feel like the students at Emory College might benefit from the application of some novel teaching techniques.


I always had a tense relationship with my classmates in college…mainly cause I was a 27 year old on the GI Bill while they were 18 year olds on their parents’ dime.

Its been something like 4 years since I graduated. Hearing the stories my sister tells me as a professor, its disturbing to say the least. We are really fucking failing these kids. My sister had a girl skip an exam and her excuse was she was in a car accident and the doctor told her not to think too hard to prevent long term damage.

When my sister called bullshit on that, the girls mother proceeded to spam my sisters email and phone repeatedly for weeks.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That and they will be in $120,000+ of debt and be too incompetent to hold a job. They should look at the bright side though: sea levels are going to rise much faster than expected.


“Let’s go surfing!”

– Millennials

– (also Chris Henry)


We had a guy like you in our dorm – he was in his mid/late twenties and had been in the Navy before transferring in as a junior. We loved him – being an adult male who’d been outside the confines of our tiny engineering school he’d had some pretty fascinating experiences, like having sex with women and stuff.

Sill Bimmons

Guys like you also never gave a fuck about getting caught buying booze for freshmen.

I owe many a sweaty fall semester hookup to Emilio’s balls.

Sill Bimmons

This shit’s only going to get worse.

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