AFL Beat 2024 – Round 15

We are getting close to the meaty end of this season. Some teams are building while others are falling apart. Let’s see what happened.


The Ladder


The Results


The Highlights


Next Round’s Schedule


Footy Tipping Contest


Notes and Comments

Sydney looks like a freight train. I will be very surprised if any other team wins the Premiership this year. I don’t see them losing another game let alone two as they are getting the Second Chance and could afford one slipup in the Qualifying Final.

So, who else could possibly contend? Carlton looked really good in beating Geelong this week. However, I think they’re a year away. Essendon is Essendon.

One team that has found its stride is Collingwood. I can see them getting better and better. If Sydney starts slipping, it will be the Pies that take advantage.

The byes are thankfully over. Back to a full slate of games until the end of the regular season.

Spammy had the best week out of everyone and is now in sole possession of first place. Litre is two back and GTD is a further three back before you get to the pack at 79 and 78.

If you haven’t become a member of a club or signed up for the Watch AFL app, you can still watch the games in the USA on either FS1 or FS2 and in Canada on TSN. Showtimes can be found here on the Australian Football Association of North America website.

Don’t forget to put the Footy Tips in!

See you next week!


And now let’s watch some Euro!

Today’s games are below and wrap up the Group Stage. The Knockout Round begins on Saturday.

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Upcoming Mexico-Venezuela game (8 pm DFO time) will be in LA, so fans will be running across the border to their seats pretty soon.


Holy shit. When I wrote Georgia’s preview, I thought they might have a chance against Turkey/Turkiye. I never in a million years thought they’d bend Portugal over like that!


Common mistake, underestimating Portugal players’ whiny bitch factor.


Canceled Czechs


Thousands of Georgian goats are nervous and they don’t know why. Yet.


Announcers are pronouncing the country as “Turkey-eh” so I guess it’s a Canadian province now.

Don T

Georgian goalie could take Genghis Khan and his horse. Huge, menacing guy.

Don T

This guy, pic taken from the game against Turkey
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Doktor Zymm

It’s all the delicious katchapuri, really bulks ’em up

Don T

🤣🤣Czechs tie Turkey in through hawt, Keystone Kops action.

Don T

Jawja 2-0! Daauuugh, pouty Poutugal is pouty.
Sulk like men!



Don T

But a kick on the shin in the box, NAWT foul. Do yar thing, VAR.

Horatio Cornblower



Don T

This ref will call foul for defensive hugging. Ok, one baseline.

Don T

Mm! That last minute of GEO 1 : 0 POR was syraight up Murderball.

Horatio Cornblower

Ronaldo is going to call some of his new friends during the halftime break and this ref is going to leave the stadium in several suitcases.

Senor Weaselo

Go Dvoraks!

Don T

Cristino Ronaldo is very much the captain of Poutugal.



Don T

1-0! and going for moar


There’s something wrong in Belgium. The Golden Generation is going to go out with a wimper and not a luid geluid.

Horatio Cornblower

They’re old.

Doktor Zymm

Just like their horribly disappointing waffles

Don T

Wow. Never seen that. Both teams celebrating.


Ugh. The exact result I didn’t want.

Don T

Slovakia v. Romania… under s mon soooon 🌧️


Perhaps you can send some of the paper towels we so graciously donated.

Don T

We used that for pulp and printed more Electric Authority bonds. So there.


It’s weird that I’m rooting for no goals in the Ukraine-Belgium game and ANY goals in the Romania-Slovakia one.

Don T

NOT palo


Not the sexiest setup for dual-screen, but it gets the job done.

Game Time Decision

that lower TV is dangerously close to being in vacuum range

Horatio Cornblower

Lukaku definitely ran over an old gypsy woman’s familiar at some point this spring.


De Bruyne just tried something super sneaky and it almost worked.


Belgium kids are sneaky

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“Makes sense. The Belgians the ones in the yellow uniforms, right?” – Bill Parcells


Damn you Ukraine for giving me something to root for and for that something to be incredibly unlikely.


Here’s hoping Türkiye keeps it together and doesn’t get cooked, so to speak, before the knockout rounds.
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TSN is showing the Jonathan David goal so often you’d think he played for the Leafs.


Glad to see My Bombers! get things back together after that stumble. The game against the Cats should be a good one.


Whelp, another day, another completely dogshit SCOTUS opinion.

RE: “Gratuities” vs. “Bribes”:

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Basically they said that politicians can’t ask for money up front anymore.

Horatio Cornblower

Really shocking that this particular Court would want to limit exposure to criminal penalties for taking bribes. Stunning even.


“They’re not bribes, they’re ‘gratuities’.” – Clarence Thomas, while sitting behind the wheel of his motor coach.


Gee, Mr. Crow, that sure is a big pile of money on that table. Is it for bribes?

No no, son. That cash is for ‘gratuities’

Oh, so are you going to use it to tip your servers?

LOL no. I’m going to bribe Clarence Thomas with it.

Don T

I’m picking (1) Romania v. Slovakia and (2) Portugal v. Jawja as the Euro matches to watch today. I think Ukraine v. Belsh will be a contender to most unwatchable Euro match, even more than those involving eyesores Englen and Frenz (so far).
And it would be cool if the Ottomans beat the Checks, although a knockout game between Czechia v. Slovakia would be extra delicious.