If you have kids, they are assholes. I have three kids and the older two are assholes and the younger one is excelling in his Intro To Acting Like an Asshole 101.
And if you are a parent, or an owner of children, and you think your kids are darling little snowflakes, guess what? You’re a bigger asshole than your children. I want to slowly strangle every one of you, or beat you into a mass of jelly with a rusty piece of rebar.
First, these parents are irritating fucking know-it-alls who drive a Prius, read fancy books, are offended by absolutely everything in the world, and call me up when my middle child annihilates one of their fucking wimps on the playground.
Seriously, I had a parent call me up and say, “Fozz #2 hit my son when they were playing football.”
My response was, “Have you ever seen a football game? This is what children do. If your son doesn’t like it, maybe he should blog about Lena Dunham or collect leaves or concentrate on growing a vagina.”
Let’s not forget that these dickshits wreck their children’s lives by making them super picky over food. Nothing like having a kid ask 10 questions about the plate that’s been put in front of them. These children will grow up to murder sorority girls, pickle their eyeballs, and make jelly out of their uvulas.
Let me tell you about my relationship with food. I grew up in an Italian household and if you didn’t eat the fucking food that was put in front of you two things happened: you were told to eat the food or lose your teeth and you were subjected to a sledgehammer of guilt that could stop a full grown female bull elephant in heat.
(One of the mainstays at each dinner was wine. My grandfather would give us wine and Sprite. Fucking delicious. Other mainstays included Budweiser beers, unfiltered Camel cigarettes, the best goddamn sauce in the world, hilarity, and conversation carried on at the loudest volume possible.)
Unfortunately, my wife and I know parents who keep their kids gluten and GMO free and everything else free. These people shop at Fresh Goods or Fresh Fields, or Full of Shit Fields, whatever that place is named. I want to call it the Killing Fields because the people shopping their warrant killing.
They want them to eat healthy snacks and nutritious lunches and the parents expect these rules to follow when their dipshits stay at our house. This shit flies right the fuck out the door when these little precious darlings visit – somehow they surmounted the walls, moats, punji pits, trip wires, machine gun nests, pillboxes, and swinging logs that surround the Fozz Compound.
The little visitors get pizza, soda, sweets, and a couple of vegetables to balance the shit out. Guess what? They motherfucking love the shit out of that food. And I send them home and they fucking hate their parents. And I laugh and laugh.
It’s not just the food, it’s how the parents slowly turn their kids into fucking little Woody Allens loaded up with neuroses, worry, and anxiety. Good Christ, let the kids be kids. Sure, you want to protect them and teach them, but they need to go out and get dirty and fling sticks at each other and poop in a creek. (My middle son did this one day and became an instant hero of the neighborhood kids.)
Don’t think that I’m a perfect parent. Fuck no. When my first son was born, my father’s business partner said to me, “Smile and nod when people tell you how to raise your kids, and then do what you think is right. 90% of the time, you will make the right choice. The other 10% is called making mistakes and learning.”
So am I being a hypocrite by railing against these asshole parents? I don’t care. The way I see it, those kids are going to grow up and be whiny pussies who complain when they don’t win, force their opinions and habits on society, clamor for safe spaces at their colleges, and demand that their beautiful snowflakes get fucking trophies for participating in a soccer league when they are 5 years old.
You know, just like they do these days.
One of the neighborhood kids, on a hot June day, refused to drink out of the hose like my kids. Drinking out of a hose fucking rocks because, well, it’s a hose and you feel like a horse, or outlaw, or badass. “I only drink bottled water,” he says to me. “Well, then go home and get bottled water,” I said back. And he did. And my kids told me later that this kid was a little sissy.
Thing that made me smile:
Watching a guy in the car next to me rock the fuck out to whatever he was playing. He was smiling and laughing and the car was shaking because he was rocking so motherfucking HARD. I love that guy.
My buddy’s parenting philosophy is “don’t be the worst parents on the block.” He and his wife got real nervous when the worst parents on the block moved.
OrangeJello just got her acceptance letter to NC State.
\\looks up cost of tuition, housing, meals, etc at NCSU
What’s the going rate for a semi-healthy kidney? (The liver is NOT an option)
WOO!!!! Bestest place in the whole wide world!!!
/tuition was, shall we say, quite a bit more modest in my day
Congrats. I know a guy who knows a guy who has this girlfriend in Singapore who tells me that human femur bones are going for big time money. Shit, with the bucks leftover, you could get one of those Professor X flyin’ wheelchairs.
LOL. 20 years ago my undergrad program cost $32,000. Now it’s $69,000 a year.
I genuinely feel really really bad for that kid.
Listen to this soft ass pussy…
Getting food every night. Shit…in the JSD household…you had to KILL what you ATE!
Fucking Baltimore rat is good fucking eating if you can kill it before it kills you.
Uphill…..BOTH WAYS!
Fozz, I am 40, having my 1st in April. I am both terrified and excited with your words.
Parenthood is terrifying and exciting – those little yard monkeys that I call my own have taken years off of my life, and given me memories that will last until I’m shitting myself in my diapers.
Congrats on the upcoming birth, best of luck!
Crapping in a creek versus peeing of a cliff: Who Ya Got?
“Artisanal Uvula Jelly” is going in the Fantasy Football Name jar
It was me, and I was rocking out to The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, by Gordon Lightfoot.
I don’t have kids and one benefit to that is not being subjected to dimwitted modern parenting.
When I was in grade school, I’d wait by the street a couple hundred yards from my house for the bus to show up. Basically every other kid on the block did so as well. No parents where there and if they watched, we couldn’t see. We’d be there for a few minutes before the bus picked us up. No big deal.
Except I’d bet if I did that with my kid today, I’d get at least a phone call from a parent wondering why I was leaving them in danger and probably a call to CPS if I blew off that parent. It’s nuts. Your snowflake is less likely to be nabbed by CHILD PREDATORS!!! today then when I was a kid. Stop imagining demons everywhere except where they usually are: in your own fucking family.
“I agree, stop coddling your kids so much. Give them some independence!”
– Brad Childress
“We have played NO part in over-dramatizing and ignoring real statistics whenever a white child or white woman goes missing simply because rating shoot up when we over-report it.”
-The news media
-The public
These kids are soon going to have cabinet posts or be top “White House “””Advisers””” “
One of the main reasons I work in adult education is so I don’t have to talk to parents. I get to say “Freedom of Information and [long phrase] Act prevents me from giving you this information.
“But they live under my roof!”
“So please go upstairs and have a chat with them. Also, if they were getting all A’s, don’t you think I’d tell you?”
We just refer to the American version by its acronym. So for you all, that would be…FOIEh?
Back before the satellite radios and mepod thingies, I used to love trying to find the song that guy was rocking out to on the FM dial.
Bonus points when I got to rock out with him too.
People who care about participation trophies are the worst. Kids know that they are good or that they suck at sports at very early age. The dumb trophy is just a dump trophy. Dumbest thing in the world to complain about, Mr. Trump.
/gives self “participation trophy”
We only keep the trophies that are earned. The others ones go right in the trash. I call them dust collectors. If it’s possible, we skip “awards day.” What a joke.
A better move would have been to grab an empty bottle (Miller High Life would be best, but any bottle would be fine) and use the hose to fill it up, then hand it to him.
Does it need to be empty for the desired effect? I mean its Miller for FS.
This is my next tattoo
/leaves quietly and apologizes