NFL Nuggets:
- The big organizational news is the league edict that training camps have to be held at team facilities.
- Meaning that teams that sometimes hold initial sessions in the field – the Cowboys, for example, usually start in Oxnard, CA – have to hold everything in one place.
- So teams with facilities built for 60 players will now have to contend with hosting a 90-man preseason roster & only one cut date.
- Also, no joint practices, so we lose out on the annual “_____ fought with the _____ at their shared practice today” sports stories that make it sound like a perennial also-ran actually has a chance this year.
- Meaning that teams that sometimes hold initial sessions in the field – the Cowboys, for example, usually start in Oxnard, CA – have to hold everything in one place.
- Conflict: The NBA restart will come up against the NFL regular season in terms of TV coverage (& revenue)
- The NBA restart on July 31 will have an eight-game regular season to finish off the season & determine playoff seedings.
- They will use 22 teams, based on records at the time of the season’s suspension
- the 16 in playoff contention when the season stopped
- the six teams within six games of eighth place
- With the possibility of a play-in game for teams tied for eighth place after the extended season ends.
- They will use 22 teams, based on records at the time of the season’s suspension
- The playoffs would likely start the last week of August, and carry through to as late as October 12.
- The NBA restart on July 31 will have an eight-game regular season to finish off the season & determine playoff seedings.
- Conflicts: Drew Brees & Vic Fangio should stay away from social media for a while.
- Breesus said something about kneeling during the anthem & got called out by his wide receiver and told to “shut the fuck up” by Malcolm Jenkins. Hell – even Aaron Rodgers took a run at him.
- Resulting in a “clarification” of his comments.
- Vic Fangio said, out loud & into a microphone, “I don’t see racism at all in the NFL, I don’t see discrimination in the NFL.”
- Despite, as Akiem Hicks pointed out, “We signed Mike Glennon.”
- Resulting in a “reflection” on his comments and an admission that,
- “While I have never personally experienced those terrible things first-hand during my 33 years in the NFL, I understand that many players, coaches and staff have different perspectives. I should have been more more clear and I am sorry.”
- Breesus said something about kneeling during the anthem & got called out by his wide receiver and told to “shut the fuck up” by Malcolm Jenkins. Hell – even Aaron Rodgers took a run at him.
The [Redacteds] had a badder day yesterday, all thanks to their social media.
- It all started innocently enough, when they tried to do the least they could do.
#BlackOutTuesday pic.twitter.com/HANYZN6BXN
— Washington Commanders (@Commanders) June 2, 2020
- I don’t think you need me to point out what happened in their comments section.
- Then the true enemies of professional sports weighed in – the columnists!
- Led by Florio, normally the head bootlicker alongside his confrère Peter King:
As the NFL community looks for a way to turn words into action during this critical moment in American history, one simple solution is hiding in plain sight: The Washington franchise should change its name now https://t.co/sSm0ZQGmT9
— ProFootballTalk (@ProFootballTalk) June 3, 2020
- And despite the mouthbreathing from most PFT follows, there was a light in the wilderness from the handsomest of Twitter accounts.
Since 2015 @doorfliesopen pic.twitter.com/Q9vRbZ6LTS
— Héctor 🇵🇷 (@brianbobonis) June 3, 2020
To paraphrase CM Punk, Dan Snyder is a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, nonsensical, douchebag yes men who are going to tell him everything he wants to hear. He could make millions off rebranding the team & new sponsorship opportunities, but he would rather make the guaranteed thousands he knows will come in every year from merch sales. That’s just sad; but, then again, so are the [Redacteds].
Tonight’s … entertainment?:
- Wrasslin’:
- AEW Dynamite – 8:00PM | TNT / TSN2
- NXT – 8:00PM | USA
- Ultimate Tag – 9:00PM | FOX
- It’s “American Gladiators” without the Q-tips or Larry Czonka.
- Costa Rican Primera Division Soccer:
- Saprissa vs. Jicaral Sercoba – 9:55PM | ESPN2
- Monster Energy Supercross:
- Round 12 from Salt Lake City – 10:00PM | NBCSN
- What We Do in the Shadows – 10:00PM | FX
- When Nandor and Laszlo are abducted by a coven of witches, the others must venture to Brooklyn to rescue them.
- KBO League:
- Lotte Giants vs. Kia Tigers – 5:25AM | ESPN / TSN4
Slowly – very slowly – it looks like sports is creeping back into daily TV life. I, for one, cannot be happier, if only so WineWife doesn’t keep watching home renovation shows & getting ideas.
We had our executive business review today and I drove the meeting.
Owned it.
Goddammit we really are the true heroes here!
The hand sanitizer it burns!
We’re keeping our phony bologne jobs at all costs!
The masks would be easier to wear if they didn’t fog my glasses and annoy my sinuses.
/1st world pandemic problems
It went famously.
Aaron saying Colin should be on a team right now… And talks his support for everything going on.
Now that’s a real man’s man… The type of guy you can really trust your gf with
I don’t have a Twitter but I took a look at what was trending that wasn’t covid or protest. Some k-pop, a UCF professor, and then Mustafa. Yes I find it hilarious that a Fire Emblem character is currently trending.
From The Jakarta Method, which is a great book you need to read but is also depressing and infuriating.
Eschatology is such a perverse combination of nihilism and narcissism. This isn’t the end of history or the U.S. or the world. Life will go on after us.
I’m starting to warm up to military overthrow. Kissinger loved it. For Latin America, but still!

Tom Lehrer just committed suicide.
There’s a pic of a Richmond police officer floating around with full sleeves his left arm is blatenly neo-nazi runes. Like what the fuck.
The Patriots just offered him a contract.
Good thing he’s the only one
/rolls eyes in swastika
Officer. Pfft. Portland had a Nazi police captain.
L.A. County Sheriffs are all neo-Nazis
Not sure if been posted here but best protest coverage is on twitch. Runs curated 5-9 live streams from various people live streaming all kind of protests from NYC, Washington, Atlanta, LA, Oregon, Seattle and smaller ones as well. Big range of stream quality and very random speakers and locations with 25-51k watching on twitch. Starts around 5pm but been keeping me up to 3-5am est when west coast protests end. Current showdowns in DC and the west coast cities.
WokeTv on twitch
I’d never heard of “Unicorn Riot” until a week ago and now that’s my thing.
Yeah they’re good and in the epicenter. Robert Evans a combat journalist linked stream from his twitter was great from portland last night as they gassed the peaceful crowds 3 times yet still reformed with the hong kong cone tactics.
The one streamer last night who used the policy scanner to avoid being trapped with one group of protestors in LA. On the scanner whe police were so gleeful about making sure they were in a place they couldnt get out of they trapped them in a residential district and said if homeowners let them in theyd also arrest the homeowners unlike that one DC home.
“combat journalist?” “Twitter?”
You gotta be shittin’ me boy. Go finish your homework or no TV for you.
“Robert Evans has worked as a conflict journalist in Iraq and Ukraine and reported extensively on far-right extremist groups in the United States. ”
Bio Link
Also was an editor of Cracked of all things.
I said finish your homework.
BTW Breezus is no diffrent than Tom Brady in being completely tone deaf and 100% into personal branding. TB12 sells snake oil, Breezus supports Pyramid Schemes (AdvoCate) and supports anti-LGBTQ churches.
Brees does do a lot of admirable charity work, but the other stuff he’s into is really, really, shitty.
“completely tone deaf and 100% into personal branding”
There’s a charge that can be applied liberally all over the fucking place
Brees is stupid. Brady is evil.
Fuck, the day is approaching when I’m going to find myself having to explain to someone what the “Boogaloo” movement is and why it’s called that. I hope I’m drunk when it happens.
Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo if anyone asks it’s a joke bit it’s totally not a joke but we can say it and if any liberals try to point it out we can just say ”its a joke”
Yep. Just like the “ok” symbol. “Ha ha, we fooled you libs, it’s not really a secret symbol of white supremacists, it’s just a secret symbol of people who like to pretend to be white supremacists for shits and giggles. Totally different! Suckers!”
I won’t be alive long enough to be able to explain it to any of my relatives.
As a member of the First Familys of Virginia and someone who had family members die on both sides of the Civil War.it is past time to take the Robert E lee statue down. Maybe put up a statue of George Washington a Virginian General who actually won his war up instead. If I wanted to look at an outdated racist reminder of our past misdeads… I’d go to a [Redacted] game.
Didn’t he say something along the line of erecting monuments to the Confederacy was a bad idea?
Yes, this isn’t about Lees memory but was all about reminding black people in the south where they were.
Which is why most of those monuments didn’t even go up until the 1950s.
If you want to read about Robert E. Lee, you have to go to the source material. Here’s a fine article from the May 1887 issue of the magazine North American Review entitled, “Grant, Thomas, Lee” written by retired general William Tecumseh Sherman, now an avid theater-goer living in New York City. In this article, written in Sherman’s well-known snarky style, he explains why Lee was a shitty general and that the great British general Lord Wolseley was just a goo-goo-eyed Lee fan-boy.
Early example of “Mean Generals.”
Robert E Lee lost to a drunk whose great military strategy was a Zerg Rush
Grant wasn’t a drunk. And he never retreated once. He was relentless, and managed logistics over thousands of miles. Lee lost because every battle he won he spent more blood than any other general, and he couldn’t replace it. He’s America’s Rommel.
I want to see another Grant style documentary, but with Sherman
This is extremely well made, from Georgia Public Broadcasting.
“When Georgia Howled”
Hopefully they’ll be a sequel, because after Georgia howled, Sherman’s armies made South Carolina screech. That’s where they did the real punishment, and advanced unlike any army since Julius Caesar.
They didn’t do enough. Fuck South Carolina forever.
And saved. Thank you
We don’t have any ancestors that fought on either side of the Civil War, but having traced our family lineage back to 1830’s NYC I cannot guarantee that some of those goddamn Micks weren’t trying to burn down the city during the Draft Riots.
There’s one Lee statue I’d be okay with. Surrendering at Appomattox. Loser!
In “pretends to think he’s tough” news, I did a DX Crotch Chop as I went outside after curfew… for about 30 seconds to take the recyclables to the curb.
Stick it to the man!
Hey, James Mattis found his balls!
I haven’t said shit to my Trump-voting brother or father during this (I’m scared of what they might have to say) but I sent them his letter.
Yeah, right on time (to do nothing but we take what we can get fuck this whole thing)
Up until this week I considered it paranoid, but I am now worried about Trump attempting some military-backed takeover. Any sign that senior people in DoD (or, in the case of Mattis, someone with close ties to them) are not going to back everything Trump orders counts as good news to me.
Yeah, that’s a fair point. On some level, he knows he’s doing time when he’s no longer Prez, and his narcissism would literally allow him to nuke someone to stay in office.
“doing time”?
Ex-Presidents are never prosecuted, by order of the new President. Set’s a bad precedent.
Fine, then it happens at NY state level. But if he doesn’t rage-stroke while deep-throating a Big Mac, that fucker’s dying in prison.
Good luck finding a jury of 12 that doesn’t contain a MAGA head.
Except the military would never do that, and I’m pretty sure all those West Pointers are disgusted with Trump (and don’t want to ruin their careers and pensions).
James Franco’s entire career can be forgotten aside from literally this one scene
Except Pompeo, apparently.
Obviously you would have a better idea than me.
What do you make of General Milley’s memo today? Forgive me linking to Bill Kristol, but that’s where I found it:
It reads as pretty milquetoast boilerplate to me, but others are saying that in the military world the subtext is “I know shit is weird now. We’re not going to let this get out of hand.”
See the response just up the thread that I was typing while you posted.
The messaging we are getting from Air Force leadership is interestingly non-committal about sucking Trump’s dick. The message is they are going to work more on making airmen and their families safe rather than re-opening too early. See the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force’s message earlier today (yeah, he’s a black guy). He and the AF Chief of Staff had a town hall today on FB https://www.airforcemag.com/goldfein-wright-to-host-town-hall-on-racial-inequality-in-the-air-force/, and I got the vibe that it might not go the way Trump wants if he orders the military to attack the citizens of the USA.
I have a $100 bet with a Trumpy friend of mine that the November elections don’t happen. His whole worshipfulness goes back to the early oughts, when he was a Navy officer in New York for Navy Week and Trump offered up his yacht to the Navy for the week, and my friend took advantage. I told him that Trump only did it for the tax break, not because he gave a fuck about anybody in the Navy. Still a point of contention twixt Bill and I. But we haven’t gone at each other’s throats, and he still gives me a quart of his excellent homemade moonshine every week. Navy ties are more important than political bullshit. Funny thing is of our local ex-Navy contingent, there are ex-CMCs, ex-Cmdrs and LCDRs, etc, but I, an ordinary E-5, am the alpha male of the group. They all do what I say (except vote Democrat; working on that). It is so weird.
So who wants to hear some GOOD news for a change?
Yesterday, I received papers from the Department of the Navy informing me that I was the recipient of a World War II combat decoration, and my form DD 214 has been amended thusly.
You’re looking good for someone coming up on 100.
Many years ago they left off my two badges off my DD-214 when I was discharged, and I never noticed until 2 years ago. I applied to have the error corrected, and 18 months later they replied with a DD-214 correction form, which now included the two that I had earned, plus another swank combat award that hasn’t been issued since World War II.
Glad you got that messy discharge taken care of,
I just got notified that I had received the John Paul Jones Sailing Ship Sailor of the Quarter for 4Q
1844. Shit grinds slowly, but finely.
Yeah, but I’m not joking. My DD-214 now says, officially, that I was awarded the “Submarine Combat Patrol insignia,” which hasn’t been awarded since World War II. It’s official. Look at my DD-214 if you don’t believe me. (My SSBN Deterrent Patrol Pin (with 5 gold stars) is also a combat decoration, and that was one of the two that was missing, along with my “fish”)
Oddly enough, I only had the record corrected so that I could join the VFW, and then only so that I could go drink cheap beers at VFW posts in hick towns out in the desert. I joined the American Legion for the hat (which I wore at the big protest march in L.A. before the invasion of Iraq).
says it is awarded for service in “declared wars.” Did Brick just uncover the fact that we’ve been at war with Eurasia this whole time?
That’s the one. I might buy one just to wear it at home.
Should have the Hunley or the Turtle on the pin. What do I know though, I was what you bubbleheads referred to as a target.
Don’t hate me because I’m a hero. Even more now.
Dude, even if you are a fucking bubblehead, you’re still a shipmate!!!
Hopefully that decoration matches your Purple Heart.
And his Black Liver.
Amended DDs are just as good as natural ones, no matter what anyone says.
Brick getting DD status just reinforces the fact that he’s always been overcompensating for, you know.
Well, I’ve got pork tenderloin and wine. I’m ok with the world burning for a bit.
I would suggest not burning either one, but you do you.
Ok, so COVID, Ebola’s comin back, giant asteroid’s on the way, murder hornets, cane toads, just had an earthquake…I think God wants me to stop blowing goats. Sorry everyone.
That’s so saaaaaa-aaad.
—-Unblown goats everywhere.
Here’s gulpin at you, kid.
Oh, you’re Noah Handerhoft. I thought you lived in Chicago?
A sphincter says what?
You have got to be kidding me!
Found a funny:
looking forward to Gal Gadot’s rendition of Fuck the Police
Amazon Prime “England’s Red Threat”. Worth a look.
Edit: Man, there’s a lot of shit that happened back in the 80’s that I don’t completely remember. But the soundtrack on this one is pretty good!
“Oy, izzit that toime of the monf, then izzit?”
Absolutely. It’s that time of the month every fucking week for me, to be honest.
I think we just had a little earthquake in L.A.!
So, a mere 7.4?
I think it was just an A380 landing. I didn’t feel shit.
Magnitude 5.1 in Searles Valley (near Randsburg) at 6:32 PM. I barely felt it but hanging lamps were swinging.
Ahhhhhh. I was jacking off in the shower. I thought it was me.
I’ve always been terrified of a giant earthquake while I’m taking a shit.
The Dr. Mrs. felt it. I don’t know why I didn’t notice my belly jiggling.
“You felt the earth move? That wasn’t tectonic plates, that was me, baby.”
-E. Hemingway
I thought it was Carole King.
Ernie called it first-called shotgun, if you will.
We didn’t feel it in Big Bear.
Trump just released the latest pack of lies related to his physical condition. He is 6’3″ and, allegedly, 244 lbs.
The first thing I do when I take over the world, (it’s in the works, but I really need someone to commit to bringing enough orange slices for everyone), is make that fat slob strip to his skivvies and stand on a scale in front of the world.
Maybe it’s like Apocryphal England where when the next king takes over, he redefines the ‘foot’ to be equal to his own foot. So in this case, the pound is redefined to make trump weigh 244.
A lot of Americans would actually be quite pleased if he simply redefined the definition of “obese”.
I like how even by this bullshit he’s still considered obese. Like, they couldn’t even go full weight chicanery.
I think the best refutation of that would be for him to be hanged, but on the first try the rope breaks, and when criticized for fucking up the hangman is like “hey, the paperwork said this guy weighed less than 250!”
Can I avert my eyes when this happens?
Also, if he’s 6’3″ then I’m Wilt Chamberlain. And speaking as a fatty, ain’t no way he’s 244.
Dump a bucket of water, or whatever, so we can all see what the fuck is up with that hair. Then full Mussolini for him and his whole disgusting family. I’m not asking for much. But keep the skivvies on, no one needs to see that shriveled up mushroom dick.
You know the best thing about the Drew Brees think is all the blue checks dog piling.
Give it about six months. The people doing this will fuck up in some way, big or small, and they are going to be on the bottom of the pile.
Like these morons don’t think they will ever run afoul of the twitter mob.
Twitter is fucking stupid.
But the best are the assholes who have already been shit piled on, who haven’t learned shit. Like Crazy ass TI and his views on raising his daughters chimed in. Like bro….really?
I swear to go if Trump managed to kill the internet with his stupid war on twitter …I could almost vote for him.
(Seamus, from The Other Side):

I miss that guy…
I’ve seen so many people outright state that Drew Brees is racist. That is so damn stupid. The dude regularly showers with African Americans. Half these “woke” twitter accounts think watching the Wire means they understand black people.
Did say he some bone headed shit? Yeah. But given what we know about CTE, who the fuck is expecting deep thoughts in a tweet from him?
I don’t even like him or the Saints but he has done way more for NO than these assholes demanding that he lose his job over dumbass twitter comments.
I was talking to my old man just now about this. So your typical old, black dude. Honest to god my old man’s response to me telling him the tweet was “huh? What is controversial about that?”
The only difference if a famous black man made the same comment would be instead of being called a racist, these woke twitter folks would be calling him an Uncle Tom.
End of rant. Sorry these last couple of days just have me a perpetual pissed off state.
You don’t need to apologize to me. I’m just happy to see you.
Yep, likewise, thanks for checking in, shipmate!
Same. It’s good to see you.
And follow good Twitter accounts fer Chrissakes. This is my current fave: @Tribe_XX
The dude regularly showers with African Americans.
And he probably doesn’t even need to kidnap them.
LOL thats great
I was drunk off my ass. I was talking to a waitress that I knew from another bar. “Pets” started playing. I started wailing, “We’ll have great sex. We’ll have great sex. We’ll have great sex. We’ll have great sexxxxxxxxx.” We ended up having sex. It wasn’t great.
Still though, that’s thinking (with your penis) on your feet.
Don’t get me wrong-this is a humblebrag about me using humour to get some sex. Adequate sex is still sex, even though it involves me.
I enjoyed the story, but…what was the “humble” part?
Her name was Sarah Humble. Dammit! I promised never to tell!
Strange, there was a “Sarah Humble” found hacked to pieces a few years ago up in Cana-
Not sure if you guys noticed but Run the Jewels released their new album. for free
It’s just missing the word “underaged”, which would have given it The Full Lords.
Finally! If you’re going to dredge Twitter and dump it here, this is what I want to see. Find more of this!
Uh oh, Brick’s not gonna like the “Dog Bites Man” headline I’m about to post.
So the Secretary of Defense came out against Trump’s plan to invade the states. So, he’s on borrowed time.
Too bad he wasn’t giving that speech in the White House with Trump there. That would’ve been fun:
NSFW for obvious reasons and lets assume its Jared Kushner who open the door to the White House Press Corp in mid-rant.
I guess in the interest of keeping his job, he has now reversed the demobilization order.
Trump: “So, what my polling numbers after my brilliant decision?”
Pollster: “Seven.”
Trump: “You hear that? Seven points up on Sleepy Joe!”
Pollster: “No.”
Trump: “I’m seven points down?”
Pollster: “No, you’re polling at seven points.”
There’s “hundreds” of troops permanently stationed in D.C. and Arlington: The Third Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer and a Marine Regiment at the Marine Barracks at 8th & I. They do ceremonial duties by day, but they are both highly trained and equipped infantry units, and they are “the President’s own.” They were Obama’s, they were Bush’s, they were Clinton’s, etc. This goes back to the Civil War. Also, the District of Columbia is unique in that the Federal Army can police it at will. I thought you would have already known this.
The switcheroo just seems like really bad optics.
“Sign In or Whatever” really ties up the shameless plug.
Apathy is our middle name.
I seriously do not understand having a twitter account in your own name. And for the love of God, if you are a rich celebrity, politician, business leader, etc….fucking hire an intern to run that shit so you have someone to shitcan when they fuck up.
To paraphrase CM Punk, Daniel Snyder is a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, nonsensical, douchebag yes men who are going to tell him everything he wants to hear.
Sounds like someone else that is in a position of responsibility that should not be in a position of responsibility.
Its feels like an insult to one of them comparing Vince McMahon and Daniel Snyder to each other. Not sure who, though.
Exactly. Shameless hucksters both.