Reflections on Insurrectionists–Your Thursday Not-So-Lighthearted Open Thread

As you surely know by now, today marks one year since an outgoing President attempted to disrupt the 219 year old American tradition of peaceful transition of power.

This is probably going to be my only post on DFO without links and one of maybe two or three without jokes.

I honestly cannot convey how sick to the stomach I have felt the last 24 hours reflecting on the reality of, the emotions of, and the state of play one year on from a group of Americans being incited to storm the Capitol in an insurrection rooted in lies, bigotry, and hate. And if you think they were “tourists” then you’re living in an intentionally-curated alternate reality/news bubble ignoring the violent actual reality of a seditionist mob whipped up by a sitting party to take the seat of government by force and overturn an election result.

It is insane that the American consensus is anything other than “violent insurrection to overturn an election result is wrong.” The last few years have laid bare a chilling truth: we live in insane times.

Literally one sitting Republican House member attended this morning’s moment of silence at the Capitol for the police officers who died as a result of last year’s violence. That was Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R?-Wyoming), whom the Republican Conference has stripped of her leadership position for the crime of not belonging to a cult, and she was there with her father, former Vice President and friend-hunting enthusiast Dick Cheney. Zero other Republican Members of Congress even bothered to show up.  Is this even worth being outraged about?  I don’t know. There are SO MANY things to be outraged about that it is just exhausting.

I’m not going to link to them here, but a number of sitting Republican elected officials–many of them formerly considered “reasonable,” “moderate,” or “decent” or “human” have had the unmitigated gall to attack Democrats for “politicizing” January 6th today. I think the closest metaphor here might be if an arsonist lights your house on fire and then criticizes you for calling the fire department. And I am fucking furious with the political arsonists in this country.

There have been a LOT of think pieces written about January 6th–some like Matt Fuller’s piece are a first hand account of being in the Capitol when it was breached and the real time reactions and subsequent perspectives on the members involved; others like the Vox piece interviewing academic experts on political conflict and civil war to predict if we’re closer to the Troubles in Northern Ireland or the Hutus and the Tutsis; others are revisionist screeds calling for those arrested for storming the Capitol to be released from prison. They’ve all got me so angry and depressed that Lady BFC has mandated a 24 hour twitter timeout for me (that I have egregiously failed to adhere to) and asked me to stop talking about which countries have easy visa processes for if/when we need to move.

Let’s not forget they were literally prepared to hang Pence and other lawmakers
Photo Credit: The New Yorker

Many of you know that I used to live in DC (and here’s some news–probably moving back there soon). You may not know that I worked on Capitol Hill and in the Capitol itself for a solid portion of my time there. So when I watched with horror as “protestors” with Blue Lives Matter flags beat the shit out of cops in order to desecrate the Capitol building and potentially lynch then-Vice President Pence and as many Democratic Members of Congress as possible, it wasn’t just outrageous and saddening, it was traumatic.

This and the rumored 6MWE paraphernalia fucked me up
Photo Credit: New York Post

Not only was I devastated as an American that pretend patriots were actively undermining democracy, I had a personal and guttural reaction to the stories of hill staffers locked in offices and parts of hallways fearing from their lives: there but for the grace of G-d go I. One thing goes differently in my career and I’m in the Capitol that day, fearing from my life from unabashed antisemites who were not just enthusiastic about undoing an election, they were bloodthirsty. This amalgam of Proud Boys, Confederate cosplayers, MAGAts, and suburban realtor housewives with private jets were hell bent on preventing the election from being certified and physically harming anyone who tried to stop them. These are not patriots. They are nightmare nitwits in that they’ve been coddled to believe they are entitled to get exactly what they want and armed in case they don’t. And had I still worked on the Hill, one of them could have tried to break down my boss’s office door to beat the shit out of me for the crime of believing in democracy over Fox News. I cried that day and on and off for days after thinking about that damage to the building, the institution, and our naivete that our country was still fundamentally decent. Because in a decent democracy, people accept the outcome of an election. In a decent country, neighbors don’t allow this to happen.

I haven’t spoken to one of my best childhood friends for 361 days. We’ve been friends since age 6. I was the co-best man at his wedding. He’s always been a Republican, but a “moderate” one who “wasn’t a big Trump guy” and still voted for him and we just stopped talking about politics when he was regurgitating Fox News propaganda about President Obama years prior. But when the Bears were playing (atrociously) against the Vikings on January 10th and he texted me as he did whenever they were playing, I was too raw to hold back on asking him if he supported the actions of his fellow Republicans and if he and other “moderate” Republicans had a responsibility to rein in the wackjobs now making up the base of the party electorate. He bothsidesed it, compared the storming of the Capitol to property damage at BLM protests, and I fucking lost it. We haven’t spoken (or texted) since, despite his wife’s overtures to not “let politics ruin a 30+ year friendship.”

This isn’t politics. It’s decency. It’s humanity. It’s citizenship. It’s a departure of values so unexpected as to be diametrically opposed and unrecognizable anymore.

And as a result, he was not at my wedding this past fall.

The oft cited (and perhaps erroneously attributed to Edmund Burke) quote that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing rings truer and truer. But I would also add that it requires us to reassess the good men in this situation. At the core of the issue behind the literal 70% of Republicans who do not believe that President Joseph Robinette Biden won the last election is the fundamental othering in American conservative politics. Modern Republicans, especially the base, do not believe that my vote is worth the same as their vote. Democrats–who happen to be a multicultural group slightly different than the more homogeneous and monochromatic GOP–are not “real Americans” and are lesser citizens, so our votes should not count as much. Plus, once you’ve decided (or been convinced by Tucker Carlson and/or Alex Jones and/or OANN) that Democrats are “the enemy,” you can justify any measures to oppose them in order to get your way–including violent sedition.

I’m not even going to get into the idiocy of the sitting members of Congress claiming the Presidential election was illegitimate but their own election on the very same ballot was legitimate. Or the “you can’t blame these people who were misled” takes, because plenty of elected officials who KNOW the election was legitimate were and are happy to go along for the ride as long as they can get their Lord Acton on. There are two parties right now–one that believes in the right to vote and a functioning democracy, and one that doesn’t. One that believes in reality, and one that doesn’t. One that condemns political violence, and one that foments it. Don’t bothsides that shit. Don’t denigrate the memory of those actual patriots that died as a result of the behavior of traitors like Ashli Babbit. Don’t be ok with a world where political violence is rewarded. Don’t be ok with business as usual after the trauma of January 6th.

I don’t have a clear call to action here. I don’t even have a lot of optimism on how we can get out of this. The electoral structures of this country are stacked in favor of the minority of citizens, and the entirety of the GOP + Manchin and Sinema won’t do anything about it. More political violence is likely inevitable. The Josh Hawleys of the world are more likely to support another armed insurrection than accept a democratically-elected Democratic President. And far too many otherwise reasonable people are just fine with this status quo. But I’m not going to allow people who are ok with it to be in my life because I actually love America, not just power for me at the expense of others. That’s actual patriotism, not painting yourself up in red, white, blue and/or grabbing a confederate flag en route to destroying the very symbols of our country along with more and more of its soul.



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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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[…] we go careening into the new year of 2023, eager to leave the past 3+ years of pandemic and threats against democracy in the past and yet with the stomach churning discomfort of there being no such thing as a […]


I put off reading this until 1/7 and did my best yesterday to not acknowledge or even mention that yesterday was any kind of anniversary that should be recognized.


All right, I suppose it’s bedtime. Sweet dreams, chipmunks.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Listen, it’s not that I wanted to drink this Jack & coke at 11 p.m.* But the coke was already open so if I didn’t it’d just have gone flat and been wasted.

*yes I did


BFC when you’re settled in DC I expect meetups in New York. It makes the most sense to meet there.

Senor Weaselo

I second this.

Horatio Cornblower

New Haven has better pizza, cheaper bars, and is easily accessible from NYC by rail.


Yes please!


Oh, don’t ask why.


Kind of creepy though. All if those Berlin cabaret people were either A: Nazis, or B: murdered by Nazis just a few years later. Party over.

Doktor Zymm

Why did I not know about this thing called a marshmallow hoodie a couple years ago? My fuzzy robe, while excellent, pales in comparison.comment image?v=1629696520

Senor Weaselo

It’s a Hefty bag.


Kind of like a snuggie? We have a pair of those that we bought at Costco. They’re delightful.


Do you wear your fancy silk jammies under your snuggie? That’s livin’ large, baybee!


No, that would be too warm and I’d sweat too much into the precious, precious silk.


Is that 50 rooms American?




I literally just realized this in the afternoon. I’m a bad AFL writer…


Not on TV tonight either. BOO TV.

Mr. Ayo

Seriously, that app rocks and is such a great deal.


So…not free?


comment image


Thanks for the reminder!!!


First of all, this was great BFC. You should write more since you’re goodly at it.

The thing we’re seeing now stems from demographic changes. The GOP cannot win legit fair elections. This is a last gasp desperate power grab. And if it works, I’m following all y’all to somewhere in Europe. But if (BIG IF) we get a strong voting rights bill passed, the current GOP is done as a party in power nationally. The small (but growing) majority of people understand theirs is a party without any governing interests except funneling money and power to the people who already have it. There’s a reason only one of the last 7 Republican presidential candidates won the popular vote. (GWB 2004)


This really was great, and is exactly how I feel. I’m a Navy fucking wife, and these treasonous pieces of shit do not get to wrap their smelly asses in my flag. I am hoping that we come to our senses as a country, and I’m damn sure never leaving California until we do!


I’m a Navy fucking wife

The Navy thanks you for your service.


As they should!


Well written. From afar I could belive it was happening but was aghast at the ease these morans did this bullshit.

The recent thing from your compassionate folk vs cultists that has really bothered me and I knew it was coming was that murderer Rittenhouse. First, There is no way that cunt should have gotten off. He did. That judge is legit the shadiest mother fucker I have ever seen. The fact that this murderer is being paraded around by the GOP is appalling. HE FUCKING COLD BLOODED KILLED PEOPLE!!! Fuck.
Time to smoke some weed.

*I live in the Texas of Canada and our provincial government is a clown show of grifters that will grift until they can’t grift anymore.

**Federally the right is aligning themselves more and more with the GOP and you see the fuckhead antimasskers, feedumbers, having their voices heard and it sickens me.

Now, back to the weed.

Doktor Zymm

On behalf of the decent part of the US, I apologize that our right-wing trash is wafting its stink over your borders.


Great write up BFC. Well done.

Senor Weaselo

If you did not watch BattleBots, there was a lot of fire. A LOT of fire. Like, by count 5 of 7 fights had fire.

Mr. Ayo

It’s not on for another hour here. But I will be watching.


Hey. I love you guys.

I just wanted to stop in and real quick assure you I’m ok. I suffer from bipolar/depression for which I AM medicated, and I assure you I’m on my meds. To the dose. There are, however, times when the disease rips straight through the medicine leaving you as helpless as if you hadn’t taken a pill in a month. My situation is compounded by the fact that I also suffer from crippling alcoholism exacerbated by the current conditions of my life.

I lost my driver’s license, and therefore my livelihood, due to an accident in June where I passed out behind the wheel. It was due to an increase in my high-blood pressure medication which, ironically, made me lightheaded due to the fact that I had temporarily QUIT drinking. No one was injured, including myself. However, I need doctors reports to get cleared by the DMV, and I’m having one hell of a time getting the Veterans Administration physicians to get the report squared away, and to get the report sent.

Not providing income for my family, no matter how meager compared to my wife’s salary, has made me feel useless and worthless. Those feelings fed into my boozing, and so I bottomed out. I’m isolated here. I have distant friends, and a family I can’t confide in. I’m talking my Mom, Dad, and brothers.

I was feeling too dismal to soil an Open Thread with my bullshit, so I posted to Twitter, not immediately realizing some of you guys know who I am there.

You guys rode in like the cavalry though, and I’m touched in such a way by that that my tears are hitting the screen as I type this. Door Flies Open is the single greatest community of friends I will ever know, and I couldn’t be more thankful for you. One of these days I’ll get my shit together enough to help post content. That’s my goal.

I love you guys more than anything. And thank you all so much for looking after a shit head like me.

Love, Mo (Fronkenshteen)


You’ll ride this out and be the better for it-I know it. Just keep hanging in there buddy!

Horatio Cornblower

Glad you checked in man, and really, absolutely reach out when shit gets too dark.

And don’t worry about driving without a license*. I mean, hell, it doesn’t seem to stop half the people I wind up dealing with in Court; I don’t see why it should slow you down.

*100% illegal advice. Do not follow!


Hang in there, buddy. You’ve got a real family and use miscreants who all love you.


“I want you to know something. There are five people in your life, I guarantee that no matter how bad you feel, you could pick up the phone and call them. And they love you so much, that if you told them what was going on, they would show up where you are… with baseball bats. And we would find and beat the shit out of whoever hurt you. Wouldn’t you, for the people you love?” – Christopher Titus


You’re a good person and you’re not alone. Never forget that ever.


Keep fighting and know that we’re here to maybe distract from the shitshow that is life on this mudball.a little bit.

/dick joke


We love you too, man.


And whether it’s happy or sad, we *always* want to hear what you have to say.


Hey man, you’re among fuckups here. Thanks for sharing with us, and know that we’re with you.

(Especially the part where you’re not financially contributing…that hurt MUCH more than I would’ve imagined. It was a while ago, but I remember the lower-than-low feeling vividly. But this too shall pass and life WILL get better.)

Senor Weaselo

We love you buddy.


Never give up. Never lose hope. You can do this. You will do this. Keep working towards the prize. Be well my friend.


Stay strong man. We’re all here for you. You’ll always find people to talk to and vent to here.


All the best man. This is the best community by far. We are always ears for everything. This space has done so much for my mental health it is immeasurable.


Oh God, mine too. You guys have gotten me through so much shit, I can never repay the debt.

Horatio Cornblower

You’re Gumbygirl’s favorite. Don’t tell the others.


He totally is!

Doktor Zymm

You can always come here with this stuff, we’re not just about dick jokes, we’re about supportive, affirmational dick jokes!


My son lost his battle with bipolar depression almost 12 years ago. Nothing has ever, nor will ever, be the same. Please take care of yourself, stay on your meds,and holler for help the second you start to feel that way. You are worth every breath you have left on this planet, believe it.

King Hippo

Look on the bright side, at least you’re not a Jets fa…oops.

And in all serious, we are glad to be as here for ya as we can. Some days, weeks, YEARS are just kind of heavy. Never feel bad about sharing.


We love you man. If you need anything, we’re here for you.


Love you back you crazy fucker you!

Game Time Decision

way late to the party, but this comment and all the responses of love and support has moved me . Tis tres dusty in here right now. It’s not what I expected when trying to read up as to what happened on DFO last night, but that’s one of the things, if not theee thing, that I love so much about this place is that we support each other and that we all seem to care about each other. On that note, I’m here to listen and support you whenever you need,

Mr. Ayo

And BattleBots!!!

Horatio Cornblower

Jesus, talk about a shit attention span.


“Ja! Tell us abut zis ‘shit attention span’ mein herr.”
-[DFO] Deutschland




Nicely written. I agree with your estranged friend’s argument about BLM Property Damage being excused/explained (that doesn’t mean I disagree with their movement and goals), but the GOP and their supporters forfeited the right to use that argument when they attacked the Capital. You can’t complain about something getting a dent their car when you got drunk and wrapped your car around a tree.

They can’t use Both Sides This; that’s a Democrat Force Power! The Republican Force Power equivalent is Those Things Are Completely Different.

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt

Compared the storming of the Capital to property damage during BLM protests

Hey, some white folks like to burn things as well-


But yeah, as long as it doesn’t destroy property


The greatest thing the Devil ever did was to convince poor rednecks and minorities that they hated each other.


Current Republicans, yes.


A little news to brighten everyone’s evening.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

comment image


Well. Fucking. Done.


-My Father-In-Law, at a high-end steakhouse

/he was stubborn common folk, you see


He was wrong. Especially what he thought of you.


I was like that. Then I had a Medium Well by accident. All those wasted years and flavors.

yeah right

This was exceptionally well thought out.


When it comes straight from the heart, it flows like fine wine!

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt

So perhaps the think piece that should be written is how we’re turning into Apartheid South Africa?


Sheriff Gone Getcha* was done got for about six months.

*Clinton Portis


Very well said-from the outside looking in, I’m positive that things are going to get much worse. A trite/tired observation for sure but at least I didn’t say, ‘before they get better’ because I don’t think they will during my lifetime.



I’m working on it, ok?

/btw, I had to get my knees x-rayed a few weeks ago-I was in and out of the hospital in 20 minutes.


Have you thought about trying Mercury? I’ve read it’s a medicinal miracle.


Most people say it prevents the China Virus and CRT.

(crosses fingers)


Spread the news far and wide!


Well said.