Your “Is England Still In After The Vote” Sunday Euro Open Thread

Well, Saturday’s games were pretty dull, at least after the Swiss – Poland match. I was driving in the car, listening to the Portugal – Croatia match, and the BBC announcers were openly mocking the play, saying things like, “Well, if they’ve agreed to not play each other, why don’t they just shake hands and     just go straight to penalties?” Good thing it didn’t get to penalties – I don’t think the Beeb guys could’ve handled it.

Luckily, there are some better match ups today, so the day drinking should pay good dividends.

  • France – Ireland – 9:00
  • Germany – Slovakia – 12:00
  • Hungary – Belgium – 3:00

And, let’s not forget the Copa finale. Argentina – Chile from the Meadowlands this evening. It’s almost enough to help get though one more day until the start of NFL training camps in 29 days.

Hopefully, Monday brings another update from litre_cola. If all goes well, he might be Prime Minister of Great Britain by the time he returns.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

OK, looking forward to another productive week at work.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Perhaps with my subtle and convincing style I can get some practical suggestions of my coworkers to be implemented on a more commonplace practice.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Good riddance.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The owe us for ALL the federal property with the state; wholesale value ~$980 billion first.


Ahaha. Tell them they can have it but make the entry requirements onerous and militarize the shit of the border. Let them wither into a third-world nation and laugh the whole time.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Most of the military equipment in the state was funded by federal tax dollars; I’m sure they could prorate it and take what they didn’t pay for.

Doktor Zymm

This place I buy corsets from is having a “Brexit Panic Sale”
Commerce is very entertaining.


AFL Beat is up! Sorta on time…

Doktor Zymm

Waffle cones smell so much better than they taste. Actual waffles are where it’s at though.

I need to build more high schools, who knew you needed a high school education to work in a cigar factory?

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Heading up to San Jose on Thursday to visit some of my best friends over the long weekend. Highlights to include:
Seeing Independence Day 2
Going to Great America (mostly for the new Mass Effect ride)
Getting shitty and blowing shit up on the 4th

Any Commentists up there that want to grab a beer or something? I swear we had 1 or 2, I just can’t remember who they were…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

45 seconds after a great save, of course Belgium goes down the field and scores.

Wooo! C’mon Hungary, get as many of those Belgians thrown out for next game!


BOOM! Right in the stones!

Sill Bimmons

I don’t think there’s any partial credit on this test.


I love how people who make this argument think they’re so clever when they make this argument and ignore that it runs into the same problem it claims to solve.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So you chose A?


I have to give it to Belgium. This is the first time they’ve played like a legitimate favorite to win a championship over the past two tournaments (World Cup 2014 and this tournament). The media’s dick riding of this team has finally been validated!

Sill Bimmons

I’d rather have seen your boys go through.



Oh for fuck sakes!

Another really, really close near miss for Hungary. As they say on Any Given Sunday, “Football is a game of inches.”

Sill Bimmons

Strong taek: Any Given Sunday is a terrible film.


Only when you think about it!

King Hippo

I like that Batshuyai (sp?) kid. If/when Big Rom leaves, that’s the only name that I can bear to consider as a replacement. SO MUCH BETTER than the two Redshite plodders that Wilmots has been playing as backup forwards.


Eden was a HAZZARD to Hungary’s chances of making it out of the round of 16.

Sill Bimmons
Sill Bimmons

0 — 2

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Check. Mate.

Where the shit was the defense?


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Hungary. is. so. close.


The Wedge is a surfing spot in Newport Beach (CA for you out-of-state DFOers) and is known for its kick-ass waves that get amplified by the jetty (or “wedge”). Yesterday some tourists rented a jet ski and decided to experience a 20 foot wave close up. Thankfully (or not), they were wearing lifejackets and there were enough experienced locals to help them out. RIP for the jet ski, though.


A righteous wave from a merciful god.

Sill Bimmons

Holy FUCKBALLS those idiots

King Hippo

alas, Darwinism and the American gene pool lose out yet again…


That was highly entertaining.


That’s a bunch of morons right there.

It should be noted that The Wedge is really a boogie-boarding spot. Way too crazy for regular surfing.


Yeah if you go north of the pier with elevated surf you’re asking to be removed from the gene pool.
The youngest right and I used to boogie board on the state Beach in Newport because near the city Beach that shit is nuts.
Not to mention the surf had been high as FUCK the last few days. I’ll read about the rescues tomorrow.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

When I went out there it was calmer than in the video. I just walked down the beach.

Even in Colorado we get that; people driving through washouts during/ after a storm.

Horatio Cornblower



DFO honorary Patron saint Kiraly is having himself a measty game.

King Hippo

We’re gonna need MOAR sweat pants!!

Sill Bimmons

Nainggolan: of the Aarschot Nainggolans.

King Hippo

Jeebus, that was a purty pass from Lukaku.


I think it’s a little early for Hungary to be sending so many guys up. They’re setting themselves up for a stupid turnover leading to Belgium sending Lukaku off on a breakaway.


DFO’s comments are starting to break down like Belgium’s defense.


That’s three really good, near misses for Hungary. Damn.

Now that’s an interesting nugget: Belgium is the most expensive team in the Euros, averaging over 15 million/player. One average player’s contract is worth more than all Hungary’s.



Have you ever had a gathering of friends and loved ones and had the most incredible time that the next day you wake up happy, fulfilled yet kind of sad because everyone went home?

I feel like that today after yesterday’s DFO So Cal gathering.
So I started drinking early in self defense.

Ooohh look! Rum!


This game is starting to remind me of Might Ducks 3: Back to School. Hungary is the Ducks and Belgium is Eaton Hall. Hungary is getting bailed out by great goaltending and by sweeping away the trash. And we all know how that turned out.

Sill Bimmons

I’ve never seen the film but I’m assuming that the Eaton Hall kids win by 12 and the Mighty Ducks have to be their live-in butlers until the next rematch which never happens because the Eaton Hall kids don’t want to risk losing their live-in butlers.

Doktor Zymm

“I just went to my secret rum stash and drank it all, like a good Tropican should, instead of going to a clinic like a bunch of pansies!”

Sill Bimmons

Are immigants the same thing as displaced colonial subjects?

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Either way, I’m pretty sure some of these guys should be off the squad by tomorrow’s match:


Commentator: “Hungary doesn’t have any star players. Just a great worth ethic and great team spirit.”

That’s why they should be your favorite teams, folks! They’re the Lunch Pale gang!

. . . Unlike Belgium, who have that glory boy Lukaku who just ran from one end of the field to the other to back check. He’s trying to take a Belgium defender’s job with that kind of glory boy attitude. SMH

King Hippo

Ha!! We just had a big discussion on the Everton boards whether it was subconscious racism behind the criticism of Lukaku taking about wanting a transfer (after having a great season) vs. the relative quiet/continued positive feelings about John Stones, who had an absolute shitshow season on the pitch after his transfer request was denied (but he stayed quiet).

I predicted that Rom would end up deciding to stay after the coaching change if we really committed money to upgrading the squad, but Stones would still leave this offseason, because Lukaku is a smarter footballer and cares more about Everton (even though OF COURSE he looks out for himself first, any pro does).

And….that is EXACTLY what is happening now.


When in doubt with English European fans, it’s always racism.

I’m actually surprised no big club has offered a boat load of cash for him yet. If anything, Evertonian fans should be happy they’ve had him at least one season longer than they should.

Sill Bimmons

Nationalism is more important that racism.

Not by much, but the Hun is definitely worse than the (insert plural racist insult here).

King Hippo

My hope has always been that we would (i) refuse to sell him to an EPL rival; then (ii) spend/succeed enough to get him to skip the “intermediate” step of going to a “lesser” CL-caliber team elsewhere in Europe, and stay with us until one of the monster sides come calling (PSG, Bayern, etc.)

I believe Fahrad Moshiri has sold him on giving (ii) a chance, at least feeling it out for the 2016-17 season. Because he does like it at Everton, and he is the kind of player who feeds off being loved/supported, and doesn’t really benefit from going to a side that might drop him after a 3-match goal drought, or stuff like that. But he can’t let his career stagnate either, and it would have under Roberto Martinez.

Sill Bimmons

Lukaku: Of the Spa Lukakus.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Belgium hasn’t had any defenders since the Albert I.

Sill Bimmons

So do the Euro teams have mascots like in rugby (i.e. the Lions for England or the Springboks for South Africa)? Cause if they do, I think Hungary’s mascot should be the Hippo.

Sill Bimmons

England aren’t the Lions, you’re thinking of the British Lions which are a quadrennially-selected touring side made up of the best players from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

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England is just England.


Assuming the inevitable re-vote referendum doesn’t happen, that logo is going to look awkward when N. Ireland and Scotland opt out.

Sill Bimmons

Ireland plays rugby as a united nation, and Lions tours have been going on since before the ROI gained full independence so I don’t think the domestic politics are going to affect anything.

Sill Bimmons

Can’t do it anymore, US announcers.

Just can’t.

King Hippo

oh God, f/x last night??

Sill Bimmons


King Hippo

Their crew’s “analysis” was the worst of the summer. Just awful.

Sill Bimmons

i save myself the frustration of watching things like that.


The sad thing is I don’t think your average casual fan knows that.

King Hippo

I think the Euros should start earlier and as teams get knocked out they should “parachute” into the South American Euros like in CL/Europa league. That would be super fun.


Good afternoon, folks.

As I was explaining to Mrs Wakezilla, Belgium is by far the worst matchup for Hungary out of the three teams that drew group F nations. It’s probably going to be 3-0 Belgium. I haven’t seen any old gypsy ladies recently.


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“I wasn’t gonna mark him, I thought YOU were gonna mark him.”

– Hungarian defenders


HUNGARIAN COACH: That’s the worst job of marking I’ve ever seen!

JETS FANS: Oh, we’ve seen worse.

Sill Bimmons
Horatio Cornblower

Now that’s a meal!

Sill Bimmons

Two countries with grand imperial traditions that were irrevocably smashed by WWI.

Belgium was the sixth-largest economy in the world in 1914. That was actually a pretty bad thing as far as Africa was concerned as that economy was built almost entirely on the atrocities committed by Belgian colonists in what are now the Congolese States, Rwanda, and Burundi. Belgium was so utterly destroyed by the conflict that they were never again able to regain their stranglehold on their colonies despite not ceding independence until 1960.


“Weird Al” Yankovic / 艾爾‧楊科維奇 – You Make Me


:/ “This is great” not b/c I like this song, but Eminem Yo.

Horatio Cornblower

Good book on the subject is “King Leopold’s Ghost”

You’ll hate Belgians so much you’ll never eat waffles again.


Belgium is a very under-rated horrible colonial country.

Sill Bimmons

So is Portugal.

Sill Bimmons

Austria-Hungary was the fourth-largest economy in the world in 1914. Vienna kept its colonial designs within the borders of the continent, ruling over what is now:

The following successor states were formed (entirely or in part) on the territory of the former Austria-Hungary:

German Austria and First Austrian Republic
Hungarian Democratic Republic, Hungarian Soviet Republic, and Kingdom of Hungary
Czecho-Slovakia (“Czechoslovakia” from 1920 to 1938)
State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (joined on 1 December 1918 with the Kingdom of Serbia to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later Kingdom of Yugoslavia)
Second Polish Republic
West Ukrainian People’s Republic (united with the Ukrainian People’s Republic through Act Zluky, while its territory was fully overran by the Second Polish Republic)
Duchy of Bukovina and Transylvania were joined to the Kingdom of Romania

Austro-Hungarian lands were also ceded to the Kingdom of Romania and the Kingdom of Italy.

So, yeah that was a lot of countries even back before Yugoslavia blew up.

Then WWI happened, and everybody died. Literally. The Austro-Hungarian army sustained a simply unbelievable 86% casualty rate, with 922,000 confirmed dead and 2,200,000 missing and presumed dead.

And that’s how empires are killed!


I’ll never cease to be amazed by the amount of gooey mucus my body can produce.

Horatio Cornblower

The body is a temple.

A disgusting, messy temple.

Sill Bimmons

You have no idea…

Horatio Cornblower

Just a friendly reminder: When you’re on Doxycycline because some tick couldn’t mind its own fucking business and you go to change the oil in your car on a bright sunny day, take lots of breaks.

Jesus the itching.


Doxy and bright sunny days are not a good combo.
Just saying.


Mass Production – Firecracker!!


I mean, who hasn’t blasted themselves in the face unexpectedly with their cockrotechnics?

Sill Bimmons

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Sill Bimmons

hey guys


I like to bake, but being in a high altitude location fucks up all my recipes and I’ve given up trying to compensate. I just realized that I can make cookie dough (and leave out the eggs. Or not) and just eat it raw. That’s the best part anyway, so why not!

Sill Bimmons

I try to frequently remind myself that most basic cooking concepts have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years, and if some toothless peasant from the middle ages who couldnt even read could do it, then so can I.

Sill Bimmons

I cook, I just don’t bake.

And cooking has been around way longer than baking, so my ancestors knew that transforming the physical properties of food through the application of heat was cool before your ancestors did.


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This is bizarrely hypnotic.

Sill Bimmons

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If that’s a pressure cooker then yes, it could solve my altitude based pressure problems.

Doktor Zymm

I should run for president based on my skills at playing Civ and Tropico.


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You rang?


The people are hungry? Simple, grow more food!

Doktor Zymm

We should research planks to help the economy!



No idea why. Stay tuned.

Senor Weaselo

Pray for Scotchy, everyone.


She’s stressed. Should have seen this earlier…

Sill Bimmons

I kind of remember those:

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I’m going to need something stronger than this Berliner Weisse.


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While I do have a set of those glasses and some tasty whisky, I’m going to go with something a bit less potent.


I’m alternating between Genesse Light (which I just p/u a 30 pack for $11.99) and Miller High Life.


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-me and my oldest son


It’s gonna be awkward when the only ones left in the E.U. are Germany Poland and Austria


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Horatio Cornblower

I’ll bet the Poles lobby to drop the admissions standards at art schools.


The Germans are gonna party like it’s 1939.


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