Sexy Friday: Mr. Ayo Showcase #4

As I mentioned before, Brocky and Mr. Ayo have very graciously stepped in for a few weeks now and provided the Sexy for us. Today it is Mr. Ayo’s fourth showcase. No Balls’ Pic O’ Da Week until the end of the month.

New songs this week too!



For those of you prudes that don’t like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos.

Here are your 38 pictures of the week.




And now, for the music!

As I mentioned before, I’ve decided that I must take up the mantle that tWBS ran with and help to make this world a better place. I will do this in the one way he couldn’t: By introducing you to good music!

Today you get early Depeche Mode songs!

Song Number One:

Depeche Mode – Love In Itself

Canción Número Dos:

Depeche Mode – Everything Counts

Chanson Numéro Trois:

Depeche Mode – Get The Balance Right

Canzone numero quattro:

Depeche Mode – Leave In Silence

Canção número cinco

Depeche Mode – See You

Seigarren zenbakia:

Depeche Mode – The Meaning Of Love


That’s all for this week, folks! Be good to each other and fly low and avoid the radar.

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Mr. Ayo

Hope insurance covered that little oopsie at the end there.

Brick Meathook
Mr. Ayo

What’s with the landing light reflections?

Brick Meathook
Mr. Ayo

Wow, that’s way better.

Mr. Ayo

This should be the default clip for any movie where someone lands in LAX.


NBA opinions from me:

More like Pelicant’s.

Alvarado is still fun to watch.

Ben Simmons will make the Nets even worse, as they have no team chemistry as it is.

Warriors still have it.

yeah right

Chin up, little buckaroo.

Doktor Zymm

Okay, kind of regret delving into the Playgirl archives
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This guy gives free mustache rides.


A very Ron Burgandy vibe.

Mr. Ayo

Sexy Friday IS BACK!

Doktor Zymm

Aw so sweet
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Every time my son makes salmon, him and the wife argue about it for the entire duration. And there is no wrong or right answer. It’s just preference of how they like their food. I just stare at the TV and stay out the damn kitchen.

Doktor Zymm

It’s quite difficult to swim upstream for the sole purpose of mating in the stream where you were born, or um so I hear


/Mare of Easttown has enter the chat

Doktor Zymm

I love that Kids mode on my Echo doesn’t block explicit content in other languages. Best of all worlds for Fake Kid!

Doktor Zymm

In light of the recent Netflix news, I feel way ahead of the curve, I canceled them years ago because they never had any of the movies I wanted to watch available, plus their recommendation engine sucked hairy, sweaty, distended donkey balls


Balls and Ayo truely doing the heavy lifting here. Well done gentlemen.

/they start looking around Ala The Three Stooges.


Anybody got a power washer I can borrow this weekend?

Game Time Decision

Yep. Just swing by


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Mr. Ayo

Sorry, I’m not married.

Doktor Zymm

That’s like… A super clean power bottom?

Doktor Zymm

Sorry you didn’t make it, Visante Shiancoe


And Santonio Holmes got robbed too

Doktor Zymm

Antonio Cromartie also comes to mind. Vasectomies aren’t supposed to heal themselves

Doktor Zymm

In honor of the roundball champeenships, men with the correct length of shorts, and equality.
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Doktor Zymm

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Last edited 2 years ago by Doktor Zymm

Sister Mary would NOT approve

Doktor Zymm

Can’t be sure, never heard an official Church opinion on short shorts for men.


I went to Catholic school from 1966 through 1974. We had a basketball team, and cheerleaders. The boys wore short shorts, and I got yelled at for my short skirt, but they were too cheap to buy us new ones, so neener, Sister Virginia!

Doktor Zymm

Or is it the hot interracial man on man action?


“Celts and Saxons? No thank you.”

Doktor Zymm

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Last edited 2 years ago by Doktor Zymm
Doktor Zymm

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Doktor Zymm

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So just shorts, but no champ’s peen? I am highly disappointed.

Doktor Zymm

It was the 70’s, there must be a NBA player who did a Playgirl spread

Doktor Zymm

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The nice thing about Edmonton is, after you get done playing a hockey game you can use the arena to air fry up some nice breaded tilapia and sweet potato fries.
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Mr. Ayo

Showcase 4.5

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

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Mr. Ayo

And the Too Hot for [DFO] Collection™






You hafta be careful with these, Mr. Ayo. They may cause some of our older gentlemen to stroke out!
(heh heh)


Nuh uhhh


Oh please. Like there’s no stroking going on.

Doktor Zymm

See, this is why I like you!



Mr. Ayo

Wise words. I’m so old my first thought with most of these is that poor lass needs some clothes, a robe, and a warm blanket because she must be freezing her sexy ass off.


Colorado Avalanche: accumulates the greatest collection of offensive talent this side of the Mesozoan.
NHL Playoff Refs swallowing their whistles 3 weeks from now: And I took that personally.

BC Dick

Wow. That is a spectacular lineup. I did so very many mind-crimes to those ladies. But, to be fair, by taking those photographs they were asking for it.


Found a funny;

starting a new beverage company called Wife Water. first we get a Wife to crack a normal sparkling water, then take one sip and leave it on a nightstand for 12-18 hours. Then we bottle it again. Wife Water™️ that’s refreshment

Brick Meathook

Obligatory Orgazmo reference:


Hahaha Yes!!!

Gotta get my sickos this sicko coffee cup!
It’s Rocking!

Brick Meathook

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Mr. Ayo

Where’s this at?

/yes, I know

Mr. Ayo

This is Thunderhill. A race track just a few minutes west of Willows, CA, which itself is about an hour drive north of Sacramento, CA. Scramento, of course, being the state capital of the great state of California, which once employed the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger as their governor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Ayo
Doktor Zymm

Things that are good:
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Fresh Mozzarella

Mr. Ayo

Not sure they’re all ordered correctly, but us’all at the end seems right.

Doktor Zymm

Didn’t attempt a ranking, purely binary

King Hippo

Depeche Mode TOO!!!

BC Dick

Cant argue with any of those but I think wine, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar might all be the same thing.

Doktor Zymm

I think if you mix them all together it’s called a greasy bush


Might have to start watching… basedball, soon.
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Doktor Zymm

What about Argentina? Can they cry for you?


My middle name is “Falkland Islands” so… yes.

BC Dick

That was a fun history thing. Absurdity abounds.


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