TGISF…aka Your “I Dyed For Your Sins” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yeah, you think you know what that title means, don’t you?

Hehehe…we’ll see.

So Let’s Talk About This Jesus Dude

As I mentioned at Christmas, I’m an agnostic, at best.  But I still rationalize celebrating this Jesus’ life.  Dude was freaking awesome.

Tell ’em Jesus….

OK, ok, settle down there buddy.  I thought we were staying away from that kind of thing this go ’round?

Ok, maybe you go take a load off while I finish writing this, then we’ll go cruise chicks or something?

Great story, Jesus.  But I’ve heard it already.  Maybe while I’m writing this, you should call and let your folks know you’re OK?  Yes fine….tell them my parents will be home if you have to….

Not exactly what I had in mind, but OK.  Now go sit over there and STFU, plz.

But speaking of Jesus and Easter and all that stuff….this time of year I can never not listen to….

Srsly….best musical in ever.  But is it wrong that I always relate more to Judas and Pilate?  (seriously, I’m not joking….Jesus really fucked those two guys over)

(also apparently Judas was black and Pilate was gay…. ‘splains a lot, no?)

((but seriously…I know that musical backwards and forwards.  I might even sing for you later if you behave))

(((totally not gonna sing for you…you’re welcome)))

But Yvonne Elliman would be happy to sing for you.  She played Mary Magdalene in that movie version I linked up there.  She also had a brief solo artist career.  YEAH I KNOW IT’S DISCO BUT I STILL LIKE IT SO YOU SHUT UP!!!!!


Sexy Mexy Update

So balls and I finally made it out of Mexico.  Did balls bang Salma, or didn’t he?  Hmmmmmm….

But either way, we’ve made it back to ‘Murrica and now we’re in Tombstone, AZ.  Which goes….as well as can be expected…?  Next week in episode 9, balls and I go shopping, I have my dream poker fantasy and balls gets cock blocked….AGAIN!!!!  But this time in a very different way.  Hehehehehe.

Then the next week, in episode 10, we have not just one but TWO special DFO guests pop in for some fellowship.  OK, perhaps “fellowship” is the wrong word.  But at least only one of them manages to beat us up tho.  But enough about that for now….

If you need to catch up….go here.

Sinful Sports


Hockey:  Playoffs:  Bitch:

Still early of course, but at least it’s worth watching now….

Caps got lucky as fuck last night….but I’ll take it.  OT win to go up 1-0.  Yeah, it was a cheap goal to win on.  Don’t care.

  • Smoothie suckers look to go up 2-0 tonight.  (NYR over Montreal, trust me) – 7pm
  • CBJ will be all but dead after tonight.  (Pens will go up 2-0, Ohio will bitch as usual) – 7pm
  • Minnesota still thinks they matter.  (St Loo will all but close out tonight) – 8pm
  • And the Sharks seem to think last year wasn’t a fluke.  (but it was…Edmonton knots things up tonight) – 10:30pm

Basedballs:  Baltimore still treading water with teh best record in baseball, but with a really shitty run differential.  +2 in eight games ain’t gonna get it done.  Clock is ticking.

Friday Slate

Basketball:  No

Golf: NO!!!!!

Live Free or Dye Sexy

OK, fine.  Now we get to it.

Why do we dye eggs and worship some pedophilic bunny rabbit to observe our alleged Messiah dying for our sins?

Hell I don’t know.  But eggs are a pain in the ass and they start to smell badly very quickly when they’re not kept cold.  3 days in a cave without refrigeration and….well, never mind.  Makes no sense to me.

Sooooo…to hell with dying eggs.

Truth Time:  I learned a few years back that I have a fetish for….let’s call it artificial hair colors.  Someone I was involved with at the time decided she was going to add pink on top of her already lovely blonde hair.  I was not forewarned and it came as a shock, to be sure.  But I have to admit that after the shock wore off….it was pretty fucking hot.  Oooooof!!!!!


tWBS Original Time

Seems like something colorful for spring would be apropos.  While I look, have a listen….

(shut up, I like this song)

I wanna be great like Elvis, without the tassels…Hire eight bodyguards who love to beat up assholes….Sign a couple autographs so I can eat my meals for free….

((sorry, but that’s a genius lyric…stop being so judgemental))


(((fuck I forgot Grant Hill cameo’s in that one….fuck that guy)))

OK, here we go.  Now Imma tell you about this photo, but please don’t anyone say “Awwwwwwww”.  Like no shit, I’ll murder you all….

This is from almost exactly two years ago.  This is a rather abstract angle of a floral arrangement which was sent to me by a friend of mine in Baltimore.  She sent it when my Pops passed away (2 yrs ago this week).  Seriously…no Awwwwwwww’s or I’ll kill you.  But the arrangement was lovely and thoughtful, and I took several photos of it.  I like this one the best.  It was taken with my macro zoom lens which is why it looks like it does…

(and shut it…I already told you people several times that I like flowers)

– Sea Of Colors –

So, Jesus, whaddya think?  How’d we do?

Jesus, Jesus!!!!!  Can you just concentrate for a few minutes and proof this for me and tell me what you think?

[Jesus pretends to read]

Jesus: I think you forgot someone.

tWBS:  What are you talking abou…..ohhhhhhhhh.  Right.

See? She’s very happy that I didn’t forget her this week. She’s warming up to me. Trust me. (OUCH….SHE JUST PUNCHED ME IN THE HEAD!!!!)

Jesus:  Yup…..

Wow Jesus.  You’re really a sick freak, you know that?


But Happy Easter anyway, you sick freaks.

Still love ya’s.  Sort of.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I guess I shoulda know when searching for “camel-toe at the beach”……

Senor Weaselo

Well, piss. I thought the “give up a goal with zero time left” was a last year occurrence only.


Why? Why would Holden break his stick on Plekanec right there?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

BOO!!! Fucking Canadians. I wanted all Canada teams to keep losing

King Hippo

that’s because you are bad and should feel bad. America is the WORST.

/well, after like the Saudis and shit like that

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Vancouver trashed their city because they lost a series they deserved to lose. Toronto is Canada’s Detroit. Montreal is a cesspool. Calgary is ok I guess.

Senor Weaselo

Is it either Joe West or Angel Hernandez? Then it would be from being the worst.


Baby’s First Traumatic Brain Injury.


I’m sitting in the lounge alternating between being blinded by the setting sun and watching it rain for a couple minutes.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Sunday. Jesus. It’s like you weren’t even paying attention.

Senor Weaselo

Some grenades are egg-shaped, so I guess it counts.

King Hippo

wait until Barron starts giving him foreign policy advice…


So you’ve decided to play with fire my friend?

Shogun Marcus

Palate cleanser for anti-nickel-ites

Shogun Marcus

Fwiw I agree with rockstar being fine. Related note, everyone claims to hate them but SOMEHOW they’ve sold a bajillionty records and no one bought em?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Like internet porn in Utah.


You’ll have to excuse me, time to watch “Mama June, From Not to Oh Hell Still the Fuck No!”

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

You bastard. You brought Nickelback into this house?!


Isn’t that similar to disturbing an Indian burial ground?

Doktor Zymm

We dye eggs for Easter because it’s basically a co-opted fertility festival for the Saxon goddess Eostre. It originally had a different date and was called Passach, but was changed over in a period from 700-800 AD

Doktor Zymm

Especially the bit with the 100 year period joke!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The was basically the only thing we did when I was a kid in my immediate family. But I think it was because my mom was proud of her deviled eggs, which were quite good, unlike most others I’ve tried. WEIRD.

*REALLY glad they didn’t church me up.

Doktor Zymm

I wasn’t successfully churched up, my parents thought it would be a good idea to raise me with religion, but didn’t wholly believe it themselves. As a result I got all the good bits, a good amount of background knowledge, and a healthy questioning attitude. Also, I learned about clear wax and how they make fancy Eastern European eggs 🙂

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Mine were the kind to have a lot of various information around and really wanted me to make up my own mind. My dad had plenty of jokes and “holy rollers” and “speaking in tongues” and similar kinds of practices.


My grandparents were Ukranian Orthodox and did the wax dyed eggs. They were gorgeous and all over the place. Just looked like too much work/too much fire for me to ever get in to.

Doktor Zymm

Also, deviled eggs are delicious, but waaaay to much work for me.


So where does a fucking bunny fit in?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



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Doktor Zymm

Fertility again. No one says “they were fucking like tortoises” now do they?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sting does……


I know funny. THAT is funny.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, thanks guys, but I just heard a Sting joke on some show yesterday so it made me think of it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That’s right, that came back today. WE’VE GOT MOVIE SIGN!

King Hippo

I always took that as “the Icee cups with the teams I really like”


Oh, that Moose? He fancy.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fuckin’ rich too.


We’re just supposed to ALLOW posts of…of…Nickelback videos?



The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Even the Canadians disavow them

King Hippo

Hey now, we let a lot slide in the name of 90s general bad taste but Nickelback is just a bridge too far…

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem



Because the NHL hasn’t found a way to clone Kevin Weekes.


Anson Carter is the Go Bots to Kevin Weekes’ Transformers.


Will the Canadiens eventual playoff collapse be a result of: a) injury to Carey Price, b) being coached by Michel Therrien, or c) the ghost of Patrick Roy?
Answer: who cares! Habs blow! They’ll never win the cup again.

Senor Weaselo

While we’re talking about Canada, have I ever told you guys the story about the time Canadian border patrol called my house?


No, but do go on.

King Hippo

No! Do tell. Were they polite? Speak only Francais?

Senor Weaselo

Anyways, when I was 14 I went to a music festival my violin teacher was teaching in in a small town in Quebec (yeah, Classical festivals are basically Classical summer camp.) I didn’t go with my family so I went with another family including some more of his students and spent a solid 7-8 hours cracking wise with them in the car. But when we got to the border we ended up staying there for a solid 45 minutes, and I had no idea what took us so long until my dad texted me joking that I was apparently internationally wanted. What I didn’t know at the time until they told me is that Madre Weaselo had packed a note in my passport explaining the situation and giving her permission and info, including our phone number. Which they called.

The festival was fine, I played some stuff, the family whose guest room I stayed in had a whole McDonald’s promotion of NHL trophies (because Canada) but funny enough didn’t have the Cup, and my grandparents who came up a few days later drove me back and there was no problem. And my grandfather may not be allowed back in Canada due to an outstanding speeding ticket!

King Hippo

Wow, Canadia. Polite, but THOROUGH!

Senor Weaselo

Rick Nash did a playoff good?


Rick Nash absolutely did a playoff good!

King Hippo

seriously, Canadia is not gonna win a single goddamned game


The other Canadian teams can. Fuck Montreal.

Senor Weaselo

Namely Ottawa (fuck Boston).


All my Bruins fan friends are on the New York train because everyone hates Montreal.


Praying for a drunk conductor.

King Hippo

MTL is indeed the only place in Canadia that I have not whole-heartedly enjoyed. But tis largely because it reminded me too much (rude, dirty) of NYC. MTL wins the tiebreaker FOAR speaking French and making me feel properly inferior.

Methinks I like Calgary the most, though never been there. They seem like a fun people. In a Trailer Park Boys way, but still…

King Hippo

The Yankees are not being gentle with my poor shitty 2017 varietal de Most Glorious el beisbol Cardinals.

/gave up on the anti-Canadia hockey already


Is it bad that I’m choosing Guardians of the Galaxy over hockey?






Oh good. An Ice Giants powerplay. Sorry Liver.

Senor Weaselo

And now, here’s what happens during an Ice Giants power play.

King Hippo

Wheel of Fish! You so stupid!!!


Since graps ladies have been established, here’s Kiera Hogan:

And obligatory Japanese Ninja Murder Queen, Asuka

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Doge’s “urban” cousin?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Oh, man. So much dyed hair at Coachella on Snapchat.


I approve of this fetish. Speaking of which, this is the first weekend of Coachella. My brother’s already there working, and I assume Covalent Blonde is also enjoying herself (She hasn’t replied to my email, but tbf I hadn’t emailed her for a while before yesterday).
Anyway, Other Elisha is there.

Senor Weaselo

They wouldn’t let Eli Man… oh, the OTHER Elisha, now I got it.

Senor Weaselo

Simultaneous glorious beisbol Cardinals homer and Ice Alouettes goal. Welp, buckle up, me.


For some reason I can’t get a bigger gif, so go here:
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DGAF about the song, but it’s got a lot of Charlotte McKinney in lingerie in it.

Senor Weaselo

That’s the only acceptable Nickelback song. THE ONLY ONE.


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I should find some Spring Breakers gifs, but for now I’ll share Liz Hurley running along the beach in slo-mo at age 53. (Better rez:
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Flabby legs. 4/10. WOULD NOT BANG!


You go to Hell and you die!


Clever theme!


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