Welcome, welcome everybody!
Woo three day weekend!
Good to be back to relative normality after an entirely strange weekend last week. I’ll just leave it at that.
Before we get going today I thought it might be enlightening if I shared a little insight into how the whole “Sunday Gravy” thing comes to fruition.
The process itself is multi-tiered. It starts a few weeks ahead by doing research and generally batting ideas around. You’ve heard me say many times that I love requests and suggestions and frequently that is where the inspiration comes from. After 8 years of menus, believe me, suggestions are more than welcome.
What I do next is start perusing menus all over the interwebs for inspiration. If the recipe is new to me I’ll study anywhere between 3 to as many as 7 or so recipe sites. I have a fair idea of what profile I’m looking for and will frequently take a little of this from one site and a little of that from another to achieve the result I’m looking for.
Finally when I’ve come up with my recipe I’ll give the link full accreditation to the website that I borrowed from the most. See todays recipe below for an example.
To not give full accreditation would be just plain dumb and stupid.
Something else that you’ve all probably noticed and I’m certainly proud of is the use of original photography for Sunday Gravy.
It’s pretty key for me to avoid possible copyright issues and I can avoid them entirely by using all of my own shit.
Something some of you may not know is that there are entire legal firms that do nothing but seek out use of their clients copyrighted photographs and then attempt to shakedown and even borderline extort the sites that use them.
It’s true! Here’s a pretend scenario: Say there’s a legal firm in, oh hell I don’t know, let’s say Germany. They may have some theoretical clients like photographers or models, let’s say, who pay the legal firm to protect their original work.
The way I envision it is they have this entire room of little baby shark paralegal want-to-be motherfuckers browsing all over the internet just waiting to find anybody using their clients images.
These Teutonic twits are just sitting there with their schnitzel licking index fingers just a-hovering over their mouse and just waiting to pull the goddamn trigger. If they find one of their “protected” images then the shit starts to really fly.
[Remember when we made schnitzel on Sunday Gravy? That shit was awesome.]
Anyway, that’s why I use all original photography. Hear that? “Das sind meine Fotos Motherfuckers!”
One final thing. I want you all to do a little experiment for me. Scroll down to todays recipe link and click on it. No, the second one for the potato soup.
I’ll wait.
Did you see the outright fucking assault of ads? It’s straight out fucking insane! Hands down the worst part about searching for recipes.
Know what I do? I have an ad blocking browser on my phone (“Brave” is the app if you’re interested) and I only search recipes using that because the ads on the food sites are a fucking war crime.
Did you ever see an ad here on DFO?
No. You did not!
That’s because we do all of this awesomeness for FREE. We have NEVER BEEN PAID FOR ANY OF OUR WORK EVER!
We do it because we love you and that’s the truth.
Needed to get that off of my chest.
To the kitchen we go!
We talked previously about eldest granddaughter specifically asking for a bread making lesson from “The Bread Master himself.”
/buffs knuckles against chest
She really did say that and it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard.
Today is the story of that day.
Knowing full well we couldn’t just bake a lovely loaf of bread and feed the 6 of us, a formal menu of the meal was formulated. I’ve been meaning to feature baked potato soup on Sunday Gravy for some time now and what better time to do it than on a day when you’re baking fresh bread?
I mean “C’mon all fucking ready.” Those two are made for each other.
After some additional thought would bread and soup be enough for this group? You remember that turkey that I cooked sous vide a few weeks back?
Shit yes! We cook a turkey breast AND we’ve got soup and fresh bread? Fucking hell man that’s perfect!
[actual though process for this menu]
SO. Family gathered and we literally broke bread. And soup!
Can you break soup?
Then some of the turkey breast sous vide – because that shit’s delicious.
We do have a new recipe for that lovely soup right there.
Baked Potato Soup!
recipe inspired by Iwashyoudry.com
2 large potatoes, scrubbed then baked for one hour in a 350 degree oven.
Some bacon slices
4 tbsp butter
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup yellow onion
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
3 cups of milk, we used a combination of low fat milk, whole milk and half and half since we had some of each leftover.
2 cups chicken stock – store bought works here.
1 tsp salt, plus more to taste
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
Sharp cheddar cheese
Sour cream
fresh chives for garnish
Before we begin DJ Taj gets all of the credit for the soup today. I was giving the granddaughter the bread lesson while he was making the soup. I simply sat back and shouted out directions as we went.
Well, I did set up the sous vide for the turkey so that was goddamn laborious.
First you fully rinse the potatoes and give them a quality bath.
Poke a few holes with the tines of a form and bake the potatoes in a 350 degree oven for about an hour.
While the potatoes are baking you can make with the bacon.
Cut up some of the pieces of bacon and cook until crispy. We will be using the bacon fat as part of the soup base AND we’ll be using the crispy bacon bits as a garnish!
Bacon! A multi-tasker!
Dice up the onion.

When the bacon is nice and crispy remove to a paper towel lined vessel and allow to drain.
Like so.
Couple of cloves of garlic.
Sauté the bacon and onion together.
Now we’ve got our potatoes baked.
Peel the spuds if you so desire. Dealers choice. I like skin-on but TAJ is a peeled potato guy and it was his call.
Add the butter to the onions and bacon.
The bacon and onion when cooked together brings insane aromas to the kitchen, then you add in some butter?
Next add in the flour to start building the roux. Go ahead and toss in the minced garlic while you’re at it.
Let the roux tighten up some then add in the milk, cream and seasonings.
Time to pour in the chicken stock. Give a few stirs then toss in the cubed potatoes.
Bring to a simmer until the soup is nice and thickened to the perfect consistency.
Damn, shit’s looking just right.
Now? Garnish this motherfucker like a baked potato. I used sour cream, cheese, bacon bits and chives.
Serve with that delicious bread that eldest granddaughter created.
Since we have a bit of spare time and I haven’t shared the recipe in a bit. We’ll give it a direct cut and paste from a previous attempt – REMEMBER! Eldest granddaughter did the entire thing. Every bit of the work was hers.
“French Bread!
Recipe once again inspired by Tasteofhome.com
Before getting started you need to know that there are 3 separate rises for the dough. One hour, 30 minutes and 30 minutes. Schedule your shit accordingly.
3 to 3 1/4 cups of flour
1 package of Instant Yeast
1 cup of warm water at a temperature of 110-115 degrees. This is important dammit.
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of canola oil
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
Parchment paper
1 egg white
1 teaspoon of cold water
Add the yeast to the working bowl of your mixer then pour in the water. Let bloom for a couple of minutes. Now add in the oil, salt, sugar and the first 2 cups of flour. Put your paddle attachment on the mixer and give it a spin.
Next, replace the paddle attachment with the hook attachment on the mixer. Now add in enough flour to form a stiff dough. Start with 1 cup of flour and adjust as needed until you have a stiff dough that pulls away from the mixing bowl. Set a kitchen timer and let this bastard go for 10 minutes.
Form into a ball, place in an oiled bowl, rolling the dough over to coat with oil. Cover with a kitchen towel and let it do rise number one for an hour.
Punch that dough down and get into the second rise, about thirty minutes. After that rise take a baking sheet that’s been sprinkled with cornmeal and shape your bread loaf. Turns out this part is critical for final results. You want this only about 2 1/2″ wide and about 14-18 inches long. It’s KEY.
Let rise again for another half hour, then score with a bread knife and baste with the egg wash. That’s the egg white mixed with the teaspoon of cold water.
Then give it a bake in a preheated 375 degree for about 25 minutes.
Bingo motherfuckers!
Let rest for a few minutes.
There you go.
When opening the oven eldest granddaughter said something like “Whoa, that looks amazing.”
She was right. Nailed it on the first try.
You have some of that fresh bread still warm from the oven and some freshly made baked potato soup?
You are living right.
We got lucky on the day we made this and the temperature was just a bit below 70 outside. So warm enough but not too hot with the oven on.
In fact the first proof of the bread was assisted by the potatoes baking.
It’s almost like we’ve done this shit before.
A terrific time was had by all and it was a nice fairly normal get together. How I’ve missed those.
For the record? Eldest granddaughter can bake some bread. Not lying. This girl has serious culinary badass in her future repertoire if she has a mind to. Her attention to detail is impeccable.
Just think, You’ve got today and still another day off tomorrow! It’s kick back thirty up in this motherfucker!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.
I was absolutely dead serious when I said that YOU are the reason why Sunday Gravy exists!
Much love and appreciation.
Be safe out there and try and retain all of your fingers.
Until next time.
Damn. For us Canuckians it’s back to life, back to reality tomorrow morning.
RIKKI’S INTERNAL MONOLOGUE: Wait, have I not posted any comments yet today? No, I guess not. Hmm…I can’t think of anything original…I know! Post that clip from The Simpsons!
Found a funny
Paging, Redshirt….
(2000 Bungles Trigger Warning)
I don’t even need to see the video to confirm. The year is sufficient.
Also, child please. If you’re trying to Bengals Shame me, don’t bring a slingshot to a gunfight!
Bengals have history of violence against women (wcpo.com)
Here’s the Shyamalan twist in posted video:
It’s about a player who had three DUIs in the span of a month, and how the team was pissed about a local news staff reporting it!
Like it said: I already saw year it was from!
Molly Shannon Recounts Scary Incident When She Was Sexually Harassed By Gary Coleman (msn.com)
This is horrific and I am sorry that Molly had to experience that and I’m glad she didn’t get hurt.
Now, I’m going to go to the DFO Angry Dome and if it looks like I’m laughing due to the image of someone of Coleman’s size acting like a horny poodle to a grown woman, that’s definitely not what I’m laughing about.
This hospital is downtown
What’s the special?
Redshirt: types a Period Joke
Redshirt’s Brain: “If you click Post Comment, as God as I witness, I’m gonna take you out with an aneurism!”
Redshirt: grumbles; deletes comment
They’ll put an Arby’s anywhere!
Can’t hide everything behind beef curtains
Arby’s Executive: “‘Beef’! Its ‘We have the BEEF!'”
I’ve eaten there.
I just hung lights over my parents’ deck, pergola and house and with all the times a wire-holder snapped and a string of lights feel, I now feel Doc Brown’s pain.
Lightning Strike – YouTube
The substitutes dance to the music in between points. My goodness.
Five mile walk achievement unlocked! Also threw in an up and down a five story staircase just for fun.
I have a huge hill and staircase to walk up to get back to the hotel, good thing I’ve powered up with a nice dinner and a couple drinks!
That’s one of the cool things about a port city. You’re gonna have some hills.
The street I live on has a ridiculous incline.
Where are you now, Copenhagen?
I have to take off a month or so of long walks until this dang leg heals. Jelly.
One of my least favorite things about my many knee surgeries is missing those walks.
Goddamn I probably shouldn’t say this for jinx reasons but the walks have been incredible lately and
[knocks wood]
completely pain free. I haven’t been able to say that in years. I can’t wait to get out there again tomorrow
Gumby just went to a new orthopedist. He’s had several surgeries on his knee, but it’s still wonky as fuck and painful. Here’s hoping this time is the charm!
Fingers crossed and good thoughts. My knees have been royally fucked for decades so for me to be able to say I’m pain free now is borderline miraculous. I just kept working and rehabbing and five surgeries later here we are.
I really hope Gumby has the same outcome.
His have been complete shit since the 70’s. High school football. There was a “team doctor” that used to drain them every Monday, and who doled out percocets like they were candy. Not gonna lie, we both enjoyed the hell out of those! Twenty years in the Navy, up and down ladders on steel decks did not help. He also got knocked off a 14 ft high platform by an idiot crane operator – not good AT ALL! He’s had mcl and acl surgeries on the right one, the left has been scoped a bunch, but that’s the “good” one.
Curious as to how long that walk takes.
It’s right at an hour. Sometimes an hour and 10 minutes but usually right at an hour. I move pretty fast. That’s another thing lately, my pace is all the way back to where it was 15 years ago. Loving this current state.
I’ve knocked wood three times in the last few minutes.
That’s awesome
I “ran” 3.5 miles in about 42 minutes today, so was wondering how much longer it would take for a few more miles
Which reminds me I need to get new running shoes
Shoes are absolutely critical. When I first started walking – January 3rd 2001 – I used crosstrainers and they killed my feet. My shoes are walking shoes and they’re perfect.
Shoes are so important. I did the same when I started running years ago and went in cross trainers and wow did my knees hurt. Got some proper running shoes and now my knees only ache when the shoes need to be replaced so about once a year now. I try to track the distance and replace the shoes at around 400km mark.
I have a pair of walking shoes and a pair of work shoes. Same exact shoe. When the walking shoes wear out I promote the work shoes to walking shoes and buy new work shoes. What’s crazy is it’s crazy hard to find men’s walking shoes. I used to buy Nike walking shoes and they were fantastic but they stopped making them. Now it’s pretty much New Balance or nothing. New Balance 411 is the model.
Cats in the cradle plqys.
Litre teaching his son volleyball at the Nations league.
America is dominating
a hero
And thus the Legend of Uncle Jimmy was born.
I love that he never stopped dancing. Hero!
Wowza. I cannot wait to try and make the baked potato soup. Well done!
Now that you know eldest Granddaughter has some amazing culinary skills, have you spoken to her about pursuing a career?
She’s still getting ready for senior year in high school. I’ve told her she’s got the skills but we’ll regroup after college.
Since I’m sharing all of the sausage making secrets; the basic structure is find recipe, cook food, take at least 2 photos of each step. Then I import the photos after selecting the best shot, place them in order, which helps me remember the structure of the meal. Then the narrative comes last based on recent events.
Your actual dick jokes may vary.
I find that the secret to a good sausage fest is going to an all-boys high school and being terrified of girls.
Didn’t Hippo already cover this with Polish night or Pride night?
Man, that bread looks good. And NOTHING looks/sounds good to the Hippo with a 2nd bloody dose of the #NuAIDS. Fuck me sideways.
Here’s another one-as a young ‘un I liked the tune but couldn’t make sense of it.
Byrne hated the idea of guitar solos so the outro was a melodic thingy. Simply brilliant.
The first band that got me thinking about oddball song structures-
Not that I believe it, but I think The B-52’s is the best argument that the moon landing was faked.
I have a child named Claire, named after a platonic friend from university (who was of French origin). She was often on her own planet as a teenager.
Love bands that goof around with typical ‘song structures’-here’s the latest one that I’ve latched on to.
Well, I need to watch jaws when I get home now
Love the preamble! EVERYTHING WE DO IS FOR FREE! Now, that being said if any wineries want to send me samples I can be bought!
I just bought some muscato cannelloni or some shit like that. Gonna mix it with some diet 7Up. Should be good.
Cheap red wine and cola is a delicacy with jamon. To each their own.
Related: I’ve been dealing with a guy (for almost 20 years now) that delivers to Chinese restaurants. He’s an inveterate gambler-back in 2007 I convinced him to make a large bet on the Giants to win the Super Bowl outright.
Me: “You can stop sending me freebies any time now.”
Franky: “I could send you freebies for the next 20 years and it still wouldn’t amount to what I won.”
/that’s when he told me he has a circle of 5-6 friends (extremely successful, just like him) that bet on everything that you can possibly imagine. And then they bet on each other’s bets. I suggested that he go all-in again in 2011. How he expresses his gratefulness? I can’t say enough about it.
Can also be bought with a few “Big Turks”
Bread is good but my Twitter has arisen from the dead after a 6 year suspension!
Wanna see that tweet that got the account suspended for 6 years
“@nickmullen “If you’re still here in 20 years spray painting the n-word with me in Roxbury I’ll fucking kill you””
The algorithm doesn’t like Good Will Hunting parodies
Now Elon Musk’s long game is revealed!
To be fair, German bots seem more humane than flesh and bile lawyer-types (YMMV), and would ace this:
Excellent song alert!
Fave “new for me” song of 2022 (so far).
This is my original animation
Lawn tennis sets should be alternated with lawn darts matches and it needs some randomization. Like say, the players have to pick categories of people out of a hat to represent them-it could be a niece/nephew or maybe a woman over 50 sitting in the first three rows or a guy that is five beers deep. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Federer scream at six year-old girl because her dart landed two inches outside the ring. And that’s how I would fix tennis.
So the Calvinball version of tennis, gotcha. Also, I’d have moar interest in that then regular tennis
I do a lot of photography and I like to post some of my images here. I’ve been lucky over the years and got a few good shots that received a bit of acclaim. Here’s some of my best work:
I’m not an American but I come close to tears when I see that photo of guys planting that flag in Des Moines, Iowa Jima. If only there were more movies and books that dealt with your Civil War.*
*hard to believe there was no swearing at all but, okay
You do research weeks beforehand? I should probably start doing that.
Also I’ve kept using the Atomic Lounge exterior as my banner since I have permission from my buddy who took the photo. He refuses any kind of compensation for it, despite my repeated offers of SOMETHING. He’s a good dude.
/Shameless plug:
Actually in some cases, today for example, I’ve researched these recipes for years. I have a note pad app on my phone where I write possible food ideas whenever I’m inspired.
This one and what I’m anticipating two weeks from today have been on there for over a year! Other times I’ll take the simple way out.
Since I’m oversharing I have an idea for this season’s finale that I’ve been thinking about doing for at least five years and it may or may not even make the cut. Not because it wouldn’t be delicious, it would be delicious, but because of the difficulty to procure the ingredients.
There’s a whole lot of this and that going on in the old duders brain.
Is it long pork?
And if it is, can I choose the “ingredient?”
“I thought it might be enlightening if I shared a little insight…”
GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!
(not my original photo)
Fine out of the gate result on that bread. She is a natural just like her grandfather. Bread is not easy to make, I know this to be true. If you need a fast episode try that pasta with toasted breadcrumb, garlic olive oil and parmesan I sent you. When I need a carbo fix, and only have 30 minutes or less, that is my go to. And it keeps me fueled for hours Buddy. You have to play with the 3 base elements to suit your taste, but once you have that right for you, its a very cheap, and very fast dish.
I’ve got that recipe saved and will absolutely tinker with it.
I’ve got a secret mission to try and find guanciale for a future menu. There’s an Italian specialty market on 8th street here in Pedro that may be my best option. You’ll be able to tell if I find it.
Title it “Poor Man’s Lunch” and don’t forget the Tabasco to taste.
Great post Buddy, I love me sum tatter soup.
It was a high wire act and not all of the original jokes survived.
People who eat bread are the happiest people!
Especially if they’re eating it with some good butter or a nice piece of cheese, and maybe a glass of beer or wine
Bread is the staff of life, according to some book.