TGISF… Let’s Get Dolled Up Tonight!!!!

It’s been “interesting” around DFO this week.  Now that we’re transitioning into the offseason, everyone seems like they’re in a rather weird mood.

King Hippo  was a little pissed off earlier this week, as were a lot of us.  Though our resident Iggles and P*ts fans (you jerks know who you are!!!) seem perfectly fine this week.

At least the rest of us have the Awards Show Season to look forward to as MakeItSnow  reminded us.  I fully expect In Search of a Goddess  to get snubbed again, but at least we got renewed foar a second season.  Which also kicked off earlier this week.  Which means we also contributed to the weirdness factor, I suppose.

But hey, we’re trying our best to keep up with BeastmodeAteMyBaby.  But that dude is a weirdness machine (no pun intended).  If you haven’t started reading Prisoners on the Pleasure Planet  yet, well then shame on you.  Go do it right now.  That is something you don’t wanna be missing out on.

Litre_Cola continued his peek into the world of QB weirdness as well.  Again, if you haven’t been reading it then you should feel shame.

TheMaestro’s weirdness can’t be denied, of course.  IT’S RIGHT THERE IN THE TITLE FOR PETE’S SAKE!!!!!!!!!

(Get it?  For PETE’S  sake?  Screw you guys, that was funny.)

*sigh*  OK, where was I?  Oh, right…

BeerGuyRob  continued showing us the weirdness which comes alive when rabid fans become disappointed fans.

And of course Blaxabbath’s Quotables  is always  a staple of weirdness.  Though admittedly we all contribute to the weirdness on that one so I’m not denigrating him  on this one necessarily.  As far as he knows.

Heck, even PickettsCharge couldn’t resist getting in on the weirdness earlier today.  And we’re all happy for that.

IMHO however, the weirdness highlight of the week was BallsofSteelandFury’s  peek into the AVN Awards.  I generally don’t care for the awards shows truth be told.  But somehow I think that would be an “interesting” one to attend live.  Balls actually has  attended it live in the past.  And no, I’m not telling on him here.  He’s already told you that himself.  Pay attention, would ya????  Las Vegas?  The Riviera?  Any of that ring a bell?

Anyway, I guess what I’m getting at here is that I figured with all of the weirdness already in the clubhouse this week, maybe it would be a good idea if I backed things back a notch tonight and lowered the weirdness factor just a little bit.

Then I decided….. FUCK THAT!!!!!


I’ll be right back after I’m done LMFAO’ing.  Here, listen to this until I get back…

Disclaimer:  I didn’t know much about sex dolls because I neither now, nor have I ever, owned one.  Nor do I ever plan to.  Stop looking at me like that, I’m serious.  Thusly, I had to do some research for this.  I’ll be deleting my browser history as soon as this post is finished.

That being said, I learned a lot.  More than I wanted to actually.  My point is that I’m going to try to stay away from waxing philosophic on either the pro or con side of the various issues.  Because like anything in life, there are debatable issues involved with this.  Whether it be the objectifying of other human beings as nothing more than sex objects (most often women but not always), or even pedophilia.  Yes, there are folks who are proponents of giving “child” sex dolls to pedophiles in an attempt to help them control their urges.

Like I said, I’m going nowhere near that stuff.  And yes, I really do need to remember to delete my browser history.


Also, it’s probably pretty wise to presume that any links I drop from this point forward could be NSFW.  If it’s not a SFW embedded image, then caution and discretion are your friend.

A Brief History

The subject of Sex Dolls had come up (giggity) in discussion a time or two in passing, in one form or another, among some of our DFOers recently.  So I figured…why not?

But it is true that for as long as there have been humans walking the Earth, there have been humans looking to try to bang someone.  If a “someone” isn’t always readily available, then sometimes, for some folks, then a “something” has to do.  Don’t believe me?  Check this out….

Now I can’t necessarily say for certain what her intent was in making this.  And I can’t imagine a burlap penis feels very good.  But she did  give it a penis, sooooo….yeah.

In more modern times, we’re all probably at least somewhat familiar with the blow up Sex Doll.  I suppose it’s probably the best known version of a Sex Doll.  And it can also be an endless source of comedy…

But the bottom line is there really is an extensive history when it comes to Sex Dolls.  And rather than try to outline it all I’m just going to drop this image for the brief history.  Then we’ll move on to current day.

More Bang For Your Buck

(Why yes, I am  rather proud of that one…why do you ask?)

These days, with improving technologies, the Sex Doll has become…well…let’s say improved.  The advent of rubber and/or silicone molding has made them at least more lifelike.  And the choices are many and varied as well.  There are dolls available in traditional female body form, of course.  But also male and transgender as well.  Also, if one doesn’t wish for a full size doll, there are “minis” as well as just heads or torsos available.  Yes, I’m quite serious.

Now when I say that these are now “at least more lifelike”, what I mean is improvement over the blowup dolls.  If one wishes to have a “companion” which at best looks drugged and catatonic (and some do as we know…looking at you Bill Cosby) then that’s fine.  Here’s a sampling of SFW images of dolls available from this company (link is NSFW)…

These particular dolls are available in different sizes, and the prices range up to about about $1,500ish depending upon the accessories added (vaginal/anal warmers, vaginal/anal vibrators, etc).  And I’m afraid I can’t show any images of the male dolls from this particular site, because they’ve all got their penises hanging out.  But here’s a SFW image of one from another place…

So as I said, better than the old comedy blow up dolls, but still fairly creepy.

But the big movement now is the interactive AI dolls.  They’re still pretty creepy looking IMHO.  But as robotics improves, eventually I suspect they’ll get those kinks worked out, no pun intended.  And as AI technology improves then who knows where this might lead as far as the degree of them being lifelike.  This company in Spain is one of the leaders in the industry currently…

(This video is technically SFW but it won’t sound like it to anyone nearby….turn your sounds down if you’re at work)

And here’s this one from another company.  Getting better…

So, as I said…if that’s what someone is into, the technology is improving.  As it improves more… and it will because there is a market for it …then costs will also drop.

That being said, personally…well never mind.  I said I wasn’t going to wax philosophic pro or con.  And it would sound as if I’m being judgemental, which would not be my intention.  But for me personally at least, I can’t imagine ever being satisfied with this sort of interaction.  Give me a real live woman or nothing.


Right now, let’s take a break, cleanse our palate with some music, and when we come back I’ll tell you the real reason I even broached this subject tonight.

AI Robots I WOULD Mortgage My House Foar

OK, all of that up there was just a way to get to here.  Which is to talk about HBO’s Westworld.  I don’t wish to, and will not, go too in depth here and give any spoilers to any of you who have not watched it yet.  But IMHO it’s one of the best shows HBO has put on the air in a while.  Season Two will begin in the next few months.  If you haven’t watched Season One, you have time to binge it before Season Two begins.

It’s more or less set in a vague future.  It’s a theme park, with a wild west theme.  Some of the “people” within this park are not human.  They are artificial.  But in this fictional world, the AI and biomechanics are so advanced that one cannot tell the difference.  Not even the artificials themselves know they aren’t really human.

Well…..usually.  That’s where the fun comes in.

Anytime any “being” is that advanced, glitches happen.  This is also true in real humans in real life, btw.  It’s not a coincidence that we, as humans, as a species, have so many issues with behaviour.  The “wiring” and “chemistry” becomes so complicated that problems can’t help but to arise.

But I’m getting off track here.

FWIW, if the subject of advancing AI interests you, I highly recommend this show.  It delves very much into the age old question of “Just because we can…does that mean we should?”  But it’s so much more than that.

The show is very well written, and very well acted by a wonderful cast.

Here’s a Season One Trailer…

But our purpose here tonight is the Sexy aspect, so let’s get to it, shall we?


Actress: Angela Sarafyan

Born: 30 June, 1983 (34yo), Yerevan, Armenia



Actress: Shannon Woodward

Born: 17 December, 1984 (33yo), Phoenix, AZ



Actress: Tessa Thompson

Born: 3 October, 1983 (34yo), Los Angeles, CA



Actress: Thandie Newton

Born: 6 November, 1972 (45yo), London, UK



Actress: Evan Rachel Wood

Born: 7 September, 1987 (30yo), Raleigh, NC

She seems fun.

And Now Foar Teh Ladies’ Amusements



Actor: Jimmi Simpson

Born: 21 November, 1975 (42yo), Hackettstown, NJ

Yep, Liam McPoyle himself is the leading man in Westworld.  Dude is one hell of an actor.  Seriously.




Actor: Luke Hemsworth

Born: 5 November, 1980 (37yo), Melbourne, Australia



Actor: James Marsden

Born: 18 September, 1973 (44yo), Stillwater, OK

Wow.  If only I was gay…Ooooof.

And while I won’t give spoilers, the character of Teddy is…well, let’s just say it’s interesting.  Poor guy.  LMFAO.

I’d Buy That For A Doll(ar)

OK, so how should we end this?  Like you even have to ask???

If they ever get a “Katya” version up (phrasing) and running?  Now that I’d buy.

Have a weird weekend, folks.

Love ya’s.

Do you have a “request” or an idea for a future TGISF theme?  Drop me a line…

[email protected]

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Notts County is getting TV time tomorrow! If you’re up, check it out. Notts County is recognised as the oldest association football/soccer team in the world playing at a professional level. They’ve been around for 156 years.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

They looked like Hanoi Rocks!

But then they turned out to only be the RHC…

yeah right

Staying in the theme.

Be well people.

yeah right

Hey Seamus, I offer this to you in a non-ironic way but more in a this is a really cool tune kind of way.

How you doing folks!

yeah right

Love you my brother.


Tomorrow’s another day. Straight on ’til morning.

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Good pic


The suspenders seem unnecessary.

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Yeah. I like that sentiment.
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All chaps are assless. That’s the point.

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Btw when I first saw the theme I thought this was going to be about that crazy woman that turned herself into a Barbie doll

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Not worth reading any of them, but here’s one of way too many articles about her and other people that think this is a good idea:


Well that’s fucking terrible. Condolences to you and your friend.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Fuck. I’m sorry to hear that. I know you’ll help him get through it, but I am really sorry for your friend.

Senor Weaselo

Shit. I’m sorry to hear that.

Senor Weaselo

Just don’t take the Taconic at night. Although you have country road experience, so you might be okay.

Senor Weaselo

Still terrifying at night. And the first time I went on it.


Damn son. Be strong.

yeah right

Oh man, talk to us if you need to.
We’re here for you.


I can’t believe you didn’t make room for Kim Cattrall from”Mannequin”.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

Senor Weaselo

Did someone say mannequin?


Hmmm. Nope. Can’t find any fucks to give for going out or doing much of anything.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby


Um so that was a fucked up movie…but not as fucked up as the clubhouse tonight. Everyone ok?


A bit chilly.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

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Beastmode Ate My Baby


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That’s a nice segue-way.


Since we’re all in a good mood, I’m looking for another Apocalypse made-for-TV ’80s and/or ’90s movie to watch. I’ve already seen classics like The Stand (not bad, considering everything the book had to cover), Dawn’s Early Light, The Day After, and Without Warning. Next up is “Special Bulletin,” which I’m already on board for, because it has David Clennon in a starring role.

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I’ve read good things. On the list.


It’s depressing as Hell, but very good.


All of these are depressing. That’s the point.


Too depressing for the BBC (for twenty years, anyway).

I’ve also heard good things about this.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I prefer my cinematic apocalypses to be post, and to feature ridiculous muscle cars, unlikely mohawks and Australian accents.


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I apologize for the dark tone I have created on the thread. I don;t have kids. I got nieces though.

When I was in the navy, I was on a carrier. We had a new kid…I think he was 22 when he showed up. He got caught with a 14 year old run away. They had a LOT of evidence, They sent him to NJP.

Here is what I really don’t get…the Big Ten.

So my command had this kid and released him to my division on a Friday. He had to be taken by us to Portsmouth brig for his pre-court martial holding on Monday morning.

The command did that as a gift to us. It was a way to try and remove the mark from us. The command was stained as a whole and the mark was right on us, the mechanics. One of our own was a predator. We allowed it.

It was the easiest brig time I ever did. I was treated like I was a fucking admiral in the ship’s jail for two weeks because officially this kid fell down a ladder well multiple times in my custody. He ended up in ICU and I landed on it. If my school is in the Big Ten and i am anyone other than Penn State, I want the fucking book on MSU. And I want it on fucking Penn State retroactively. NCAA should just say, any conference that runs rape rings, no national championship final for for 10 years. And if I am the Big Ten, I am kicking teams.

I mean what…is the Big East going to open the door up to schools that run pedo rings?!?


It depends. Where did Paedo State finish in the rankings?


Who wants to tell him the Big East doesn’t exist anymore? Well, it does in basketball, but, that’s literally all.

That said, the ACC and Big 12 are hiring!

/I’m going to go drink more, and be quiet
//my mom’s dad was in the Navy in WWII and Korea
/// I lived in Roanoke, so… pals…?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

That’s a weird correlation. I mean, I suppose vigilante violence could work on MSU, but what would really help is if our entire culture wasn’t so wrapped up in winning at all costs, at everything, all the time, which is a large part of what enables crap like this to continue unabated for decades. What should be a game becomes instead the lifeblood of a university, and the pursuit of the almighty dollars it brings in blinds those who should know better.

What I’m saying is, we’re fucked up as a society, and tossing a few coaches or college presidents down a stairway might make some of us feel better, but it’s not going to fix the problem.


We’re going to need some helicopters and a shitload of rope.


I suspect I sound like a weirdo because I follow gymnastics. Its not just the women, I also follow the men.

The reason I do is because its the closest a sport can be to ballet, which i did for seven years.

You know how call in radio people are fucking idiot assholes who have no real fucking idea how physical, mentally, and emotionally difficult it is to be an NFL player? Like all of us could never survive the schedule and the pressure it is to just be a practice squad guy?

Picture the top athlete in the NFL. Any position. The single best NFL athlete. Far beyond what we mere mortal could understand.

That mother fucker could not handle the training, scheduling, the pressure that of the participants that get cut in the very first round of the selection process for nationals. We aren’t even talking the Olympics. And unlike the NFL, these women are minors.

They train so fucking hard that it changes this body chemistry. These women don’t even have their periods until they retire because the amount of training they do retards their hormone cycle.

Its fucking insane the amount of training they do.

And the sport is totally fucked up. I mean at least for the men, they are adults. The women, they start at like the age of six.

I have to really apologize. I am utterly shitface and bored in a hotel room.


I’ve read some articles by former gymnasts and it really borders (and as we’ve seen lately, crosses into) child abuse.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

It’s not unlike child acting, which forces kids to try to adapt to a very stressful environment populated by adults who really don’t have their best interests at heart. They are basically commodities, and if they succeed or fail it doesn’t really matter because, hey, look, here come another kid…


Its hard to say. I am certain that many people would say that my ballet years were abusive. I would argue it wasn’t. Two things kept me from topping myself dealing with PTSD…my parrot and my time doing ballet.

It fucking hardened me. But for folks on the outside, it was abuse.


My nieces did ballet for years and loved it. They tried gymnastics once and hated it. To me they are completely different.


Don’t. Get it out. I wasn’t a college sports fan until I went to WVU. I grew up in Yinzburgh, when Pitt was absolute trash, and Penn State was dominating for ever a decade. I never became of fan of either. I never really wanted to go to either school. In other words, I had no personal attachment to either.

Point is, I wanted, and still do, Penn State to bleed, slowly and painfully.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

I went to a University that doesn’t even have a football team anymore. They did when I went there, but no one really went to the games because alcohol. And shrooms. And LSD. And…


What we will do or do to others or allow to be done all in the name of competition and for the rewards of ostensibly glory and fame and financial reward is insane.


I don’t like talking about it directly because I was only a bystander to people I knew being molested and propositioned by priests in my and other parishes growing up, but the worst part was growing up and all these adults knew and didn’t do anything. And I couldn’t say anything because no one would believe me or the boys. Their parents didn’t believe them for the longest time or just kept it quiet. On top of that, my family didn’t exactly have the best reputation in the community, so no one gave a fuck about what we knew or thought. My grandmother was one of the women who founded my parish when there was literally nothing in that part of the city except desert after the war, and knowing that there were multiple priests who were molesters there, knowing the son of a bitch who gave her funeral mass was meanwhile asking kids sick shit and giving my family all sorts of shit and, oh yeah, he was also THE FUCKING POLICE CHAPLAIN; that was the last straw. The parish is dying now. The school I went to for nine years is on the verge of closing. And I’m glad for that. My mother’s mass was at another church, given by a deacon friend of hers. I will always believe, and a lot of what I learned has informed my politics (liberation theology FTW) and how I look at the world, but that whole fucking institution from the parish to the archdiocese to the Vatican can fucking burn forever. The coverups and blame-shifting and outright concealment and dismissal of claims and accountability remains, and I’ve known people part of that. And that all is yet one of the many, many reasons why I had to leave and I will never go back.


I, too, was raised Catholic, but, had the good luck of being a parish where nothing ever happened. When that starting coming out, I really slowed down making an attempt to go to church. One time in 2004, I went (this was a different parish in a different state), and the entire homily was why W. needed to be reelected to save the unborn and keep the fight against the infidels.

I haven’t been to a Catholic mass since.


ppl forget his whole reelection (ok, maybe not whole) was based on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. A proccess which the president has no direct power over. And oh by the way his running mate has a lesbian daughter but it was uncool to bring that up!

Beastmode Ate My Baby

The gay marriage ban was a great dog whistle to bring out the oldsters and evangelicals in droves, but Bush never really gave a fuck about it. The GOP would blow that damn whistle, the idiots came running, and the day after the election it was literally a non-issue again.


But that’s only because the secret deep state pizza party illuminati shut him down!

Beastmode Ate My Baby

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Oh if you think Malcolm BUTLER doesn’t SERVE at the pleasure of the most inner Skull and Bones cohort have I got some angelfire websites to show you…


I used to be a Sacristan for a traditionally minority parish in Baltimore. So it used to be Polish…then Black (when I was around) and now Hispanic.

I would go home to visit my parents and go to mass with my dad. I still do .In the bulletin, we would have the regular notices for alter boys about “so and so was here in the parish during the following time and if something happened, please call…” and an 800 number.

I served under two pedos. As a kid, I had no real idea. I didn’t understand the concept of a man raping a child…but at the same time, I knew something wasn’t right with these two priest. So like I would tell the alter boys never to be alone with them or that I would be the one to assist certain things because it didn’t seem right.

I was fucking 13, totally ignorant on this shit, and somehow I picked up on the goddamn signals…


Penn St, Baylor, MSU – three strikes*. The NCAA and collegiate athletics as a money making endeavor needs to end. All of them. Scorched-fucking-earth. And anyone involved in covering up rape/sexual assault because some fucker plays a sport good needs a chainsaw enema.

I know I have anger issues, but if this were to happen to one of my daughters, there would be a run on body bags and crime scene tape.

*I know there’s more than three. It’s probably harder to find a school that doesn’t sweep this under the rug


I like this idea.


If they can’t make money, they (mostly) wouldn’t exist. So you want to take scholarships away from inner city kids? Das raycess,


Give them scholarships to be doctors, civil and mechanical engineers, researchers and scientists.

Teachers, too. Pay them more than freaking coaches.


Oh so you want to make health care more expensive and/or raise my taxes to fund lazy inner city kids’ shcolarships? Muh states’ rights!


Hey, can you smell this rag and tell me if it smells like ether?


Oooh PopnFresh, you glutinous little dough boy!


Don’t even get me started on how absolutely screwed up government contracting is. There’s a ton of waste there and it’s just accepted as how business is done.



Why should they get money for being lazy!?! I had to earn my way!?! (This is a genuine line of arguments I keep seeing. Yeah, we also used to make kids work in mines, but we stopped because “paying dues” is bullshit; we pay dues so people in the future don’t.)


Daughters or sons.

Like if you are the NCAA…this is my mentality….when I am on an industrial site…I like causing a shutdown because I have a blank check to be a prick. No one can say…”Hey JSD…you are an asshole and we need to ignore you” because its not a valid excuse. Not only am I allowed to be a dick….its my RESPONSIBILITY to be a dick.

We all have this fantasy to be the action hero where you just get to fuck shit up. You have that righteous anger on your side and at the same time, you are untouchable.

I would love to have that ability that the NCAA has right now to just… burn and then salt the earth. We are in territory that is historical, Subutai being unleashed on the Middle East. Norman Swartzkauf going into Iraq. The US air wing of the army being told…they are out of targets so just unleash their ordinance on anything that fucking moves. Indiana Jones killing Nazis for two and a half hours.

And yet they are approaching this the same way I approach doing an interview with HR. I am worried about feelings…

It makes zero sense.


There are more people who for money or other reasons see it in their interest not to change, just like there are guys that see you and OSHA and regulators as the problem or a barricade instead of being there for everyone else’s good. They don’t give a shit about anyone else, and they’re not rewarded for doing so. It’s cheaper to write a check for a raped girl or a dead worker than it is to fix a problem or change a system (be it human or technical). The world incentivizes not giving a fuck about victims. I mean, like I said, my profession is supposed to be the first and last line to prevent at first and compensate at the end for when shit goes wrong. Instead, it’s cheaper and easier for people to make it harder and harder for us to do what we do, and the really fucked up part is that a lot of lawyers either benefit from or just don’t care about how we’re handing all of our power and responsibilities off to others or just giving them away entirely.

Fuck it. Like I’m in any position to talk about this.


I feel a little bad not offering recommendations for Charlotte earlier. I just assumed since you’d been there before that it wasn’t necessary to add my two cents from visiting there 6 and a half years ago.

Then again, I also don’t really like North Carolina BBQ (the vinegar-heavy kind. I can’t keep all the different regional styles straight beyond that and SC mustard-based, which I love).


My favorite style is Arkansas. That heat mixed with the coleslaw as a sandwich is the fucking tits.


I am intrigued by your theories and wish to subscribe to your BBQ newsletter.

I have yet to find a BBQ style that I don’t like. Haven’t had the Arkansas style yet.


There were a lot apocalyptic made-for-TV movies in the ’80s and ’90s. Some were pretty damn good, too. A bit bleak, perhaps, but good.


I wonder why.


Watching ESPN channel…one of them…while drunk. Headphones on so no sounds (listening to music)…

MSU not only ran a rape ring as a gymnastics program, but also ran one for the football team (double digit players involved i think) AND have an assistant coach on the basketball team that has a rape AND a separate assault charge against him/her just based on the feed at the bottom.

How the holy fuck does this school still get federal funds under title IX right now?

That Weinstein fucker is thinking “damn…show some self control and subtlety.


49% of the country is ok with that sort of thing though, ppl forget


I have a lawyer friend at Oregon State. I asked him that if he goes to a conference or something and meets any of his MSU counterparts to kick them in the dick. He said he would, and I take him at his word because he would and because those craven shit weasels make the rest of us look bad. Lawyers get enough shit. We don’t need any more who actively conspired to conceal evidence and silence witnesses to a serial fucking rapist. We have enough of that already, and I’m goddamn fucking sick of it. We’re supposed to be the last line when everyone and every other profession fails to protect people – and we didn’t fail, we helped these motherfuckers. We ARE these motherfuckers.

Given recent news, I can’t say it would be a given, but I know wrt to the Imus/Rutgers women’s bball team thing that Clinton would’ve at least pretended to do something. The Department of Justice and Department of Education have the power and the duty to shut down Michigan State forever and throw all of these people into prison. And they won’t.


I live with an MSU fan. She’s a good litmus test for how normies will react to things, and she just left wearing a State hoodie. So I expect literally zero fucks to be given from this point forward from the general public.


One my very first students I had (literally my first year teaching college) ended up going to MSU for his law degree. I haven’t spoken to him yet about this, but, I wouldn’t be shocked if he starts telling people he went to Akron, Ohio State, Indiana, etc.


Or Michigan, since it’s also a higher-ranked law school.


I intentionally left Michigan out. He’d rather eat a bullet than be associated with them.


That’s a strong rivalry. I’m a selfish dick, though.


Like honestly…this is insane to me.

Its like finding out that the Dream Team, and the US women’s gymnastic team was insanely good.

Historically good.

Only reason that in the individual overall medals the US did not go 1, 2 and 3 is because the rules only allow two per country to participate.

If anyone could participate without limitations on countries…you would have to hit around the thirties before you see someone not form the US.

Its on par with Basketball…only its much more competitive. Yet…at the same time it shows how dominate the US is…

Only you find out that Chuck Daly not only hired a rapist…he actively protected a rapist that raped every single player.

And Larry Bird is still getting billed by the rapist for his rape.

You would think the baseline would be…does a school allow the students to be raped.

If yes…the school…goes away. In some fucking way, its a huge fucking response.

Carpet bombing sort of thing.


It was enough for me to completely turn on Penn State, but for every me, there’s 500 shitheads chaining themselves to Joe Paterno’s Monument to Rape just to be safe, and for every one of them, there’s 500 who’ll shrug and watch the Penn State game because the team’s pretty good. I remember wondering why the University of Colorado didn’t get turned to ash back in 2001, and it’s like this incredible experiment to see just what it would take to make people not want to have a good sports thing.


You live in Canadia, now, correct? As a resident Pennsyltuckian, who lives in Yinzburgh, I can tell you, it’s more like one for every thousand. There are more JoePa truthers around here than 9/11 truthers on Pete Carroll’s email list.


Nope. I’m down to mid-Michigan now, so South Canadia.


Oh, so you’re literally in the middle of it.

Kind of reminds of me of living in Charlottesville, VA when the Sandusky news came out, and watching the reaction on TV. Coincidentally, I was in State College for work when the riots in Charlottesville happened last year.


Worse still, I work in education in mid-Michigan. It’s a fucking holy war here between the two. It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen, though the State people have been SIGNIFICANTLY quieter the past month. It was so much easier in Delaware, what with the lack of people to make a second team worth caring about.


Well, we can cross “Raping America’s Sweethearts” off that list.


I guess that means I disagree


Don’t have a shallow asshole anymore, I tell you hwhat


Worst NFL video ever right?

Stabby McStab A lot with Alex Baldwin doing voice over…how could this be worse?

Beastmode Ate My Baby

There were also some cool things about the ’90s. Whiny grunge bands were not one of those things.

White Zombie, however, is cool for-fucking-ever.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

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I guess this was during the period between pregnancies. What do you call the South African version of Irish twins, anyway?

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Because I am a fucking degenerate, drunk masochist…


One of us! One of us!


My employer is getting hardcore about people not driving when tired. So I had to sit through about 8 hours of training and my travel time is about four or five hours given traffic. So my boss was “Hey JSD…do you mind sticking around and just driving in the morning?”

I honestly don’t have an issue with this. I work on really insanely dangerous systems. I have had people get killed in front of me in the military and god knows I have had a lot of near misses. The single most crazy “oh shit I should had died!” moment involved driving. I had just gotten out of a port, around 3am. It was a day shift. I got on the highway and drove for about five miles before I recognized I was driving on the wrong side of the fucking highway. I was in Australia and when I figured it out, I was on the side of the road, nearly crying in terror.

So I don’t complain about this. I usually use this as an excuse to relax in a free hotel room and explore the local city a little bit. I kind of like this. You know….its relaxing and I get not only a free hotel room, I can milk it for another 3 free meals.

Obviously, I am sort of in the minority in the company.

I never have a problem with this except for fucking Charlotte. Every time I go to Charlotte, the experience is fucking worse than the last. I just went out and got a case of beer because there is literally nothing in this town that is worth doing because the extra nightmare of dealing with the local dysfunction is just not worth it.

I went to dinner to a bar/pub, known as “the Big Ben”. Its suppose to be a British Pub. I see all this Arsenal shit on the walls. I ask the bar tender if they regularly show EPL matches. The dude had no fucking idea what I was talking about. Halfway through my utterly shit tastic fish and chips, he asked me where I parked.

“in the parking lot”

“Out front?”

“Its the parking lot for the restaurant right? Its literally the lot for the restaurant?”

“Well earlier in the year, the owner of the place sold the lot to the apartment complex next door so if you parked there, you need to move your car because its going to get towed. I should have said something before you ordered”

“where the fuck am I supposed to park?”

“Well…there is a side street about 10 blocks away we park at”

“Just go ahead and cash me out”

So I am sitting in my hotel room, drinking a case of beer and wondering why we bombed Afghanistan when Charlotte here deserves it sooooo much more.


Also, this hotel does not have a fucking pool. Why is this an issue? Because there are wet foot prints everywhere in this goddamn hotel. In the lobby, in the elevator, and all over the top floor here.

Who the fuck is walking around this hotel, bare footed, fresh from the goddamn shower?


People that deserve to LIVE in Charlotte.


We got a new hire from here. When he found out I was coming here, he was all excited. He gave me a list of places to check out.

They are all insanely expensive, with no fucking parking, or they no longer exist.


I liked Mert’s.

Bar-B-Q King was okay for the novelty of chicken fried in Buffalo/BBQ sauce. I think I should’ve gone to Kings BBQ instead.

I’d just as soon grab some Bojangle’s or Popeye’s or Church’s and call it a day. Charlotte does suck balls.


I just looked it up. Apparently i should have gone there.

THe list of places I got from this kid was terrible.

I shit you not, one of his recommendations was a fucking waffle house.


They serve breakfast on the weekend. I got some great peach pancakes there the day I left.

The one thing I would like to think I’d be good for around here is good, fairly cheap places to eat. There was a Queen City Diner that I went to but it was just average. It was open late, though, which was the only reason I went since I was in downtown Charlotte. Somehow even the lame-ass outdoor mall with the ESPN Zone or whatever the fuck it was shut down by 10.

I was in Charlotte for five days total and I ate at the hotel once, Mert’s three times (twice for dinner and once for brunch), Bar-B-Q King once, QC diner once, the convention center Bojangle’s once, and … Oh. That pizza place by the Hilton/CC – Fuel Pizza (Good bar at least). I went to get tea and a snack and use the wifi at a coffeehouse in one of the mid-gentrification neighborhoods, and God it was such as pain in the ass to find parking (I had a car from driving to Atlanta and back).

I have no idea where I ate the rest of the time. I may not have, which doesn’t seem right. This was when I had to walk around a lot for the first time in years as I was at a convention. That was such a weird time.


Methinks I found me breakfast!



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They open at 9 tomorrow.

I got the shrimp gumbo omelette, which was the other special with the peach pancakes. I think. They have a shrimp creole omelette on the menu, and it may have been that.


It was Amélie’s French Bakery & Café


How dare you besmirch the WaHo


What else did he recommend?


Honestly…I am too drunk right now to figure out how to turn on my phone wthout getting distracted and drunk dialing ex’s.


Lester City is my favorite soccer squadron.


Some NSFW shit.

Playing in the snow naked:

18-year-old Emily Ratajkowski:


Ooh, Friday night! Time to get ready!

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(just kidding. I’m a troll shut-in. I also need to move around all my fucking furniture this weekend.)

Senor Weaselo

How did you not come up with this?


Off to see Three Billboards. Hold my calls.


I miss Cracker Barrel. It finally came to Oregon last year (God, this state is depressingly redneck outside of parts of Portland), but I am not driving out to one when I can get a decent breakfast within walking distance (but I don’t).


I like the Three Billboards that advertise the strip clubs close to my work. That’s some quality billboarding right there.


I mean, she may as well be a sex doll.

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Beastmode Ate My Baby

A Prisoners on the Pleasure Planet plug!

Now, how much am I supposed to send tWBS? And does it have to be in small bills, or would a check do? I’m really not familiar with how payola works…




Cropped, edited, and recut the closeup to the beginning, and removing the ugly old man crossing the foreground in just swim trunks. The full-sized version is also twice as high & wide.

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Apropos of nothing other than the work it took to edit this, not only in size and length, but to color correct it from being mostly yellows and shadows.

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Original for comparison:



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It’s like banging a car on the road in front of you.


Hit and run?

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I learned so much from this. Cheers to you good man. I still do not think I will be purchasing one. Keep it old school and do it with sandpaper so I really feel it.


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C’mon, man. This is clearly the sexiest pic of Liam:

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totes no homo

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