DFO Radio: How the F*** You Doin’, Flyboys?

So someone stopped by the site yesterday with some…unpleasant things to say about how we run things around here.  I don’t much cotton to that, so I thought I’d make a simple list of ten posts I’ve done here that I’m very proud of.  Here they are (not necessarily in any particular order):

  1. Chomp Chat
  2. The Usual Suspensions: The Final Chapter
  3. A Welker Darkly
  4. DFO Insider: LA Fitness
  5. Meanwhile, at the Union Pacific Yard
  6. Whither, Raiders (particularly noteworthy in that they didn’t even deign to discuss Las Vegas as a potential home)
  7. One More Down!
  8. You Gotta Unleash the Dragon’s Lair
  9. A Commissioner for All Seasons
  10. A Churlish Dickhead’s Christmas Carol (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)

Name five better posts written by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly.  You can’t!  Well, maybe you can; it’s a matter of personal preference.  But I like to think we’ve done some good work here, and I’m proud of the stuff I’ve produced.  I’m also proud of the other writers who have been contributing tirelessly for almost two years now, and I’m grateful for the people who regularly stop by to read and contribute to the dick joke parade in the comments.

Here’s some music.  Here’s a Spotify link.

And a final note to anyone who thinks they have any idea of what we’re trying to accomplish here, and believes that we’ve failed: You’re wrong, but still go fuck yourself.

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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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I thought we were TRYING to fail over here.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I screwed up trying to find clapping gifs; OBVIOUSLY forgot this one:

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

This post, all the contributors, Darkest Timeline Zack Morris, and the Commentists get The Seal of Approval! Well done fuckers.
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If I’m going to circle-jerk there must be a terrible pun involved for me to finish.


I just went back and read the Sillpocalypse. That was…odd.

Also, I did not know downvoting comments was a thing.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I’m sure we all had that college roommate who a lot of people didn’t really like, but was always nice to you, and then after he was caught trying to burn down the gym, you go into his room and find pictures of yourself sleeping on his wall with the mouths cut out, and even after 5 years of therapy and several moves, you still worry that he might be watching you at night, so you invest far too much into home security products before realizing that the video camera you put in your bedroom was hacked and so you trace the IP to some cabin in the woods outside his hometown, which mysteriously burns down the next day.

Point is, Sill was always good to me, but I can’t defend him anymore. I really don’t know what caused this outburst, nor do I know what he was referencing. I don’t think we’re doing anything differently and I’ll prove it!

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Be well, Sill, but don’t attack my friends who just do this for fun and don’t get paid.

Having been the target in MANY of his attacks and jumping in to help people he was attacking for having the temerity, the hubris, the outright gall to disagree in the slightest, I have a completely different perspective. It has been pretty much the same thing during and since the KSK days. Deep down I feel that he is a troll that plays nice sometimes, not the other way around. But enough of that.

Onward HO!



This is a lofty playlist!

That tangent Sill gave yesterday was weird and wrong. I wish I could visit DFO on a more frequent basis. It’s just that life can get in the way, to the point where I’m logging on here when I have a class taking a test and I have some downtime. Nothing more nerve wracking than looking in a sexy Friday thread and hoping no student walks up when a topless Emily Ratajkowski gif is on the screen.

With that said, I always liked Sill and I don’t know any of the behind the scenes stuff. I hope that whatever is going on in Sill’s real life, he can solve those problems to avoid meltdowns on here and presumably in the real world.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I wait until I get home for Sexy Friday……

Real porn is for work……

Kidding about the second part because we have a strict blocked website policy. They have not block DFO yet, or I’d get more work done.

Between here and KSK I’ve seen and been the in the middle of many, many of these breakdowns and it took me a while, but avoidance was best for me, not worth the aggravation.

Don T

Off the top of my head, two of my fave internet things EVA:


[“scoring” ????]

Youse are unique. Now scoot over so I can join the circle jerk. Not you! Oh I bet you’d like that. I meant him over there.


Come and sit next to me.
No, I didn’t phrase it that way by accident.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

When I agreed to this circle jerk, I didn’t realize I’d be in the middle…

(But thanks, Don. You’ll always be my friend.)


Man, what got caught in his craw?
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*not sure if this gif has a craw in it or not


Well spake RTD.
Kudos to you, Sir.
(Great playlist too, btw)


I’m confused. If someone isn’t intelligent or mature enough to appreciate a particular website, then why read it?

Old School Zero

I feel like we have a new slogan coming on–“If you’re not intelligent and mature enough for DFO, you’re a total fucking asshole.”

It could use some finessing, but I like it. It’s like a “you must be this tall to ride” sign set to ground level.


The worst part about his craziness is that he isn’t even accurate. This site evolved from a KSK side site (NEVER FORGET: https://kskkommenters.wordpress.com/) dreamed up on a fantasy football league message board (a fantasy football league that SB quit in huff prior to the start of the season fwiw) into a refuge when KSK died into its current state of you guys doing what you guys do. I haven’t participated as much lately, but DTZM, Rikki, and the rest of you guys are great for keeping it going and having fun with it, which is the fucking point. God, I hate that guy.


This gif sums up my feelings on the matter

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Damn, sorry I spent Easter with family instead of hanging with Sill. Then again, the only way I’d hang with Sill is if he did the Michael Hutchence role.

Also, I love it when old people just DGAF any more…case in point, Mom served traditional ham last night, except it was steamed hams. And we played Cards Against Humanity. And I drank all the beer. And nary a word was said about Jesus.


Didn’t hurt that yesterday was perfect BBQ weather (see also: every day).


Speaking of ham, do you think Jeff Baca eats himself on Easter?



Jeff-Baca-as-Human-Ham is classic.


Except Fozz’s check would have marinara stains.


And be soaked in bourbon.


I don’t believe Fozz would let bourbon go to waste like that.


Good point.


My favorite Baca would probably be Chew.




Coming here to see what you degenerates and reprobates are up to:


it’s gunna be gud! ppl fergit that.


All she needed to do is have alcohol situated somewhere in her underwear and she’d be perfect.


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Old School Zero

It’s like, if you can’t come here and make friends, how the fuck are you going to make friends anywhere else?

Clifton Morehead III

long time lurker
to the guy who complained:


Whoever stopped by and bitched: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

Don’t like how things are run around here? Go stick your fucking head into an atomic pile and let it marinate.

Fucking dicksucking fucker.


How I imagine Fozz delivering this:
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My gold chain game is way more on point that his, otherwise, that’s an accurate portrayal.


I really appreciate the site and love the komradery, even if I don’t take part very much, but I can count on at least one post or gif (thanks Moose!) to make me laugh or to just liven up my day, as sappy as that sounds. Plus the DFO radio has introduced me to some great new music and there are lots of history lessons!

King Hippo

Right?? One would have to be an incredibly narcissistic, pretend Quaker, semi-sentient, walking penis to be all like that, imho godbless.

King Hippo

Indeed. I cherish Internet Dad’s independence, endless patience for our dumbfuckery and ceaseless threat of Soviet invasion, and all the other bullshit he puts up with so we have this wonderful little asylum that is mos’ def run by the lunatics. AND PROUDLY SO.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Anne and I just teared up a little.


Also putting up with *certain* people who OVERgif this poor site.


“I never said that!”

-Trent Green

Brick Meathook

Oh my