So Much Lesser, So Little Time

Is everybody enjoying the slow transition to Fall weather?  I know I sure am.  Heat and being a fat fuck don’t go together too well.  But sitting around watching glorious footy?  That’s a bingo.

How weird is this?  Both Manchester teams in the “up with the roosters slot.”  The marquee being Man City and Chelski (7:30, NBCSN).  Pep is as back to the wall as he’s been in the Northwest, and “changing of the guard” talking points will be in the air.  Should make for a fine morning watch.  Or, you can watch along with irritable, sleep deprived Wakey on Peacock (Men Untied v. Aston Villa).  Worth waking up for, no matter your fixture preference.

Only one broadcast offering in the 10:00 window, and it’s Leicester/Burnley (NBCSN).  That’s pretty gross.  You can see Everton’s further descent into Very Disappointing land, home to the ded-fookin-last Trashbirds.  Or maybe Leeds/Hammers, if you want an actually entertaining match.  YMMV.

Ignore the Spotlight Dance (Bees on Shite, 12:30, NBC), but please don’t forget Sunday’s tasty North London Derby (11:30, NBCSN).  It’s good hatred, that one.

Notre Dame (+6.5) v. Wisconsin (Stade du Bearistocrats!, Noon, Fox)

I have no idea why Bucky Badger is favoUred at all.  I will ML bet the Irish, and hope to lose my bet.  Shall we call this the Overweight White Ethnics Derby?

Missouri (-1.5) at Boston College (Noon, ESPN)

When this here fixture was scheduled, bet nobody expected these to have one loss combined.  The A-C-C is A-S-S has two remaining unbeatens heading into this last September weekend – Boston College and Wake Forest.  So, uh…yeah.  Mizzou would also be a good excuse to humblebrag about the resurgence of the playoff-bound #BFIB – but that just wouldn’t be The Right Way.

SMU (+9.5) at TCU (Noon, FS1)

Will there be Blood FOAR the Bloodeyes God?  No?  Bet the Ponies, especially ML.

Texas Tech (+9) at Texas (Noon, ABC)

Steerfuckers South will win this, perhaps convincingly.  Guns Up! just ain’t very good, but that won’t stop the THEIR BACK!!!!1111 bandwagon from filling back up.  Because sports journalists are lazy, you see.

Boise State (-9) at Utah State (Noon, CBS)

Noted both for being CBS national, and for the ridicuous local kickoff time.  Get your naps in, Team Secular Big Love State!

Texas A&M (-4.5) at Arkansas (3:30, CBS)

Pig Sooey are 3-0!  Don’t bet on them finishing the day 4-0, even if I still harboUr doubts about Jimbo’s bunch.

Clemson (-10) at NC State (3:30, ESPN)

SIGH.  Hippo is already looking forward to his depression nap.

Iowa State (-7) at Baylor (3:30, Fox)

BayBay is another surprise unbeaten, and they actually have a rapist’spuncher’s chance of getting to October that way.  Sleeper game of the day.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Hippo, prepping for Wolven Sort vs. Son of Clem (artist’s conception):
comment image

Horatio Cornblower

chuh, chuh.

Anthony In TX

I never watched House, but here’s how every episode went in my head:
(some health disaster)
House: “grumble grumble pithy quip”
(House falls down)
(House performs medical miracle)
(Pizza Hut commercial)


I was hoping it was Hospital Blackadder. It was not.

Horatio Cornblower

UConn takes a commanding lead, 3-0, over Wyoming.

You guys are doing great!

Horatio Cornblower

Seriously, why does UConn even have a football program?

Horatio Cornblower

Kelly just faced more consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct than he did for killing a kid.

Horatio Cornblower

No review of the Fightin’ Horatios vs. Wyoming?

The line is -30.5 Wyoming.

The only reason I can think of to take UConn and the points is that Wyoming team flew into Hartford and might be confused being around so many people and tall buildings.

Anthony In TX

Watching my nephews play high school Texas football a couple of years ago, when even the victory formation was in shotgun, really hammered home how long it’s been since I played, when our triple option was nigh unstoppable because defenses hadn’t really learned it yet.


Bowling Green on the verge of ROWING THE BOAT back to Ohio with the win over Minnysnowta.


Isn’t BG in Kenfucky?


Classic coastal elitism on display, not knowing there’s a BG in both Kentucky and Ohio. And California I think. And probably 6 other states.


But, am I “elite”? Or just another sad Flacco?


Is it Texas day or something? Every one of their hateful teams seems to have a network tv appearance today. (Sorry Anthony!)

Last edited 2 years ago by Gumbygirl
Anthony In TX

It’s all good. As a leftist hippie dipshit antifa libtard, I fully understand and accept the derision that my state has earned.
Hashtag not all Texans, but definitely also hashtag too many Texans.


A touch of Wiscy dick in Chicago.


Don’t knock what you haven’t tried.

My nephew is a Pony freshman, hopefully went to the game and will get in a drunken brawl.


“I want the big fat white guys to win!”

“Sir, you’re going to have to be more specific.”


Wiscy better get a TD out this turnover.


I knew they’d only get the field goal.


4th string qb for Notre Dame. Moving the ball!


Never doubt the power of pepperoni.


Can I ask if there’s cheese on the pizza?


Just wondered how that worked, though trying to be careful not to inflame the sandwich wars.


The Ghost of MAC and the Ghost of Urban Meyer combining to put Bowling Green up on Minnesota at the start of the 4th quarter.


Signs of life in Wisconsin… or Chicago…


Football talking guy: “This is a pivotal moment for this Miss St. defense.”
/Qb has all day to throw
//Blown coverage allows a wide open LSU touchdown pass.
Welp, guess I can turn this game off.


Watch ND/Wiscy, it’s boring but it’s tied!


If you’re looking for something fun to do

Cecil Rhodes

My word, these Bees are just like the Boers. No matter what you do, you just can’t get rid of them!


My high school used the Notre Dame fight song as ours. Here are the lyrics:
“Cheers, cheers, for old Ligonier
You bring the whiskey, I’ll bring the beer.
Send the freshmen out for gin,
And don’t let the sober sophomores in!
Oh baby, we never stumble, we never fall.
We sober up on wood alcohol
While our trusty faculty
lies drunk on the ballroom floor!”
I graduated in 1978. I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night, but I remember that shit!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gumbygirl

It’s hard to top Tom Lehrer:


He was le tits, that Tom Lehrer!


We have Utah State doinkage.


Hey! I can log in again. Hammers stole 3 points today, huh? Bielsa got rope-a-doped by Moyes. How’s everyone’s GAMBLOR action today?


Why is the site so prejudiced against us? It must be because we’re so handsome-yeah, that’s gotta be it. [scratches belly button, sniffs finger]


LSU QB’s Max Johnson: where did he get that fake name from and where can I buy one.


Boise on the 2. Meathead Utah State coach not happy.

Last edited 2 years ago by scotchnaut

Notre Dame qb Jack Coan asks, “What is the sound of one hand fapping?”.

Game Time Decision

He drives a Civic


Brave Ulysses.


That’s the fella.


I think the Boise/Utah State will be more entertaining but announcer Aaron Taylor’s voice is so deep and manly, my testicles keep retracting back up into my groin area.* So hate-watching Notre Dame it shall be.

*and it’s a long way at my age


The struggle is real.


Hehe, Irish qb trips over his lineman on 3rd down forcing kicker back a bunch of yards and the fella missed the field goal.


Not watching football this weekend. Spending time with non-imaginary friends in real world. Reevaluating actions in life that led to this negative situation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Redshirt

They smell different, they talk loud: what’s to like?


You know we’re going to talk about you behind your back, right?




Wrexham is up 0 – 1. Still early.

Anthony In TX

I am 1,000,000% in favor of a team having a terribly ugly, garish, out-there change or 3rd kit.
Keep it classy and clever for your 1st kit, but go HAM on the change look.


The Steelers’ bee uni’s approve this message.

Anthony In TX

Today is the day, friends.
After working nearly 10 years (off and on) in retail and 4-1/2 in leasing, today marks my last weekend to clock in. They officially close the sale on the property where I work October 1st and I start my new job October 4th.
My last Saturday having to get up, get dressed, and trudge in. I can’t tell y’all what a relief it is to finally have weekends with my family.

Anthony In TX

Was that not obvious? Mea culpa.


Yikes. I worked in kitchens for ages and whenever someone would start bitching about the work I’d remind them they could go work retail. That would shut them right up. Glad you’re moving on out (and up?).

Anthony In TX

Definitely up!
It’s a raise, better hours, and in my career path. I’m ecstatic about starting!


Man City really need that W-gotta keep pace with Brighton Hove and Albion in the standings.

Cecil Rhodes

I’m sure Man City is relieved. You don’t want to stand underneath seagulls for too long!


Me and the Mrs caught a little BC Lions v SSK Roughriders in the hotel room before bed. I love you Canadians. I’ve never met one I didn’t like. You talk funny. And everything up north is just endearing.

But my basic training had a platoon that was the Roughriders and that was because it was like all the ultra rural and dumb urban kids and then the CFL has them too and I just don’t get what I am missing because I think it’s about the stupidest name ever and just sounds like the CMT version of ‘cool motorcycle gang guys’.

Viva La Tabula Raza

“Rough Riders” worked out fine for me.
—Ted Roosevelt.

Anthony In TX

“Me too.”
– Mrs. Roosevelt

Horatio Cornblower

‘Walk softly and carry a big stick”

-Edith Roosevelt

Viva La Tabula Raza

That gal Alice was a piece of work.

Last edited 2 years ago by Viva La Tabula Raza
Horatio Cornblower

Apparently she died in childbirth, so being the sensitive gentleman I am, I made the dildo joke about Edith.


Not Alice the wife, Alice the daughter. She was a bag of cats! Teddy said, paraphrasing here. ” I can run the country or I can keep Alice in line. I cannot do both!”



Anthony In TX

Beat me to it.

Anthony In TX

Me and the Mrs caught a little BC Lions v SSK Roughriders in the hotel room before bed

I don’t care if you intended for that to be a euphemism, because it absolutely is in my head.