Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack Handey, Balls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the twentieth edition of a potentially sporadically recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC! Now also (occasionally) in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.
- Rev is off tonight. When the flock calls, you get flocking moving.
- I’m back from some globe trotting. As in I literally flew all the way around the world. Fortunately with a few stops and not in a balloon, but it was a lot of travel. And good times. More to come on that soon as I reintegrate into real life and/or the clubhouse.
- Oh and I absolutely haven’t started my Bears preview yet, so
adjustlower your expectations accordingly. - How long is a moment? I don’t mean poetically, like 525,600 minutes seasons of love stuff. I mean when a customer service rep says “one moment please,” what’s a reasonable amount of time for silence?
- When did the MPAA become the MPA?
- On a brighter note, AMC will deliver your popcorn to your seat. What a country!
- Yes, I saw the Barbie movie in theaters, and it really was quite good.
- Let’s keep the movie theme going. I finally saw a trailer for the Wonka movie with TimTam CharlieBrown, and I think they should have just had Nicolas Cage play Wonka. I would pay to see that.
- This is an incredible headline and I hope there really is a big sun bear conspiracy.
- You ever walk up to an automated sensing thing, whether it’s a sink or a soap dispenser or a hand dryer, and it just won’t work for you? So you move your hands back and forth to try and trigger it, but still nothing, making you move over to another sink or dispenser and all the while you see other bathroomgoers using these items just fine making you stop, if only for a brief moment, to wonder if you’re dead or if you just don’t exist or this is all a simulation and your NPC is glitching. But then it works on the fifth try and you can’t decide if that answers any of the previous questions? Yeah, me neither.
- Are there Karens in Europe? I was walking through an airport in Spain and saw Kate Gosselin’s cut pasted onto a less attractive woman’s head.
- As long as I’m asking ridiculous questions, who on God’s green earth is drinking Southern Comfort in a high end airport lounge? I see literally no reason for it to be stocked and yet….there it is. It’s not the last thing I would pour out of the self serve (cough Drambuie cough) but it’s close.
- I had to have been the poorest person in business class on my flight. My “gut” on that is supported by the general sense of entitlement/privilege aboard, the designer clothing/bags up the wazoo (including the guy head to toe in an Adidas jumpsuit and Chanel stuff), and the fact no one else seems fazed by how fucking awesome the business class section is. Oh, and the lady next to me, who is lovely, was apparently not booked in that seat but they took care of her, someone (presumably her bf or husband) dropped off his filled leather Louis Vuitton wallet for her, and then she disappeared to another seat like 30 minutes into the flight. I legit think they bought an extra business class seat. What a world.
- While I was chilling during my layover in Dubai (ridiculous), I tried a dessert called mahalabia because, well, it’s obvious why. I prefer the other one.
- I saw an ad for OxiClean the other day where the key tagline was “bring all your whites back to life.” But the family in it was black. That had to be a conscious choice, right?
- Alright, my fantasy draft is tonight so I’ll be in and out of shit tonight. Thematically, that leaves us with a fill in the blank of “man, the player I REALLY hope I don’t end up with on my fantasy football team this year is ____________.”
That sensor thing happens to me All. The. Damn. Time. My preferred theory is that I’m down the wrong leg of the trousers of time.
I’ve had some interesting conversations in places where I was easily the poorest person there. It’s good to know I can pass at all levels of society, including those who try to be sensible about their finances by keeping their airfare under $10k
I grew up being the poor kid who went to prep school with rich kids who made a point of reminding me daily that I was poor and they were rich. I grew up strong but still poor and they grew up even richer. Oh well I got a good education out of it anyway.
Man, the player I REALLY hope I don’t end up with on my fantasy football team this year is. . . Darren Waller.
I can confirm.
There are Karen’s in Europe. I call them Teresa’s (just seems to track).
Random un associated photo.
I’m proud to live in a country that is so inclusive and tolerant that one its top white-supremacists is a black guy. We are truly a color blind society.
Aryan Nation will be glad to sign him up!
Draft over. I eagerly await my C+ from Yahoo.
I’m beginning to think we should have kept gambling illegal
Am I using Google AI to create a spreadsheet for NFL gambling purposes? Yes. Yes I am.
BOTG this!
Have you ever filled out an address form online and you have to scroll all way down past Uruguay to get to the United States? That shit ain’t right, man.
and then scroll all the way back up becase it was under “America” smhdh
I like it when “United States” is listed first, then all the other nations are in alphabetical order after that, sort of like in the “other” column. This is what we get for single-handedly winning World War II.
This Elon Musk character seems pretty wealthy, like Howard Hughes with (presumably) better hygiene.
His brain is just as broken.
If Musk starts collecting his urine in jars, I could see him selling them online. Musk’s Musk or something like that.
What is it with NPR reporters with speech impediments? More power to ‘em but I just wonder how that particular career path comes about.
The Dr. Mrs. pointed out that Ben Shelton looks a little bit like Alfred E Neuman.
That’s Blake Griffin.
I was taking to my wife the other night. We were discussing what a whirlwind getting to having a five year old is etc. Was a stressful period workwise as well plus, you know, the WuFlu.
I have some regrets. Well, not really regrets as I’m fine with where we are but i can see the wrong turns I’ve made.
Point is, it’ll be but a blip on the radar in a decade when we’ve got a high schooler and Enrique Tario is but halfway through his [too short] sentence.
I can’t wait for the first one of these fuckheads to get shivved.
By Tobias.
I mean one of his fellow Proud Boys perforating Tarrio’s bowels with a sharpened toothbrush and damning him to a life of shitting in a bag, plus extending their *own* sentence by several years would be pretty much a dream come true.
OnLy In AmErIcUH!!!
“man, the player I REALLY hope I don’t end up with on my fantasy football team this year is ____________.”
Aa-rod and mission accomplished so far. What a douche.
To put it another way, I have DeShaun “Here’s The Junk You Didn’t Request” in one league.
I can’t draft “alleged” wife girlfriend beaters on my team. Hill, Mixon et al
Admirable but really limiting.
But I’ve never owned Josh Allen, so maybe I can’t deal with MAGA.
In advance of the home opener this Sunday the Seahawks sent me this update today, and now I’m considering requesting a refund.
what you can’t just float on over the border and go?
I don’t mind buying WOKE beer, I just don’t want to have to listen to them garble their way through “Float On” during halftime.
You don’t like Modest Mouse? I like Modest Mouse. The entire album of The Moon and Antartica is fantastic, in my opinion.
When Johnny Marr from Smiths fame did an album with them it was superb.
dry or wet ice
they both melt, and you’re equally cheated
Generational Throat GOAT here
Obviously FAKE video; it says she’s a doctor in Saudia Arabia.
Huh. I’d have bet my life savings she worked here:
I wish I hadn’t clicked on that, oh yes I surely do!
To those in the TWBS Memorial draft which is tomorrow. I can’t change the draft time as I only signed into to Yahoo yesterday to do another draft and noticed some commentary. SoUrry.
Can I get in? pleasepleaseplease!
My internet friend, that one has been full since TWBS’ passing as he used to run the league and it is still going.
Using TWBS’ favorite pickup line to get into a Football draft? Nice.