Your “It’s Here!, It’s Here!” Thursday Night Exhibition Football Open Thread

Look, it’s something approximating the football we all know and love and hate at varying times. One might think I put quite a bit of thought into my first game intro of the 23-24 season but y’all would be mistaken. Nope, the slapdashery shall continue unabated! I’ve not been fired yet so I’m going to continue with what works. Besides, you wanted some incisive insights regarding this game? For shame! And now…


-I’d very much like to thank the folks here that did the heavy lifting during the offseason. Filling holes and voids wherever you found them must have been a challenge at times and it was mighty appreciated.

-Oh hey, fellas and gals that have that squirrel running around your frontal lobe screeching, “I want to type something on this here site”. Well, have I got a deal for you-it’s called Doorcoin and you can have some should you wish to throw your thoughts against the wall. Seriously, should you wish to toss a team preview together or even if you wanted to do a game intro post, we’re nothing if not accommodating. I’ll be honest, sometimes I just don’t have much to say about the second meeting between the Bucs and the Texans. That’s where you jump in and weave your magic.

-Lurkers Awake! There are many benefits to commenting here. We’ve fixed almost all the bugs! Also, if you have a substance abuse issue and you’re wondering what the benefits of leaning into it are, boy, have we got an experienced crew here for you! Want to learn a new, unrecognized language? We’ve got you covered. Thinking about adopting an animate sex toy? Checkmark!

To the game!


-Not that we’ll see either of them but both these squadoos love them ostracized qb’s. They each took different paths to get there but they arrived at the same destination.

-We should see failed Wonder Boy Zach Wilson-will he ever learn to say the right thing? Has his ego completely unraveled?

-We might see some option trickery from Cleveland. There’s been some funky backfield formations in camp and word is that Elijah Moore might function as the third rb.

-Nathaniel Hackett has been recycled of course. Now he’s going to be calling plays from up in the sky, as far away from the players as possible. He recently said that Payton calling him out, “broke the code” by going public with his comments. “He should have talked behind my back like a real man” is the logic I’m guessing.


That’s it, I’m sure I forgot a bunch of things but I’ve only got about 120(?) more posts to do over the course of the season so I’ll get to it when I get to it.

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Horatio Cornblower

I missed all this hot pre-season NFL action last night. Instead I was lying on basement couch, recovering from my shingles vaccination hangover. I hear the second shot is even worse! Huzzah!

Anyway, instead of watching guys destined to be cut in three weeks stagger through a “football” game I watched the Yankees manage to win a game against the Astros, despite their best efforts to throw it away, a repeat of the Moroccan women beating Columbia, and finally, the piece de resistance, the world championship of table hockey, (from a bar called The Canuck in NYC, which is now on my ‘must-go-to’ list), on ESPN8 The Ocho.

Good stuff.


Looks like I missed all the fun whilst flying, but I’ll go back through the comments now to see if Rodgers is any closer to an agonizing injury.

Doktor Zymm

So who won? Haha just kidding I don’t care

Mr. Ayo

You did! Great job.

Doktor Zymm


Mr. Ayo

‘Ners! Get out the mustard and the rye bread, that’s a grand salami!

Last edited 1 year ago by Mr. Ayo

While I agree with your right to celebrate, I am gutted so fuck off. Nicely.

Senor Weaselo

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Mr. Ayo

I can assure you that no one fucks off more kindly than myself.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Delay of Game in the 4th Quarter of a preseason game should be a hanging offense.


Coach: “Looks like we might have found our future at QB?”
Watson: “Yeah, he’ll make a nice backup!”
Coach: “Yeah…backup…”


The NFL Blackout Rules are strict but fair.


ESPN 8 The Ocho (ESPN2) is showing a Microsoft Excel World Championship at 7am if anyone is interested

Dear Bleergh I wish I could see this. I am a caveman with excel.


I think most normal people hate Excel.


Yes and no. If you are as good as these people, you love it. If you use 30MB Excel files, and Excel primarily will only use one processor instead of all the ones you have, then yes.

Game Time Decision

I hate Word more than Excel


One of the strange things about the modern internet-connected world is that it’s hard to feel like you are “good” at anything. I would have said that I was pretty good at Excel, but I’m sure witnessing the feats these people can pull off would disabuse me of that notion within seconds.


I wish they would quit upgrading program’s with new “functionality”. I just get comfortable with how to do everything I need to do, and they change chit on me. Give us back the, “keep the classic look” button.


This makes crossword puzzle competitions look SO BUTCH

Senor Weaselo

There’s a JMR slot! But we think it’s still the 2019 Marble League


Looks like I slept through a real epic battle. Thankfully your comments here are spot on and fun as fuck.

As is the way of our people.

And in full compliance with Clubhouse bilaws.


Isn’t it like 5 in the morning in Dagoba?


It’s 13:44 on Yavin.


It is. We have a 6 hour time warp from EST


Or 9 hours from the Best Coast. See you in Vegas!

(trying to peer pressure, probably not working)


I really wish I could Buddy. Right now not looking good. I am keeping an eye out between now and November. If there is an opening… Gonna hit the hole… HARD!


Oh, just cancel the Hall of Fame game!


Why, did Burrow get hurt again?



Another NFL Blackout.


Wait, Tua Tagovailoa got traded to the Browns?

Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Just needs a chiropractic adjustment*

*brain smoothening


My ex hired the law offices of Ben-Jarvus-Green-Ellis for our divorce proceedings so I had to settle for Dorian-Thompson-Robinson


Whoever gave Ben-Jarvus Green-Ellis the nickname “Law Firm” deserves all the beer.


[raises hand]

I did it. It was me.


Awesome, you deserve all the beer (that you yourself can buy)!


Just waiting for my $20 check to turn up.


Just buy your beer at Vons; they give rebates, so it’s like you’re MAKING money.


Started Anathem by Neal Stephenson but wasn’t getting into it so took a break and read Roald Dahl’s “Skin” collection instead. It was fun.


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That’s one of the stories. You can read it online, it’s not too long:


“Halftime Query” was Buddy’s nickname in high school for…reasons.