Your “Seventh Heaven – Game Seven!” Wednesday Evening Open Thread

But not in the bad-touchy Dad-from-7th-Heaven kind of way.

NFL News:

  • The NFL has named Alberto Riveron the new Head of Officiating.
    • Technically the senior vice president of officiating, he fills the role vacated by former officiating head Dean Blandino.
      • Riveron, the NFL’s first Hispanic referee, was elevated to referee in 2008.
    • In addition, they split the remaining responsibilities into two other jobs
      • Russell Yurk, an NFL replay veteran of seven years and a former NCAA and high school referee, has been named the vice president of replay and administration.
      • Wayne Mackie, an NFL official with a decade of experience, was brought on as the vice president of officiating evaluation and development — a department in charge of week to week grading of referees as well as managing the league’s developmental pipeline for officials.
  • Broadway Joe wants the Jets to go full-Hackenberg.
  • The Colts are going to retire Peyton’s jersey at their October 8 game versus the Niners.
    • They will also put him in their “Ring of Honor” and unveil a statue.
      • he will be the first Colt in the Indianapolis era to have his number retired.
    • Given how lifelike Peyton himself is, they should have no problem reproducing his image.
No word on if it’ll spout gravy or Percocet, however.
  • Pouring salt on an open wound is Disney CEO Bob Iger, who called the ESPN layoffs “not that significant”, when viewed as 100 employees out of an 8000 person workforce.
    • An important factor in the “restructuring” is that ESPN has lost more than 10 million subscribers since 2013, something noted in their financial reports.
      • Reading the Disney “Second Quarter and Six-Month Earnings” report, it notes that:

Cable Networks revenues for the quarter increased 3% to $4.1 billion and operating income decreased 3% to $1.8 billion. The decrease in operating income was due to a decrease at ESPN, partially offset by increases at the Disney Channels and Freeform…The decrease at ESPN was due to higher programming costs, partially offset by affiliate and advertising revenue growth. [snip] Affiliate revenue growth was due to contractual rate increases, partially offset by a decline in subscribers.

Finally, your long reads of the day are a 1-2 punch of sadness from the MMQB, detailing the slides into dementia of Nick Buoniconti & Jim Kiick, and the effects of these illnesses on their families.

To brighten your day, here’s some Baltimore Ravens at a fundraiser for the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS) called “Pawject Runway”.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL: both are Game 7
    • Penguins at Capitals – 7:30PM | NBCSN / CBC
    • Oilers at Ducks – 10:30PM | NBCSN / Sportsnet
  • NBA:
    • Game 5: Wizards at Celtics – 8:00PM | TNT / TSN
    • Game 5: Jazz at Warriors – 10:30PM | TNT
  • MLB:
    • Cardinals at Marlins – 7:00PM | ESPN / TSN2
    • Cleveland at Blue Jays – 7:00PM | Sportsnet1

What will make Gary Bettman the saddest? THAT’S WHAT I WANT!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am blocked from the site: I love Peter King, Uproxx is the best, I am the worst person in the word.


Needs more drink

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

The bass is harder but this is a good drums song

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was gonna look for more Rush songs but I got really lazy and went to recommended videos


A re-enactment of my 9 month old daughter shredding on the pots in my kitchen an hour or so ago. . .

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I think Neil Peart is my daughter’s spirit animal.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Rick Allen* you made a typo


Well, she is half Canadian and my old man has a Rush connection. Also, she has two arms.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am sorry, is this her recital?


I endorse this plan.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I mentioned my grandma earlier, she was awesome. She had a suitcase just for her booze when she travelled. Ice pouches in the back and her OJ and Vodka cooled in the front, with holders for glasses in the front so you always had a glass.

I say was. She has been in purgatory for years because our health system loves money and keeps her alive to steal more from her when she wants to die


Awesome. God Bless America.


I’m sorry for your loss. What is/was wrong with her?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Broken neck with 3 surgeries where it went straight sideways. Alzheimer’s. Pain killer overdose over her life because of a lot of shit. Every random thing you could claim about her. and etc.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

For some reason this made me immediately go to this



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was up at 4 am. Got drunk at 9pm. I am in the window between is he drunk or just tired.

/ the answer is both
// I have til 4 to go to bed though, 12:30 class… that I already did all the in class work for


I did a 2 year push to finish up my degree and it involved living with my dad and working 2 years of graveyard at an overnight convenience store in a fairly challenging part of East San Diego. I mopped the floors, wiped down the gas pumps, faced the shelves, restocked the cooler from the walk in and around 4:00 AM I did my homework and my studying for tests.

I had this gold sash tassle thingy when I graduated.

You can do it.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am doing my second Associate degree because I moved home and have to completely take care of the house and any errands for my dad, while also living 3 blocks away from my mom who does the same. I don’t even have a shit job for downtime. School money is from my grandma who is dying and they are giving it away to not have to pay the estate tax when she dies.



Hell, I’m going to drink now.

Mr. Ayo



Try as they might, Ice Rams hang on. That last 3 minutes was intense.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

So I should be failing my Psych class by now, but it is online. I turn in everything late. Don’t even try on the tests or papers. The teacher adjusted the grades for everyone else in the class. I have a 100%. Never even wrote that paper that was due last week but if I just skip it and take the final I will still get an A.



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

If it makes you feel any better. I spent 12 hours on labs today that barely carry weight in my other classes but are required to do to pass


What the? How’s that even possible?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I have no fucking clue. looked at the online grades. I have a perfect score. I think I have some points in the bank too if I can understand missing points in the total




Wooo! 2-1 Ice Rams!

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I hate that Netflix hides your “Continue watching” and “My List” like 30 rows down sometimes. It is a minor complaint but so annoying when you want to go back and watch a show.

King Hippo

would be nice if Team Canadia West scored MOAR

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

no ofence but their was already jism on the last batch I bought off ya ,, smh


I politely disagree, eh

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mr. Ayo



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At what point in their young careers start to be saddled with the unyielding fear that, at any time, something could happen that will end your NFL career? Is it the first round of cuts after the draft, where they watch the oldest vets get bounced before bonuses are do head out the door with the most undrafted free agents. Is it the first big paycheck that comes through door? Is it the 20th, after you’ve gotten used to the checks but not the costs…and the sustainability? Is it your first offseason when you see the hungry college kids coming up and realize that, hey, I can be replaced too? First contract negotiation where the ownership tells your owner how bad you are and how lucky you are be getting this lowball offer? Maybe your first big injury? First time getting chewed out by a coach and threatened with your livlihood?

And, after you feel that fear, how much does it ever go away?

Mr. Ayo

As a former professional athlete, I think I can answer this.

Back in the day I had a teammate that summed up the life of a pro best and quite succinctly. I remember those words vividly to this day because they were so poignant and accurate.

He said, and this is a direct quote:

“Just kidding, I’ve never been a professional athlete.”

Hope that helps.

Don T

When Bears coaches say to the player “You are a bad quarterback”.


My guess: The first time management asks ypu to renegotiate

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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A scene cut from Kill Bill Vol. 3

Senor Weaselo

That’s still supposed to be a thing, right?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I am not sure; read something about quite a while ago. My main objective was an attempt of trying for a joke, as weak as it was.


The WH has made the calculation that however bad this looks, it's better than letting Comey continue to supervise the investigation.

— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) May 9, 2017



And they were right, because no one will care in a week.

King Hippo

I think it’s less a strategical calculation than a fucking panic move, because what he was getting close too is THAT BAD. He’s a treasonous motherfucker, who is also trying to fucking commit mass murder with his “health care” plan.

Neither of those things is going to be forgotten in a week. Battle lines drawn. Damned shame it took this fucking much to wake people the fuck up.


I don’t care why he did it. I doubt he even knows why he did it.

And I certainly don’t expect anything to change or for power to shift because of it.


Ranch dressing, man….it’s no Ceaser

Mr. Ayo

Ceaser on pizza would be weird though

Brick Meathook

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Ahoy hoy. I am now a trained OHS volunteer.

Senor Weaselo

Well, that is its job.

King Hippo

Grumblelord sues it FOAR trademark infringement.

Shogun Marcus


King Hippo

tWBS not gonna be happy to get in from the beach to see that O’s result…

Senor Weaselo

And to further irk him, it was Weiters who walked it off.

Senor Weaselo

Holy shit that goal counts.




I’m calling it now: Ovie and Kuznetsov rage quit and play in the KHL next season.

Fucking Ice Slurs cost me my playoffs pool. Ugh


Nice socks.

However, working from home doesn’t excuse you for not using a glass like a decent person.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I know this would have been better had the Penguins lost, but I don’t care because I can watch it all night.




I know it’s a thing that the Capitals always lose in the second round, but it doesn’t help that the NHL’s dumbass playoff format pits a conference’s best teams against each other in earlier rounds because “rivalries.”


To be fair, the Metro division was insanely fucking stacked this year. That period during December where the Flyers spun off 10 in a row, Columbus had 16, and they each moved up like one spot in the standing because the Pens and Capitals lost 2-3 games during that entire span.


All the more reason to not lock playoff brackets based on the division.

King Hippo

why not just stick with the old 1-8 based on conference is beyond me. Guarantee 2-3 slots per division if you want, but seed based on total points.


I’d rather they just dump conferences altogether and make it a 1-16 free for all. Same with the NBA. There’s no reason to mimic MLB and the NFL.

King Hippo

that’d also be ok


Yeah, when they were first discussing it, I was getting excited for the cross-conference goofiness we could’ve gotten. Would’ve been novel, if nothing else.


But then how would you let the Atlantic division have any playoff wins before feeding the wood chipper?

King Hippo

any scenario where it’s better to finish 4th (like NYR did) than 3rd like the Ice Buckeyes (or arguably even 2nd like the Ice Stillers) is just fucked beyond belief.


Go Western Conference!



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Shogun Marcus



This is the most Playoff Capitals playoff period I’ve ever watched.