Good morning DFO!
Welcome to week 2 of March Madness AND another edition of Sunday Gravy.
I get it, that banner image didn’t exactly blow your mind now did it? I mean, what? A goddamn bowl of beans is supposed to “Wow” me?
So you’re saying you haven’t had a bowl of beans at some point in your life that just thoroughly amazed and altered your life view of what a bowl of beans could be?
Shit. Guess I got my work cut out for me today.
That bowl of beans in the picture isn’t just any random, somebody’s fucking grandma made it, bowl of beans. That’s a 15 bean soup WITH?
Leftover roast prime rib bones! From our recent Prime Rib episode.
Did that get your attention yet?
Well fuck it then maybe you just don’t appreciate a rocking bowl of homemade beans. Ain’t my fault you haven’t had a good bowl of beans.
Or how about I prove it to you?
Are you willing to try that?
Let’s get busy.
Previously I’ve gone on and on about adding a bit of pork fat to a pot of beans. Trust me I still very much do this. It’s rare when you’ll have the opportunity to use a meaty beef bone in a soup or some beans and be astounded with the results.
I’ll endeavor to explain how.
Nice and simple today. However don’t let the ease of prep fool you on the resulting deliciousness. This stuff is fucking delightful.
So obviously I had the leftover rib bones but there was another low level bit of inspiration for this particular batch-o-bean.
Let’s play “Find the inspiration!”
Would you believe that “tacos” were part of the inspiration?
Not just the tacos per se but actually it was…
The birria consomme!
We’ve now ordered these tacos from the same recently discovered taco place a disturbing number of times. Addiction is a hell of a thing.
They are so fucking good though. Ever dunked your taco into consomme before? I know, right? I hadn’t either and now I CAN’T STOP EATING THEM!
The consomme got me thinking it could add some depth, gravitas and a tiny bit of funk to whatever you wanted to apply it to.
Why not a pot of beans? WITH the leftover beef bones too! See? Is this idea clicking in your mind yet?
Jesus! You’re a tough fucking customer.
Just stand back as we get after this motherfucker.
Procure a bag of 15 beans soup.
Photo taken right after a successful round of cribbage I might add.
These beans are in basically every major supermarket out there in the dry bean section. I’m sure many of you have already tried them
Now these bags of beans come with a “Flavor packet.” Know how to handle that packet?
Smack it with a dirty shoe! Or just throw that motherfucker right in the trash. It’s absolute shite!
You’re better than that!
Next, sort and rinse as per all standard bean preparing protocol.
Quite the colorful little assortment there.
Give ’em a nice overnight soaking. Add a bit more water than you would think. These are some thirsty-ass beans.
The beans have rested overnight and now it’s time we introduce the spice players for our menu.
We will be using a teaspoon each of chili powder, paprika, marjoram and thyme. Also add in 2 bay leaves and about 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne.
Let’s check in on the beans and see how they’re doing.
Seem to be doing just fine. Give them a rinse again.
Now the secret flavor enhancer.
Those are our 2 leftover and saved prime rib bones!
This dish and maybe a pot of lentils are greatly leveled up with a leftover beef bone rather than a ham bone or ham hock. Shit just works, man!
At this time I added a 32 oz carton of beef stock, our leftover consomme…
and enough water to make the liquid equivalent of 6 cups for cooking the soup.
Damn right we’re going to need an onion and some garlic too.
Time to break out the new kitchen toy!
Yessir and yes ma’am. That’s a 7″ Nikiri kitchen knife made from Damascus steel! She’s a fucking beauty too. That’s a sexy motherfucker right there.
Yes, I’ve shared this photo previously but the photo enlarges real pretty.
Now let’s cut some shit up with it!
This damn thing is fucking BADASS!
How about some garlic next?
What you do with the garlic is lay the flat side of the knife on top of the garlic, give it a firm whack with your hand, remove the paper from the garlic and mince that shit up. It’s cool as fuck.
Get the beans, bones, onion, garlic and spices in the pot of liquid.
When this bastard reaches a boil…
reduce the heat to very low, cock a lid on there and simmer for about 2 hours.
Now since this shit has to simmer for a couple of hours, you may want to consider a bit of snackage while you wait.
That’s a sundried tomato and basil Bellavitano cheese. Despite its fancy-sounding handle it’s actually made in Wisconsin. It’s a hard cheese that handles flavor additions very well. It’s got a firm nutty texture and with the sundried tomato and basil added? Shit’s delicious. I can heartily endorse.
Now where were we?
Oh yeah, the beans. After two hours we should have something like this.
Looking lovely and the aroma will knock you right the fuck out.
Grab a pair of tongs and remove the beef bones. Let them cool a bit and remove the meaty bits still clinging on.
See? There are some quality meaty bits on there. Get the meat bits back into the pot and give a stir.
Bread! We’re going to need some crusty bread for this today.
That’s a slab of “Take and Bake” sourdough bread from La Brea bakery here in LA. You can find this at most stores out here.
The fuck are you waiting for? Dish up!
Please note the hot sauce. Use if you like but it’s not necessary.
Get a closer look in that bowl.
Yep. I’m gonna eat the hell out of that.
Already possessing a low level heat from the cayenne the hot sauce can be adjusted to your taste. You really don’t need it but I just like some in mine.
This is meaty, rich, spice-infused, satisfying and just goddamn delicious. In addition you are getting about 2 months worth of fiber from this shit.
To address the obvious, you will have absolutely zero issues “Moving the mail” if you get what I’m saying. This also gets exponentially better with each day it sets up in the refrigerator.
Cheap, filling, delicious and satisfying?
Who doesn’t want that?
I hope so because I love this. It’s one of those things I get giddy about whenever I buy a rib roast because I KNOW some day not too long after enjoying the roast I will be having this dish to look forward to.
Hope you can give it a try.
Thanks for being there everyone. Enjoy the hoops marathon and be sure to come back again next week.
Be well out there.
This is one one of the most extraordinary pieces of filmmaking ever:
A slightly more detailed review of Netflix’s 3 Body Problem, now that I’ve finished it. Humanity has a problem – an advanced alien civilization wants to move to Earth, because their planet kind of sucks. Some good-looking scientists are tasked with coming up with ways to deal with this, with limited success. Plot follows the book’s plot pretty closely, except the show swapped the book’s setting from China to England.
There were a few really good CGI scenes, although it’s not really all that effects-based. There was one scene with particularly bad CGI that you will know what I’m talking about when you see it.
It’s eight episodes long, and IMO it didn’t stop at a good stopping place. Granted, they have a good bit of setup that they need to do, and a finite amount of Netflix money to do it with. But it feels like we’ve stopped in between story beats.
Actors were good. We had Ser Davos, Samwell Tarly, the High Sparrow, an Asian girl who does a really good job of looking pissed-off all the time, ditto for a really pretty Hispanic girl, and the usual Netflix suspects.
My take: if you read and liked the books, watch it. There are a couple of good stopping points in the books, before they get deep into the cosmology SF weeds, that I think would be good in the show if the series gets that far. If you haven’t read the books, the series is okay, although S1 feels unfinished.
SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles.
Despite their sponsorship of this big new stadium, I still have no idea who or what SoFi is or what they make or sell or do, nor do I care. It could be dog food for all I know.
Since Brick was asking earlier, there is actually a book about hating Duke
Duke Sucks: A Completely Even-handed, Unbiased Investigation into the Most Evil Team on Planet Earth: Tucker, Reed, Bagwell, Andy: 9781250004635: Amazon.com: Books
Still, to this day, want to punch Laetner and Hurley in their ugly faces.
Me too!
Howdy folks! Rough day. Lost the ol’ composure at the in-laws. Again. Oh well. That Jesus fella was nice enough to leave an empty cave behind today, so I wandered off into it and rolled the stone back. Just wanted to pop in with my vuvuzela and face painted half Huskie blue & half Wolfpack red, say that bean recipe looks magnificent, and wish that all your chocolate Easter bunnies were solid instead of hollow today. How bout them Bombers, Senor Weaslo?!
[attempts “Soto shuffle”]
*back spasms violently*
Lil’ WCS said she likes smooth jazz today. That was an Easter surprise, but not a bad one.
The next step of course:
I am so full from dinner that I’m sipping an amaro as a digestive.
I’m going to die when they overthrow the upper classes, aren’t I?
Would you like a waffer?
No, no, no…
[quietly adds BFC to “the list”]
Anyone know anyone that had a Final Four of UConn, Purdue, Alabama, and NC State? Anyone? Bueller?
A belly full of ham and potatoes and (not so) subtly bragging on his alma mater?
/That’s My Horatio!
It was actually fried chicken that my sister had delivered. Serviceable, no more than that. Mrs. Cornblower and I brought hot and cold kielbasa, because you cannot celebrate the risen Christ without clogging your arteries with cured meats.
At least not according to what I learned at St. Stanislaus Parochial School and Pierogi Outlet.
Save some leftovers for May 5th, which is Orthodox Easter.
We have at least 2 more circles of kielbasa downstairs.
I have some salami and sopressata, hopefully the good sisters of St. Stan’s won’t whack me with a ruler.
Maybe you like that!
It certainly happened enough, maybe I did!
Well don’t try to conceal it from them; I heard there’s nothing that enrages those sisters more than finding out you’ve been playing a spirited game of “hide the salami”.
Horatio – scotchy and I were musing that this UConn crew is neck and neck with 1990 UNLV for “best college basketball team we can remember seeing in our lifetimes” – thoughts?
They haven’t blown out Duke in the championship game yet.
But yeah, they’re really good.
Too bad that won’t be happening.
And by that I mean it’s awesome because Duke lost to an intra-state rival who was an 11 seed. Fucking assholes.
I don’t recall a better one overall. Athletically and/or more gifted players, yes, but I think you add in Hurley as a coach a motivator and the players’ willingness to out aside ego and follow the plan it’s hard to argue against them.
Still two games to go but 36-3, Big East regular season and tournament champs and a Final Four with an absolute wake of destruction behind them is pretty compelling.
Internet Dad leading the pool!
1st prize must be a carton of cigs.
For reference, in 1983 – the superstition was making my sister be watching at tipoff but fall asleep DURING the game.* She was like 2-3, so the 9:20 tip for Houston was tough. But my brother and I got the jerb done.
*during the regular season win over U*NC (which we attended), both Dean Smith and Michael Jordan got T’d up. My sister had been asleep the whole game, it got so loud she woke up screaming. That is, I could SEE her screaming, couldn’t hear a pip.
whomever thought up of the super-late tipoff for the ncaa title games deserves an even deeper pit of hell
so much of televised college ball goes back to the UCLA dynasty, I bet making sure you got “after work” coverage on West Coast was essential. And then it just kind of stayed that way.
The game’s in Phoenix, so those filthy Westerners have to finish whatever it is they do for “work” and then go to their saloons or sod huts to watch the game. Once again, us hardworking East Coasters, in which resides the true spirit of America, are made to suffer.
But regardless of locale, it’s been 9:20 EST as far back as I can remember (1982).
Other than NFLD time EST is the worst for sports as you get older.
We have to have time to go to the weed store, because we cool like dat.
Tis true. We’ll have to hurry in the 70 degree weather.
If I’m not mistaken, NBC had the rights way back in the day and treated the product as though it were dogshit.
Good evening folks. Easter Mass in the morning, Jewish wedding in the evening.
Anyone know of a 10:30 iftar in Brooklyn? Asking for a friend. (Your friend, me.)
I just want to complete the Easter Sunday Abrahamic Trifecta.
There should be a 2nd Easter for Black Jesus, like Kwanzaa. GET SENOR PAID
I really, fervently believe in superstition/jinxes – only in the sportsball realm. But I couldn’t help but track the score in the 2nd half. I figured since we were down 6 when I started, I couldn’t really be to blame (and I have occasionally tracked score, just never put TV on).
Cost me some dollars but the Gamblor superstition held true.
I will pay yinz back if I ever meet ya in person-like!
holy shit https://bsky.app/profile/artbutmakeitsports.bsky.social/post/3kozpl4ll6u2k
We are VERY MUCH a “give the finger” ppls
Yep, we are overdrawn on the fucks account.
I remember when State made Deadspin, for the short-lived “general admission” student ticketing (to try to get more people in stadium early). A Thursday nighter, and we had a corner of the prime section where students…urinated so not to lose their place
Not surprised, when I was attending, some guys got kicked out for squirrel hunting on campus – using hunting bows.
I’m using that at work
wolves win awwwoooo
Look at the Wolven sort!
of COURSE dook fouls on the clock run out
punk ass bitches
the last time i saw a dude with a gut look this smooth it was the king of the hill episode where hank hill wore the pimp hat
Jesus christ if purdue gets an 11 seed after a week’s rest…..
but we could end up with one of the best big man battles in some time
So silky
Can somebody explain to me all the Duke hate? I honestly don’t know enough to understand it. Did they do something?
All I know about Duke is that Sonny Jurgensen played football there.
THAT sequence right there. they get ALL the bullshit calls.
Cooch should have gotten a warning. Here come the refs…
Folks hate teams that are successful over a long period of time. There. Done.
esp the ones that build a brand off of white kids taking charges left and right
Laettner, Grayson Allen, knobs everywhere, Coach K is the main reason for the hate IMO.
Adding to what others already said:
I always contend that they’re the basketball equivalent of notre dame:
Upper middle class private school who’s enrollment consists almost entitled of the spawn of WASP-adjacent families who’s kids couldn’t quite hack it at ivy schools, and has somehow become the favorite school of families who never had anyone in their families go to college..
Throw in reasonable belief that they’ve committed almost every major ncaa violation while still maintaining a squeaky clean image and the craziest run of good luck a program could have, you have one hateable team
So you’re saying that the hatred is a Marxist class struggle?
Isn’t everything?
Probably. But this all seems like jealousy. And white guys who bust on “white people” while still enjoying their white privilege is a really bad look.
It goes all the way back to UNLV for me. But it’s really because Jim Nantz sucked their dick when he did the tourney and they got bullshit calls.
Call them the Patriots of NCAA hoops
You’ve no idea how much I want the Wolven’s Meat Ball to lead them past Duke.
Feisty Wolven are representing. If only there were a long-time commenter pushing them over the finish line…
He be reading with his cats!
Shall I text the deceased?
Tell him “opiates available!” He shall rise.
Our Hippo is awake and textin.
I have texted TWBS a few times for luck since the ACC tourney.
I rarely visit the back channels, but I know where they are. Oh Brick knows lots, believe you me, cha cha cha.
Further evidence that Wyoming does not exist
“Wyoming is not a country.”
I’m curious what’s illegal in California and legal in Maine.
Didn’t realize that wasn’t in the graphic. It’s alligator ownership
That’s hilarious!
Hmm. Didn’t know that.
/flushes alligator down toilet
/creates an underrated jaws ripoff starring Robert Forster
Garfield: It Must Be True! (youtube.com)
Can I use leg of lamb bone?
We could all use a lamb bone.
Basically this, but in real life:
Just, lol
If they are serious about seeing womens’ professional sports succeed, just make those leagues the only ones that it’s legal to gamble on.
This is actually genius.
Get the Diamondbacks owner to tag it along with a new ballyard! Equality for tax money!!!
Then they would want a fucking softball stadium next.
And this city already enough lesbian hangouts.
With all the transgenders, there won’t be any need for boys and girls courts soon.
Sorry. Parents have COVID. Was caretaking as a good son, but they had FoxNews on the background. Binging West Wing to counteract, but it takes time.
Home just in time to support the fighting Hippos! Will now lay 50 on Duke!
Bet laid. The sacrifices that I make for the clubhouse.
REFEREE: [blows whistle]
ANNOUNCER: …and Duke called for traveling.
I see the Reds have renewed their forever war with their fans’ cardiovascular health.
Kim with the HR!!!!
Now it’s 9-0!!!
That’s Rocking! 🙌
Found a funny:
Trying to become extra stinky so my dog knows how it feels when he sleeps next to me but he doesn’t care. He’s probably touched that I’m taking an interest in his hobbies (being stinky)
It really is amazing how keenly sensitive canine noses are, while still basically being immune to the effects of stank
Is there such a thing as a smell that a dog finds actively off-putting and will try to avoid?
“Rhetorical question is rhetorical.”
-Molly and Ruby, hosts of the podcast “Sniff and the Butts”
One of my favorite memories of my old dog Frankie:
There was a beat up old couch in my studio that was the “dog couch” (we had two dogs) and that was the only furniture they were allowed on. But Frankie considered that his couch. But I was always in trouble with my ex that I would end up sleeping on the couch with Frankie, which I actually really started preferring. One night I farted and it went right at Frankie’s nose. He got up, gave me a dirty accusatory look, and left the room.
Frankie (w/ cone) and Ellie. Dog couch on right
Hello good dogs!
We just picked up Litrepug from the kennel and boy howdy does he smell. He shall be bathed after this wolfpack victoire!
Also interesting – Purdue is fairly close to a Yankee version of NC State, except:
(i) we are based in a real, albeit medium-sized city environment; and
(ii) over the last 3 decades or so, our female enrollment has skyrocketed (like 55/45 women now, was an absolute sausage fest when my parents attended)
Come on Wolfpack! We want FAT GUY vs. TALL GUY in the Final Four!
It would be a fascinating F=ma collision of worlds!
/am now not watching in case I am a jinx – it’s really nice that my Wolven Sort (alumna) kid gets to experience sommet special before she leaves town
In hindsight, relying on a guy that transferred from the Northern Colorado Bears to take you to the Final Four was sheer folly.