NFL Nuggets:
- Tedy Bruschi is recovering from a stroke last week.
- He posted Monday that he started feeling symptoms on Thursday, July 4:
- Around 10:30am on July 4th I lost use of my left arm. I then tried to speak and realized I was slurring my speech. As I turned to my wife she noticed the left side of my face was drooping. We immediately knew what was happening.
- It’s his second stroke, following the one he had during the 2005 season. which caused him to miss the first six weeks of the season.
- He retired after the 2009 season.
- He posted Monday that he started feeling symptoms on Thursday, July 4:
- Dolphins DT Kendrick Norton had his arm amputated and remains hospitalized after a car crash.
- His truck collided with a concrete barrier & flipped over, coming to rest on its hood.
- The arm had to be amputated on scene.
- His truck collided with a concrete barrier & flipped over, coming to rest on its hood.
- Ryan Fitzpatrick – the Harvard boy with a 50-75-1 career record – believes he has been “disrespected” over his career.
- But he considers his latest stop with the Dolphins an attempt to finally shut that noise up, along with his role to tutor Josh Rosen into becoming a NFL quarterback.
- Even though the article that talks about his quest immediately dismisses him with this sobriquet:
- “Ryan Fitzpatrick is entering his 15th NFL season with his eighth NFL team. He is, by definition, a journeyman.”
- Well, now I have another reason to hate-watch the AFC East:
Think I’m gonna try a glove on my throwing hand this year 🤔 pic.twitter.com/gCrB20KTIW
— Tom Brady (@TomBrady) July 8, 2019
Finally, while I agree with everyone that Deadspin is usually the worst, they do have an excellent article today on how Doug Flutie was the prototype for today’s smaller, mobile quarterbacks.
- It talks about how the CFL helped mold him into the type of QB that can succeed in the NFL without having the prototypical “size” scouts say you need to succeed.
- It also expounds on how Ralph Wilson was the one who fucked over the Bills in 1999 & earned the “Music City Miracle”.
I have nothing against Ms. Aniston. She’s quite the looker.
I just needed a barren metaphor for tonight’s sports scene that wasn’t a desert. Feel free to fill the comment section with desert photos.
Or dessert photos –
you do you.
Tonight’s sports:
- MLB:
- 2019 Home Run Derby – 8:00PM | ESPN2 / Sportsnet
- NBA Summer League Basketball:
- Raptors vs. Spurs – 7:00PM | ESPNU / TSN2
- Timberwolves vs. Bucks – 9:00PM | ESPNU
- Pelicans vs. Bulls – 9:30PM | TSN5
- WWE:
- Monday Night Raw – 8:00PM | USA / Sportsnet360
Yeesh – my apologies to Ms. Aniston. There’s actually less than nothing on TV tonight.
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny…..

KQ suited on the deal. This could get good.
Nope, pair of 7’s takes it. I’m getting bored.
Two matching pairs of 7’s. We’re about to find out who the pussy at this table is.
lol, right?
I bet she has one of them fancy Hollywood pussies that ladies are buying these days.
I’d pet it. Repeatedly.
BOTH pairs of 7’s folded on the river.
Jeebus. Guy who took the pot had nothing.
Two pair, A’s and 9’s gon’ get it.
Why am I still fucking watching poker?
She was amazing in that movie. Amazing.
Let’s go back to Jennifer Aniston.

Yes, it’s photoshopped (not by me don’t sue me), but still.
Is it normal for hot dogs to screech at you while cooking them on a grill?
Do they screech in Spanish?
Can you translate “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” for me?
LOL Low Commander is roasting hookers but he’s so high he thinks they’re hot dogs. If I had a nickel…
They’re called “call girls” until the screams stop.
If LCSS is that high, he should be more worried about what he’s going to mistake for a hot dog next and toss on the grill next.
Ow, ow ow ow ow.
Were they still alive?

Pigs are apparently cannibals.
Programming note: Megan Rapinoe will be joining Rachel Maddow tomorrow night.
This might be the first time I watch two awesome lesbians who aren’t having sex.
Did you watch women’s tennis in the 80’s?
Only Capriati. If only I had the drugs, I woulda had a shot.
I too had a huge crush on her. I marveled at how busty Graf was and could still move, and how Billie Jo and Martina were in the closet that long. NO ONE COULD TELL????
Graf was underrated, ifyouknowwhatImean.
This picture is frozen in my memory

Didn’t she do a tasteful Playboy shoot?
I believe yes.
/ half of DFO leaves to Google “Steffi Graf Playboy”
Yeah sure….”half”.
Now before I do a search, just how tasteful was it?
I actually already searched and couldn’t find anything.
Too bad.
Wait, they were really in the closet? I thought it was obvious!
Jim Rome used to call Martina “Martin” because GET IT? Hey clones, have a take and don’t suck.
Thanks for the vine Spam, I am a long haul trucker and listen to you every day. Problem is that I am alright with them lesbians but my son ain’t need to see that on teevee.
No, you will not be disappearing into those bushes.
LOL. “Bushes”.
/goes and buys the big pack of razors
ooooh…bullets on the deal.
“Not fucking funny.”
– Wild Bill Hickok
My back is fucked. It’s hell getting old.
I think I might have said those exact words earlier today.
Why do I watch Poker?
Oooooh, dude going for the flush.
Nope, he blew it. Three nines got ya.
Why do they think it’s a good idea to have these kids in the outfield?
Alonso is getting screwed by his BP pitcher.
MLB’s new strategy to make superstars may be a tad controversial.
My son and I were just talking about that last round. Typical Mets.
Pretty impressive considering all the soft sliders he was throwing.
If he’d lost I would have said they should’ve just had the pen pitch.
Next year MLB should just say ‘fuck everything’, (you know, like when they let Frank McCourt buy the Dodgers), and break out aluminum bats for the Derby.
Vladito got tired from having to hit all the homers against Joc.
Just imagine if they had these Flubber infused juiced balls in the 90s with McGwire, Sosa and Bonds
Then the 90s would be the record.
I still maintain that they specifically did this in 1987.
(30 minutes ago) “I gotta be up at 2AM, but I’ll turn the Derby on to fall asleep.”
(4 hours and no sleep from now) “Stupid Derby.”
Wait, Jennifer Anistion is barren?
Plus bonus….she’s rich.
And just so Balls knows, I most certainly don’t think she has a penis.
Though admittedly, I have been wrong before on that front.
(I still plan to find Trent Reznor before I die and punch him in the head a couple times)
Ok, then pop quiz hotshot…let’s say she was a hermaphrodite (looks exactly the same except she has a dick and balls in addition to the vagina) – DO YOU?
If I have a vagina I have not found it yet. If i do, I’ll never leave the house again.
I may not have been clear, but thank you for your vaginal information.
You sound a little too interested in my thus far unfound vagina.
As long as she doesn’t want to peg me without lube, I might consider it.
Oh good, you’re here.
I was hoping you could tune into the home run derby and provide your thoughts on Jessica Mendoza.
Gimme a sec, I only just got home. It’s been another fun day.
LOL, Joey Gallo.
No I said Callo.
Still always makes me laugh.
So that was the final, right?
I worry Vladito might have a letdown in the final, but then he may not be a normal human.
What’s the point of the other semi?
– My wife, pointing at my groin, after using a vibrator.
Also yes
Is everyone still mad at each other? It’s going around. At least here we’re blaming the shitty weather and how it’s freezing in fucking July. Plus I am now in round three of fighting with the IRS, so I’ve got that going for me.
We’re fine. I posted a Monty Python video and we’re all good.
Balls and I sometimes butt heads. But we always make up.
He’s always right. Or so I’m told.
Bananacakes in Cleveland!
Holy shit. This is fun as hell.
Triple double bananacakes!
A wild Peak Millennial Named Pederson emerges!
As Weaselo pointed out below, Baby Vlad is an absolute beast.
Hiring the Orioles pitching staff is really paying off.
You have Jeffery Epstein’s attention.
Nice beaver.
Drove 9 hours up, and 14 hours back, all to get 2 separate hours in Acadia National Park. I am a time managing savant.
When I am elected Dicktator 4 Lyf3, elections will still be held. Debates will be had, even. And every election, the first person to suggest “moving up” the first debate to an earlier date will be sacrificed to Cornlor, the god of bountiful harvests, maker of extra fructose starches, so that we might all one day grow plump and corpulent.
I guess Cornlor might not be the best name, but ever since we started the whole sacrificing thing we seem to be running low on advertising/media/pr types…
God DAMN, Vladito.
I’d love to pump a baby into Ms. Aniston if she wants one. I’m sure there is no lack of volunteers on that front.
You think so? I don’t really want you to pump a baby into me.
I rather do a load of old man yogurt. the baby would be hard to get unless you have a 100 bucks down on Seven Street.
Wow. Props to American Ninja Warrior for making Cincinnati look like a nice town instead of a city horribly suffering because the past administrations refused to make it a railroad hub or building a fully functional subway.
So that’s why Jared Fogle was always talking about how he could never find the kind of sandwiches he wanted in Cincinnati.
A special thanks one of the two dozen or so Democrats who has no chance at winning this thing, finally having a heart and quitting.
I got no beef with him; he got to debate once, talk about gun control, now back to work. Probably raised some good scratch for himself too.
This is at most about a 5-6 person race. Everyone else is just jerking off. Which is fine and healthy.
I’m no expert, but I think when you have 20 people, it qualifies as an orgy.
Not the way I do it.
there are 4, and exactly 4, who have ANY chance: Warren, Harris, Biden, Boot Edge Squared (very small chance for him)
Sad thing is there could be more, but there’s so many people on the stage, they can’t get time to talk.
once you get past 8 or 9, you make breaking through the din nigh impossible
If you guys let Marianne Williamson back on that Debate Stage, I’m voting for Trump purely out of spite.
Oh come on, you didn’t find her entertaining? That’s the reason a good 50% of Trump voters claim they pulled the lever for him.
Mass transit?? What kinda pinko commie secret Moooooslim homo you done turned into smh
I blame all of you. And a crumbling infrastructure, woefully inadequate road system, and a barren as-beautiful-as-Jennifer-Aniston Union Terminal whose good enough to inspire the Hall of Justice but not good enough for a railroad hub that would’ve made Cincinnati a major city for commerce and industry, showing that Cincinnati has been helping Chicago and St. Louis win long before the Reds and Bengals existence.
also #NoWombAtTehJen
Or when you hate them! – A. Rodgers
What would the stones be on a Tom Brady infinity gauntlet?
Practicing, Deflation, MagicWater, Posing, PregnantWifeLeaving, SecretOxygen, and StrawberryAvoidance.
don’t forget “IgnoreSon” and “MakeOutWithSon”
Playing hard to get pays off.
System, WeakDivision, EastCoastBias, Elitism, RefsOnPayroll, StrategicWinning
I worked like a dog from 7a-7p…and there ain’t fuckall to relax to.
/ok, I did take small breaks for Afrikan Euros
Even though it’s a sad subject, I’d much rather hear about Teddy Bruschi having a stroke than Kellen Winslow Jr. having one.