Your “Josh Gordon’s Day of Anguish” 4/20 Open Thread

If Roger Goodell had any sense of humour – even an evil one – he would make an announcement about Josh Gordon today. It could be about anything:

  • reinstatement
  • trade of his rights
  • renaming the drug test after him

Instead, Johnny Manziel’s Halo partner is going to have two missing years on his transcript. Like Manziel.

Meanwhile, Von Miller wonders why no one wants to be his roommate.

What adds to the hilarious “Clevelandocity”™ of the whole situation is that the Browns today traded their first round pick to the Eagles, terms as noted in this helpful jpeg from Rikki Tikki Deadly:

A natural cynic will observe that the Browns have nicely locked up the #1 & #3 picks in 2017. A resident of The Factory will note the Browns are once again building for a future that will never come. A patron of a Flying J Fuel Stop outside Akron is wondering why they paid for $30 in diesel but only received $25. Meanwhile, the bottle jockey at Christie’s Caberet is preparing his draft sheet for Mr. Haslam’s arrival.

Because this man has never made any bad decisions.

Before we leave the…something that is Cleveland, presented for your consideration: Separated at Birth?








Good luck enjoying Pornhub later tonight!

Speaking of jackoffs, Trump handily won New York’s primary. My favourite part was Gawker noting long-withdrawn Ben Carson actually beat Cruz in one district. THAT’S GOOD HUSTLE!!! Going into next week’s latest Super Tuesday, Trump looks to have made Cleveland an interesting place to visit this summer. On the Democratic side, I’m surprised Hillary didn’t walk in to “God Save The Queen“.

I’m using a good picture because I want to keep crossing the border.
Likely on these.

In lesser footy news, I’m nonplussed by Everton getting rolled 4-0 today, so long as the Toffees pull off the bigger victory on Saturday in their FA Cup semi. Still, the size of the loss today means my Evertonian neighbour will be loudly liquored by the time I get home.

Keeping on the topic of vanquishing your foes, his could be the first night of eliminations from a playoff series, as the Flyers look to have already packed up for the season. It just depends on whether the Capitals go looking for revenge for all the head shots the other night, and if that throws them off their quest to end the schneid. You can count on Flyers fans to act appropriately.

The contests!

NHL: four games

  • Caps @ Flyers – 7:00
  • Panthers @ Islanders – 8:00
  • Stars @ Wild – 9:30
  • Kings @ Sharks – 10:30

NBA: three games

  • Hornets @ Heat – 7:00
  • Pistons @ Cavs – 8:00
  • Portland @ LA Clippers – 10:30

So you don’t have to look for it later, here’s a link to WIP’s twitter feed. LET THE HATE NOURISH YOU!


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I’ve sampled this before but I need to be at least functional because we’re going to San Luis Obispo on the Friday before Memorial Day and I will not miss this!

I’ve got a resort and everything!

I will not miss this show!


Single greatest one take video in the last several years.


Totally stolen from a DFO request line but I don’t care.
Makes me happy.

Viva La France!


I think yeah right should seriously consider replacing his knees and lower legs with those running blades.


I was thinking my parents should have requested pods.

Porky Prime

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See yall soon.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

See you soon.


Howdy Porky!


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Happy 4/20 y’all.
I love you so much that I just can’t describe it.



I’m trying to get on King Hippo’s wavelength this evening.

Gotta wait until NEXT Thursday for an MRI.
Another week delayed.

Looking like first week of May before reconstruction.

How do I pass the time?




The Party calls that Electioneering son!


Oh wow. Former WWE star Chyna died.


Strong taek: nonplussed is dramatically underutilized

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yes, plus (sorry) people would use it incorrectly, so that makes it better.

1. To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder.

2. Usage Problem To cause to feel indifferent or bored.

Like: “Usage Note: The verb nonplus, from the Latin phrase nōn plūs, “not more,” is well established with the meaning “to surprise and bewilder.” The verb and its participial adjective nonplussed often imply that the affected person is at a loss for words. This use of the word was acceptable to 90 percent of the Usage Panel in our 2013 survey in the sentence The scientists were completely nonplussed—the apparatus had not acted at all as they had expected. However, the word is frequently used to mean “to make indifferent, bore,” as if the plus part of the word meant “to overcome with excitement.” This usage is still controversial and should probably be avoided, since it may well be viewed as a mistake. In our 2013 survey, 57 percent of the Panel rejected the sentence The nine panelists showed little emotion during the broadcast and were generally nonplussed by the outcome. This percentage is almost unchanged from the 61 percent of the Panel who rejected the same sentence in 2001.”


When did Britney spears and amber rose start debating?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The word “literally”; holy shit. I was talking with someone who uses it all the time and about half incorrectly. So I say “figuratively” and then go on the describe something as factually and exactly as I possibly could; as to be expected they did not see the humor in this endeavor.


I support putting people who misuse “literally” into ovens.

Porky Prime

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Good to see ya! Howz it going?



Porky Prime

Mostly meh, but getting along.


Great “seeing” you here, bud. Bro-hug from out west.


Looking for yinz?


Actually, just saw on the twitterz that his dog isn’t doing well and may not make it. As always, hug your loved ones, furry and otherwise.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Man, that sucks.


We switched the LA Kings with the 1974–75 Washington Capitals. Lets see if anyone notices.


Ugh. What a bandwagon-riding poser.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I KNOOOOOOOOW, but really; what did you expect from David Boreanaz?


a tour of his house?

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


*I dislike him as an “actor”, but I’d look around his house. What’s in the fridge?


Evening, gents. Just finished a day of intense meetings and a work dinner, and I am reporting live with this important update: I am the only one walking around downtown Boulder that is not high.


Given the amount of secondhand smoke I imagine is hanging in your thin-ass air, I doubt that.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Makes me think of the reverse; “I am the only one in downtown Springfield, Kentucky that is not gigged on Oxy. Not sure if I will make it out alive.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You can tell by how long the line is at Abo’s.

Not entirely true, because that is also a great place to get slices after you’ve been drinking.


Somewhat more recent Hip

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Touchdown, San Diego!

…sorry, I just don’t understand how the Padres have a 7-0 lead.


Both you and I could go 2-4 with an extra base hit the way Jeff Locke is pitching.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Fair enough. But in that case, sign me up!


“extra base hit” = swinging bunt + throwing error

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“extra bong hit” = swinging blunt + dropping error

Sorry, the comment above threw me.


Lets go Ice Kiss! . . .

Ice Cowboys just took a 3-2 lead.


Ruh oh. Trump may have lost Maryland, and we may have to thank Tom Brady for it.

Senor Weaselo

But is Donald Trump an ELITE candidate?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

But they belong together.


Like AIDS and pneumonia.


Google Image Search didn’t return a name but it did return “Jungle Queens – Nude Germany – February 2016”. Hopefully that helps your search.


That’s more than I ever got. Thanks.


Gabriella De Almeida Rinne

Thanks for your help.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Not surprising that her name is also attractive.


Well, there’s no way I’m going to top this tonight so…


She seems friendly

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wait until she orders a drink in a Denver bar; they ID the everybody who looks under 40.


That sounds terrible

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It is pretty strict, not terrible by any means, you just need an ID to drink or buy alcohol, weed, etc. Just not fire arms or prescription medications…….


NSFW Deliciously NSFW.


Oh, right. I forgot to mention that.


Fuck you, Blue Jays.
Learn to throw a pitch, dicks.


@ironghazi Kurt schilling wants this guy alone in the bathroom with little boys.— Bobby Bullseye (@doki_pen) April 21, 2016

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so this is where ESPN draws the line…. eh?


It doesn’t matter what I say here. Any rational argument I make is going to be forever connected to dumbasses like this.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So you are in favor of these new laws such as the one in NC?


Fuck those states for continuing to perpetuate the bigoted bullshit that all LGBT are sexual predators.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Agreed, but not the answer to my comment.


I know. I just felt like sharing.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, vent away.


Uncertain. I want to support it but I’m concerned about the privacy rights of those who don’t want to share a bathroom with someone who was technically born anatomically a different gender or who may still have private parts that differ.

Also, how will this be policed? If the men’s room is full or if all the toilets are backed up, what’s stopping me from saying “I’m a girl now” and using the Ladies Room?

Plus you cannot dismiss that sexual predators will take advantage of this law. LGBT are not sexual predators at the least, but their cause will take a serious hit if someone is harmed by some monster who take advantage of this.

tl;dr I want to support it, but I have reservations. I’m fense riding this sumbitch.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I see, and figured as much. While I don’t want to debate this here your use of the term “rational” is very loose.


My use of “rational” means any words I use will always be forever linked to people who use shock and fear to justify their bigoted views. So when people read the words, it is dismissed out of hand as bigoted speak when really it is a cautiously moderately conservative viewpoint.


Sexual predators already ruined men’s rooms.


So because homosexual sexual predators have ruined the men’s room, we have to open up the women’s rooms for the heterosexual predators?

I’m all for equal opportunity, but…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sexual predators is a straw man in this argument. They will exist and perpetrate there crimes regardless. You act as though when the SCOTUS decision came down that there was a mass of predators invading the locker/ rest rooms of our precious women folk. This is not the case. Unsurprised comment also mystifies me; there are not legions of pedophiles and male/ male rapists in public restrooms. There is a much higher probability of getting asked for a blowjob by a closeted Republican politician than what you are saying. Your argument is not rational or backed by facts or data, it is simply a fear of LGBT people and and the freedom that your like minded citizens have given that purposely discriminate against people when there is no evidence of any threat against anyone.


Fair enough. I’ll go back to 1950s where I belong.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No need to go any where; we are regressing and will be there soon enough.


Wow. I knew Liberalism was talking over the country but RETROACTIVELY?!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Yeah, pretty funny. Angry white males are the oppressed!


The idea that sex offenders–people who are wantonly choosing to violate the law–are being held back by a rule (not a law, mind you) saying you have to pick the bathroom with the proper sign is a bit hard to believe. I think it also relies on an imaginary idea of how sexual predators work and not a real one. I have yet to hear anyone cite a real example where segregated bathrooms prevented any of these things.

How do you police who uses the proper bathroom now? Remember, it’s not illegal to use the “wrong” one, it’s just a social faux pas and predators pretty much ignore those anyway.

Bathrooms have stalls which are private. You could simply put a privacy wall around urinals to deal with that issue.


Good counter argument. Too bad politics can’t be like this. Shit might actually get done.

Horatio Cornblower

I’m just gonna piss on this tree.


I think my favorite part about Schilling is that he seems to never know when to quit.


That’s not true.

He knows how to defraud an entire state without acting so egregiously that he gets indicted.

Horatio Cornblower

Seriously. He ass-fucked Rhode Island far worse than any sexual predator in a bathroom could ever hope to do.


dear lord this comment made my week

Horatio Cornblower

Men’s room for men, women’s room for women, throw in a gender neutral room for people who have gender identity issues, or who just want an original meet cute story. Problem solved.

The bathroom issue is a red herring . The right uses it to get people fired up about the idea that predators are going to rape your children in the bathroom and therefore you should support this law which, oh by the way, discriminates against homosexuals in a dozen different ways but the important thing is that the fucking bathrooms are safe.